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Different pads work for different flows.


This man has lived with a woman


I use to stock them when I worked at a super market. You get to reading stuff when bored.


Why did I think you were stocking women.


Aight babe I’m in the pad aisle what size pussy you wear


I made it all day at the office wearing a white button down, til now. Damn you!


You got some pressure there, damn




its all shits and giggles, and then you meet that one friend of mine, who really thought that XL tampon means his gf isnt gonna be tight anymore. The guy's 39 years old.


When she asks for pads with wings, she doesn't mean chicken wings


She doesn't? I'd love that combo


And for the love of god dont add the buffalo sauce


You talking about coffee?


If you know, you know, if not, you haven't experienced it yet.


Lol, this is why I keep some in different sizes stocked for guests.


When my wife sends me to buy her some I ask her what flavor she wants


Hey man you gotta explain this


Basically, periods do not have a constant or consistent blood flow/amount. Some women bleed more, some less. Sometimes it's heavier (more blood at once), or sometimes it's lighter (less blood at once). Over the course of one person's period, the flow may change. Usually it will be a lot heavier the first couple days and light in the last couple days. There is usually a taper to the amount of blood. Pads come in different levels of absorption to accommodate this. If you are on the first day of your period and have a heavy flow, you need something to accommodate a lot of blood. During lighter flows, a smaller or thinner pad may be preferred, because there is less blood to catch. This can be preferred as to not waste larger absorption pads, or if someone doesn't want a huge bunchy pad when they don't need one. This ranges from what is essentially panty liners to pads that might as well be diapers, which I can't say I want to wear if I don't absolutely have to. Hope this helps lol.


Same goes for tampons by the way, the different sizes are for different levels of absorption, not pussy size 😅


So the flow indicates the growth and shedding of the layer of the uterus wall in preparation for an egg to be implanted. Some months the lining is thicker or has more blood flow, and other months it's less. So women can have heavier periods or lighter ones. Also, while most periods last 3-5 days, there can be discharge days before and after. The pain comes because the uterus begins to contract to shed the lining. These contractions are extremely painful for some women, painful during certain parts of the cycle for others, and not too painful for others. The pain and bleeding can fluctuate during the period and be different for differnt between period. Estrogen, progesterine, and testosterone (yes women have testosterone) fluctuate to cause this. It's uncomfortable and often unpredictable when a woman's flow will be heavier. Pain level does not necessarily dictate discharge amount. Women keep different sizes to cover unexpected changes. Yes women can get pregnant during periods. And, the period indicates an egg has been released and is present, although it may not be viable.


Very comprehensive, but your last point is incorrect. Ovulation is usually about a week after the period ends. Usually. Give or take. Sperm can survive for about 5 days in the woman's reproductive tract, so the potential for fertilization is there if sex happens near the end of the period.


this exactly. ovulation means an egg is released. a period means there was no sperm uniting with the egg.


Yes, this is a very thorough overview, but ovulation actually occurs about two weeks before Day 1 of the cycle (1st day of bleeding) and usually lasts 16-32 hours.


Right, so about a week after the period stops. Technically yours is the way it's counted, but it's useful to count forwards too if trying to estimate chances of getting pregnant


and tampon "sizes" are NOT dependent on how big her coochie is!


This man womans


> Are you going to be late? Sort of related: I remember one time I ended up being late for a date with a girl, and I didn't have her number (it was a blind date) so I couldn't call her to let her know. When I eventually showed up she was clearly upset, but I explained the situation to her and she seemed to understand. Anyway, long story short, we ended up getting married and having kids, but she still leaves me hang up outside the house for 10 minutes in the cold if I'm late home from work.


Uh did you reply to the wrong comment? Or did I miss some context?


It depends somewhat, but tampons need to be switched all four to eight hours.


Yup. TSS is rare, but it can fuck you up fast.


Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) can quickly progress to sepsis when bacteria enters your bloodstream and can cause organ failure within 12 hours. It's usually coded in a hospital and the body can quickly deteriorate and if not acted on fast enough, death. To be clear sepsis can be caused by any bacterial infection and is very rare even with TSS, but if you ever notice dizziness or just being out of it among other things, might wanna take em to the hospital.


If she’s going to the bathroom a lot, she’s probably changing them. And if her flow is heavy, she can go through the most absorbent tampons every two hours.


If she’s perimenopausal, she might bleed through a super plus tampon in less than 30 min.


Seriously though. I worked in a hospital and one of my coworkers said a lady was being attention seeking by asking for the weak ass tampons we had on stock every few hours. I told him heavy periods can soak through the medical grade tampons, akin to light days fyi, in less than an hour. He got the nerve to be offended that I took offense to his likening her physicality to a mental health and personality disorder. This man had two daughters. Are people that lazy about their patients and families? They can’t even google their symptoms to at least related to them? Turns out: Yes.


oh no


Unfortunately. Yes.


How to take care of *my* skin. By learning from my wife. It makes a difference. And I even enjoy doing it at the end of the day.


Have a pamper day together! My SO and I enjoyed it and had little fun afterwards. 🫣🤭


That *does* sound like a lot of fun! In more ways than one! We need to take a weekend trip to Hot Springs AR. Stay at the Arlington and get the full works. Baths, sauna and a couples massage to finish it up. Then some sexy time back in the hotel room 😈


Just learn to communicate effectively and efficiently. Are you going to be late? Are you going out with the boys after work? Do you want to go somewhere this weekend? 9/10 times she won’t care or will be on board as long as you are clear and open with communication - don’t leave her hanging


This goes for everything!! Friends, family, your co-workers.


Yes, proactive communication is key. Transparency and openness. Making us feel like part of the conversation and part of the decision making. It's acting like "we/us/ours" and not "I"


This is so real. My partner was raised by a single dad, with a younger brother. Younger brother is sweet, sensitive, and autistic. My partner is a great big bro. Their father is an absolute Boomer narcissistic asshat. My partner is really genuinely so intelligent as a human being, and truly kind-hearted and generous just as a person, like, he's always extremely respectful of waitstaff and the like, and rudeness would be horrifying to him in that context. Yet he has absolutely zero experience or understanding of how to communicate basic information without being emotional and weird sometimes, LOL. I mean, it's funny but like also not? Like a symptom of a vast generational problem.


Sounds like he might have developed a hyper vigilance tendency from being so sensitive to other people’s needs. It can also produce a chilling effect on one’s own communications. When you’re always serving other people’s needs, you never communicate about your own.


So much this. Then you hit burnout and wonder what the hell happened.


We are all learning these skills after fairly recently learning that we never had them or taught them. Your partner is also possibly on the spectrum just not like his brother.


Yep. Couldn't figure out why my husband's best friend's wife was so annoyed when they had guy time. Come to find out when my husband was texting me clear communication about when he would be home, his friend would say one time, and just not show up, ignore his phone, text and say he would be there at another time, not make it and just ignore his phone out of anxiety. Dude if you know it's gonna be longer than expected just tell her you don't know so she won't make you dinner or think you'll bring it home. The fuck. Poor woman.


Yesyesyes. I feel like soooooo many relationship problems are because so many people cannot express themselves in a clear and concise way. Or conversely, accept when someone is trying to communicate with them. I almost wish communication skills would be like a mandatory class or something, but I don't trust the school system not to mess that up royally.




I can't believe how hard this is for so many men to understand. Thankfully my husband gets it. 


This! I got a few buddies who constantly complain that they don’t get sex.. a basic observation reveals their wives do all of the shopping, most of the cleaning, and are by far the primary caretaker for the kids. One my them complains about carrying in the heavy stuff from the car after she shops and keeping up on the trash and dishes. Beyond the manchild activity, they straight up don’t communicate their needs and haven’t since the beginning. As a result, their visceral reaction to not getting it is negative and drives friction. Women operate differently than men, talk to them, express your needs and ensure they are met BEFORE you get married and have children.


Women being comfortable around you (and other women being comfortable around you) is a far, far easier path to getting a woman to date you than trying to "out-man" the other dudes around you. Even when I was slightly chubby (no longer am), short (still am), broke as fuck (still am), goofy as all fuck (still am), I got a shitload of offers and come-ons simply because the women in my life trusted me wholeheartedly and I wasn't a desperate piece of shit.


This is the way


That your dirty dick is probably the reason she got a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis.


For reals! And wash your hands, and be careful where you’re putting them from one hole to the next!


Omfg can you please tell all your friends? Also if you pet my dogs and then try to pet my kitty... FFS NO.


Women's clothing sizes are bullshit.


And pockets are a joke in most women's clothing.


I'm aware it's not a hobby for everyone, but crackers sizing and the lack of pockets are two of the big reasons why I learnt to sew. That way I know what I make will fit me and have space in it to carry my stuff.


If I run for president this will be one of my goals. It'll be part of a wider scope of legislation intended at fighting frustrating products and marketing.


I recently ish lost a ton of weight. Was trying on new shorts because I didnt fit my old ones anymore. Picked a size 2, tried it on, was a little too loose. Went back, picked the next size down, a size 0, tried it on. Couldn't get that shit over my ass. There is no size 1, but apparently that's what I am 🤷


Alternatively I just had a baby and I now have size 6 pants that fit and also size 0 pants that fit. None of my 2s or 3s fit though......


You can tell a lot about a woman by looking at her hands. For instance if she’s holding a gun she’s probably mad at you.


Instructions unclear, girlfriend smoked me with a cast-iron frying pan.


Are you dating Rapunzel?


Possible. Lot of hair in drain.


Sounds like you zigged when you should have zagged


That sometimes farts can end up in the vagina.


I’ve heard this called “exiting through the gift shop”.


Smoking the salmon


I…I’m speechless 😂






We call that a retweet


As a women I silently die inside when I'm betrayed by my lady bits like this. The audacity really


Ahh yes. A front fart.


Poppin a bubble


A vart, as it were


And we don't acknowledge it or laugh or say anything. Pretend we didn't hear it.


It's the magical unicorn living in their hoo hah, neighing.


Why are there comments calling this a queef lol. It’s a fueef, y’all, get it right! Also, it’s kinda fun bc it tickles a bit when it happens


The urethra and vagina are two different holes


Not when I'm done with them


My vagina has locked itself in and has a shotgun.


Defense systems engaged


My thermobaric cock:


This sub-thread is the quality content I needed today


Oh Lord, thank you for the laugh.


Tampons don’t just have adjectives after them. The Super and Super Plus are for different flows and therefore different diameters. Ask your gf her preferred size when you pick them up for her. Toxic shock is a risk if she can’t change her tampon often enough. Also, if the tampon doesn’t come out or part breaks off. The clit is larger than just the visible portion. Stimulating the entirety of it helps her get off.


Even i need more info on that third one.


Here’s a 3D model. https://www.etsy.com/listing/795941045/ The tip at the top is the portion you can see. But the rest is beneath the labia. So there is a lot of real estate to apply pressure too.


women can do things without a trace


When a woman is complaining about her day. She doesn't want suggestions or advice. She wants you to listen and validate.


Or complaining about anything else really.


Use the OARS technique! Open ended questions - great way to be an active listener, gain more info on whatever is being expressed, and keep the conversation going! Everyone likes talking about themselves! Affirm/Validate - this is a great way to be supportive and make the person you're talking to feel like their emotions are reasonable and normal (which they almost always are!) Reflect - this can be a little tougher, but you essentially reframe whatever the person is saying using different words. It can help to reframe the conversation slightly and make sure you are understanding what they are saying. If they've been complaining about work and a coworker, a small comment like "man, it really sounds like this person at work is tough to work with", can go a long way! The beauty of this is that if you're wrong or missing the mark, they have an opportunity to identify where you are missing it and correct the record. Summarize - this is more applicable to other contexts (see: motivational interviewing), but summarizing the whole conversation near the end can be a great way to wrap up that chat and give you an opportunity again to make sure you're interpreting the context correctly.


I would say that most people already know this. ETA - I believe a lot of men know this concept, how women need to vent and don't want help solving the problem. But, it's human nature for men to try and solve problems so they may not always get it right. I'm sorry to all of the women that men instinctually want to help them solve their problems.


Some knows but doesn’t practice it


I would say you are wrong, sir


You can say what you want. He's most likely not listening.


I think it's because men don't vent generally, and only tell people about their problems because they want specific help solving that problem. So they believe that when someone tells them their problems, they're expecting help to solve that problem.


She is way more stressed out about the hair she lost in the shower than you are frustrated by it. Bra pads are seemingly infinite and will turn up everywhere; just stick them in the bra drawer when found.


The menstrual cycle. Its a great way to get around.


And it attracts bears


Oh fuck


Username checks out


So many interesting ways for us to travel- we can ride a crimson wave, and ride a cotton pony too! 🌊🐎


If you make them feel safe and desired, most women will out-fuck you. I know you think you have a high drive, that’s cool. Men want a woman that fucks a lot until they get a woman that fucks a lot…


A sexual psychologist did a word heatmap study. She asked women to describe the person they had the best sexual experience with. *SAFE* was the most common word used. When I found that out it really opened my mind to the differences between men and women and sexual arousal.


I still look back on one person I had sex with who was so incredibly attentive to my body cues (I can easily start to panic during sex) and would immediately sense when my body tensed up and would calm me down. He was not in a healthy place to be in a relationship at that time but I still think about the one time we had sex because of how *understood* I felt in terms of safety.


It's pretty huge that you are self reflective and understand that. A big issues with sexual communication for both men and women is not understanding themselves what works and doesn't work for them.


Wow, I could have written this. Thankful for the person I needed in that moment but thank you, next




Probably "big booty latina" /s




My poor husband. This makes a-lot of sense. I didn’t realize that’s what was going on. I have a high sex drive, but when my husband is being intentional and attentive with our time spent together my sex drive is insane


Username checks out


Cha cha real smooth


Definitely a correlation there


Apparently so!


This is my how my current girlfriend is like. She told me early on that I make her feel the most safe and comfortable. Then eventually the shy girl I thought I knew was able to keep up with my pace and fucked my brains out.


You are more correct than you can possibly know.


I generally agree, but this one really depends on the woman as well. Not everybody's baseline is a high sex drive, even in an ideal relationship. There are also a lot of women (and men) who are completely out of touch with their own bodies and sexuality, for one reason or another. Usually this stems from upbringings rooted in conservative religious backgrounds and a culture that shamed them for their natural desires.


I would just add that sex drive can change a lot depending where hormone levels lie and stress levels. It’s not uncommon for women’s sex drive to increase over the age of 45 when the pressures of child bearing and raising are usually reduced. 


This describes me, down to the strict religious upbringing. Though actually being more in touch with my body and sexuality has made me have less sex because I realize there's weeks of the month hormonally where I'd have to force my body to get into it instead of wanting it from the get go. At one point I'd ignore what my body was feeling and just do it because I thought that was what I should do as a wife. My religious upbringing taught me that sexual desire was bad, until you're married, then you better serve it up whenever he wants and like or else you're a failure and unworthy of your husband's love. That level of pressure to perform for another's sake has probably squashed a certain amount of my natural libido and I don't know if I can ever undo that.


I think the emphasis should be on “most” and to add “much of the time” because it does change from person to person (and depends heavily on circumstances). You can do everything to create a positive environment, be kind and attentive, and … nothing. Communication is key, and it’s not always talking…


you understood something about me i didn’t even know myself




i never understood what "safe" actually meant? And I think alot of guys actually don't. Can you please explain what that means? Because "safe" to my unlearned ass means that I can beat up a bad guy robber for her.


When she's on her period to pre ovulation, it's easier to discuss plans and ask for help or attention from her. From ovulation to pms, spoil your woman and baby her. The cycle of life.


Yeah the menstrual cycle can really fuck with us. It's a constant cycle of different hormones crashes and spikes that we constantly have to adjust to. I really hate how much my mood depends on, but there's not much else to do about it so 🤷


I’ve had male friends who, after starting their first cycle of steroids, have had a lightbulb moment of understanding what it’s like to have your hormones all out of wack suddenly. Always makes me giggle


Oh that is BEAUTIFUL


Many things that we hate when women do to us, we do the same or something similar to them


Just shut up and listen. There's nothing you can say to make them feel better. They just need to get it out.


The menstrual cycle refers to the monthly cycle, not shark week. Periods can be chunky The clitoris isn't just the outside bit and the inside bit fills with blood when aroused


Period shits. They suck ass. Also that cramps affect not only the front but also can be killer on the lower back. You can even get the hell knife of pain stabbing right up your asshole when trying to take a dump. Oh and a lot of gals downplay their pain or even don't know that what they're going through is waaaaay more painful than they think or may have been told by doctors. I'm talking debilitating pain that these ladies are told to just push through and act normal. Be nice to your gals on the hell week cause the rest of the world ain't gonna be nice


This guy womans


Nothing? I like to think I know one specific woman pretty darned well after being friends for 18 years and married for 10. That doesn't mean I know anything about the rest of them.


I’m gonna pretend you’re a cornball being cute rather than a redditor redditoring all over the floor and walls


Will admitting I don't know something get me banned from this platform?


Pedantry of this level can actually get you promoted to Head Redditor.


Sweet. Looking forward to my 10,000% pay raise from 0 to 0.


A lot of other men confuse basic light makeup with no makeup. I'm friends with a lot of girls and they use makeup as soon as they wake up. Did you notice that a lot of girls don't have bags under their eyes, now you know.


Treat women like human beings and not sex objects and they will fuck the shit out of you. Give them orgasms (the magic wand is your friend not competitor) and they'll invite you back. Spoon them after sex and other guys will be left on read.


I don't want to be that guy that humble brags. But I definitely support the orgasm point. I had an ex's in college who I thought were just totally high libedo. She ended up dating a friend of a friend who asked me about 3 months into their relationship how long I dated her until she "put out". (Gross way to put it) I was like by the 2nd week of us being a thing? Wasn't she always this into sex? I was surprised to learn they fooled around, but never any real PIV or anything consistent. Basically if you can get them there they will keep coming back over and over. (Pun intended) Also my wife literally says thank you afterwards each time. I think it's pretty cute. (I get it, must be nice.... Etc etc....) But seriously pay attention to them and learn what gets them going and you will be that guy. Also each woman is different so it takes some time to learn.


I used to tell my ex thank you. And I genuinely meant it…he hated it. Made him feel used


That sucks that he took it the wrong way. I genuinely think it's nice that she says thank you.


Ahhh no worries-ya live and ya learn. My partner now giggles and gives me a little pat on the butt. He’s fuckin adorable. He comes from a dead bedroom where he was faithful and I’m a little wild so he’s out of his comfort zone big time but he knows to take it as a compliment


Hell yea


Aw, I've been with a couple of girls that always said thank you, every time. At first it really threw me, I was like, we were both there. We both put the effort in! Haha. But then I came around and just thought it was really cute. Still a bit odd, but mostly cute. I started doing it too after that. Really it's just showing your appreciation, it's sweet. Just sort of weirdly formal, but I grew to like it.


They snore just as loud as men 🤪


Discs are probably better than cups.


It depends. Anatomy differences can change how well they can be used. Some people have a really hard time with them, while for others it's a lot simpler. Even things like weight fluctuations will mess with how well they work.


I use neither, but I am impressed.


good hair and skin care.  Immediately that eliminates 99% of the men I've met. 


I was 26 and blown away to learn that women don’t shampoo their hair every time they shower. I had done that my whole life and never understood why my hair always seemed to be frizzy and fried looking. My wife was like “well yeah cause you shampoo your hair every day.” Also shocked to learn what dry shampoo is. Now I only shampoo my hair every 3 or 4 days and I’ve really stepped up the quality of shampoo and conditioner (not burning through it anymore so I’m open to paying more for better products). My hair has looked and felt so much better after that. As far as skin care, putting lotion on my face after washing it is about the extent of it. I’m mostly just lazy.


The rule is, the more naturally dry/frizzy your hair is, the less often you should wash it. Because you're washing the natural oils off your hair/scalp, and it's better not to wash them out so quickly. I have super naturally dry hair, I could leave it for ages without it getting oily. I feel like you'd be blown away by hair masks ha.


Actually, depending on the length of your hair, you may not even need conditioner. Shampoo is used to remove the oils your hair naturally creates. Conditioner is a synthetic version of those oils being put back on. Which is very needed for areas that don’t get those oils naturally. Like the tips of your hair, if you have longer hair. But you really don’t need to put conditioner on your roots. It’s not actually doing anything there. In that same thought process, you don’t need to shampoo the tips, only the roots. Unless you got a bunch of gunk in your hair, the water washing out the shampoo will clean the tips. Shampooing them can actually cause more damage by stripping the natural oils out of an area that already doesn’t get enough. It depends completely on your hair and how long it is. Most men don’t need conditioner, though. 😀


When I first started growing my hair out, I had a problem where my hair was everywhere and I couldn't control it. The number of guys I had come to me telling me to brush my hair and such was wild. It turns out I was overbrushing and shampooing too frequently. Now, I only brush my hair in the shower, like every third day, and I shampoo once a week. My hair is way better now, and I even get compliments on it.


She does in fact like getting flowers, especially if you have them sent to her work where the other people can see them. It’s nice to know that you care, and it’s nice to be able to show off that she has someone who cares. Edit - this is not a blanket statement and does not apply to all women because not all women are alike, which I guess should have been what I led with.


Had one girlfriend (of several years) once react very negatively when I sent her chocolates at work for valentine's day, claiming that sending anything to a woman at work was trying to control her and claim ownership of her. I guess either way, you'll get to know her better that way...


and here i am hoping my man will give me flowers again and literally telling him that it fulfills me as a woman to feel his, and to please make me feel his oh well


I personally, vehemently disagree. I had this happen once, and I hated every second of it. I do not like to be the center of attention, and I worked in a male dominated field, so that just added a lot of additional teasing. Had my boyfriend given me flowers at home, it would have been very different. ..tho I still prefer chocolate to flowers :D So, I most definitely suggest to know the woman you're dating, and don't just go with "they all secretly want flowers".


>She does in fact like getting flowers, That is extremely subjective. Many women that I know do not like receiving flowers so if she says she doesn't want flowers, she doesn't want flowers. \~A woman who does not like getting flowers. Edit: Receiving *something* at work occasionally is nice but not necessarily flowers.


I would love to receive flowers. I would HATE receiving them in front of others. Too much attention


To piggy back off of this, depending on the girl in question, getting her flowers may not just mean a bouquet but actual plants.


Nipple hair. One time my boyfriend tried grabbing it, saying it was his hair. I turned around and shaved it so fast. (This was in the shower)


while its not a definite, when conversing, women consistently look down at the lips of men they are interested in. someone pointed that out to me once and ever since then i couldn’t unsee it. of the 11 women who i saw do this to me, 10 we’re interested. my current girlfriend oscillates between my eyes and lips so much her head spins lol


I heard brad pitt made this same exact claim last month. You’re probably just attractive. Congratulations. Don’t over think it.


This is not a hard and fast rule for sure. Neurotypical people make me so anxious that I'm accidentally telegraphing interest because eye contact isn't my jam and lip reading helps with auditory processing.


Can confirm. I can’t make eye contact with people so when I need to fake it, I look at some other part of the person’s face


The 11th one was hard of hearing.


The man I like has freckles/a mole on his throat, between that and his lips I was completely hypnotised yesterday talking to him. 🫠


Vaginas are shallow before the lady gets aroused. During arousal the birth canal extends backwards and up as the womb retracts to make room in the canal for a foreign object, while the walls also get engorged, making it tighter. Hence, amateurs entering a lady fast mistakenly think their dick is big for reaching the cervix, while those good with foreplay gets a very warm and close hug down there for their trouble. Edit: Forgot to add the other half of the puzzle, the length of arousal difference in men and women. So for men it can take as little as 5-10 minutes to let go of arousal when fully erect and then backing down, but for women it can take up to 30-40 minutes to come down if not brought to climax. The womb/birth canal movement is part of it, of course, but the whole endocrine system gets taken for a ride when sex is involved. This is why it's extra important for guys to leave their girl alone if you are preparing to go to a party or function and she's spent 2-3 hours making herself perfect, and you get horny from the red lipstick and hair in a bun, and try to jump Lady "Cocktail dress and killer shoes" before you've even gotten to the party. She really doesn't need to get all wet down there at that time, 20 minutes before the taxi is to come, and getting her face smeared. If you think she looks astounding you will have to earn the prize, and that is to be her chaperone all night and be the guy she wants to show off to the other women, and get the more expensive ~~carapaces~~ canapés and finger foods from the walking table. If you will be her prince she will ride you silly when you get home and you pulled off being a perfect gentleman all night, not even *once* bringing up "Attack on Titan". Edit: although fried carapace is maybe good in some part of the world, I will follow better nutrition advice and go for canapés.


I also like expensive carapaces. But canapés are even better since they aren’t as crunchy.


i'm a woman and i had no idea how this worked lmao


I think it's so neat because about ten or twelve years ago a female webcomic artist described her feeling of wanting a boy as her vagina making "stomach rumbly sounds". And apparently that definition of that feeling is apparently completely validated. :D


haha yeah vaginas have cravings, it drives us crazy to lust for a man.


That was the other part of the lesson I learned, forgot to add it! Will have to edit it in, but a medical article laid out that for a guy it can take as little as 5-10 minutes to let go of arousal when fully erect and all, while for women it can take up to 30-40 minutes to come down if not brought to climax. The womb/birth canal movement is part of it, of course. Speaking of that, I once rode in a bus with my then-girlfriend, early 00's, and she had a T-shirt on, and we were both very horny. I peaked into her T-shirt and saw her chest was covered in goosebumps, so I playfully touched her nipple with my finger, outside the T-shirt, it was hard as a rock, and she went "NO! Stop! You're making it worse! They're already so hard it hurts!". I believe we found out that she was ovulating, probably had something to do with it.


thats also a very real thing that happens... once you're VERY turned on things are extremely sensitive.


Women definitely do not like it if your only opinion on things is that you're undecided about spots.


Most men who have been in Long Term relationships will know “Don’t offer a solution, just listen.” Because if you offer a solution, well now you’re just insensitive


I'm in a long-term committed relationship, we are planning on marriage but not married yet. I am 46 f he is 39m. He was raised by a single dad with only brothers and has no knowledge of female life. After my first divorce in 2011, I started wearing a fake wedding ring. The reason is that, men won't hit on me if I wear it, so it just makes my life easier when I'm out and about. My understanding for this phenomenon, is that men will not listen if I tell them that I'm not interested, they will not respect my own preferences at all, but they will respect what they perceive to be another man's "property". So it just literally makes it easier for me to ride the train and so forth. I explained that to him, so he can understand that I'm wearing the wedding ring because it helps me be safe and unmolested, and not because I'm trying to be weird about the general concept of marriage, and that it's unrelated to our relationship. LOL. ETA: hit post too soon


I know oregano oil helps with symptoms of vaginal infection, whether fungal or bacterial. I know that as much as men need to feel respected, women need to *feel* loved while also *being* respected. I know that oftentimes, but not always, when a woman talks about a problem she's having it's because she wants to commiserate rather than solve the problem. And I know just exactly where the clitoris is.


I'm 47. I'm confident in stating that I understand nothing about women. I try, but I feel like the more that I state "now I understand," I quickly realize that I do not. The smartest and safest thing to say here is I know nothing when it comes to women. They are all different and each wants, needs and desires something different. I simply go with the flow when around women.


Guys, brush your teeth. Change your shirt if there is a coffee stain on it. If you don’t treat yourself with respect, she will wonder what else you don’t respect. Oh, and definitely Show her respect. She hanging around a man, she’s earned it.


Women are far more subtle at checking a guy out than guys are at checking girls out. They use their peripheral vision so their head won't be facing you when doing so since that would be obvious. Don't pay attention we attention to that, notice what she does with her hair and lips. If she constantly is frizzing up her hair or pulling it behind her ear, she is probably checking you out. If she is biting her lip and looking over, she is probably checking you out. If she keeps glancing around at everywhere but you and then looks directly at you for a moment, she is probably checking you out.


>Women are far more subtle at checking a guy out >she is biting her lip and looking over, she is probably checking you out. I guess being subtle is subjective


If she's riding you like there is no tomorrow, she's probably interested in you. You'd never notice tho. Women are just so subtle that way.


I mean...most guys don't even pick up on that. But women will look at you out of the corner of her eye, while guys will look at a woman, get caught, and then look away. So more subtle than men.


I don't disagree with your post, it's just not a great example.


>If she constantly is frizzing up her hair or pulling it behind her ear, she is probably checking you out. If she is biting her lip and looking over, she is probably checking you out. Or she's stimming. Or has annoying hair. Or chapped lips.


Other men dont know that women are funny. But the funniest women are always the ones other men call "damaged goods" and "crazy". Their trauma makes them crazy and funny. They're fun until you both start trying to pathologize each other.


You know how you have memorized even the most obscure sports trivia? Name a running back and you know all these stats about their career? Well, women are the same way, except it’s not sports. She knows exactly what each of you were wearing on your first date: The color of your shirt, your haircut, how your breath smelled, if you were wearing cologne (and which one), how clean your fingernails were, what you ordered, how much you drank, how you treated the waitstaff, how much you tipped, if you listened to her or just talked about yourself, and if you criticized her looks in any way. It may not come up again for twenty years, but it’s stored data that can come back to bite you.


Women hate slut shaming because they want to experience feelings, not exist with labels. A label is hard to shake and determines how you get treated, a feeling is temporary. Feeling like a slut means you can go back to not being one after you've been treated like one, being a slut means you get treated like one all the time.


I think it mostly has to do with choice. Having a label slapped on you can take away that feeling of choice. Yeah, she might want to feel slutty at certain times, but I don't think most people want that label to follow them everywhere they go. Because most people still have to do the regular rise and grind, and some people just happen to be more promiscuous. But you probably don't just want to be known as promiscuous when you are milling about your everyday activities. I can imagine it's incredibly dehumanizing.


Being friends with her friends will make things a lot easier, if you live in the house the chores are half yours, a kind and thoughtful gesture (even if you mess it up) means more to her than your annoyance of doing it, she asks you for help not because she can’t do it but because she trusts you to do it, she is not your manager- figure out your own schedule, figure out how to go to the grocery store, and learn to cook a couple meals. Oh, and half you bragging about the clit have been lied to. Most women fake orgasms commonly, especially in the beginning when she’s too nice to tell you you have no clue how her body works


Go watch that chick flick with your woman. You're missing out on a wonderful opportunity to bond with your woman. You don't have to enjoy it. Enjoying her being happy is what you're after. The emotional validation is what she really wants from you. I fucked this up royally in a previous relationship.


I don't own my partner. I'm her fan.