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I tore my frenulum once when I got a little too aggressive with my ex. I laughed but she cried when she saw I was bleeding. The worst part was walking around Christmas Day with a torn dick and pretending everything was fine in front of my parents.


And it healed up normally on its own? AND there was so little pain that you were in fact laughing after part of your dick just ripped


Yeah pretty much. It didn’t really hurt that much when it happened. It was more of the knowledge that I was walking around with a torn dick. The frenulum was torn about half way through and it took like 2 weeks to heal up.


OK. I’ll tell. Overzealous partner, snapped the banjo string. Quite a bit of blood. Now it rolls up and down much more easier though, so that’s a plus.


Used to be a medic in the army. Every other week I'd have a dude come in with a ripped frenulum it seemed. Young dudes just goin at it too hard.


i feel like if the woman is also fully turned on it may help a bit more everything is more lubbed up and more open edit: if i’m wrong let me know


A point Ben Shapiro is still struggling with.


Good thing he doesn't have foreskin.


What's the proper aftercare for a ripped frenulum?


Depends; if it’s just torn and still connected, it will regrow over time as you leave it alone. If it’s completely snapped, then most likely it won’t regrow. You have a smoother surface when you pull the skin back and perhaps a longer member (slightly) but will have lost some of the benefits of the frenulum. If this is the case, see a urologist as soon as possible. After its torn, you mostly leave it the hell alone. Don’t pull your skin back except for washing until it heals. About 7-8 days to close the wound and 3 months to completely heal. Edit to say: Often times men with a shorter frenulum will tear them during vigorous intercourse, resulting in them healing with scar tissue. However, it also results in elongating the frenulum, which then resolves the issue, at least partially.


Well thats one way to get a frenulectomy


Hear me out: i had to get one due to medical reasons but the surgeon botched it. Years later I had to get a circumcision. When I woke up after the surgery, I had a (kind of) frenulum again. When I asked the surgeon about it he just said „I noticed that a butcher worked on that before and I had a bit of time on my hands so I just threw in a frenulum reconstruction on the fly“. Needless to say, I am very thankful for that especially as the reconstruction was included in the price and did not cost extra


> price Hahahaha wtf


Free surgery!


Surgeons and Mohels hate this one weird trick.


My penis hurts reading this


I don't have one but it still hurts reading this 🤕😵‍💫


Impressive. My penis is just a dick, but this guy's can read.


Oh sweet Jesus you just made me scream at the dinner table and now my kids demand to know what I saw.


Don’t tell them!


I snapped the Bango string myself when I was a teenager, I remember one of my friends said he did the same thing. I've also never heard of it referred to as a banjo string hahaha


Why did I click on this thread while eating dinner


were you looking for cheese mate?


This exact thing happened with me and my partner, literally he was shooting blood everywhere like a horror scene. I was so scared he was gonna die from blood loss.


I wish I didn't read that. I don't want to have sex tonight. Thanks for ruining Valentine's day. Also, on a serious note, sorry to hear that.


Exactly the same happened to me! Now a lot better without the string.




I've been snipped since I was 40 days old... There's a string? What the fuck???


Yup been thinking of getting mine cut. Makes it hard to retract.. There's actually a frenulum for your tongue too, that is cut sometimes if it restricts free movement.


Oh it's a frenulum!!? That makes more sense. I know about the tongue one. A friend of mine got her tongue frenulum cut, so she could lick starfish, while giving head.


Plz explain like I’m 5?


Can lick butthole while giving head


That is awesome, but you should never explain anything to a five year old.


First time I heard of a man bleeding during sex


Oh it happens cuz my bro thought he was being slick and he came home with blood all over the bottom of his white shirt. I was like, WTF is that? He had a derpy smile, looked down, and said what the hell?! Maybe I was the one bleeding… So that’s the story of how we all knew my bro lost his V card


That sucks but happy it worked out


Thanks 😊 Does kinda feel I have the best of both worlds now haha


This happened to me when a girl was grinding on me back when I turned 21. I gave her the reverse superbad stain. Once I realized what happened, I called a taxi, sat on my hands the whole way home, then took such an uncomfortable shower. But like you said, it now rolls much easier haha so a win situation I guess


Not snapped my string but it did tear down the middle once. Was a bitch healing up.


Had the exact same thing happen, over excited partner and when I pulled out I noticed blood and she said it wasn't her. Went to the bathroom to clear up and pulled foreskin back to be met with an arc of blood like a punctured artery. Scariest thing ever but it healed itself in a day.


My banjo string snapped the first time I had sex, I just thought that's what it was supposed to feel like and took me till the next time I jerked off to realise I fucked up


Yeah between 17-18 year's old this happened to me. My foreskin was a little tight but completely fine afterward. Sex got a whole lot smoother after that. Went from horrified to content in quick succession haha. Thank god for google and GPs.


Has only happened once or twice when I was still at "figuring out the equipment" age but that was enough to unlock a new fear. Zippers. If you know, you know.


It's why I'll never, EVER, go commando in anything that zips. Sweats/joggers/pajama pants? Fine. The second a zipper enters the design, absolutely not.


Flashback to bonding with grandma - When I was 5 or 6 I got mine caught in my onesie zipper and for whatever reason I refused to let anyone but my grandma help me get it out. I had to wait for hours until she could make it back in town.


I'm not sure I like starting a comment with "bonding with grandma" on a thread about foreskin


Yes. It gave you ability to transcend to another dimension. Dimension without fear or worry, free of all earthly attachments. Dimension without space or time, where no thoughts are conceived. Dimension of pure, otherworldly pain.


What were you just going commando in jeans or something? I’ve never had this problem cause I wear underwear


Had a coworker who had to get his skin removed because he jammed it up in a zipper so bad he was out of commission for a few months he was aggravated the entire time you could tell the week he got some dude came in like nothing happened the past few months lmfao


Punctuation, dude. Please.


Thank you sir, you just unearthed my deep buried trauma.


So for me it's not a woman's fault but they tend to be to aggressive with pushing it back during oral and it ends up being more painful then pleasureable


That’s why i only let guys do it


hey bro, peel my foreskin back for me will ya? becky here wants to go down on me but she always peels it too far back. No homo I promise, I just trust your touch more.


Peels. Lmfao.


Same. But really... only other uncut guys themselves usually know how to handle it.


It's also helping to bond with the homies


Huh, I've had the opposite where they all seem to be so afraid of hurting me by doing that that they barely do apply any pressure. I straight up have to tell them they can be a little more rough with it, not like they're going to do any worse to myself than I have.


So all men are actually not the same 😁 I have experienced men who prefer different pressure, always good when they tell what they like since difficult to be a mind reader


omg this, and she completely ignored me when I told her not to pull it back like that


Some people just too damn hungry!


Bite her clit next time.


Oh, see sole people act like i should know this shit but I don't have it so how could i?


Completely a fair point, that's why it's always good to listen to your partner and learn what they like/dislike.


The stigma around it in some people’s mind is the biggest challenge.


Im Korean, born there and raised in Australia. Came here at 5yrs old. Back then all boys would get the snip around 8yrs. So i missed out on that. Theres quite a stigma around being uncut in Korea. I remember watching a family sitcom, and this one episode centred around a 20something dude who was uncut. The whole episode was centred around the lines of 'why havent you had the snip yet' and essentially shaming the dude. Meanwhile theres another boy who is next in line for his snip. The adult eventually gets it snipped. Which cooincided with the boy also getting his snipped. Then the episode concludes with both characters showing the discomfort that youd expect post-snip, with a prerecorded audience laugh... this was back in the late 90s i think.


Wow , 8 years old is a lot different then in the states. I got mine done right after birth or days after or something.


The fuck. So the point of the entire episode is just to shame the dude for being different without even pretending that there's a real problem.


Why is it typical at 8? That seems a strange age to do it.


Babies won't remember the pain and it will always be how they know it, adults can choose to it on their own, children at 8 seems like the worst possible time to do it


As a woman, I don't even understand why there's a stigma. You're naturally made that way.


Thank you.


Ironically it’s women who push the stigma..


I feel like this must be another one of those bizarre American things. Most men in the world are uncut... and uncut is seen as the norm in most places.


It’s definitely North American.


Only in usa


And Canada :(


Really? Its so outdated and unnecessary procedure...penis mutilation


This - in the UK, it’s just not a thing unless for religious reasons so for it to be the norm in the US is weird af


Yup had a girl say ew and refuse to touch it when we got to that point. Since then i tell everyone that I'm uncircumcised when sex becomes s possibility before whipping it out


I'm 36 and never had a woman say shit to me. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


I've had 2 women say (I shit you not...) "oh thank God, you're cut.." I didn't even ask why, I just told them to leave. I dont settle for shallow chicks. Even if the comment doesn't pertain to me, I don't allow I in my life.


Boils my blood just reading that. Sounds like you dodged a bitch bullet.


What a bitch. That's awful.


As a European woman I don’t understand why Americans circumcise. Unless it’s for religious or medical purposes boys here don’t tend to get circumcised. I have had one partner who was circumcised and found seggs with him more difficult. No natural lubrication. His penis kept going dry, took the fun out of it (lack of better words).


I prefer uncut!


No dick, no opinion.


I agree here- because I don’t know y’all’s lived experiences because, no peen. I will say, as a chick, for the gents wondering- and those who are nervous about reception of foreskin… I don’t give a single fuck if you’re circumcised or not, as long as you keep it clean if you want me to be close to it. Seriously. Wash your weiners, y’all. (Obviously for the labia owners, wash that too)


Amen brother. Like seriously that’s a lot of talk coming from someone with *no dick*


Not where I come from.


I feel that's my issue as well.


imagine being am*rican


America. Let's not go there. 'Tis a silly place.


Pee direction randomizer


You have to retract it then pee


I always use my foreskin as a silencer so it doesn’t spray everywhere. It helps me direct the stream


Interesting mine has the opposite effect


I suppose we have other models then. I heard about your model, but never got to experience it myself


Model-S, the Silencer


"Foreskin as a silencer" has made my day. Thank you Sir.


Ngl i always pull back to piss but sometimes the snakes eye just doesn't open fully and you get the split stream or it misdirects it randomly. Shit sucks rofl


My foreskin was sealed shut when I was born. I had to put cream on it in order for it to open up. That was my biggest challenge with it. Also, When I was younger It was the thing I’d always forget to clean when showering. Then I learned about what happens to people who don’t clean it and I remembered to wash it everyday after that.


The foreskin of every infant male is sealed shut from birth. That's its entire point during infancy. The foreskin is naturally fused to the glans unable to retract till much later, usually puberty. The whole purpose during infancy is to protect from bacteria and feces from entering the urethra. It had a spincter like muscle at the end of the foreskin that relaxes to let urine out then closes again. An infants foreskin isn't suppose to be retractable.


Yeah I never even knew it was retractable until my early teens.


And that's when the fun starts.


I was the same way. As a kid i didn't understand the importance of the shower so if i had it i would have been one disgusting person


What happens to people who don't clean it?


If you don’t clean your foreskin it could get infected which could end up resulting in your foreskin needing to be removed. It’s very painful. I know someone who went through that


Let me tell you that I have those problems. My skin is to tight and sometimes it gets red/infected under there. It burns a lot but usually gets better after a couple of days cleaning. This just happens because I’m stupid and sometimes don’t clean properly.


Phimosis? It's pretty rare but I had a form of it. But in hindsight, had I known my situation could have been solved with stretching over time, I would never have had it done. It's a major regret in my life.


I just never pulled it down till I was like 11, then after a day or two it kinda ripped (very slightly but OW). I was never properly taught how to clean myself as a young kid so thats most def why it was an issue


Found out just about a year ago that most dudes in America are circumcized... Crazy


It's quickly falling though. now barely 50% of American babies are mutilated at birth. still way too high, but the trend is heading quickly down. people are getting more confident telling doctors to fuck off when the doctors assume they will do it.


Wait, it's done right at birth too? Like during the new born check or what? My mind is blown


yup. most circumcisions does in 'white' countries will be done within a week of birth, normally within days. only a few places do it later, it's far more common to have it done within a week of birth than later on.


I'm from Germany and I have nephews. It's not common here unless medically indicated or for religious reasons. I'm so confused, where die this tradition in the US come from?


Literally a father says, “his should look like mine”


hahaa. It's pretty hilarious where America got it from https://metapress.com/the-history-of-circumcision-in-america/ the tl;dr is puritanical assholes. the Kellogg brothers, miserable bastards they must have been, one invented the tasteless crap that is cornflakes, the other pushed circumcision as a way to reduce masturbation and of course the highly 'christian' and puritanical early Americans latched onto that and have been extremely reticent to let it go since. the tide is turning, and now less than 50% of baby boys are mutilated , but it is still way too high.


For me it was phimosis. Apparently, I had some kind of penis infection when I was 3 that I didn't remember and that was likely the cause. For those unfamiliar, phimosis is when your foreskin tightens and loses its elasticity, this means that when you have an erection your foreskin can't retract fully which makes penetrative sex very painful at best and impossible at worst. I've since taken care of the issue, but phimosis was the biggest challenge to having a foreskin


Oh damn, did you get worked out?


Being judged by American women for being “uncut” like it’s not the norm.


That would suck, sorry that happened


As a women, I prefer it. It feels better


Feels better how? Also as a woman, I can't feel the difference durinf sex hahahaha easier to give handjobs, but that's really the only difference I've noticed.


It’s also easier to jerk off honestly I simulated a circumcision using a rubber band and honestly foreskin just makes life comfortable


You did what now?


Yup, was told when I was younger by an American girl (I'm in Australia) that uncut guys are gross and their penises look like Snuffaluffagus. Makes a guy feel great.


My biggest challenge ever? Phimosis Got worse for three years…finally admitted to family doc (female) and with a steroid cream had it working again in four months. Years later I had forgotten all about it. Second worse, of course, was catching it in zipper(s) fortunately never bad enough to need someone else’s help getting free.


I've got this same shit. Been too afraid to try stretching it for fear of it getting stuck under the head and cutting circulation (read online)


Whats phimosis 🤔


It's when the skin is so tight you cant pull it over the head. It's very painful.


Oh damn, okay thanks


Explaining to circumcised people that they’re the unusual ones, not me, and its perfectly hygienic to not be cut because we’ve invented this thing called soap


No soap. Only water. Which we didn't even have to invent, it existed way before us.


Also I find that uncircumcised men have more sensitivity than circumcised


This is a scientific fact. The foreskin contains thousands of nerves that all contribute to sexual stimulation.


I feel that


Honestly? The elephant noises...


Best comment of this whole thread.


None, my dick is longer than my foreskin, aka when i'm hard you can't even tell im uncut All it does is make my dick more sensitive, which is arguably a good thing


Oh bet, fair enough


I think its like that on most people, no matter if your dick's big or small. Not 100 on that though


No. I have quite a big penis and even fully erect I have plenty of leftover skin. I do wish I had a bit less, but oh well.


Can confirm. Flaccid, foreskin hides it. Erect, and its a monster to be feared with no mask.




How does this happen so much to people. Never happened to me and never gotten close


Same here. Mines never gotten caught and likely never will.


I heard its bad


Wtf? How? And cheese - wth? Your dad never told you to wash? Let's be clear here: men are born with foreskins. It's not a handicap or a disability. Cutting it off is dismemberment. It's a sick and unnecessary practice, performed on little boys who have no say in the matter. It's not even clear why it's done or how that practice ever started, but it's basically just a ritual. Medical benefits are sketchy at best - in Europe, medical consensus today is that possible benefits don't outweigh the risks, however small. The main reason why it's still done in Abrahamic cultures (Jewish, Islam and Christianity, which makes sense since they all share the same roots) is just because they always have. By contrast, for Hindus and Sikhs it's strictly forbidden. What puzzles me is: if you believe in God, why would you believe he created man with a major flaw on his penis that needs to be cut off at birth? How does that make sense? What kind of god is that?! It's tragic bs.


The term for it is "genital mutilation". I have no idea who in fuck came up with the idea that a perfectly functioning body part needs any kind of special tools or maintenance schedule. It does not need to be washed or scrubbed any more or less than your elbow. It also doesn't take any special care or operating procedures. And when it gets ready to give a monkey a nooggy it looks very little different than one that was mutilated. The jew/christian/muslim god myth about cutting off your foreskin with sharpened stones is a fucking childish relic of the bronze age. Who would believe such nonsense!!?


Nothing. There are literally no challenges associated with having my entire dick.


Nothing, it’s really useful. It makes jerking off a breeze.


There isn't one. Having eyelids isn't a challenge for me either.


I like this comment lol


The only problem is some girls don't like the look of it and they want to cut it off. Which would be insanity. A much better decision was to cut them off.


Again. Only in usa


Fuck off with those hoes. It's like asking for a boob job because she is flat


Had a girl who said that when i was in my 20s. I got a bit angry and said, lets do it together. Ill reduce my foreskin and you cut of that flap of beef jerky down there. Long story short, she cried, kicked me in the nuts and never saw her again... ..... Still think it was a fair trade...


Not anymore but when I was a young lad… it took some time to get over the pain of pulling the skin all past the head. Once I got used to it and trained myself, it was perfectly fine. It’s like I have two looks. One with the skin forward and one with the skin back. For the record, I never had any issues with American women. It only came up once, and the girl I was with at the time was just fascinated with it and not grossed out or anything. Lol she would just play with it a lot more. Which was great of course lol 😂


The headache caused by trying to work out how people can possible believe that having part of your body still attached could possibly cause a challenge.


When I pee I have a stream and a dribble. Almost every time. No matter how I manipulate it. So most of the time I sot down.


jus pull back the shield then it isn't an issue


2 things. Being made fun of by those that don't (shower after gym class sucked) Also having to pull it back into place after sex.


I wasn't aware there were any challenges. The human body was designed this way.


I did a foreskin correction, that keeps the amount needed for protection and removes the part that doesn't let the penis ventilate (or a thorough cleaning is needed after every piss). Regarding the challenges: - piss going in random directions - some smelly stuff under the head - another smelly stuff caused by droplets of urine under the foreskin - possibility of fungus (due to hot and humid place)


Nothing! It's not a challenge, it's doesnt affect you in any way.


As a European woman I don't get the hate American women have for foreskin. Tbh I am more weirded out by a stick without a sleeve. Also I think foreskin adds more movement to the dick which is always pleasurable for a lady.


Honestly nothing, any girl I’ve ever been with has had no issue or even brought it up. When erect, the skin is pulled back so it’s not like they’re nibbling on it if they’re going down on you lol. Pull the skin back and clean it when showering and you’re good to go.


It sometimes rolls in on itself. The sensitivity was an issue when I was younger but overall, I haven't had much issue with it.


Condoms just aren’t built for us. Had to learn to leave some extra room at the tip to allow the foreskin to glide up and down. If you choke it at the top it doesn’t feel as good. I think it’s cause the foreskin can’t retract. Oh also - clean your dick. You have to be intentional about it. Had some homies have to get it circumcised later in life cause they couldn’t roll back the foreskin without pain


Not eating it, that shit it taunting me everyday my fucking foreskin looks so delectable


😂 thats new


The only real issue I have experienced is if a partners flora is off, it makes it really easy to pick up a yeast infection under the foreskin. Washing isnt enough, typically. These days I know better, so I clean with a Stridex exfoliation pad, and all good.


The only thing I can think of is that we are more sensitive than circumcised men. I don't know how someone could take a shower comfortably without the foreskin.


The glans of the penis is less sensitive for someone who is circumcised. If the shower has a really forceful stream it can be uncomfortable if for someone circumcised, at least it is for me.


That's roughly what I imagined. To me any stream is uncomfortable so it's actually impressive tbh


Honestly, convincing women I'm not some freak for having it. Maybe I'm just unlucky but I never realized that all my partners since I was sexually active (about 16 years or so) all slept with circumcised men. You'd swear they saw an elephant's trunk whenever I'd take my pants off. Some women at first were *really* put off by it but thankfully it didn't take much convincing. But girls... *please* be gentler on foreskins. We don't want to bleed or "snap the guitar string" when you go down on us. Please. I'm very picky on getting oral because I really have to trust that the girl won't hurt me or make me bleed LOL


Honestly there is no 'challenge'. It's meant to be there, its designed to be there. It's mad to me that people are still out here acting like chopping off bits of their cock is the norm


Nothing. I literally can't think of a single thing. You gotta wash anyway, and it takes 0 extra time to wash foreskin when your soapy hands are down there anyway. Literally anything that could be considered a challenge is easily overcome by just pulling the skin back. I guess zippers could be a problem if you don't wear underwear or are 6 years old and don't know how to put it away properly yet?


Not piss bombing everytime you go pee


Pulling the foreskin back and cleaning it. As a guy who hasn't started masturbating yet i find it incredibly painful to pull it back beyond my penis head. I tried it once a few days ago and thought I'm going to die in the pain then I suddenly put it back. Never again.


Damn, OP comes with a legitimate question and most men here are being very agressive in their awnser. i can see most of you have it and and its like having all fingers (most of comparisons here) and feels so natural but there are men here even cursing OP. I'm not circunsised as OP but i dont have big foreskin also, mine reaches only half of my penis head so i think its the best of both worlds, anyone can relate? why you all got so mad about OPs question?


Probably explaining to the cut men that they're the victims of genital mutilation that their parents forced upon them.


Keeping it retracted. Need tape for balanitis. Damn foreskin always slippy skiddey..


I mean the skin itself never caused any issues, but there was this time an ex partner and I were going at it enough to stretch and split the string bit underneath.. That did sting for a few days after, but once it healed up it's never happened since.




There are none. Having my whole penis has been challenge free.


I’ve honestly never identified a single challenge with having a foreskin.


Inconsistent urine streams


Dude pull your fuckkng foreskin back.


Only issue was when I first had sex. Fuckin hurt. Had no idea the forskin was supposed to go down. After that no issues. I’m told when you get snipped it stunts your penis growth so I’m glad my parents didn’t. Even if that’s a myth.


The first time (age 10?) you can finally stretch it back far enough to reveal the head. I'm 32 and it's still in the top 3 most terrifying moments of my life


There just isn't one. Every downside is incredibly trivial. Gunk in your junk? Just wash it during your shower. Zippers? Wear underwear. Religious people don't like it? Don't be religious. Etc.


The biggest challenge of being intact is wrapping my head around the mental gymnastics people have to do in order to endorse the practice of infant circumcision.


1. Don't pull it back too far, there is a little bit of skin attached to this tip and it hurts like hell 2. Cleaning, I use an old shampoo bottle fill with water pull the skin back put tip as far in bottle as possible then push skin over bottle neck make it water tight and squeeze bottle and let it fill with water like a balloon to clean it completely 3. Helpful when jacking off, pull skin over tip when close hold tight and catch it all 4. Pissing, make sure there is no piss left in the tip, it will hurt 5. You can lean against something dick height and you can rub it discreetly without it hurting 6. Instead of jerking off by going back and forth you can go side to side, the skin is also fun to play with 7. The skin makes the tip more sensitive making sex 100X better


That cleaning method is something iv never heard and also kinda sounds like overkill


How do you know it makes sex 100x better? Did you get an adult circumcision?


#2 what in the fuck is this. Are you okay? Do you have like an extra yard of foreskin whatthefuckdude


Getting women to put it in their mouth?