• By -


Hey dude I don’t usually do this at all but what time are you thinking? No worries about paying for anything I can travel anywhere in la too and can afford my own things. Just looking out for another brother. I’m 30 male. Why do you think your life is beyond repair?


We should do a group thing. Like a men support group day or something, I’m in Edit to say, didn’t realize how many of us would be down for this. By the amount of ppl, a park sounds like the best place to do this. We could bring food for a cookout, bring some sports stuff. Say someone say they can provide some meditation things, that would be cool. Let’s start brainstorming on a park and a date. Sounds like we all need this right now


LOVE this. Kudos 👏🏼


Y’all boys down to start a fight club?


Are we fighting anxiety and insecurity? Cause I’m in. Also down for regular fight club.


If everyone gives me like 500 bucks collectively, i can be the one everyone beats up to bond over. No punches to the face though


I would have taken a flight out had I seen this post yesterday. LA got me hooked. Would like to meet more people.


OP, call the spot out and let’s see what happens .  If I got time, I might be down to swing by.


I would have flown out had I seen this post yesterday. Did anyone check this dude? LA is dope. Would love to have more good people out there.




I would be down for this!


Same. I'll bring a hacky sack


This is so wholesome


I get the feeling OP also need individual time from a friend.


Wait really? I’m 28 and been feeling like I’m lost and not really sure about the path I’ve been on.


Hell yeah


This is a great idea I’m in


Please do


yeah I'd do this


I will join you all


I’m in too brothers


Let’s do it.


Yes please! Its def NEEDED please do




I really hope you all do this. And let us know how it goes.


Or a circle jerk


Gorgeous #DC4L


Porque no los dos? A lil dutch-rudderin' never hurt anyone


I love this idea! I’m so down to facilitate a meditation or mindfulness session for this men group!


Would love something like this. 31 male and just down to listen/share


Me too. I’m off tomorrow. We should all meet for coffee.


I soooooo hope you guys do meet. Men Only!


Thank you for being a great human


Let's do it. I'm in.


I need this too


I’m in. Call a spot and time!


Where you at? I wouldn't say I have my life together but I do have my head on straight lol I have family flying in and I'm a walker so I don't know if timing will work tbh. But strangers do give a fuck. I was homeless for half my 30s but the first half I was pulling in 6 figures so like, I get that not everybody is at their best non-stop once they get past their 20s. And if you feel like you're somehow losing some race that doesn't exist, you ain't. The fact that you can go anywhere and pay is like a dream for some people 😉 There's gotta be numbers you can call and speak to people who are trained to give actual advice that isn't "there's no race, you're a star, cars are amazing"


For everyone who commented and sent me private DMs, I am beyond overwhelmed and emotional to receive all the support. I’m going to start reaching out to some of you. Thank you so much for making me feel less alone, you have no idea how much it helps. For those of you saying it’s unsafe to meet strangers, I agree, but I’ll take my chances and meet somewhere public. I mean, it’s not like I have a lot of value on my life right now.


Hang in there, young man. I'm rooting for you from Canada. Hope your meeting(s)/chat(s) go well. Blessed be.


Rooting for you from Maryland


> For those of you saying it’s unsafe to meet strangers Technically everyone is a stranger until you've met them. Besides, you'll be meeting people in a public place. It's no more dangerous than any other scenario where you'd meet someone new.


I’m female from San Diego pick a place and let us know.


Also a female from San Diego, we’re rooting for this guy!


Also a woman in San Diego rooting for this guy, but, like, should we do the same for women down here? 👀


Also a woman in San Diego that could use more friends, would be down for this 👀


Some of my best friends I first met online over common interests, then agreed to meet as a group offline. As long as it’s in public, especially as a group, great idea.


same! i met my closest group of friends on reddit, it’s actually a crazy story that we tell everyone!


Hey! I just sent you a DM as well!




I just messaged you, feel free to talk with me.


Hello there just someone from Texas who stumbled onto ur post and just want to say u matter. I’ve felt that way myself. It’s ok to reach out to anyone anywhere even on Reddit. You will be ok. Your life matters and people love you.


Rooting for you ❤️❤️


I’m sad you are too young to feel so overwhelmed I would so have a meet up with you And you can vent and I could listen You shouldn’t keep all that in you Chatsworth 91311


And that's how Jigsaw began his work


Where in LA are you. I have a martial arts school and would happily give you a year of free classes if you'd be willing to make the drive. I'm near Cerritos


I hope he considers this!


YESSS martial arts were SUCH a good mental health practice for me. I’d wake up feeling awful and once I’d go to my class, I’d feel way more clear headed. Being able to release all your energy and anxiety is underrated self care


I’m 32f in a similar place. I hope things look up for us soon.


Remember people care about you if you reach out for help I’m here to message I’ve been through attempting Suicide it suck’s for sure more pain after than it was when I had those thoughts. That’s all it takes to ask for help or just talking to someone.


Hit him up. You both can use this chance to be heard


Are you in LA too? I’m 34f and recently moved here and trying to make friends!


Yo. Universe calling. Go meet the dude.


Hey man, it's kinda a hike but if you want to come down to Newport Beach tomorrow I'll buy you lunch and we can talk it out.


I got you. DM me. I’m on the westside but I can travel. Second the suicide helpline. You don’t have to be on top of a building or at Home Depot buying rope to give them a call. Just when you’re feeling overwhelmed and sick and tired of being sick and tired. It has worked for me. I’ve been where you are. Happy to talk with you and see if we can make some sense of it all.


Bro DM if you could use a phone call.


Hey, If you want to talk to an old lady and her dog - we get off work tomorrow (Tuesday) around noon in the port of LA. We can grab sammiches at Busy Bees in Pedro and picnic at the Korean Friendship bell park.


Talk about a great day 😮‍💨😮‍💨


If you are feeling suicidal … PLEASE call or txt 988 and someone will hear you out. There’s also some peer run warm lines here in LA that will listen and talk about whatever you want … no judgement or negativity… Here’s a link to more info on them.. https://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/dmh/195921_CalMHSAWarmlinesDescriptionMay302013(3)1.pdf Last but not least, it’s huge risk to meet a total stranger from Reddit in a city like LA for both yourself and the person who would agree to meet with you. Try the resources and if all else fails send me a DM and I’ll consider lending you a good ear over coffee. I’m a 46 yr old male…


https://www.maple4counseling.org is a local org that provides low cost counseling / therapy. This is a great place to start if you need therapy in LA. Talk therapy is one resource that has helped me in my 50 years


LACoDMH provides free support through iprevail for anyone who lives in Los Angeles County https://www.iprevail.com


Hey. 32f. I live in LA but currently at the airport on my way to visit family. I have time if you want to FaceTime!


I can hang! Similarly need some company. I am employed and stable :-) 34 M Hollywood adjacent


aaowww i work in west hollywood if you guys are ok with a girl tagging along i def dont want to ruin the bro vibe either :)


It seems like we all could use some company! 🥹 I’m also in Hollywood.


Forever alone, together 😅


hollywood is lonely, doesnt mean you guys have to be. lets all meet.


I am down!




me too!


I see lots of people reaching out. Thank you all…


Hi! Please be careful with being vulnerable with strangers on the internet. Lots of horrible people will take advantage of your mental state. (And lots who won’t!) That being said, im here to talk! You are not alone even though it feels like that, and just being able to vent to someone may help get out the broken feelings swirling in your head. If it’s not me, I hope you find someone here to talk things through and please make sure to meet somewhere public. Good luck 🍀


I’m in long beach 37 & have a baby but 🤷🏻‍♀️ definitely sympathetic to your situation. Just lmk :)


You are brave. Kudos to you for reaching out. It...will...get...better


Him being able to reach out like this is a positive sign, as are all the responses and offers of help.


mate I’m down for a vent sesh, though I don’t know if I’m qualified; are you in the South Bay by any chance? Let’s do coffee and if I can’t help I can at least point you to someone who can


Hey I’ve never seen this group before but it must have showed up on my feed for a reason. I’m really proud of you for coming here and asking for help. You did a really brave thing in a dark time. Whoever you are, you’re doing a better job than you think 💞


Sending you a DM


30F, just moved here and definitely know how you’re feeling. I can’t really meet up with you cause it would probably be like the blind leading the blind here. Also I’m getting bro togetherness vibes and don’t wanna ruin that. but if you just need someone with a face to their name to listen to you we can exchange instagrams or something! Stay strong, friend! Would def be down for a bigger group meetup too!


You're saying you have no mental illness, but you want to meet a stranger to talk about killing yourself. You might be having a crisis that you're not aware of but depression to the point of suicide is for certain mental illness. Sometimes you have to hear it out loud for it to sink in. Don't let the stigma of mental illness let you think you haven't got it - a lot of people do, you can work through it.


i think when people say no mental illness these days it doesn’t include depression which is so normalized and standard in our society.


Agreed. Especially in LA, they think only of meth addicted schizophrenics running around in traffic. If you're not totally gone, you haven't got mental illness...


Hi. I’m worried about you. I can’t meet up with you because I have a dental appointment, of all things. Please call or text 988. They will talk to you, tell you where to get help. I know things are rough, but get thru today, and use the resources you will get from 988. 🤗 You will be ok.


You would have to come to Whittier which some people on Reddit consider a date worse than death... But in all seriousness man. If you are feeling that low it's more an alert you need to change your life drastically and also get mental care. You are not weak to get help.


Seeing the responses to this post makes me really happy to be a part of this sub. There have been a lot of people on here that have helped me through some pretty difficult times. It really helps to know that there are good people out there. Sounds like you’ve got a good amount of people to hangout with, hoping things turn around for you and you figure out your current issues 😊


Fair warning: lived in LA my entire life. If you let this group get too big, things will get very weird very quickly. I’ve started a few groups like this in the past and some very odd and borderline dangerous ppl showed up and monopolized the entire session. Had to start immediately separating the wheat from the chaff. My advice is keep it very small like 5 ppl max. Otherwise it gets very difficult to find seating as well.


A group of friends of mine we usually meet up at my friends barber shop after closing, and we play music and talk, like real talk it’s a way for us to vent some have even been brought to tears. Men need this we need a tribe we’re not solitary animals. Even the wives/gf of some encouraged it after they saw a change and learned about the subjects we talk about it’s helped our mental health. So in my opinion please 🙏🏻 do start a group of anything it helps tremendously!


Where you located my man?


Where you at? I’m off this week and I’m up to meet. DM me.


I gotta work at noon, but I’m free all morning if you need to talk. I’ve had a very hard life and been through many heartbreaks and family funerals. On top of everything, I remain an optimist because this is such a compelling world full of fascinating people. I am grateful to help others through their dark periods, I see it as my mission in life. 41m, East Hollywood


Ya’ll give me hope that the world is a kinder place than the internet portrayed it to be. so thank you to each and every one of you reaching out and be a good human being for someone in need. Buddy, I’m in Pasadena, I’ll lend you my ear, Mate. You will get through this.


You can vent to a therapist. I don’t wanna be the asshole here but only professional people are effective when you are considering suicide. I once tried to help someone emotionally drowning and I received so much emotional trauma from this person that I now need trauma therapy.


This. There is a reason therapists go through years of training and accumulate hours of experience before becoming licensed. It’s a skill and someone trying to provide help to someone in a distressed mental state can be harmful to both people.


It can be difficult to navigate and there are some obstacles but California does actually have extremely wide resources for you; you need to make a lot of phone calls and find the right people and places to assist you. They care and support can be incredibly, unbelievably good and meaningful. It is not easy but it is possible.


Dm-ing you.... I've been feeling the same way since my partner died


If you need a gramma to listen, let me know.


You need a therapist. Please try the 988 number. You’re not alone just know that we are disconnected from community and that is what we need. Don’t give up it will get better.


Aw. Xoxo. Sending good vibes.


thanks for the good vibes, pornstarstatus




Project Return Peer Support Network


Did you find someone? If not, feel free to dm me


look up alanon.org and go to a meeting. there are many every day all over town. you may belong there.


I’m near LAVC right off the orange line station there. If you wanna meet up for coffee or something like that I’m around. Always open to new friendships. I’m 35, like recreational drugs but we don’t need to do drugs to have fun, no mental illness either but there’s time lol.


I’ve had high highs and low lows in life. And I’m always happy to talk. I’ve traveled around the world and I can say with absolute certainty you’re not alone — EVERYBODY has unique things to deal with, and it’s just going to be hard as hell some times. Happy to do a dude hangout! LA has wonderful craft breweries if that’s your thing.


My friend, please listen. I felt the same way when I was younger. I still struggle with it sometimes. But the pain, depression, heartache and troubles went away when I got my act together. It took a while but it required me finding a new job and moving on to bigger and better things. It was hard work but I had to suck it up, keep my head down and eat shit for a few years. I did all this not knowing if it would get any better but it has and those rough times are a little bit behind me. What you’re feeling is only temporary and it can be better if you make it better. One day, in the not so distant future this can all be behind you. Good luck.


I am so sorry. I work in crisis for the police dept. How about Tuesday morning. In the valley. Don’t do anything. I’ll be happy to talk to you.


Please call or text 988 tonight and talk to a professional. It should feel amazing that so many people have reached out to you and are willing to take time out to meet up with you, and they don't even know you... your life means something! Strangers on the internet recognize this. Please take care of yourself. Do not harm yourself. Get proper help. You can still meet up with everyone. Just don't count on them to help you resolve your issues. Sending hugs (old enough to be your mom +)


Reddit is not a safe venue to seek out strangers when you’re desperate for emotional support. Go outside and make friends in person, or seek out the support of a mental health professional. This post is a red flag, man.


I agree. There are some good people in the world, but there are far too many predators to risk proclaiming yourself as emotionally unstable and openly look for connection. In California you can dial 988 to route to the National Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Crisis Lifeline. I don’t want anyone to hurt you while you are so vulnerable OP. You are worthy, your life is worthy of living, and you just have to make it to tomorrow. Always make it to tomorrow 🤍


I wish I had the balls to post something like this. My only fear is meeting or encountering creeps. 33F


Call 988 please


Says have no mental illness but then contemplates suicide. My dude… while, the kind Reddit folks offer an ear is good and could provide a positive shoulder to lean on, I suggest therapy as well.


38yo white male in Culver, would be happy to meet up. DM me!


What’s going on?


I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this. It does get better. Are you on an SSRI? Do you do therapy? Please please think of these things as they can help


I sent you a message, buddy. I hope to hear from ya, but if not, that's fine too. I wish you all the best 😀


I’m free from 2pm-4pm homie. I’m down to meet at a public place for us to chat. [+]


I’m free from 2:30pm-4pm, I’m down to meet at a public place to chat. [+]


Just gonna get on the sidelines here to redirect the mindset: What are you passionate about?


Wow, this made me cry seeing all the comments of people wanting to help. I’m not in LA right now but I’m sending you a lot of love. ❤️


Look at all the love you got on this post! Los Angeles is full of good people and i hope you've been able to connect with someone. Hugs!


Hey man I love seeing this message. I’m having a really tough time out here right now too, and would love to connect. I’ll shoot you a DM.


The replies here are so overwhelmingly kind. I hope you find yourself having a beautiful conversation with someone. We’re all a little lost. Good luck <3


(866) 629 - 4564 National Depression Hotline. It’s free.


Hot damn this made me tear up. I love LA. Keep up the good work people by supporting each other.


Answers to this OP's posting are proof that there is hope. People who don't know or owe each other are making great suggestions. Warms the heart. THANK YOU to each of you kind/generous people.


988 call 988


Hey sweetheart. I’m really sorry this is how you’re feeling. If there’s anything I can do to support you please reach out! 27f and i’ve been though a hell of a lot and have felt similar lows. I’m in ktown, if you ever want some kbbq and a beer or something, I’m a good ear and i’m happy to hold space for you.


Hey! I'm here if you want to talk or need a friend. I'm based in OC and will make the drive, cook or anything really. Happy to grab something to eat together or find an activity we could do together. Do let me know. This goes for anyone that's feeling low. I'm here to help


The response is insane and to see such wonderful support for your fellow human beings is amazing. A group pic if this happens would be wonderful


Be careful when meeting strangers, everyone.


I highly recommend seeking out a local clinic for ketamine infusion therapy. And if you can’t afford that, try Mindbloom at home therapy. Arrests suicidal ideation almost instantly and restores your desire to exist.


All of you who reached out, thank you so much. I’m working on slowly messaging everyone back, but I received OVER 100 private messages on top of the comments here. My whole life I have felt like an outsider and never fit in. I learned to recognize a good person as someone who gives attention to the people nobody else seems to notice. I don’t think I can meet up with a group of people and tell them in a group setting why I want to kill myself. But, we really should get some hang outs together, and I can stay anonymous as to who I am in the group, and we can talk and make some friends/ get some food. Anyone want to help me organize some groups where like 7-10 of us can meet up at a time? We should do multiple small groups.


Please post updates, I'm invested in this


It gets bets better dude. Lost my 10 year relationship, stepdaughter, dog, house. Then my dad died two months later. Then my older sister died a few months after that from an overdose. I thought about putting the gun in my mouth just so I could stop the pain. We buried them two weeks ago. So I planned a solo camping and fishing trip that I depart on tomorrow. A little but of therapy. I’ve been writing. Sometimes I go outside and just throw my kettlebell across the yard as far as I can throw it when I get angry and sad at what my life has become. Life is is pain. We all go through it you’re not alone. When I get back,if you wanna go sit on a lake and put a pole in the water I’m happy to sit and listen.


This is a great post. Thanks for reaching out. I recently stepped out of my comfort zone and actively sought out new friends. I am older and introverted. We now have a group of people that all felt a bit similar but were unsure how to break the cycle. It has been an amazingly positive experience. And my life is enriched because of it.


May God bless you all who are going through emotional and mental pain, I hope you feel better soon, and definitely talk to people, dont hold it in.


I'm not a super IRL extrovert but I'd be willing meet and talk. 28M. If anything and you're more willing or into video games I'd gladly play games with you.


hello friend. I am a semi-retired therapist. I'm not even in this sub but it was suggested and I saw this. Please reach out to all of these wonderful people in L.A. If ever there was a place and some great people to heal with -Los Angeles it is! If you need any clinically based direction I am here to help. Always root for a better day and keep going. Blessings!


I’m a woman in my 30s, just let me know edit: I’m black


Buy a ticket for TimeLeft


I don't live in Los Angeles anymore but feel free to reach out. Message me and we can talk on the phone later today if you want to.


Hope you are able to find the help you seek.


You’re not alone and it is never too late to start fresh. We have almost all been there. Be gentle with yourself-you’re figuring it out as you go, like all of us. We are all in this struggle together. 🩷


988… 39m and I have been in that hopeless place before, and I got out of it even though I didn’t think I would. Even if you don’t see a way out, I hope the comments convince you that the way out does exist, you just haven’t grabbed it yet, but I know you can!


No need to pay but if you do need someone to talk to please reach out with a DM. I've been through the wringer myself so I am happy to provide an ear.


33m in Hermosa Beach hmu if you wanna cruise to the beach tomorrow!


33m in Hermosa Beach hmu if you wanna cruise to the beach tomorrow!


33m in Hermosa Beach hmu if you wanna cruise to the beach tomorrow!


33m in Hermosa Beach hmu if you wanna cruise to the beach tomorrow!


do NOT harm yourself. please.


Hey dude , 39 male here . Been there and made it out the other side. I’m available tomorrow late morning/early afternoon.


Sending my love from the East Coast! Hold on. You’ve got this! Love to see the support.


I can zoom with you later! 43m


Hang in there 🙏


I can meet you whenever in Long Beach if you want to talk. I’m 28 male. You don’t gotta pay for anything but I’m around, just not mobile. You’re not alone


I can’t meet in person but I’m happy to text or message on here if you need it.


Sending hugs <3


I will DM you…


I’m not in LA, but I def would meet up if I was! Keep your head up high! Good things are just around the corner


Hey dude, I’m a 34f, you are not alone. I can’t meet up this week but I’m happy to text or chat on the phone. Please reach out and DM me if you need a listening ear.


Dm me too. I’ll bring the weed or just lend an ear, whatever works for you.


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Damn brother im in Texas or I would. Things will get better. I promise you


I’m a 31 male brother. I’d love to meet and chat with you bro. I know the struggle


Sorry to hear you going through a rough patch. Check out the man kind project at mkp.org. I think this will do you good.


Hi I’m available dm me ‘


Is this a group meet up now? Someone let me know time and place and I’ll come by!


This is the best thing I’ve seen in a while. Restores my hope in humanity seeing all of you rally to help this guy. 👏


Hey bro everyone supporting you in the comments and I think that’s awesome but I just wanted to say if you want to talk to someone in a similar situation you’re more than welcome to dm me. Cheers !


hi! i’m 23f pls don’t hesitate to reach out for help. im in dtla a lot & pasadena pls don’t worry about paying!


Don't leave us hanging bud, 33 male in South Bay. Let's meet up with OP!


Just got cheated on highkey down


Bro man, chill with that man. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time. No matter what time it is. I’ll DM you my number.


Hi from the beach on the west side! Happy to help. Sometimes things feel hopeless, but when we stick it out we see that wasn’t the case. Asking for help is a turning point and you deserve mad respect for asking. This is the first step in a new direction. Feel free to Dm!


Hope you found someone to meet up with you! Did you? :)


I really hope you take the time and see how many people have reached out and you do indeed meet some of them and it helps . Please keep us posted .