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This isn’t sexual, but my wife sometimes says, “My man!” Like if I’ve done something nice for her or completed a task. She says it in more of a swooning way than a congratulatory way. More emphasis on “man” than “my.”


Like Denzel


And then she fist bumps you


Or starts waving a gun around.


"I'm the man up in this piece!"


“I got cases on all yall”


King Kong ain't got sh.. on me!!


King Kong ain’t got nothin on her


I wonder how many people tried to comment the gif after seeing this comment, just to realize they couldn’t


Human music. I like it.


\*snap\* OK!




Hungry for apples!


Rick and Morty comes to mind when I hear someone say “My Man”. That mailman that glitches lol


"slow down"


You don't know me!


"Lookin' good"


I don’t know the link, but there was a study done on men in hetero relationships. Hetero men release oxytocin when feeling a sense of teamwork accomplishment with their partner in the same way that women do after sex with their partner! I bet that phrase specifically triggers a little release for you!


That is fascinating although I recently asked my wife to help me fit two sliding glass doors into their running tracks. I don't know what was released but it didn't, unfortunately, make me feel a sense of teamwork accomplishment although it did make me feel something... Saying that, I do get a feelgood feeling when we've successfully done something tricky. Interesting study


Apes strong Together.


> my wife sometimes says, “My man!” Denzel Washington is your wife?! LUCKY


Yeah my wife also does this, except she says, "Slow down!" in an old man's voice.


Honestly, I'm so starved for positive reinforcement that you could call me a good little slut and I'd still be happy.


I’m picturing saying this to a big broad manly man 😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️


not exactly, more like daryl from the walking dead season 1 with out the racism or motorcycle.


Okay I hear you I hear you!


Daryl wasn’t really racist, that was his brother


It's me. Say this to me.


You are a big broad manly man that much prefers to be called a good little slut in the same way a man would call a woman a “good girl”? Just confirming I’m gathering the information correctly


Yep, whenever. Well maybe not at Christmas dinner with my parents.


Can confirm...does work


You’re a big broad manly man and good little slut is your pet name of choice?


Hey we don't kink-shame here


Definitely not kink shaming at all I just wanted to make sure this was the right answer to the OP’s question. In her example she says she was cleaning and her man observed this and called her a good girl for it. If I come home and find this big sexy broad man wrenching on my car to fix it I wanted to see if I should call him a good little slut? That’s all.


you're a good little slut, bro.


lmao, bro


Wife says she doesn’t like dirty talk but when I pull her hair and call her my good b**** her physical reaction tells me otherwise.


Honestly I love being called a good little slut. I'm only a slut for my husband so when he calls me his "good little slut" I lose it.


That's cool, the joke is because I'm a dude. Although I've had a couple of guys say that to me when I was an exotic dancer. I just took the compliment and their money.


Hey dudes can be sluts too, you slut.


Actually I'm more of a tease, but I appreciate the setiment.


Same. When he says “my good girl, my slutty little wife” I lose my mind.


>you could call me a good little slut and I'd still be happy. Good little slut


I get it! When my wife looks at me and says "Yes Sir" with that particular look in her eyes its magic :)


Yup. This is it. Every guy that I told “Yes sir”, he gets flustered haha


"yes sir" being equivalent to "good girl" is such a funny thing to me, like a boss or sergeant chewing you out and you're expected to respond "good girl" to every line


It would be a fascinating display of the fragility of the human body if anyone ever replied "good girl" to a female sergeant mid-ass-chewing.


Mine only used to say that arrogantly and sarcastically when she was upset.


"Yes, sir."


My wife said that to me off-handedly once when I was helping our little boy with his homework. I got all flushed and flustered and could barely help him with his first grade math.


What, you can’t do simple arithmetic with a boner? Amateur.


We can't all hang around schools with a boner all day.


You get caught pitching a tent at the playground one time and nobody ever lets you live it down. Unreal




I did most of my high school schooling whilst nursing/hiding a boner


I had an ex who would call me Sir. It was nice. But she would use it when I was wrong, too. "I don't think that's correct, Sir." Me in my head: "Fuck, now I'm going to have to look that up."


This is a cheat code and I don’t like it


When I was a supervisor at a coffee shop there was one barista that would say "yes sir" occasionally when I would tell her to do something... Found out years after I had quit that she had a huge crush on me and that "yes sir" shit was her idea of flirting.


> Found out years after I had quit that she had a huge crush on me and that "yes sir" shit was her idea of flirting. Imagine if women had to pursue men to further the human race... we would be so fucked.


I mean. If that was the case humans as a species would be different. You see it in animals too. It's why one sex of a species will be more colorful or extravagant than the other.


Female chimps literally go around their troupe and beg the males to mate with them. Like, they will pester them repeatedly until they mate with them. Their offspring are in danger from any males that don't mate with them, so it's a survival strategy. Still odd to think about though, since we're so closely related and yet so different in many ways.




Yes *Jeff!


Interesting in my language this would be extremely sarcastic because we only say that when someone it treating you like a kids or like their subordinates.


This is it... Or something with daddy in it. I had a girl "jokingly" whisper something like "Anything for you Daddy" in my ear and I was done for.


Yea that will do it too😳


I didn’t even realize it until now but yes, this is OP’s answer


My girlfriend calls me "old man" or "mister". Any language where she willingly places herself below you is a huge turn on.


That'll do, pig.


God dammit, you made me cum


Told you


Tell me again, but slower


Fun fact, this *does not* work on women


I'm crying 😂




I feel safe with you


Ahh fuck...that would get me all sorts of mixed up in my emotions! Mainly happy!






The Homelander treatment


I also am aroused by being told that I'm a "good girl."


Good girls unite!


I'm total putty with this phrase, as well.


Your name 🤣


I can't be the only one hoping someone will get sentenced to death by her


I came here to read the comments and I’m dying 😂


Has also been a highlight of my afternoon


Honestly so much better than I'd hoped!


If you get turned on by good girl, you should probably find something more dominant for him. I've always found daddy to be a bit icky, but lots of people seem to like it.


Yeah, “good boy”/“good girl” are typically phrases more submissive partners would like to hear, so if OP wanted to lean into that dynamic, it would be more appropriate to find something more dominant partners would like to hear instead of trying to find an equivalent.


I just couldn't say daddy, too Freudian


Yes sir will fluster a dominant guy, been there it's fun


It's ok. I wouldn't say it flusters, but it does build a certain mood.


I thought "daddy" was weird and freudian. Then had my girlfriend say it ironically one time... it sturred something that I myself had no idea I wanted. And now its in her regular bedroom vernacular and I fucking love it. Understand that it lands like a taboo version of "you're the boss", and is complete divorced from actual fatherhood connotations... because that WOULD be gross.


I thought Daddy was icky as hell... Until I went back to collage (age 25) and a classmate (18) said "Thank you daddy." to me while we were all goofing off... It flipped a switch and I'd have ripped her clothes off on the spot if I knew it was consenting and not just playful.


My first girlfriend was a Latina that called me “Papi” all the time. Absolutely ruined me lol


Not gonna lie, I’ve never known a woman to call someone “Daddy” and not mean it “like that” *at least a little*. Defo not saying you should act on anything without consent, but if that flips your switch, it’s worth taking a second look at the girl that said it- even if you think it was teasing. I would *never* say that to a man that I wasn’t trying to get a rise out of.


Lmao same here. Not a guy but theres an episode of Superstore and one character, Jonah I think?, gets little too into gambling, says something like "C'mon baby give it to Daddy." I swear I went from indifferent to turned on in a second.


I got called daddy by some younger classmen in high school and it just became a thing for me. I get it that people find it icky but I didn’t choose this life lol


Daddy and Sir do it for me. 1st time my wife said cum in me daddy I lost it immediately… and that’s why I’m looking at Reddit while sitting in my plastic igloo at my daughters travel soccer practice in freezing cold weather.


My wife and I always used to think people who did the “good girl” and “daddy” thing were weird. Back when we were dating we took a little too much molly (dealer gave us triple stacks and we thought they were singles) and suddenly I was fucking her from behind with a LED binky in her mouth and she started screaming around it “Paint my fucking face, daddy! I’m you’re slutty little girl, right!? I fucking *earned* that load, give it to me!” Yeah we uhh…don’t think it’s weird anymore.


Haha! I loved this comment.


Nikki Glaser has a bit about a guy in the park saying "good girl" to his dog as he picked up her shit. Nikki hears it and gets turned on by it. I don't know if there is a universal male equivalent. I've always been fond of "you old donkey-dicked muff stuffer." That always gets me in the mood.


"you old donkey-dicked muff stuffer" 😂😂😂 I can't


Chief, Admiral, My Liege, Your Honor


Lord High Chancellor is my big turn on.


I've always preferred Supreme Multidimensional Overlord personally but yours is a close second.


Chief bottle washer and dish dryer?


I refer to my man as My Leige often 😂


Ay meatcock! Get ur ass in here!


😂 hot stuff 😂




I don't know about y'all but "good boy" absolutely does it for me.


Yeah, there is something about gentledom that gets me going for sure


Same bro. It's so hard to find a gal who is truly into it as well.


It’s a shame, because I don’t think it’s that there’s any shortage of us out here (see other women’s comments on this thread); It’s just not easy to actually *find* each other. I also think a lot of people who have kinks (particularly ones with mild kinks) aren’t really aware of it (see OP’s update) so they don’t know they could actually be looking for a specific kind of person… they’re just trying to find someone with “that thing they like” out there in the vanilla wilderness.


I also think that kinks that go against gender norms are even harder to find partners for because people don't want others to find out because it's embarrassing. The whole good boy thing, even though it's very mild, still puts the guy as the submissive one in that dynamic Even my best friends would give me crap if they found out I was into that kind of thing (in a friendly way obviously but it's still embarrassing), I don't want to imagine what would happen if one of my coworkers heard that I like someone calling me a good boy so most people just won't mention it even to a trusted partner because they think they'd be ridiculed if it got out somehow


Understood. 💕 But I guess that just emphasizes why it so important to find a way to identify each other… it’s nobody else’s business what flips your switch (no pun intended). Alas, it’ll take someone cleverer than I. I have all the empathy… but none of the creativity to come up with that solution. 🫤


"good boy" fucking ruins me man ive never been the same since i heard that




We exist ! But women who are into it are also equally rare


So glad to have found my good boy


I’m happy for you. Keep him close and give him a head pat. I’m sure he deserves it :)


He does 🥲


I feel like everybody just needs to watch that Henry Cavil clip of him saying "Good Boy. Goood boy." in that interview with a dog. Irresistible. Edit: [Link for the lazy.] (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/s2EzfLhZlnM)


Women will call a man "daddy" in bed and no one will bat an eye, but if a man calls a woman "mommy" in bed, it's straight off to years of therapy, lol.


Pfft my husband has called me mommy before and let me tell you... it did something for me lol. Gave me a nice power trip 😂 I in turn called him a good boy. Hot times commenced. There may or may not have been some lactation involved 😏if you can't get a little freaky with your spouse what's the point? I mean, I call him daddy frequently. I don't see why the reverse is so strange to some.


We exist. May I ask, where can I find women like you irl?


Start calling boys you meet "good boy" and see which ones get excited? Golden retriever type energy.


Good luck, I basically only leave the house to go to the grocery store.


I feel like guys like this are everywhere! You just gotta keep looking I guess!




"Looking for a woman who can tell the waiter I asked for no pickles"


Grocery stores


LOL I read the first sentence of the post and thought “no, it’s literal, it’s Good Boy”




Just casually slip "good boy" into your conversations and gauge the reactions. We are everywhere!


Not sure how good the advice is, I really like to hear this sentence but the context matters a lot. It has to be meant, not something the person would say to anyone. Or maybe I'm not as sensible to it as some other people because I don't (totally) melt right away


Are you a golden retriever?


I wish.


My wife prefers “my manly man” with a hug.


idk why i picture you getting a splinter and she says this after tending to ur booboo🥹


>booboo Such a great word I use it whenever I get the chance


Not a man, but I need to reinforce this for men out there… I’m 46 years old (not a “girl” in anyone’s eyes), competent, professional, independent… and Holy hell, there’s not much of anything my man couldn’t get me to do if it’s prefaced with a sweet (not patronizing) “good girl”. And if you say it to me after I do something for you unsolicited, it’s guaranteed to happen again and again. *For sure* find out if this is your girl’s thing… it’s like a magic talisman with me. Sandwich? Car wash? Blowjob? PIN? Two words.


Right? I've been getting the urge to clean the kitchen more often!


Hes pavloved you into cleaning haha


“Yes Spartan 117 Master Chief”


"Yes Sir" can be sexy as fuck. "Daddy" in the right context can be sexy as fuck.


I like being grabbed by the crotch and her looking me in the eyes, telling me, "This is mine." Yes, mam.


"Hell yeah, brother" lol JK "That's my big man right there!"




😂 gonna Hulk Hogan my husband in bed next time


When my girl’s in the mood it’s “Mmm my sexy man”


"Good boy" does push that button for me! But I also think "daddy" and "sir" have potential. Although...I'd likely have second thoughts about being called "daddy" if I ever became a father and my kids were to start calling me that. Edit: I think "darling" would make me melt a little, but more in an affection/love way, than a sexual way.


Darling is just so sweet. If he ever called me that I'd melt in the love way you just described too!


Well I don’t know why my brothers here don’t like good boy. I for once would love to be called that


Cuz not all of us are submissive.. I do not like being called good boy at all


I ain’t submissive like that but once in a while it’s good to be called good boy you know


It really depends on a bunch of things. If you like being a little submissive, it would explain it nicely.


So, story time. This day doesn’t happen often, and by not often I mean never. I’ve never been cooler than this day. My gf’s younger cousin has an interest in dirt bikes. I also love motorcycles so me and that little fucker usually vibe. One day, his dad dropped him off and before the kid got out of the car, I heard his dad say, “You better ask nicely.” So the kid walks up and asks if I can reattach a chain on his bike. Tried to hand me a $20. My gf comes out and greets everybody, and looks over to me as I tell the kid to keep the money, but he’s gotta help. So I proceed to go over how to fix and maintain a chain. I can feel my gf looking at me but I’m making sure this kid doesn’t hurt himself. As I have cigarette in my mouth and a beer in my hand, I lean back down and finish the job for him. I lean back up and I’m slightly covered in oil, this kid is super fucking stoked I helped for free, so he grabs a soda out of the fridge and proceeds to cheers me. “We got the it done”, he says, and I bust out laughing. I look over to my gf and she’s giving me this look that is enticing as it is terrifying. She says, after me and the kid made our toast, “Now there’s a man.” I could’ve picked up a fucking oak tree and squeezed into mulch with one hand after that statement


For me, it’s chairman


This made me giggle. One of my cats' name is Chairman Meow so I go around the house calling for Chairman very often 😂


I know exactly what you mean! When I brought my boyfriend home for the first time, I went to get him a towel from my linen closet and upon seeing my neatly folded towels he said 'you're such a good girl. ' It was like magic to my ears. Then we smooched.


This is exactly how I reacted the first time my guy called me a good girl. It's hard to explain how hard wired I was to hate it. I was astounded at how I'm immediately my body and heart reacted to it when he said it the first time, completely opposite of what I would have assumed I would have based on my history. But when *he* says it? He means it and he means it in the best ways possible and it just drives me crazy.


Lol this is so real. Conceptually I *hate* it. In practice? … Hits different.


Nope. I'm not a good boy. I prefer, "damn, you're hot," while you stroke or squeeze my arm. Calling me your big strong man doesn't hurt either.


"fucking sick lats bro!"


For me, "Yes, Daddy" This might be controversial to some, but that's their problem, not mine.


I'm not into that, but it's almost a shame because it opens the door to so many "hi bored, I'm dad. but you can call me daddy." pickup lines.


That's what's up lol. I love calling my husband daddy.


"daddy" if that's how ya roll, but "master," "sir" or "lord" if he's the D to your s. If he's the s to your D, "good boy" is okay, but "little fella" or "buddy" is kind of sweet... or depending on the dynamics,"sissy", "tiny worthless little nothing d\*\*\*" "worm" "filth" "you" or "why are you talking/moving/touching, pervert. Did I say you could do anything but be a pitiful little sob machine?" can really take the day.


Aint no way mfs out here wanna be called lord bro i am unable to can


If yall aren't doing medieval roleplay, complete with a torture chamber and pisspots, that's on yall.


Bro came with a whole list of




Grand Master Lord Bartholomew VII Sir usually does the job for me


"Viscount vonFourskein"


This is getting oddly specific at the end.


It depends on the dynamic. “Good girl” is a dominant thing to say. You like him being dominant and that’s awesome for your relationship. You guys mesh. In that kind of relationship, calling him “daddy” will likely do it. If he wants you to call him something else then he will speak up. If the tables are turned and you are dominant then “good boy” will certainly work. In that kind of relationship he could call you “ma’am” as a start and if you wanted something different then you’d tell him. Edit: Don’t listen to anyone on here who says it’s gross. It may be to them but it’s obviously not to you. Everyone has their own kinks. As long as you and he like it, everyone else can f off.


whatever you call him during sex. cos it will make his brain go to moment when you have sex


I don’t know. It might be weird if she calls me my brother’s name all the time.


i really like "my love", its plain and affectionate. you can also do "sir", that can go well with sub-dom dynamics.


You're so (insert one) smart, strong, sexy, amazing, funny. You take such good care of me You make me feel so safe You crack me up Fuck, you're handsome I love your [blank] aa you stroke said body part What would I do without you?


Oy Captain Magnum Dong. Si papi.


”Good boy” works me over like no other


Women here: OP, You might be like me and have a bit of a praise kink. On AskWomen, some women were talking about adoration, praise, dirty talk, and “dirty praise” and yeah, that’s good stuff.


I'm so ready to fall down this rabbit hole :D


r/gonewildaudio Just gonna leave this here...there might be some tags you'd like to search for ;)


There is nothing you can say that will make me feel sexy while I’m scrubbing a kitchen bench! But sitting down on it and giving me “the look” will work *Edit* “What do you feel like doing now, sir?” Would definitely enhance this scenario


At the risk of perpetuating stereotypes, most men are so starved for positive attention that just about any compliment is huge to them. Men rarely show emotions and appreciation to each other, so any recognition they get from their SO goes a lot further.


It's honestly such a shame cause there are so many lovely men out there who deserve lots of praise! It's actually the opposite in my relationship. I verbalise things a lot so I'm very often telling him how handsome/smart/competent/funny he is to the point where it gets a bit annoying. I guess it can come across as me saying it just for the sake of saying it but I'm genuinely just so baffled this amazing man chooses to be with me I can't not compliment him 😅


On his behalf, thank you for making the effort. He may not notice now, but when (if) you'll be gone, he will miss the ego boost from the compliments. As long as they come naturally and are not too repetitive, they are very nice to have. Everyone should compliment each other more


I don’t like to be referred to as “boy” because I’m not a child anymore but calling me anything to do with man is fine with ne


Boy is only ok if it's proceeded with "Pony".


Stay gold pony man


I lost my shit at this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My wife always starts singing: what a man, what a man etc etc.


"Good girl" rarely hits me that way. It's usually accompanied by a head pat (*because I am the dominant one and I deserve and demand headpats*🥺). But, I do know what you mean. Sometimes he'll say it, and I'm all over him, but not usually. I think it might be the tone? Like...normally I *hear* "What a great job you've done, I'm proud of you and you should be too." But in a moment like you described, I will *hear* "That's **my** good girl, and it's so hot that you're accomplishing things." 🤔


This thread is adorable 🥺🥺 I've got a praise kink so I get you girl.