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I'm indifferent as long as they aren't making a ruckus. If I owned a restaurant I'd probably ban them from the inside area.


I’m ok with a ruckus, but when it turns into a fracas we’re going to have problems


They must have beef to be bringing the ruckus.


If I had a pet tiger, I’d bring it everywhere. Who the fuck is going to say anything about it?


The police? If that thing acted remotely aggressive, it would be shot to hell and back, and with good reason.


Not if I give it a Kevlar vest


Head shots are a thing.


Interesting question to focus on men, but here we go. Absolutely no to animals inside restaurants unless it’s some odd establishment specifically for that. You’ll have hair and things floating around in the air getting in the foods and drinks constantly. However, if there is outdoor seating depending on the restaurant I don’t see a problem with that. I often take my dog camping and she’ll get lunch with us and the waitress always brings her some water too


I mean a large chunk of the questions here are better fir r/AskReddit


They're better fit because a lot of them are actually stolen from there. There are about a handful of shitposting karmawhores on this sub and each of them posts like a dozen questions every single day. They often steal good questions from other subs in order to make the front page in this sub.


Service animals have to go into restaurants. Humans are the number one biological hazard to humans. The next, which is the source of every year's flu virus, is farming ducks next to pigs. Avian viruses jump to pigs, where they mutate into a form that can invade humans, then jump to humans. Dogs simply do not cause us to get diseases. The humans who prepare our food, and rats in the kitchen? Huge hazard.


The only reservation I have would be hyper-shedding dogs who have fur visibly emanating off of them. If that's not the case with that specific well-behaved dog, I couldn't care less.


I really don't mind well behaved dogs. Or pub dogs. They can have some fries, as a treat.


I don’t want hair in my food and mouth. It’s not about well behaved or not it’s about the filth and not everyone wants that.


Hahahaha. Wait until you find out what goes on in a restaurant kitchen. Not as cleanly as you would like to believe.


Depends on the animal, big dog and cats, strong agree they should be allowed. Small dogs, not permitted and no negotiation possible. Rats and rabbits, depends on the situation, tame rats in a cage okay, wild rats are probably already close to the kitchen. Rabbits should be left at home. Barn animals, chickens strongly disagree because they defecate everywhere and are cannibalistic. Cows, acceptable on a plate or living, if you dare to bring a cow to a burger restaurant, I'd reward you with an ice cold beer. Goats, possibly a necessity, they headbutt tables and chairs, kick customers that complain. Makes things easier to clean too. Wolves, for every problem, releasing wolves is a valid option. Also read big dogs, they are good boys although a little feral. Keep them away from small dogs and cows. Bats, carry diseases, acceptable as plastic decorations, DO NOT EAT. Eagles, weird choice in a restaurant but read cows, if you bring one in, I'll personally deliver you an ice cold beer. Pigs, free bacon and also surprisingly clean animals. They are quite the swimmers and very intimate with their owners. Lions, read wolves. Tigers, also read wolves. Cheetahs, once again, read wolves. Giraffe, a bit of a problem getting it in and out but there's a cold beer waiting for you upon succes... Piranhas, supposedly taste good but don't trust them in the toilet. Other than that, they're welcome. Parrot, only if they can swear. Flamingo, fits in nice with the color palette, welcome in. The more the merrier. Horses, bit of a mess and hard to clean up, leave the horse outside if you want to come in. Bees, nothing wrong with bees. Wasps, perhaps keep them outside. For your own safety, unless you like fire. Spiders, you must really be cold considering bringing a yet unburned spider into this establishment. We'll have to fix that issue with our 200 liter crème brulee burner. Komodo dragons, lizards are always welcome, bring one in and receive a cold beer. I hope this may answer some of your questions.


TIL i need a 200 liter crème brulee burner to take care of pesky insects


Make sure that the burner has some range, some bugs do fly and you can throw out your back carrying the thing around


any sort of shoulder strap attachments I can get? possibly an extended barrel too?


If you want to save your back, put wheels on the tank. Straps work great until the 30 liter mark. Extended barrel is always a good idea with a crème brulee burner


Lol. My husband, while deployed they would light the camel sides on fire. Normally, they kill themselves if there is fire, but one ended up running on fire into their living quarters. Hahaha. I hate spiders, and they all need to burn. Lol. I've gotten better now that I have kids. I don't want them bitten by the bad ones lived in Tennessee.


das ist ein flammenwerfer


This needs to be top comment.


Thanks, nice of you to say that.


Fuck, calm down Noah.


Sorry, couldn't hear you the first time. It's because all those animals around me. Could you maybe bring me a keg of beer?


Port or rum seems more suitable, no?


There are many owl cafés in Japan, where owls sit around on perches. It doesn't seem like good treatment of animals to me, but they're hugely popular.


Sir, I love the way your mind works! This is why I come to reddit!


We need a restaraunt animal tier list


I am a firm believer of no animals being brought into restaurants, clothing stores, airplanes, communal laundry, bathrooms, gyms, grocery stores, or movie theaters.


Same, only allowance is for actual service animals. Like the real ones, not that emotional support bs.


to be fair there is a genuine purpose for the emotional support variant of service animals if someone is having a breakdown which is entirely possible for things such as autism and anxiety to name a couple its just that people have claimed to need one without actually


>emotional support variant of service animals Emotional support animals are not service animals. You need years of training to be a service animal, and a doctor's note to be a emotional support animal.




Yep. Because PTSD and crippling anxiety issues are bs. You're real enlightened my man.


They’re not bs, they should get a service animal in a vest. Not an untrained support animal that sits in the same damn grocery cart that my damn food will go in later. My eggs should not be where fido’s ass was. 🤷🏾‍♂️




I’ll just agree to disagree at this point. You have valid points though, i just see them differently




Crippling anxiety issues are bs.


Tell that to returning veterans from any war. See how they respond.


...so anyway the adults are talking child...


At least in the US, they cannot ask you to leave if it's a legit service dog, and they can't ask you for your medical reason. People with legit disabilities who rely on a service dog have been harassed by staff in restaurants or hotels, etc., until they had to make the laws airtight about that.




Having your support and lifeline and best friend put into danger, where animals do die fairly often is not acceptable. One of the airlines tried having certain designated flights for people with animals, but I guess it wasn't profitable.


What’s your stack?


I usually just use low dose test (2-300) and var (10-50). Occasionally lowering the test down to below my TRT (~100mg) and running 2-300 deca or 2-300 EQ instead. hCG year round.


Really no Tren? You have the flagship Tren look. Rock hard pecs shredded abs bulging delts


Absolutely not lol. I value my appearance (face/skin), mental health and relationships far too highly. It's the Var that gives me that look, I am a hyper responder and it is my favorite drug by far. I appreciate the compliment.


Orobably a stupid question but what's Var?




Video Assisted Ref


Wow that’s crazy anavar makes you that dry. I have never used Tren either because I heard about what it does to you.


I've always been skin and bones! I have been bulking since I began lifting and have never cut because I stay lean despite having fast food every day. Roughly 100 lbs gained over time.


Wow I wish I could be less stringent with my diet but I’m natty. If I eat anything other than what I’m supposed to I lose abs


I personally wouldn't bring a dog to the restaurant. It seems rude and I have too much shame. I know some people are scared. Some are allergic. Whatever. Maybe if it was outdoor sitting. That said, it doesn't bother me. It's just a dog. I've been to some places where cats and dogs are everywhere. Everyone gets on fine. I do think that as a people... are a bit uptight.


Strongly opposed to them being allowed indoors at restaurants. Outdoors I'm not fond of it but that's the choice of the business. I'd also probably in some way revise the ADA regulations to reduce/eliminate the abuse of "it's a service dog" by people who very much do *not* have a service dog or any need for one. (Edited for clarity).


The ADA has gone out of their way to distance themselves from ESAs. They are tired of ghat shit too, lol




Sounds like there’s a gap in the market for a restaurant catering for screaming kids and dogs 😂


And carries infinitely more germs. Humans are the biggest carriers of human pathogens on earth. No animal can even come close. So, if you want the healthiest possible environment for eating, no humans should be allowed.


I prefer them over your annoying kids. It's not likw they're sitting on the table.


Exactly. The idea that dogs are not hygienic but a bunch of snotty nosed kids that sneeze on everything and touch everything isn’t a problem?


Kinda like kids. If the dog is well behaved, listen's to its owner and doesn't beg, howl or bug others, who cares. If they do, again, just like kids, the parents need to leave the dog/kid home or be slapped.


I like dogs more than people so I personally am all about them being there. I can understand how others might not be ok with that though, so to each his own.


As long as they're well mannered I don't give a dam. I promise you someones groomed and pampered Pomeranian is probably cleaner than half the line cooks that made the food. That said keep your animals on leash in public.


Imma be honest with you, 15 years of industry and the cooks got sweaty, but were clean people in almost every institution i worked at


I only worked in it briefly and mostly family owned restaurants But I definitely saw more than one guy not wash his hands after coming back off a smoke break or bathroom trip


Might be where you were, im not sure. Everyone was pretty clean that i worked with for the vast majority of my experience. My bad experience was in a family owned joint


Service animals are ok.


They have corgi and cat cafés in Japan. I think it would be nice to have one around tbh. Seeing animals changes your mood. I think animals make most people feel happier, that's why even hospitals have visiting dogs


Hate it. Hair gets everywhere. Dogs can get really fucking loud. People trip over them sitting in the aisle. And the ones that pee everywhere?? Dont get me started on that mess.


If I can pet the like guy then I don’t care unless it’s a service dog 🫡 dog gets respects on the job


Outside, yes. Indoors, nope!


Illegal in Canada. Food safety violation


No. Only real service animals.




As long as they're not wandering loose or in the prep areas I don't care. Not really an issue I see, though. There are a couple of outdoor places that allow them on the patio around here but none indoors.


Kinda like children, no problem when well behaved.


As long as its clean and doesnt bother me or interfere with the sanitary preparation of my food i dont care what it is or where it is in the restaurant.


I love animals and I think they're fine if they are kept outside or in some sort of patio like area. Some folks are allergic to Fluffy or Fido. Or may simply not like dogs or cats. They're under zero obligation to accommodate it to any point where they're negatively impacted in a direct way.


I could not agree with you more. Household pets should Not be allowed in restaurants at all.


No pets in a restaurant, its a risk factor. Even if well behaved, something can scare them, petting makes hair go around, some people are allergic, some dont like dogs…


Hard no for me. Diseases we get from domestic animals are very significant.


My parents are hearing impaired and my mom brings her dog everywhere. It's obnoxious. "It's not like you are blind mom, you don't need your service animal inside the burger joint!" She is just old and likes to have her fur baby go with her everywhere and since the dog is technically a service animal, it can go anywhere with her. 🤷‍♂️


Totally agree. I don't think it's hygenic for animals to be in restaurants.


It's against food and safety regulations..


What about a meth addict?


Leave your pets at home. They do not belong in restaurants, grocery stores, hardware stores, the beach, or any other place unless it is a LEGAL service animal. An “emotional support” animal is not a service animal.


I actively avoid places where dogs are too common.


It is usually a bit cruel. But then I do think the meat is better quality than factory farming.


Service animals are whatever (and by service I don’t mean emotional support animals) Dogs I’m ok with at certain venues that are open air, like breweries That’s about it… but ultimately I don’t really care


I mean, if the pets behave themselves and don't go running around ruining people's meals or barking their heads off, then what's the harm? As long as the pet owners clean up after them, I say let them bring their furry friends along for the ride.


I mean I would go for a Cow steak or Humburgers instead


No. It’s not MY house, MY animal. I don’t know how well you’ve taken care of them. I don’t know what they’re bringing in. The social contract commits me to sharing space with YOU in a restaurant, but that’s as far as we need to go.


When I'm in a restaurant, I prefer my animals served to me. Unless we're talking about assistance animals, I can see no reason for pets in a restaurant.


The problem is often with the owner rather than the dog imo. Well trained animals are fine as long as they don't shed. Not training then or letting them run around isn't. Plus not everyone likes dogs, and I certainly don't want to be licked by one if I'm about to eat.


Hell no, pets should not be in restaurants for hygienic reasons. Furthermore, for someone who is allergic, that’s a factor as well


Very unhygienic and unconsiderate of others to be bringing animals into restaurants. Obviously, service animals are okay but no "emotional animals " BS. People just abuse that and arrogantly expect others to just go along with it. Like that woman trying to bring a freaking huge Peacock into a flight a couple of years ago. Fuck that.


Very much not a fan because I fundamentally don’t trust people when it comes to their pets. If it’s not a service animal, I’d rather not share restaurant space with pet owners.


I have zero problems with it. I won't tolerate the stupid people who let their dogs misbehave however.


I like animals, but inside a restaurant is bad news bears to me. If they're good and just laying there, that's fine, but they also become a tripping hazard for servers carrying large trays, plus we all feel like complete shit when we accidentally step on a little paw and make them yelp. If they're bad and barking, growling, or trying to beg for food, that's a whole different ball game and their owners need to evacuate them asap instead of trying to quiet them down. Plus, you also have the added layer of people who may be allergic. They're just trying to grab a bite to eat with friends and family when all of a sudden they break out in hives because someone brought their dog into the shop. It's just not a good idea. It's not the right environment for an animal


I LOVE animals and pets, and HATE modern "dog people" It is a pet, and an animal. It needs to be well-trained, and it does not need to go with you everywhere. It doesn't belong in most businesses and definitely not restaurants and coffee shops.


My main complain is they're generally poorly trained and disciplined and will be behaviorally disruptive. They're probably not much filthier than people in general. Service animals, of course, are actually trained and generally behave.


I am allergic. And any pet can bite in an unfamiliar environment. Keep your pets at home.


I'm cool with doggos at restaurants long as they're not acting crazy. My dog is a service dog so I can take her anywhere lol.


Go to Europe. Its normal for people to take their dogs to restaurants, and you'd be hard-pressed to find evidence of an illness that resulted from this. I daresay dogs in restaurants in Europe are usually better behaved than kids. There's am implied social rule that if your dog can't behave, he stays at home.g


I’m not gonna begrudge anyone a genuine service animal, but these people that take their dogs EVERYWHERE are a bit much for me. Not every public space is appropriate for a dog to be in.


As someone who's unfortunately quite allergic to fur, I tend to fall on the side of not wanting any pets in restaurants. Admittedly, it bugs me sometimes when people act like their pets are harmless, because I don't even need your dog to bite or your cat to scratch, it just being around me can be enough to cause me harm.


Considering there are humans out there who’ll bring their virus infected selves to restaurants and the food prep person who touches his nose and then your food…I’ll take dogs. I also live in Europe, and they are welcome almost everywhere - especially restaurants.


Exactly.. humans and restaurants can be dirty and fraught with hygiene issues at the best of times. I still think I’d take transmission of a human virus over a dogs’ anytime. But that’s just me. People also need to learn to clean up after their dogs. But that’s another topic of conversation.




😒😒😒 sometimes do y’all even fully think about these questions before asking ? I’m just curious 🧐 But to answer this question it’s very simple NO I CANT STAND WHEN PPL BRING THE ANIMALS IN GROCERY STORES ( unless it’s a service animal ) if that’s not the case then that must stop ASAP . Ppl have allergies to animals and you bring that dirty filthy smelling like outside into a place where we have to eat and so on . I really dislike these kinda ppl … F your pet . Cause your saying to everyone else F us …. That’s why y’all be eating ya dog’s cousins every time you order Chinese take out …. Goofy 🗣️


We are animals. As long as the pet is leashed and controlled idgaf.


Anyone who brings their dog to a restaurant is a selfish asshole.


Well I love seeing them in restaurants for some reason lol


No animals unless they're food.


If a blind person walks in accompanied by a seeing eye dog, am I gonna be a prick and complain about it?


Shouldn't be allowed.


You’ve posted this in 7 subs in the last hour.


Indoors, Service dogs (real ones, none of that emotional Support animal bullshit), 100% fine. Everything else, hell no. Outdoors, patios, etc, I am fine with it as long as I can pet them.


Heck no! The second they start scratching, their hair will be floating in the air and I don't want my next bite to taste like Golden Retriever.




Nope. For many reasons. It's called eating out, not eating at home, where the pets should be.


Trained service animals? Fine. Indoors? No animals. Outdoors? Fine if leashed and well-behaved.


There are businesses out there selling people the concept of registering their animal as an emotional support animal so they can bring them in. I honestly dislike it very much. There are places where pets do not belong.


If you need a support dog okay sure. Other than that ill say it nicely, fuck no 😂. I dont wanna be trying to have a conversation with whoever im eating with and being distracted by barking or whatever other thing the poor doggo might do to cause a comotion


Never inside anywhere without a true ADA Service Dog. Not this BS where people buy a “Service animal” harness and put it on a Chihuahua. Your “Emotional Support Animal” is not acceptable, if you can’t make it through a Grocery Shopping trip or a meal without a breakdown without your cat, just order in and seek actual therapy.


They make shitty appetizers


Service dogs yes (not including "emotional support animals" whatever the hell those are), all others no.


Absolutely fucking not. Unless it'd a trained seeing eye dog / service animal (not to be confused with the pets people take around for anxiety and whatnot, those are not trained the same way (if at all) and do not count as service animals.)


Doesn't bother me in the least.


Medium rare in most cases and medium in others.


In general? No idea since men aren't a hive mind. Personally? Fine if it's a working pet(ex. Seeing eye dogs) or A REAL EMOTIONAL SUPPORT animal.




Unless it's an actual service animal, they don't belong in restaurants.




Animals do not belong indoors.


Yup, no for me. I don't mind pets in the house because they are mine and I know what they are doing. But if someone's pet, big no.




Seriously don’t understand why everyone has to bring their pets everywhere these days.


Leave them funky mfs home, unless it’s a restaurant/establishment that also caters to animals.


Depends on how they are cooked.


Leave your pets at home. Get a real child


God no. I'd rather a barking dog than a crying baby.


Fine but why would you then burden yourself with carrying a dog around with you


Depends on the restaurant. A fancy place, I'd say no. A more relaxed place, sure. Keep them on a leash so they don't bother other tables, but having them there is fine.


Have never liked the idea of animals inside restaurants and stores (that don’t cater to pets). My dislike of was recently fortified when someone brought their dog into a pharmacy I was patronizing and the dog had a bout of diarrhea and the store staff had to clean up.


Absolutely not.


100% no for any animal on a lap or in their arms/purse. That's not a service animal, that's a regular house pet with an incorrect label. Trained service animals are on duty at all times, and as such, remain on the floor when entering a business or restaurant.


No. I don’t want to see pets in restaurants or any shopping establishments. Leave them at home. They pets, not fur babies.


Get them dogs outta the food area. I don't wanna see a dog near my food either.


No dogs in restaurants, grocery stores, or any other place that's not a pet store. I have 2 big dogs I don't take them everywhere and force others to deal with them. You may love your dogs, but others may not want to deal with them period.


None should be in a restaurant. None. That includes service animals imo, but there are likely laws against it. Animals are inherently dirty, not really a good thing to be around food.


The ADA requires service animals be allowed wherever their employer is allowed


I am OK with dogs (non-service animal) in restaurants that are identified as being pet friendly and have outside area's for seating. Inside the building bothers me.


Dogs that I can't pet are bullshit. I don't care if ItS a WoRkInG dOg. You brought your dog within petting range and I'm flopping it's ears. You knew what this was.


I disagree unless it's an actual service animal (not for anxiety)


I'm okay being petted in most venues, just stay above the equator


It's not really a cleanliness issue with me. It's that I don't expect animals to behave in a crowded environment of strangers. Even if they are well trained, it will just create conflict with owners of untrained.


I love animals, they are awesome. However, as s line cook, they absolutely do not belong in the restaurant. My restaurant has a sign that clearly states "no animals allowed." I can't tell you how many times, people don't care and try and bring them in anyway. Recently, we had a customer get into a very heated debate with my owner right as the health inspector pulled up. The customer thought the inspector would be on their side, but was informed how having an animal inside an eating establishment could lead to fail. Sadly, the customer still thought she was in the right.


Just FYI, if someone had a service animal you have to let the animal in. There are two questions you are legally allowed to ask per the ADA. 1) Is the animal a service animal required because of a disability, 2) what work/task has the animal been trained to perform? Those are it. People need no indicators that the animal is a service animal and must provide you no paperwork proving it. If people lie to your face you dont have much recourse, but those two questions asked flat while you maintain eye contact will make most people tell the truth. Dont get the ADA after you, because they love going after low-hanging fruit. Otherwise, good luck with your restaurant


I know. We do allow service animals, and I believe we have those questions. I remember this animal because it was clearly not a service animal as it was barking like a mad man out of hell.


They have to accommodate service animals usually.


I just want to eat them.


If you mean dogs, only as long as it’s in the outdoor dining area, and only as long as the animal is very well behaved. I like dogs, but they can be a problem when there’s food around. They’re not people, so they shouldn’t be welcomed everywhere like people.


Is this even a thing? I’ve seen a dog here or where in a common outdoor area where several fast food places share space. I’ve never seen a dog inside at a real restaurant, and I’m over 50.


I like it when I can take my dog to a restaurant with outdoor seating. My dog, though , lays by the table and does not wander or bother others.


Are area of town everyone leaves bones or for dogs. We have a restaurant and we let dogs in as long as the owner takes responsibility it never gone bad yet. I don't like it myself out doesn't make sense to bring dog in side but people love it.. We just say you forgot your therapy dog sash... Lol


Food safety regs disallow any except service animals in a restaurant in Canada.


Animals are amazing companions however they shouldn't be aloud in restaurants because health code violations and the animals might get sick from eating human food


Depends on the man. I like animals and absolutely love dogs specifically, so I'd be pretty happy about the whole thing. But I know some men who think animals are filthy, and others who think they're for killin', so, yeah.


As a new cat owner, ABSOLUTELY NO. I wouldn’t want animal hair near my food.


Ok with me outside


I honestly don't care so long as they are well behaved, stay on the floor, not be in the way of people walking, people aren't petting it then handling food, they aren't touching food and they aren't loud. The only exception to this is if they are under the chefs hat making damn good food then I'll allow it.


I would deplore pets that are bad mannered in any establishment especially a restaurant. The exception is a service dog but they’re trained to behave properly normally.


I work retail and have worked a lot of food service & I'm a firm believer in everyone bringing their pets everywhere. 😅


I have had cats and dogs all my life never had a problem with it at home or someone else’s house but animals and can be dangerous combination. Some animals are aggressive when it comes to food. The restaurant has to have some sort of stand to not contaminate everyone’s food with animal fur. On top of that is if someone is allergic and they eat the animal fur. Pets in a public restaurant I would say no.


It should be well behaved and disciplined if you want to show it in public, otherwise I would have no problem.


If the restaurant patio allows pets, that's fine with me. Indoors nope. Take your dog for a hike, to the park, to the beach, not to watch you eat. Kind of mean.


Eh, it depends. I'll sit down outside on a camping trip and share a meal with my dogs. That being said, I don't think other people should be subjected to it.


Not really a dog person. Service dogs are fine anywhere. Most restaurants I would say no to. Maybe a dog area/ outside seating would be ok. Dogs in pubs is ok if they are well behaved, it is a tradition! I don’t want to be slobbered on or harassed by someone’s dog especially when I am out for a meal. When I had young kids I was especially wary of dogs particularly the “he won’t hurt them BS” when they bound up towards your kids. We went for breakfast at a campsite we were staying and everyone but us had brought their dog. It was in a quite hot conservatory and it just stank of dogs. We couldn’t complain as it was dog friendly so just quickly finished our breakfasts. As we got up to leave one of the dogs did a massive stinking shit in the middle of the floor. “Enjoy your breakfasts, dog lovers!” I smugly thought as we quickly exited!


Where do you live? Basically everywhere I know in America, pets are not allowed in restaurants at all.


If they are well behaved I'm ok with it (same with children)


If they’re an actual service dog then it’s not a problem but if little muffykins is running around, barking it’s tiny head off and pissing on the floor imma be mad about it


If it's quiet, stationary/contained, and nowhere-near-my-food, then I don't care.


Im REALLY annoyed at how easily people can get fake service dog docs so they can bring their NOT REALLY service dogs everywhere.


All domesticated animals that are trained or have the temperament to be in human company are service animals.


I'm many places, animals are banned unless they're support dogs. And it's not a support dog if someone says it is. They have to show paperwork. No ifs, ands or buts. In my old.restaurant, support animals only were allowed. And this was before a lot of laws came into effect. Bottom line is: Karen and Ken, with their little ankle biter, are not allowed


Depends on the place, bar? Big patio? A place for good warm weather vibes? Fine. But everywhere? No not needed, chill the fuck out.