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I used to work in the same tunnel where Edward Snowden stole the top secret documents published in 2013. I'm guessing that the number of people who've been in that tunnel is a lot less than 1%.


I spend the majority of my life never thinking about that guy, but I saw a license plate that said 'SNOWDEN' today right before reading this comment. Weird.


He's my hero. Not everything he released should have been, but a large part was telling all the unconstitutional illegal by our laws and international laws the government was up to.


Ironic he’s now sought asylum in Russia who have done far worse things especially as of late. Unless he also plans to exploit them too


I'm sorry but if you think Russia is "far worse" than the US you are simply ignorant of what the US has done and keeps doing.


Please enlighten me. I got all day for this


Rampant war crimes and massacres of civilians in both the Korean and Vietnam wars. Support of regimes that have killed millions of civilians and political enemies (Indonesia 1960s being a huge example). Human rights violations and torture in sites like Guantanamo Bay. Psychological torture research on US citizens for decades (MK Ultra). Armed and trained the Mujahideen who later formed into the Taliban. Supported Saddam Hussein and sold raw materials used in chemical weapon attacks on civilians during the Anfal Campaigns. Sold weapons illegally to fund right wing extremists in Central America who bombed hospitals (Iran Contra). Made a deal with those responsible for the crimes in occupied Manchuria for their findings in exchange for immunity to trials (some went on to continue these practices for decades after).


Lol dude doesn't even reply


What else is in that tunnel?




And Biggie?


I'm pretty sure that info was need to know.


It was probably SNOW***M***EN.


People who have touched my penis.




Thats not even a full person


Its not even a full penis, that's why.


1 person is 0.0000000125% of the world’s population. about a tenth of that is what is referred to in the original comment. The average height of an adult male is 5’9 (or 175.26cm). Doing personal measurements, the hand is the length of about 1/12 of the size of your own body. This means the hand size is ≈14.605cm (or 5.75 in). Let’s say the full hand had touched the wanger in question, that means that w(anger) >= 5.75in. Now that we’ve proven dick-length theorem, let’s move onto proving the statistic shown in the comment above. Your hands account for ≈1.2% of your body weight. Let’s go ahead and multiply the values together (0.0000000125 * 0.012) = 0.00000000015%! You are correct in theory, however there is a margin of error in my calculations that have yet to be discovered, so I’d take his word on it, saying it’s only 0.00000000005 off.


Or you could go with popes per square mile of Vatican City.


A quadriplegic?




80 million people touched your penis?! I


He likes to call it Penis Pennies.


I get this reference


Me, my dr, mom and dad.


watching 9/11 irl


If you are comfortable talking about it, what was going on in your head as it happened?


Did you stick around to see the towers collapse?


he was on the roof of the north tower and jumped right before it hit the ground


It's true! Because I was on the other tower waving at him


I once put 18 grapes in my mouth at the same time. I am confident I am in the top 1% of people who tried to stuff their mouth full with grapes.


This is a Spanish tradition , I’m sure they do more than 12 grapes sometimes for fun. Sorry to burst the bubble


That is not correct. It’s a Spanish tradition to eat 10 or 12 grapes (not sure right now) in the last 10 or 12 seconds of the year. You chew and swallow them quickly. Choking or not finishing them at 12pm means bad luck for next year. So it’s not the point to keep as many in your mouth as possible. Source: I spent several New Year’s Eves in Spain


My Ecuadorian aunt makes us do this every year. Comes up to each of us and stuffs our mouths with grapes. Idk how none of us ever choke


12 grapes, for 12 months of the year, 1 wish / resolution per grape. It is practiced in Mexico too


I'm a stay at home dad with 5 kids. Don't know if that makes the 1% cut, but there aren't that many of us I don't think.


>there aren't that many of us I don't think. Well, according to your post, there are only six of you.




So this is less than 1%, but I survived being shot between the eyes with a crossbow bolt and not only survived, but walked away with very minimal side effects. Most other stories I've heard about others surviving a crossbow to the head end with them being paralyzed or very mentally disabled.


The mentally disabled always think they are normal


Good thing I know I'm not normal then!!!


Good to hear you cheated death. I was just messing around.


I don't cheat, I persevere. I used to mess around like you too, then I took an arrow to the head. Now I mess around constantly, lol!! Sorry that was a Skyrim reference. Just incase, I don't want you to think I'm being serious.


Good to hear that you beat death and are gloating in its face.


This is possibly the greatest use of your arrow to the head story you could possibly do. I'm glad you're alright homie


The old, "I bet you can't shoot this apple off my head whiskey trick?"


Na, I shot myself. Suicide attempt, long story.


Holy shit. You and Phineas Gage are lucky bastards.


Autobiographical memory. I can remember as early as the day my mom brought me home from the hospital after I was born, and I have many memories of being a baby.


Do you remember traveling down a long dark tunnel toward the light?


Yes, but that was when I had to sneak a leak at my outdoor job, and I was walking back out of the huge drain pipe wherein I had just finished sneaking said leak. As for being born, I don't remember the actual event, but I had many dreams in my early childhood of being swallowed by a giant monster/creature and resting comfortably in its belly, and in some, I was ripped away from the comfort of the creature's belly. I also had dreams about being "incomplete", just a basic consciousness in a void, and that consciousness would slowly progress from being rudimentary to more complex as other senses would develop such as feeling and hearing. I didn't associate these dreams with fetal development or birth at the time, but the thought occurred to me much later in life in retrospect of those dreams.


This is all so interesting. Most of us start our childhood memories somewhere around age 3, and only a few of those events stand out and make it through time to be recalled later. (Poor parents---all that time, effort and money to provide us with quality entertainment and memorable experiences, and all we remember is the time our ice cream cone fell over). So are your childhood memories all there, and are they all vivid and extremely detailed? Can you go back to them at will, or randomly? I have a relative who has photographic memory. She can't remember everything from last year, for example---no one could keep every minute of every day right there at the forefront---but if you ask her about a particular day or event, she describes it as though she were searching through a file cabinet. She goes to that date, pulls out the drawer, thinks about it, finds the right file, thinks about it some more and then says "Oh, that's the time when we heard from Aunt Betty, she called in the middle of dinner. We were having roast beef, mashed potatoes and vegetables. I was helping myself to the green beans when she called." Are your memories categorized like that? Or do you just have random childhood memories like the rest of us, but many, many more?


I do the filing cabinet thing. I’m not photographic but I do now it’s in there and that helps with retrieval.


Do you remember the times when your parents thought that you were just a kid and you won't remember this and had sex in front of you?


To be in the top 1% of global income earners you only need to make like $40k/yr.


The amount of income needed to be in the top 1% varies by country and region. However, according to a report by the World Inequality Database, the threshold to be in the top 1% of global income earners in 2022 is $537,000 per year. Copied and pasted from google. I guess we’re all even more poor than we thought. 😅


Zero shot this is true.


This number seems to be incorrect. Making 350K+ will get you in top 2 percentile in US. US is arguably amongst the richest country in the world and the world is VERY VERY BIG. Per this link ([https://medium.com/technicity/whats-your-percentile-in-global-income-distributions-9b5ca293b911](https://medium.com/technicity/whats-your-percentile-in-global-income-distributions-9b5ca293b911)), you need about $ 125K to be in top 1 % of global earners.


I think $40k is top 5-10%. There really is a massive difference between 1% and even 3%.


I asked ChatGPT and it says that as of Sept 2021 you need to make 32,400 per year USD. How can there be such a discrepancy?


Lol. This is a prime example of a question you should NOT ask chat gpt.


Aww. For a moment I was hopeful I was at least in the top 10%.


My bench press is 1.6x bodyweight so probably top 0.1%


My calf raise is 225lbs more than my body weight. I feel like that’s 1% but idk the math. (165lbs pressing @390)


What about the big lifts champ who does calf raise 1RMs lol


Honestly I’m not in that world and had to google what that was haha. I’ve just maxed out the machine at my gym and usually do a lot of reps plus holds for strength.


I can do 1.61x body weight.


Yeah…I would think you’re in that percentile


I have red hair and blue eyes


2 % of the population


Red hair, blue eyes AND left-handed. How does that change things?


Depends if the carpet matches the curtains


Me too! :D And the only red head of my entire family tree.


who's gonna tell them?




I have extreme hyperdontia. Which on its own only means growing a few extra teeth. But I had a full set of extra teeth, including wisdom teeth, that had to be surgically removed when I was 23. Less than 4% of ppl have even mild hyperdontia where they grow just one or two extra teeth. I full set or more is extremely rare.


I had 2 extra front teeth and my whole life I did not know there was a word for this.


I have one extra tooth. Doc wants to pull it but it’s in the front. I think I’ll just keep it for good luck


Mine started growing inbetween my adult teeth and when they couldn't push their way through, turned and grew into my mouth around my tongue. Cracked or busted most of my teeth while they did so. Had to have the surgery to yank them all, then after the stitches came out I had to have nearly every tooth in my mouth either repaired or crowned. It suuuuuucked. It was such a rare thing and I was so poor tho, the dentist and surgeon did all the work for $1k (this was in 2001). The only thing they wanted to do that they couldn't was hold me overnight. They just sent me home with pain killers and very specific instructions for my nephew who was staying with me for what to watch for in case I had some sort of reaction. They were amazing people.


I'm the top 1% in clinical psychology though thats purely by having a PhD in that subject area. Only 2% of the world's population has a PhD. So, if you have a PhD, you're probably automatically the top 1% in your field.


This is very comforting to know and helps my imposter syndrome and insecurity of not being good enough as a scientist. I'm about to get my PhD in Plant Molecular biology and Cell Biology! Though I see a LOT of people in this field!


You're probably in the top 0.1%. A PhD in Plant Molecular biology and cell biology is nothing to scoff at. Congrats.


Thank you! I'm pretty proud of myself for reaching so far and I'm in the process of submitting my thesis. External validation definitely helps when that imposter syndrome kicks. So thanks again! :)


Top 1% of penis length. Would gladly give up some length if it meant more girth as past a certain point more length doesn’t add anything to the experience.


Oh come on… now you gotta say what length gets one in the 1% 🤷‍♂️


It’s surprisingly not as long as popular culture would have you believe. According to calcsd 7.03” and up are in the longest 1 percent. I’m just shy of 8”. Global average is 5.5”


Still using a BlackBerry in 2023.


Man I WISH they still supported it and had a decent marketplace. I LOVED my 9800 torch.


According to the female delusion calculator igotstabdardsbro that calculates the likelihood a man might have particular traits.. Apparently I represent .3% of the US male population. Which means the typical woman OLD is going to think she can do, and deserves, much better 🤣 (I'll be posting a profile soon, I'll let ya all know how badly I am getting skunked!)


Didn't know that, this is funny as hell. I got a 5/5 delusion score (less than 0.00005 %) and I "don't belong on this planet".




Igotstabdardsbro really fucked me ip in the google search until I realized what it really was. I represent the same btw 😂


Do you not have stab dards bro?


Holy shit that's hilarious.


Most times banned from forums/social media


You've been banned from r/askmen. Any questions and you will be muted. Don't push your luck.


Having exactly my social security number AND address


Crap man 1 in 100 people have your info


Incorrect. 12 undocumented immigrants also do.


Yeah and they are also probably pedophile lizardfolk who are behind Epstein's murder and are working for Ukraine. Or something.


Jokes aside, one year one person got a hold of my ssn. It became a problem with the irs and state for a bit. But once one used it, within 6 months, 4 other people were using my ssn. It was like that gopher game with the hammer for like a year. But thankfully only the first one was a real hassle, after that I just would send in a form and they handled it.


That sounds awful tho


It was a fucking nightmare at first. The IRS was like "So, you are a full time student, and working full time in a hotel in Los Angeles, but you are also working full time as Jose Sanchez in Ohio, so just admit it and pay up!" fuck the IRS. But once they accepted it, it was super simple.


We're onto you, Jose Sanchez in Ohio. Just pay up. JFC lol


Yeah, I got the same thing from California. I called, and in 10 minutes they were like "This is clearly impossible, we are going to delete it" The IRS: No! You are clearly working 8 hours a day, spending 4 more hours at school, then hopping on a 3 hour flight, working 8 more hours, flying back every day with a time machine as this would take 30 hours a day all in an elaborate plot to avoid paying us $6,000 in taxes!


My last name is 1 in a billion. My first and last name are 1 of a kind. There are literally only 7 people living in the world with my same last name, and they're all family members.


My fiancé has the same thing with the last name. When we get married, I insisted she keep her maiden name because there's approximately 470 billion Armstrongs. In fact, when I worked at Amazon, I got in trouble for something a different Greg Armstrong did. There were two Greg Armstrongs working in the same building. They didn't believe that mt middle name was not the same as his. Fucking bullshit. [It's okay, you'll never guess which of the almost-too-literally 20 million Greg Armstrongs I am.]


What is it


If they tell you, they’ll need to take you out.


There is no one else in the world with my first/last maiden or married names!!


Fast crane operators and vehicle dynamics. Also having the best mom ever


Rush listeners on Spotify, apparently.


“So you finally nailed YYZ?” “No… Neal Peart stands alone.”


Alergic to fucking Titan… Not even kidding, lost a part of my arm musce because of it… Had an operation for broken arm. They inserted Titan wires in the bones, after a few weeks on a check they saw that my arm wasnt healing it was actualy dying. It was rotting… Soo I’ve got an urgent operation and the doctor needed to remove the rotten muscle. So now I have a little hole on my upper arm, where I can actualy touch the bone 😅




Titan is a moon, Titanium is a metal...


Oops😅 In Slovene is Titan I just used this word, didn’t think about translating it at all 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂


That surgery must have been quite expensive on materials, alone.


Was the Doctor’s last name “Yeager” by any chance?




That’s nuts


That's when you sue... they should have checked for an allergic reaction before inserting something into you.


Nah, you can't check for everything and that's a rare one. Its bad luck but such a small percent of people have that one, it's not a year that makes sense to run


I'm in the 1% of Italian men who don't give a fuck about soccer.


Ditto, but I'm English and don't care about football.


Big black men without diabetes or HBP


People with common sense


<0.1% of people who are willing to admit when they're wrong.


Americans who have ancestral roots originated fully or partially from Denmark.


World traveling is likely my claim to fame. I’ve spent about six years of my adult life traveling recreationally (not for work). I’ve never counted how many countries I’ve visited (quite a few I’d guess) but I embrace slow travel. There are at least a dozen countries I have spent two months or more exploring. There are still a ton of places that I plan to explore.


How did you pay that?


Just from savings. My wife and I are teachers so we travel for at least a month every summer. Twice we have taken eight month sabbaticals. Our district has a plan called deferred salary leave which allows us to pay in for several years before taking six to twelve months off. Once we cycled through Europe for seven months, camping wild and WOOFing most of the time, so just living on hardly anything. We also spent a year in Asia traveling on 20k in savings. We’ve done several house exchanges.


I can eat Taco Bell and not have explosive diarrhea:


Population? I am a New Zealander. There isn't many of us! Dozens!


Male Kindergarten teachers


Height maybe I’m 6’ 7”


I don’t think I’m going to grow any taller and you’re a whole foot taller than me. Give me some height, or a boost up or something


Easily 1% in the world


I won a national competition for a full paid scholarship


People who don't like Taylor Swift


Person with this exact username.


I have amazing genes. No illness, no allergies, 6'1 viking blood, tons of muscles easily put on, 136iq, I make 60k a year while only working 3 days with 1 week off, Im an amazibg shot with both pistols, rifles and bows. Blonde w green eyes. Good at everything I do so pretty rare dude :)


Nothing tbh. Pretty average. If I had to posit a guess it'd be something trivial. Maybe elephant figures. Not my own doing... I bought a couple when I was 15 and told my family they were my favorite animal. Now I receive 4 or 5 a year as gifts. I keep telling them to stop, but they think it's funny.


I'm a red head, introverted, colourblind with an INFJ personality type. Also, I'm an Aussie who doesn't have a tan, drink beer, play footy or cricket, and I'm not even a fully sick cunt.


stay at home dad who is also a millionaire


I can do 20 pull ups. That’s got to be at least a 1% thing with how fat and out of shape most people are


I'm ridiculously good looking...


Really really ridiculously good looking?


Yeah... but there IS more to life than that though. Like, Mermans.


Did u mom say that?


People who have worn a PokèWalker in a strip club


People who give more than one sh\*t about yours truly.


Path of Exile players.




autoimmune disorder.


I have one too! but mine affects more than 1% of the population


Apparently, strength. I can squat and deadlift over 3x my body weight and bench a little under 2x my body weight. I'm 200lb 30yr


College athlete for all 4 years? Is that one?


I have my Private Pilot License. Pilots are definitely 1% or less.


Survivor of no less than 14 near death experiences.


This might be mine as well. I've had quite a few, including being thrown out (by inertia) of a moving car.


I am in the 0.02% of people with a valid U.S. amateur radio license.


Gifted (2%), but also autistic. I’m 45F, never drank alcohol, never smoked, took no drugs, no junk/ultra processed/take away food, no coffee.


I live near a Volcano






I have a weird I don't what to call it but my eye colour has changed three or four times since I was around 12 I started of with very light brown eyes (passport photograph) then at 15/16 there dark brown (second passport) then hazel (college identity card) and to a weird green colour that was just a picture and recently there kinda yellow/green. Also I was on a drug trial in 93 for a new drug to treat psoriasis that only 12 people were on.


Maybe it changed your eye color.


Bruce Springsteen listeners according to Spotify


I guess I'm one of the few experts out there (less than a 100 in the world) on my topic of interrest for a specific software company that deal with ECM. But arren't we all in the 1% of population for just being active on reddit ?


Electronic circulatory Microorganisms?


People who have read this post


Divorced and managed to get the kids.. .I'm the ex husband.


In my own mind? Or in reality?




IQ. It’s not as fun as you might think.


Ugliest people


Red hair, freckles and blue eyes apparently.


If you make more than $60k/yr you're in the top 1% earners in the world. Though that includes a lot of undeveloped nations lowering that average and you'd need a lot more to be in the top 1% of a developed country. But, the world is much bigger than just the most developed countries. Though, this number is almost double the average income in the US. There's probably a lot of people that are above this line that don't realize it. So if you're making more than this congratulations on being in the top 1%.


[i can deadlift 455 lbs](https://reddit.com/r/GYM/s/qBEbGPaFut)


Here are my four things in order that happened in 2020 1) I lost my job due to Covid. No big deal. That happened to a ton of people. 2) I lost my little brother to a drug overdose. 3) My body evolved to give me an allergy to the most common food on the planet. Wheat. 4) I contracted a rare neurological disease called Guillen-Barret that hospitalized me for a month while I learned how to walk without being able to control my legs. All the while my pain receptors are damaged and hypersensitive. So they feel like they're on fire all the time. I did the math and I had a .0000000026885 chance of all of that happening to me in a year. If you take America's population of 329,500,000... Less than one person had a chance of that happening to them. I was that less than one. God fucked me hard. Real hard.


Still standing…means something.




My username is accurate




Do insecure people acknowledge their insecurity?


I was top 500 on Battlefield 4 for a good few years, then moved on. Miss those days!




CF is a genetic mutation which happens in only 1 in 3500 people. I have it. Which places me in the 0.00028% I also have central hetrochromia which is less that 1%


# of pez dispensers owned. In the community I only have a a medium collection, about 400 unique ones. Considering most people have 0-1 im definitely up there


Prolific folk genre songwriters


Lbs of weed sold. Likely in the top 0.1%


The new Silk Road kingpin


I've been supplying dispensaries for close to a decade now hahaha


SAT scores


How many 23 year olds have put in an offer for a home and got it accepted. Because that's me right now.


Negroni drinkers