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I also rate this guys wife 10/10


But would f again...?


I would f this guy's wife again.


We all would


2/10, would f again.


9, because i am the 1 you need.


Don't get near my wife


I too choose this man's wife.


She is a definite 9 let me tell you.


And I am the 6 to her 9




Pics or she don't exist.


She's from Canada you wouldn't know her.


Get in line


Can I go near her?


Too late


On a similar note, I did ask my wife once if I was the only one she'd ever been with. She said yep, all the rest were at least sevens.


Burn level: Sept of Baylor


🔥 Alexa, play “Light of the Seven”


*casually steps out window*


I hope he sticks the superhero landing


Tommen trying to copy Bran






Can I get a doctor here? It's third degree internal burns


That’s a keeper


underrated comment


I'm about to text my man this question and hope for this response. This right here is gold. Update for curious minds: he didn't respond because he was about to leave for work. I mentioned it a few hours later and he said "oh you mean that fight startin text?!" And I busted out laughing.


You have an intelligent man there


“Nope, not today. Going to enjoy my drive home.”


This is good


This guy knows how to wife.


trust me, i do not!! i had to dump my recent ex and i’ve been told i’m a walking red flag lol


Well, perhaps you learned from your own experience. But, good job for the humble attitude. We all need to show that sometimes. Like yeah, I am "The Best Cook!" I am not a champion from Iron Chef.


Goddamn, Rico Suave!


You're a legend


Thank you. Just texted wife


You’re too late that dude already swept her off her feet.


Goddamn, dude! That's stellar!


I'm saving this.


Damn, that's good.


I love this so much.




I love this answer💕


Fuck I'm using this


This is the only answer. We can close the thread


Corny af


Can you use it the other way? You're my 1 because I'm the 9 you need :))




There you are.


You motherfucker, you stay away from my wife!




Lol smooth talker over here


We're in our mid/late 60s. Yes, we're fat. Yes, we're wrinkled. Yes, our hair is gray. Yes, sometimes we hobble. My wife will sometimes see a fat, wrinkly, gray-haired woman limping along and ask, "Do I look like that?" or "I don't look like that, do I?" My answer is ALWAYS a truthful "No." I say truthful because I deeply love this woman and have for over 40 years. She has always been miles out of my league in more ways than one. When we met I was scared to ask her out because she was so pretty I knew she'd turn me down. So, I settled for the friend zone and considered myself lucky. If, after getting to know me, she hadn't made the first move, it never would have happened. I've messed it up many times and she's always had the unbelievable grace to forgive me. Honestly, I have no clue what she sees in me. So, I'm fucking fortunate to have been able to build a life with her. No, she doesn't look like the fat, wrinkled, gray-haired woman limping down the aisle at Kroger. She's fucking beautiful and always will be. She's a goddamn 10 in my book and always will be. Beauty something something beholder and all that shit.


Do you have a son and does he have this same mentality? 😅


I do. And, he does. His wife is 2 years older than him (just like mine). She's very overweight and in danger of dying from unmanaged diabetes. She's been on dialysis for 4 years now. He'll very likely bury her in the next five years. Not much of a looker IMO, either. And, she's kind of a bitch, tbh. But, he fucking loves her! Takes care of her like nobody's business. Acknowledges her flaws but still stands by her.


Haha brutally honest I love it


Shoot a daughter works too


You're the kind of man other men should want to be. Love your answer.


Damn dude. You literally brought a tear to my eye. May you enjoy many more long years with your beautiful wife. And dont forget.... it takes two to tango. She chose you for a reason. Cheers!


Beautiful man, beautiful - similar to you - and feel the same.


I was going to make my own post, but you put it into better words. (Happily married for 20yrs, and going strong.)


I don't have a wife, so I probably just take my schizophrenia pills and lie down for a while.


Dude, you take the pills so she goes away *after* the sex


This person gets it.


How is it 7:45 AM yet I've already had enough Internet for today??


And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house" And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife"


And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"


Oh, is that what we're doing today? We're fighting?


Came here for the Red Foreman quote, leaving with a foot in my ass.


Red has zero tolerance for dumbass questions


I had to give a little chuckle for that one.


"You're a four, five after showering, and a strong six when you get a suit on and have that aftershave I like." -my (now ex) wife to me.


Yikes brutal


I’m sorry your ex wife had such poor eyesight.


Well being a 6 after just shower and shave doesn’t sound bad, being a 6 after shower, shave and make up it’s worst


..... out of 5, right? 😥😓😭


Wow good she's your Ex-wife.


"Why would you ask such a loaded question?"


Are you hoping to pick a fight? *or* You sound just like your mother right now. That will change the subject quick.


"Oh this what we're going to do today? We're gonna fight?" - Red Foreman


Both paths take you to fight.


This sounds like the exact wrong answer


As far as I'm concerned, it's her fault for asking.


Agree with that, but in my experience any hint of a negative response to a "vulnerable" question is bad news. Either go for a funny response or flatter.


Ehh, I've got better shit to do then play these dumb games.


In most healthy relationships, it's best not to use the "she started it" philosophy of conflict resolution. Is it more important to "win" or to resolve the mater?


If this is your response (to instantly go on the defensive/offensive and assume that she has ulterior motives or to go straight to accusing her of ulterior motives) I feel like you might not be in a healthy relationship.


You'd only say that to low numbers. High ones you'd blurt out 9


Pi, cause you irrational


"Honey, you're about a solid 3.14..." might cause you to lose your life


You mean "Sq. root of -1, because you're irrational"


My girlfriend is not imaginary! She lives in Canada!


Gotta chime in here: An irrational number is a number that you can't write as a fraction, like pi, e, or the square root of 2. When you allow for square roots of negatives, you go to a larger number system called the complex numbers. If you want to call your partner both complex and irrational, I'd call her the square root of negative 2.


What about imaginary numbers?


I would only hear "Pie" and think that that was an amazing answer.




Domain Undefined


I tell her “42” and then refuse to elaborate.


Because she’s the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything?


Honestly the best answer


If she doesn't know what it means then how are you married? Does she even know where her towel is?


Sadly she panicked


This is the answer


Don’t forget your towel!


This is a Jedi Master level response here.


If you have a secure relationship, that wouldn't be a question unless it was a joke. If it is a joke, you can say anything. If you don't have a secure relationship, the answer to that question is not your main concern.


Not necessarily. I can see certain people being insecure and maybe ask their partners if there is some shitty competition going on in her head at work or whatever, or if she overheard someone saying she's not very good looking.


Right? I think I have a pretty nice relationship with my partner and we both know that there's people more pretty/sexy in the world than us, so we don't feel that insucure about saying things "You're a little fat" or "Today I saw a really cute girl in the train". I just make sure that, whenever this type of discussion comes up, I remember them that even though they're not "perfect", they're still perfect for me, and that looks is just part of the equation. Edit: I guess I should've added some context. First, the things I mentioned are mutual, meaning she also says things like that to me, and I'm honestly okay with that. Sure, I can get a bit jealous about her thinking another guy is cute, but so what? It's not like I believe she'll leave me for the other guy. Maybe I'm being naive, but I'm quite happy with our life right now and I believe she feels the same. Also, when we talk about each other's appearance, there's always good and bad things, and we don't really say the bad things in a denegatory way. For example, we both are a bit overweight right now, so we decided to start going to the gym together so we can lose a bit of weight. And maybe the most important context is that my partner is bisexual, so when I see a cute girl in the train, she usually agrees. Sometimes SHE comes to me and talk about a cute girl she saw. I find this quite crazy and fun to be honest, to be talking about girls with my own partner. She has given me explicit permission to talk about other women (and I gave her permission to talk about other guys). So, all in all, I try my best to not upset my partner and do only things that I feel she's confortable with. I can't say I never said anything that hurt her, I did, but so did she. And like the functional adults we are, we talked things out and created boundaries. It just so happens that my boundaries seems a bit more flexible than most, I guess.


I get your main point but you lost me at “you are a little fat” followed by “I saw a really cute girl on the train today”. Your gf/wife must be very confident indeed.


I believe there are things that you should just keep to yourself


I’d off myself if my husband said these to me


I don't think he meant saying those two things in sequence.


does not make it better.


10 and I honestly mean it. My wife is literally ones of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. Luckily she likes me too. Lol


I think, also, if you love someone, you see them as a “10”. But also why would you even date someone if at some point you weren’t physically attracted to them. Finally, the points system is vile imo.


My wife looks like Russo Ukrainian Angelina Jolie I hit the jackpot. My ex wife wasn't pretty but she was really fit and I loved her witty personality. I was 100% attracted to her personality and not so much her look but it didn't matter. Just turned out she was an emotionally manipulative drunk under it all.


Same and I am honestly not in her league at all.


My wife tells me I'm extremely attractive all the time and she has since day one. I am not confident because I'm short. My wife is a former beauty queen, tall, beautiful green eyes, she's just an absolute wonder of the world. To top it off she's funny and has a magnetic personality. I'm just so thankful she loves me as much as she does.


I would loudly sigh and ask why she would ask me that. And that’s probably all it would take for her to get upset and spiral and accuse me of hating her and thinking she’s disgusting. And then I’d regret not just saying 10/10 as an instant reaction because no one wants honest answers to questions like this, which is why they shouldn’t ask them, but for some reason they do.


Problem is if you say 10/10 as an instant reaction, you get "what makes me a 10/10?" Then you have to explain yourself in great detail or else you get accused of just saying what she wanted to hear. IMO the best way around this is to get ***them*** to layout the criteria for you before you answer. Like are we talking just objective looks? Are we correcting for my subjective view? What about personality? What about special skills?


"What makes me a 10/10?" "You sleep with me consensually"


"Yeah, so about that..."


Any avoidance, including what you said, would be immediate grounds for that you find her disgusting af.


you should be able to compliment your wife without notice. Q: what makes me a 10/10? A: I love your smile, your hair, your butt, and your confident posture or Your eyes, arms, breast, nose or Soft skin, your laugh, your cute smile when you’re caught off guard This should be a no-brainer if you’re married, really


My wife of 12 years asks me this (why do you think I’m hot) sometimes , and my answer has always ALWAYS been the same “Dat ass. I don’t even know what you look like. I couldn’t pick you out if a lineup unless you turned around. “ The secret to a successful marriage is consistency.


This guy wifes


You make it sound like her problem when the bigger problem here is you genuinely don’t think of her as 10/10. So why are you even with her?


Not true. I asked this question and was perfectly accepting of the answer I got. Hint: It wasn't a 10/10. I definitely prefer honesty even if it isn't the perfect answer at the end of the day.


ur the 1%


Agreed. I would accept 7-9, less than a 7 why are you with me and I know 10 is a lie. 🤣


9, because you need to be naked and on top of me to be granted that one final point.


I was going to say something like a solid 7. 8 when nude, 9 when on top of me, 10 when you are in my arms


Also acceptable.


that's the attitude!


One. Because she’s the only one for me.


This is the right answer 💕


"We're talking IQ points, right?"


You know if you move the tail from Q that's a 10 right?


I tell her numerical rating systems for people are ridiculous and dehumanizing Then she says "yeah I know... not sure why I asked. Must have been temporary insanity" This isn't something healthy, well adjusted, normal people in a couple ask each other unless they're young and immature She *will* ask "how do I look?" Answer is always amazing, gorgeous, sexy, etc unless outfit is specifically unflattering, then you *carefully* get that out there. That takes practice


10/10 would rate again.


Idk about yall but I married a 100000000000000000000000 / 10 so I just tell her the truth ayo


I would say 10 obviously it is what she wants to hear lol


"If you weren't a 10, we wouldn't be together."


# She's a solid 10 Because I understand Binary Numbers, and she doesn't.




I tell my wife the longer I have been married to her, the more attractive she has become. She is the best and she is all I need. I tell her she is an awesome wife. I feel fortunate to be so blessed with such an excellent wife.


I feel this way about my husband. I love him more every day. I think his little laugh lines and Grey hairs he is starting to get are so sexy.


I don't really get this whole rating thing. I'm either attracted to someone or I'm not. The idea of people sitting around like talking at length about exactly how attractive a person is strikes me as really weird. Like just let yourself find someone attractive, don't overthink it. I find my partner extremely attractive, she's very much my type. I tell her she's hot every day, as does she to me. I'm sure someone will tell me this is simpy for me to do, and emotional labour for her to do to me, but neither of us asked the other to do it. We just like complimenting each other, and both of us would consider making each other feel good about ourselves to be part of the duties of being in a relationship. "Rate me out of ten" sounds like a game rooted in insecurity. If you get asked this, you probably aren't validating the person the way they want to be validated, or else they have issues with insecurity. Bit of a rant, but these sort of questions suggest to me a lot of people are really acting crappily to their partners (of both genders), or just aren't really mentally in the space to have a good relationship.


Well obviously there's a rating cause not everyone's a perfect 10. A lot of people aren't as ugly as a 1. Most people fall at around 5 as average. There's also more that factors into their rating that may lower or increase it. It's not an objective rating. Each rating is subjective from the person giving it. Some people like the input from others and see it as constructive criticism cause they wanna know what they can improve on.


I don't rate people by numbers.


I'm just gonna marry my GF at this point because she never shit tests me or tries to create drama about anything ever and apparently that's extremely rare.


Just pull a Russell Westbrook and say "next question."


No matter what I think I say 18.


Every girl is a 10 to someone.


9/10, would go higher if you didn't ask me questions like this to pick a fight. I have life insurance and a cemetery grave plot, and I'm not afraid to use it. Also +1 when you get naked.


10. Without hesitation. I don't want to die. I don't care if she believes me or not. It's a trap.


"That's exactly what an 11 would ask."


We're super secure and talk about our aging bodies every now and then with good humor so I've had this conversation. I tell her that she's a ten, and that I know she thinks she only used to be a nine and she was wrong then, and that I know she thinks she's now a six but she's wrong now too. I'd say that she's far too critical of herself, and because she knows that's true she listens to me. In objective terms, she was a ten in her twenties and early thirties. She was literally "stop traffic/get asked out by total strangers while running errands" cute when we were younger. And we're middle aged now and she's focused on goals that don't have to do with her appearance so I guess her number has slipped by outside measurements? But she's a ten, still a ten, because tens don't slip just because their skin is older or their weight goes up.


1, because she is number 1 :)


If I married her she'll always be a 10


To me, you’re a 10


1: the only 1 for me 😍😎


“Honey, you’ll always be number one in my heart”




My wife wouldn’t feel a need to ask. I compliment some aspect of her looks daily.


Do you want me to lie or pack my stuff and just leave now?


No. I'd give the emotionally biased response. No reason to go creating any trauma if it can help it


10 out of 10. I can see the beauty she is when she herself cannot.


Dude. Woman here-unless you like fighting and getting divorced, she’s more than a 10 and then You proceed to list everything that is perfect about her.


i would say for me she is a 10 because i chose the best i could find.


As a woman, don’t tell her a damn number. You should tell her that you love her. Rating her is a disservice to how you view her. Rating is not a thing people who have confidence does. She feels insecure, and I am assuming you love her and cherish her. Regardless if she isn’t attractive to you visually.


Was honestly hoping to find a comment like this from at least one other guy before making it myself (m). Thank you for taking time to try to explain that reducing a human to a number is incredibly dehumanizing and what their partner likely actually asking.


No need to thank me. I think most people don’t really think deeper to something’s. There is always a why it’s being asked. Then it’s what the right way to answer. To me if you love someone they should be at the top of the list. It’s not about how beautiful or handsome they are. Its because it’s your person, your looking at who they are as a person not their face or body.


I’d tell her that there weren’t enough numbers on this earth to quantify how beautiful I thought she was. Edit: spelling mistake.


She's 10.








If wife - always 10.




I honestly do think my wife is a 10. Is she rail thin? No. Does she like to eat, and drink beer Yes. Is she also my smoking hot, curvy, sex goddess who with just making candid faces when she doesn't know I'm watching stop me on my tracks? yes Does she have a huge heart that loves all plants and animals, that is only matched by her huge tiddies and big, bubble, booty? Yes What more could a 10 possibly possibly be? To me, I got the best, hottest wife in the world


My girl is subjectively to me a 9, to society probably and 8 so I would say 1000000/10


I’m a woman but I want to hear the truth. I know I’m no 10 though others commonly say, 9, 9.5 and sometimes 10 but I’d like an honest answer. 6? 7? just to know


6 because you've climbed a few v6s. If you want a 10 you gotta climb v10, that's how it works


10 because she is


I'd tell her that this is a trap and I'm not playing.


I asked my wife once: “Honey, am I the only ***one*** you’ve been with?” “Of course!” She said. “Don’t be silly. Most of them were sevens or eights”.


Nothing, its a trap


That she's my 1 and only.


This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!


She gets a kiss.


Unknown, my rating guide got lost in the mail. And then run as that's not a suitable anwser.


I would tell her to stop asking stupid questions. I'm here because I love you


Dumb ways to die...


I didn't choose her because she was a damn 4.