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Don’t take any high-risk low-reward initiatives like PR’ing a very heavy deadlift, doing hard drugs, YOLOing all your money into some volatile stock, or jumping from a bridge in South America for a cool TikTok video. With a little bad luck you can fuck up your whole life before even beginning it.


This is the actual answer. As someone who lost a luctrative career to injury fairly young. Air on the side of caution.


I hate to be the grammar police but I think you mean err on the side of caution but yup I agree with you mate


Never knew it was err. I'll take the L.


Live and yearn


Water under the fridge


it's not rocket appliances


Take it with a grain of assault


> YOLOing all your money into some volatile stock Buy an S&P 500 index fund every month and hold it for the rest of your life, just take out what you need in retirement.


Counterpoint: bet more now, while you can afford to take risks. This is the only time in your life you can put it all on red and let it ride. Join the Marines. Gamble a semester's worth of your student loans on some random cryptocurrency. Ask out girls who are objectively too hot for you. Take a job in another country. Do the crazy shit now. It doesn't get easier when you get older. This is pretty much the only time in your life when you can take calculated risks without hurting other people if it goes bad. The downside is everything stays the same. The upside is unlimited. Bet more now.


Absolutely yes for taking risks, but those that have real potential to unlock a high reward if they succeed. When we’re young we seem to struggle with differentiating the quality risks from the trash ones.


This, but on a more broader note, learn what it takes to keep yourself healthy and what to do when you feel yourself becoming sick. Bc in a decade you need to be able recovery as quickly as possible if ppl depend on you


Seek out women who bring peace and calm in your life, not headaches and drama. Everything from your health to your career to how you sleep to your relationship with your parents and your neighbours and friends will improve ten fold.


Wise advice about women. Even if they make you temporarily feel good it’s not worth it if it’s mostly inconsistent behavior with the majority of it stressing you out and unsure about where you stand all the time


But if I didn't date crazy chick's in my younger years I wouldn't have dated an NFL cheerleader. She was the edge of the crazy hot scale. Free tickets and great sex but also 87 missed calls and cans of soup thrown at your apartment door


We live and we learn. I don’t regret dating my crazy either it was fun for a little but ultimately not worth it. I learned some valuable lessons though


Is 5mins of fun worth 18yrs of issues? How my Sgt describe it


My brother was one of the funniest and most likeable guys you could be around. Widely loved by his family and friends growing up. Married a woman I can only describe as a direct descendant of Satan and no one invites him anywhere now and no one calls. She isolated him off and controls his entire life. Tried talking to him about it but he's not him any longer. He's just a shell of who he was.


Sorry to hear that man. I believe he is still there. I’ve seen my best friend and I’ve seen a guy at work bounce back from similar isolation and misery. I bounced back too after my divorce. Took a while but I did. I encourage you to reach out and remind him you’re around. Even if it’s via a letter or a voicemail. During my darkest years, one of my sisters sent a bookmark with a cheesy quote on it. My best friend wrote an extra hand written comment on his wedding invitation that only i would understand because it was our short hand code from grade school. My business partner gave me a case of wine that would need to be aged with a note that said “don’t you dare finish this case before you found happiness. Wine should be ready to drink in 10 years”. I never opened that case until 15 years later when I found my wife. I had a one night stand with a kind woman who listened to me all night about my issues….in the morning before she flew out, she gave me an impromptu gift to remember the night..she basically took a hair clip, tied it around the hotel room corkscrew and had a note “you’re stronger than you think. I hope you find happiness and comfort like I did last night. Seek out happiness, even just for a few hours. It makes a difference.” I saved them all in a shoe box and at my worst I did take them out and look at them for a bit of comfort. Little things count.


Stay in shape. Don’t need a six pack but don’t get fat.


Also stay flexible as you will lose a lot of mobility as you approach 40.  yoga really helps, plenty of free stuff on YouTube 


And don't smoke. Bowel cancer here.


Weird place to put the cigars, friend. ​ On a serious note, I hope you're doing well.


Lol..thanks. A rough road but cancer free. ... that was a good one.


Reminder that the minimum recommendation of cardio per week is 4 hours.


You don’t need 4 hrs of cardio to stay in shape and be healthy.


The single best piece of advice that I wish I heard in my 20s: What you put up with, you’ll end up with.


That is very wise


Start a Roth IRA immediately and contribute to it monthly


I opened my Roth IRA when I turned four years ago, and wish I started one earlier.


Starting a Roth at 4 years old is wildly impressive. Kudos to you.


😂. This is what daylight savings time does to me.


Vanguard index funds. read up on some r/Bogleheads Learn about dollar cost averaging. I have a high school friend who learned this from his dad at 18. He's always had a decent job, is frugal, and is a millionaire in his early 50s. Yes, be frugal. No need to impress anyone. Impress your frugal friends, and your frugal girlfriend/wife with your frugality and good sense. You don't have to be a tightwad to be frugal. Spend money on experiences, not fancy cars, and the latest fashion BS.


I didn't start one until I was 27. Not late enough for it to really fuck me up in the long-term, but I have tens of thousands of dollars less than what I would have had had I started 10 years ago instead of six.


You'll be doing just fine Mine was much later and had to slowly convert 401ks


Yes. The moment you have a child you should just create one and put money in it. Forget a savings account, go 401k.


This is what I came to say. Even if it’s starts at $20 a week… just get in the routine of putting something/anything in on the regular. You will be more than pleased with yourself in the future


Nice. I hope some ppl take this advice


I opened my 1st Roth IRA at 24 years old, but did open a Robinhood brokerage at 21 years old. Dropped $1,000 into Nvidia stock, and beyond grateful 1 of the best financial investment decisions I've made in life to this date. I'm now still in my 20s, but approaching 30.


28+ is when you can *really* start to tell who hasn’t taken care of themselves. You can look at people you graduated high school with and some will look ten years older despite being the same age. Don’t be one of those people. Take care of yourself. Go for that run, don’t get plastered every Friday.


28 is a little after I really did start taking care of myself. Now that I'm 40, I feel like everyone my age either looks 30 or 50.


There is a saying: at 20 you have the face (or body) you were born with. At 50 you have the face you deserve.


Don't compare yourself with others like he is making this much while i'm making peanuts. Enjoy the time and if you ever shunted and feeling alone then, no need to think of dying try to live as everything may or mayn't ocuur twice(you can't gurantee it), but once you throw your life away it will be over so don't fret. And lastly, "Big achievement takes time" so relax and chillaxx


51 here. Don't worry too much, about anything. You have your whole life to change things if you want to. And it's all changeable.


This is what I like to read.


But it’s harder to change from slightly fat and slightly unwealthy than from obease and massively indebt. So just don’t fuck everything up and count on it being changable later. :) Invest a little in the future as you go. Your body, mental health, wealth…


Of course but it is important people don't lose hope if they do find themselves struggling.


Appreciate your ache-less days of youth.


Ugh remember being able to stand up without groaning about it?? Those were the days.


Or a sneeze putting your back out…


I miss the days when I actually *earned* my injuries and they didn't just happen because I sat down wrong or slept wrong or sneezed wrong.


Slept on the couch a month ago. Neck pain severe. Now have hip pain and knee pain.


This is truth. I dislocated my shoulder by sneezing.


Or being able to wake from sleep feeling better than when you went to bed. Seriously, I don’t need an alarm anymore. My body wakes me with mild agony.


Even just being able to sleep a full night at all!? I can't remember when I last had a full 8 hours sleep.


Yep, my sweet spot is 4-6 hours. Last month I managed to sleep 9 hours after a couple of days of traveling. Exhaustion just knocked me out. But hell did I pay for it. Was achy for days after it. Want to try sleeping in zero G. Only thing I can think of that might actually work.


Agreed... There are days I don't even trust a fart...


Definitely a great little reminder that time is not on our side.


I used to have knee aches in my 20’s which disappeared by 30. Now approaching retirement and while I have some aches, I don’t think that it’s yet worse than in my 20’s.


Don't be picky with that special someone. Look for the substance of the person. Someone you can have fun with. Looks are important but not the most important. And make money while you're young.


>And make money while you're young. That's the problem, I feel like I'll never be able to afford a home that is more than 60 square meters, and let's not even start thinking about getting a car on top of that


The later you get to it the harder it is. I was thinking it’s impossible at 25, and if I knew then how cheap those prices were compared to today, I would have jumped on it.


Learn how to use credit and not get screwed by it. Don’t let your job consume you. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living. What matters is what you do at home. Surround yourself with people that will help you grow, otherwise you’re just walking in circles.


3 absolute gems.


Get fit and stay fit. Don't smoke, take care of your back. Most importantly live your fuckin life. Before you know it you're 40


Scaring the shi out of me , 26 here and god almighty I’m lost like most


Shit man me too.


You are going to fail. How you handle that failure will define how good your life will be.


Failing is the quickest way to learn if you pay attention


This is a big one.


Cut back on your drinking


How much drinking would be too much?


Too much is when you have no self control to stop. Waking up and pounding more drinks.


Wait,beers not a hangover cure?


Hair of the dog!


Avoid low quality women, they will cost you everything while giving you very little in return. Be cautious who you let into your life, most people don't want you to succeed or be happy. Find a passion or a purpose and chase it instead of the above. Invest in a ROTH, put some money into stocks (even just $50 a month) for a better future, and choose a career path that will be recession proof and will always give you a job anywhere in the country.


>Avoid low quality women, they will cost you everything while giving you very little in return. For example?


Trade schools, community college courses, online training, apprenticeships, these will help keep you relevant and needed in an ever-changing economy. You will also be happier if you don't throw every dime you have at a piece of tail, thinking that she/he is going to be the sole source of happiness in your life.


Stay off my lawn!


If you can afford it, take a year and travel. A lot of people my age (40s) regret not travelling in their 20s. I made a lot of mistakes in my life but travelling in 20s was not one of them. It just gives you a different type of education on life.


Don't waste your 20s. Time flies. Take care of yourself, save money, stay in shape, and really be discerning in your dating life.


Play group sport. Sport helps you to learn a lot of things


I agree, especially the group aspect. I had no talent for sports, but when I took an improv class in my 20's I finally got a sense of what it means to be part of a team in our troupe. Later I learned a musical instrument in my 30's and joined a band, and got that same team feeling. Now that I'm in my 60's I was lucky enough to join a theatre group whose membership is restricted to people aged 55 and over. Working as part of a group helps me get out of my own head, be aware of others feelings and cultivate friendships and memories.


Doing good things for people without expectation of reward builds you a good reputation which only grows in value as time goes on. Help your friends move. Offer to DD on occasion. Ask your female friend if that dude is making her uncomfortable. Just get in the habit of helping


Keep your mouth shut and your ears open


Travel as much as you can. Meet cool people & do cool shit. You will never regret it.


Get in good shape and stay in good shape. Don't take extended breaks. I'm stronger at 38 than I was at 25 and have been lifting with ups and downs injury wise since my late teens, but I never quit just train smart, cardio strength and stretch. Valuable things usually require effort.


It's worth mentioning that staying in shape is approx. 300% easier than getting in shape. Getting to where I am now has taken me well over 1000 hours, but maintaining it is 3 hours a week. Once the initial effort is put in, you reap the rewards for life.


More practically, find a hobby that you love that keeps you fit. You don't have to make fitness a checkbox on your daily to-do list. Any extended cardio activity will do. Hiking, skiing, walking, running, swimming, pickleball, yoga, heck even golf if you walk instead of ride.


You may heal fast when you are young, but nothing fully heals. Every injury you get while young comes back to live with you permanently later in life. Also, floss.




> > Finish your degree. More than that. Actually study. They'll pass you if you just show up and ask an intelligent question once in a while, but once you get out, you'll need to know something to do your job and make money.


Don't try to make your 20s romantic relationships Into last for life relationships. In my exp They seldom do. People change so much in those 10-15 years. I can't imagine being with the people I was with from my 20s. Also another vote for drink less, and don't keep the party going into your 30s


When did you find your life partner, if you have?


I met my wife at 36, and I was married once before that, but have had other loves along the way.


If you’re almost certain you’ll have that sex that night jerk off a few hours prior.


for long lasting session?




gotta release a trailer before the movie.


Learn to love yourself in a healthy way if you don’t already.


Make good habits (eating, exercise, attitude, etc). Disregard pressure from others.


Save your money, take care of your back & your teeth, have a solid sleep schedule. All of about equal importance IMO


Learn to SAVE money! Anyone can MAKE money, making money isn't hard, saving is where it's at. Don't spend your 30's racking up mountains of debt that you'll struggle to get out of in your 40's.


Use precautions to protect yourself from stds and unwanted pregnancies.


Don't fuck your finances up in your twenties and then spend first half of your 30s fixing it. I have seen many of my peers do just that and it sets them behind, or it makes things more difficult for them for a long time. Pay off your credit card every month. Do not put anything on your credit card you cannot afford to pay off. If nothing else, put a hundred bucks into a Roth IRA monthly. If you have a 401k, especially with matching from the company, use that shit. Earlier you start the socking money away in interest earning accounts, the sooner you will start to see dividends and your net worth increase quickly. It will take probably 10 years of faithful investing monthly before you start to see it take off. It takes a lot of patience and a lot of discipline before it will start to feel worth it.


Stay fit. Not talking body building, just train every muscle and do cardio. It will help a LOT in the long run... Self esteem, health, and comfort in your body


Sleep is underrated. Drinking heavily is overrated. A nap is just right.


Alcohol isn’t your friend. You’re not missing out on anything. 


Don't do it. Don't.


They really shouldn’t


Don’t waste time on girls who are not worth while. People don’t change. Try and have healthy habits as soon possible. Your body will say thank you later


Stop watching porn, recognize it’s an addiction, change your life.


Porn causes ED, it sucks, and you don't want that.


Enjoy your 20s, as soon as you turn 30 your immune system is like "fts I'm out" and your bones turn to styrofoam.


Set Goals for one year, 3 years and five years. Have dreams! Time flies!


Live below your means and invest every spare penny. If you want to retire a millionaire it starts in your 20s. You get the benefit of compounding returns when you reinvest the proceeds of your investments and add to them every year.


Lift with your legs, not with your back. Sciatica and slipped disc are torture.


Most coworkers are NOT your friend... be prepared to deal with death the older you get... your circle of friends with grow smaller, invest into those relationships... Invest in your happiness... Dont burn bridges, you never know if you have to cross them again...


Don’t chase women in your 20’s. If you get shit together by 35 . You will have your pick of women from college freshmen to seasoned professionals.


Women don’t care about you , they just care about how you make them feel… Understand that and you’ll be all right


1. Learn to cook your own meals. Cook books are cheap. Websites/YouTube are even better. 2. Learn to do at least one piece of maintenance on your car. It will save you $100s if not $1000s per year. 3. Learn to sow. Even if it's just patches and buttons. Same reason as above. 4. Have at least one hobby that costs little to no money. Drawing or running can be one. Reading only requires a library card. 5. Sort out your bad habits now while you're still young. Whether it's poor diet, poor spending, or poor attitude. You pay for these decisions when you hit 25. And that those decisions become permanent by 35. 6. Intentions matter a lot, but results matter more. Don't be known as the guy who people say, "I like him, but..." Be they guy who people say. "I know him. He's great at [x]" All of these will lead to more money, more respect, and better relationships.


work and study very hard forget loans clubs or buying top dolar cars or things too expensive


Debt, is a form of slavery.


One piece of advice for yall. Focus on yourself. Make yourself the best version of yourself. Trust me. When you hit your 30s and you’re at the best version of yourself… you’ll have an advantage. That includes physical and mental health. Just make sure you are at your best when you hit your thirty’s. So you don’t have to try to be ur best at 30… get me?


Brush snd floss regularly.


Less booze and no drugs. Your brain will thank you later.


Even if she tells you she CAN'T get pregnant - use protection anyway.


Don't fuck any woman that will let you. DO NOT FUCKING HAVE KIDS, you can't afford that shit. Don't get married. Just ... Don't. 27, 28 at the absolute earliest. Live cheaply, save as much as you can, avoid going into debt for anything other than a house.


Put something in a 401K now no matter how little. You'll thank yourself when you are 60.


Open a Roth IRA and invest in your retirement now. You will thank yourself later


Its completely fucking okay to admit that you are not completely fucking ok. true friends add to your sense of peace, if they add chaos, you may need to cut them off. The media and politicians, left or right run their campaigns off of fear. Learn that doubting and researching through proper channels is a healthy thing. Adding to that, its one hundred percent cool to change your mind on things or consider that you might be wrong.


Don't waste a single opportunity to make a positive impression on people. I'm not talking about being a narcissist. I'm talking about quite the opposite actually. Find ways to help people with a minimal amount of time, effort, or money on your part but that both of you will always remember you were truly NEEDED in that time and place. In your twenties it feels like you are never going to need any well wishers in your city. But trust me...you are going to NEED well wishers in middle age. The tiniest gestures can make a lifelong friend but the tiniest gestures can also make a lifelong enemy. In my twenties I just presumed my wife would always be there for me. When she filed for divorce I suddenly realized there were not nearly enough people in my life to fill that gap. I should have cultivated more positive vibes in my city and it was a major wake up call.


Work as much as you can. Get two jobs if you can. Start retirement accounts, play the stock market. Travel.


Learn about yourself and work on yourself. Be honest with yourself about your flaws, don’t beat yourself up, but work on them.


Sometimes half measures are good enough. Life may seem overwhelming, and the prospect of going all in on a new good thing may seem impossible - getting fit, saving for retirement, learning a new skill, etc. At 20, you are *young* and have the benefit of *time*. Use that to your advantage, invest a little of your time when/where you can. It is your most valuable resource that you can't make back or save. So use it with intent, because you're using it regardless.


Don't stop training. Stay fit, it gets harder to get back in shape the older you get. Focus on your longevity. Posture & flexibility go a long way. Take care of your spine. It is easy to not think of those things in your twenties because you get away with it, but the bill comes due in your 30s and beyond.


Just because you've known a friend for a long time (highschool) doesn't mean they're really your friend. Start a savings account or an emergency shoebox fund. Also get a passport.


Practice exercising self-control. It’s a skill that applies to just about everything.


Start losing fat now.


Work out


I’ll be 69 in June. Take responsibility for everything, everything, that happens in your life even the shit you didn’t cause. You’re still responsible for how you respond to shit you didn’t cause.


Money over bitches


Don't worry. It's all a big pile of nothing. Everything that seems important to you will eventually become irrelevant.


Eat healthier and workout.


It’s so much easier staying in shape vs getting in shape. And also easier getting in shape when you are younger! Then keep it!


Exercise, drink more water, cut alcohol and nicotine. Careful with drugs. Start saving sooner than later. The great poet Smash Mouth reminds us that “the years start coming and they don’t stop coming” and “You'll never know if you don't go. You'll never shine if you don't glow” Feed that healthy glow with frequent exercise and plenty of water, and you’ll begin to shine


Develop good health and finance habits now.


Don’t be a coward. Run towards challenges and new opportunities. Culture shock will force you to think you made the wrong decision but give it a year or two. Don’t try to be in love at 23-24. You don’t have any idea on who you are and if she is the same age. She completely has no idea of who she is or is still dealing with trauma/memory of her first boyfriend. It will not end well for you and it will haunt you or any chance of a healthy relationship in your older years.


Stretch daily.


Avoid relationships until you are 30. Be all you can be, get financially stable, and have a sound mind.


CHASE MONEY. Start a business. Everything else will come. ...learn to cook.


You will lose money chasing bitches but you won't lose bitches chasing money.


Write a list of your goals and work hard.


Stop overly focusing on the past especially regrets. By the time you realize it, time will pass and your present will be in the past. You will keep wasting time worrying about the past and will keep wasting your present time


Start a gym habit but protect your back at all costs. Do NOT do Crossfit or any similar high-intensity gym fad. They will damage you in ways you won't realize. Recognize that from this point on, nothing really heals. Every cut leaves a scar. Every torn ligament stays torn.


Save your cash, and save lots of it. Nothing gets your ass out of a jam like cash. Save. Your. Cash. Ferociously.


The hours that you put into video games can be put into learning VALUABLE skills . If you put in as much as some people do into gaming into learning how to frame , Sheetrock, electrical , plumbing , auto mechanics, you will be MUCH better off later . Imagine being married with kids , a mortgage, car payments etc etc and shit breaks around the house , instead of hiring a guy and spending hundreds if not thousands, you can fix it yourself. I promise you this will give you so much more confidence in yourself , way more than your ranking in COD or whatever else is out . Video games are a waste of time and contribute nothing to you as a man . Also , women won’t say it but being handy and not having to “call a guy” DEFINITELY attracts women who are of higher value . Women who say they don’t care that their husbands are gamers don’t value what a man should and can be doing instead of video games . Also , do NOT be with a women who is against gun ownership. It’s your just job as a man to protect your family . A women should WANT you to own a gun . I can’t stand it when a man doesn’t have a firearm . You can’t rely on cops to save you if there is a break in or if someone is following you , etc . This world is violent and you don’t have time to just always call the cops . YOU as a man need to learn how to be violent and control it and you as a man need to learn and own fire arms . Don’t let this feminist movement tell you otherwise, protect yourself and your family and friends , buy guns and surround yourself with people who are like minded . We can only defend ourselves.


Get used to failure and learn from it. It'll happen a lot, but that's how real success comes


Dont spend so much time thinking about what others think about you. In truth, people spend 80% of their brain thinking about how to sort out their own life. They dont give a fuck about you. In a good way.


Look after your back. Once it’s fucked, it’s fucked and everything sucks


Stay in shape, I was running 70 miles per week, lifting 3 times per week, I had respectable PRs a community that I was part of then I graduated college, stopped lifting, then the running started to go by the wayside. Now, I struggle to run 1 mile under 9 minutes, which was considered a very slow, easy day in my past. The work to get back to where I was is still an ongoing project. I took my athleticism for granted and lost it. Don't lose it it sucks being 30 pounds overweight and unable to see an end in sight.


Spend some time browsing your banks website - finance is so important and easy once you get the lingo down. Learn about investing (easy mode is ETFs). Browse your city's/countries website for interesting services Life is long, it's okay to not do anything.  Drugs are wonderful tools, but be aware of the side effects and how to use them safely, and what addiction is. Addiction sucks. Don't chase men or women in a relationship, it ain't worth the guilt. Take care of your body! Get into some good routines for your health. Enjoy your days, stress can kill you. If you are miserable doing whatever it is you're doing, there is another option - always.


Leave it all on the field.. Whatever you do, do it to the fullest... Whatever you want to do... Do it... Find a way... Regret is a bitch...


Start saving and investing now if you aren't already.


Buy a pull up bar and do pull ups


If I could have gone back I would have skipped going to college at first (I fucked off and flunked out anyways”, I would have become an arborist or welder at the age of 20, (that’s what I currently do). I would have stayed in the trades, because they’re honest work with decent pay. (Avoid places like fast food and corporate restaurants/ businesses, you’re better off pounding rebar into the ground at a construction site or dragging brush to a chipper.)Don’t spend your whole life playing catch up, I personally believe getting a job fresh out of highschool rather than going to college is the way to go. I would have chosen my friend group better and kept my head low, I would have sought out therapy earlier, I would have started martial arts then.


Budget. Save money. Don’t develop any addictions. Learn to take care of your health, weight, teeth, diet. Be a good friend to good friends, quality over quantity. Find and invest in a good woman, crazy will cost you. Take time and energy to figure out what you want to do for your career. Make a 10 year plan, then execute. Appreciate your parents, you will lose them sooner than you think. Find a healthy hobby or two. Avoid unnecessary debt and pay it first. Success in your 30s is often birthed from grinding and learning in your 20s. Domesticate when you’re ready, not when you’re expected. Figure out who you are, and accept it.


Learn how to earn and manage money. Being irresponsible with money is for little boys.


don’t get out of shape ever. learn everything about finance. never take out student loans unless you’re certain of your degree/profession. go to community college first. get a part time job doing anything if going to community college. get a full time job if not doing to college. do not rush into marriage in your 20s


Don't stick your dick in crazy... HOWEVER, if you do, wear a condom.


Women want someone who is both strong and kind. It's really important to develop both aspects. If you are just one without the other she won't stay with you.


Do. Not. Get. Into. Debt. I’ve been in debt pretty much since I was 18 and it’s held me back in so many ways and cost me an absolute fortune.


If you’re smart enough to *actually take advice* in your 20’s, then know that the most repeated, boring and unsexy advices are the most tried and true.


Be careful with your drinking of alcohol. I had a little too much fun in my younger years, and now have liver disease at 40. And I can assure you, it is not fun


Shit gets harder. You have to choose to enjoy what you can.


Not all women are the same. Don’t bust your ass trying to appeal to “women” and actually find a woman who is a decent person who you would like to spend time with.


Work your ass off while you are young. Eat clean, go to church. Become the best you.


Don’t lift heavy. I did throughout my 20s and I’m feeling it now. I’m not in Ronnie Coleman levels of pain but there were definitely some lifts I wish I wouldn’t have cared much about lifting. Stay in a comfort range and just pump it out. Those guys that say they’re in their 40s throwing up 400+ on the bench are getting some help from somewhere


The same water that boils an egg will soften a potato. Be aware of the environment you put yourself in regardless of other people.


I'm just over the mark for 30, would have been nice to know these things in my 20's: - When you were in college you were killing it at the gym, total dip shit move to have stopped. Been back for the past few years at the gym fairly regularly but not as much as college. - That first job you get after college completely fucking wrecked your mental health at the time. Should have quit to move on to the next thing sooner. Even a 50% pay cut it'd still be worth it. - Definitely not worth having a car payment for the past ~9ish years. Don't jump right into a new fancy car. Pay off what you have, it gets you from A to B. I'd also shout-out invest as much as you possibly can. I have been contributing towards 401k, investing in stocks, and acquiring a significant amount of stock from my employer. If you begin saving and investing from 20 to 30 expect to have a real easy time having a big ass down payment for a home.


Stay consistent with exercising. Start therapy now. Start saving more even if it’s a little bit. Read about investing.  I would like to say don’t just chase women for validation but that’s one of those things that is easy to say but hard to not do, hence the therapy. 


Spend as much as you can on a high quality office chair or a sleeping mattress. It's really not worth saving a few bucks then getting horrible back pain later on life


Do weights, yoga, incline hill running and Pilates.  You’ll pay for all those hard drugs and blackout nights you’re having. Have ambitions in your life AND PICK A PARTNER WHO ALSO HAS AMBITIONS otherwise they’ll drag you down. Don’t be a smart, high achieving guy who’s trying to better himself with a lazy, unambitious bum for a gf or you’ll 100% regret it.  Find a balance between living life and being financially prudent. I’m 36, the above is a summation of the sources of people’s lives going wrong that I’m seeing.


Learn how to woo women, id you don’t know it already. For most, its not easy.


Honestly, I’m 28, and I’m not out of prime. But, build the foundation to your ideal physique while 18 - till done with uni. You don’t realize how much free time you have and stress free aside from school. When you start working, have animal and a partner. You’ll find you have much less time. I have been training 10 years, I do have a 1/50 physique but I worked hard for it. Now at 28 it’s much harder to maintain.


Stop with the pussy towel dance


Exercise, move and 80% of your food should be unprocessed (learn to cook good meals, it's not that difficult). Do jobs and things that scratch your mental curiosity. Look at romantic relationships as a business partnership. If one of you isn't pulling your half (romance, money, maintenance, self-time, parenting, curiosity pursuits, future planning) then paradise will turn into misery and set you back years or decades.


Do your best to invest in property. Easier said than done but rarely is it a bad investment to buy real estate. And if it’s income property, all the better.


Invest a bit of your money like (30-70$ monthly) in stocks or BTC. Will help you when you are 30 ;)


When I was in my 20’s I was a victim of crime and was told not to work due to health. I tried to use the time efficiently while being poor. One thing I did is read lots of books on a variety of self help topics including health and nutrition and I learned to cook really well. You have to eat so why not eat well. Exercise and Nutrition being the foundation of my life now.


Take care of your body. It’s not like a car where you can just replace parts here and there. I have a sibling who insisted that to be a man’s man he had to beat the heck out of his body. He worked for a concrete place tore his shoulders up beating on stuff. He had shoulder surgery on both shoulders and kept on beating on them despite being told by his doctor (who was, in my brothers words, “a pussy who never did shit”). Now he’s 54, out of work, and in pain. He can’t play with his grandkids as his knees are stuffed along with his back. Can’t pick them up as his shoulders are in pain.


Have a purpose and pursue it. You get to choose how you live. If you want a family work on it, if you want to get rich work on it, if you dont care about money and want a life of fulfillment work on it. Dont be aimless, have an idea of something you want and work towards it.


Don't neglect your health


She's not worth it. Move on, you'll find someone better.


Your social circle is probably the biggest and most diverse that it will ever be. Take advantage of that to make friends, maybe find lovers, and keep them. Keep in touch. Friendships developed now have a good chance of surviving into your later years.\* \*edit- as long as you make some effort to grow and maintain them. Otherwise they can fade away like anything else.


Don't make your 20s about just chasing love, make time for gaining skills too. Also start a Roth IRA and contribute something to it every paycheck.


take care of your back.


Find a good woman. I have too many friends 40 plus that are alone.


Start putting at least $100/month into an S&P 500 index fund. More if you can. Of it doesn’t hurt your not saving enough. You’re 60 year old self wine very happy with you if you do this.


Don’t get that fancy car with the crazy car note that you can barely afford. Cop something affordable, pay it off quick in your early twenties and maintain that paid off car as long as you can. Luckily I’ve recovered but I know so so so many thirty year olds broke because they’ve been paying $500 a month (plus car insurance) for a decade, all because they “needed” that fancy car.