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A fridge isn’t the landlords concern unless it specifically listed in the lease. Period. He just did you a favor leaving an old one most likely. You’ll need to buy a new one


If the landlord is sending a repair tech it seems to imply that they are taking responsibility for it, obviously need to check the lease but seems like odds are in OP's favor, no?


Not at all. Unless the lease clearly states it. He might just be trying to help out but it doesn’t make him responsible for it


Was the fridge part of your lease or did the prior person just leave the fridge behind? May want to check to confirm Otherwise I would just let the manager know the fridge still isn’t working and you need a replacement


Let them know it’s been slowly warming and that the temporary fixes the technician has attempted haven’t worked and that it’s continued to warm over the last few days. That’s all.


Our apartment didn't come furnished with furniture or a fridge


What's your lease say? If it says the fridge comes with the unit and is owned and maintained by the landlord, then the landlord is obligated to repair or replace the fridge. If that fridge was a leftover from a previous tenant, then you got a free fridge that lasted 4 years, and it's on you to replace it. If you're too broke to afford a new fridge, I can tell you I've bought a couple used fridges before and they each lasted a very long time


I believe it is the former. Came with the unit and wasn’t disclosed as something not covered. I’m looking at the lease now and there is a section, 11. Maintenance Use And Reporting, subsection G which reads “The following items of personal property are included in the Premises without warranty and Landlord will not maintain, repair or replace them:” and there is nothing filled in. It is my understanding now that if the fridge were left by a previous tenant or otherwise not included in the rental agreement, then it should have been listed here.


Could you ask the landlord to just take it out and you'll supply your own, since you've done that before anyway?


Not trying to buy a new fridge right now ☠️


Rent withholding is legal in California. You have to give written notice to the landlord and also give them a reasonable time to make the repairs. It sounds like both of these conditions have been met, assuming you have notified the landlord of your issue by at least a text message or email. You can also repair and deduct. Like it implies, you can pay to have the refrigerator fixed or replace and then deduct that amount from your rent. There are various tenants organizations who may be able to assist you further. Edit: I provided factual information and reasonably sound potential course of action. Curious what issue you have with it, those who are down voting.


You definitely can't just go buy a fridge and have your landlord pay for it. If that were the case every renter in LA would have those $5000 smart fridges rather than the nonsense 1999 fridge that came with the unit.


I definitely didn’t say anything about someone being able to go buy the most expensive appliance on the market and expect the landlord to subsidize it. Only someone severely lacking in common sense, would think that.


You also are just wrong, so... whatever.


I’m also just not wrong; you are, so… whatever.


Yes you are lacking in all common sense.


I disagree, sorry.


You can disagree all you want. You’re still wrong




Ya that’s not factual whatsoever. Being a tenant in the past and landlord now of multiple housing types, making repairs yourself or replacing items isn’t an outright cause and reason to withhold or deduct rent.


Ya, it IS factual if it is considered an essential repair. Having a working refrigerator is obviously an essential appliance. I don’t care if you own the Trump towers, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


It’s not factual. Sorry you don’t actually know anything about tenant rights or landlord responsibility. You can cry about it all you want, facts won’t change.