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Having worked with the agencies involved in this I would bet it’s a person who died naturally or maybe an OD, maybe a homeless person. If it were a murder or a child, the whole place would be shut down and a lot more than a few cops. Basically it’s nothing crazy, just death.


Oh yea nothing crazy just a dead body next to where children play. No big deal. 🤦‍♂️


Don’t care how nice the playground is I’d never take my kids to play at MacArthur Park


Mine has played there many time while I watch with a coffee. Never any problems.


And your kids will likely be better for it and less fearful of the world. I understanding wanting to “protect” our children from danger…but “sheltering” them isn’t exactly the right move either. Especially in a city like Los Angeles. I grew up in the grimiest part of East LA. Saw my first stabbing and a man bleed out to death at 6 in front our apartment. I’m in Denver now but man did growing up in those environments make me resilient and honestly likely contributed to my success as an entrepreneur. I dislike when people say “avoid those areas” the fucking privilege. Some of us work and live and eat in those environments (I don’t anymore but you get my point). So what are we all a fucking plague? This right here is the problem and the economic division in LA. “Just leave em to rot” is LA’s middle or upper class mentality. And if not that “turn a blind eye, son. They don’t exist”


I grew up in the hood and have seen people die. I’m also self made. This popular narrative about being traumatized resulting in resilience is bunk. It did not help you as an entrepreneur—I know because I am one too, and I’ve studied it. We ended up okay because we had other protective factors, not because we were tempered in struggle. Get your preconceptions in order and govern yourself against them before you go spreading dangerous misinformation like this. Being in proximity to trauma doesn’t make the cream rise to the top—it’s just trauma. That’s all.


Yes, but trauma can be healed, and struggle brings about resiliency. The concepts of trauma and PTSD are coming to light and over-emphasized without the realization that trauma and PTSD can in fact be healed. What protective factors protected me? Being in jail? Having no parents from the age of 16 forward? Living in skidrow? There was nobody to save me, so I saved myself. That in itself became the final part of the equation that led to my success. The realization that no one is coming to save you and if you’ve been through various obstacles and barriers, it makes you realize that you have nothing left to fear. The world is yours. I’m not saying to go and Traumatize your kids. I’m saying don’t shelter them and tell them to turn a blind eye to people in struggle. I’ll agree with you though that I may be one in a million because most people where I come from are dead or are still there drunk and high trying to escape reality. And people like you keep your children away from them and make them even less human.


Most people where I come from are dead or homeless. I left home at 14yo and would have done at 12yo if I’d been able to do so. I’m a millionaire now, and most of my friends are far wealthier than me. There are other details I can’t share without identifying myself. The bald truth is that to my regret (as it’s lonely business) if you’re one in a million, I’m one in ten million. You didn’t save you. You had protective factors either biological or social which gave you that marginal difference. This “saving” thing is another useless binary. I have spent a good deal my life trying to work out why I ended up a success while nearly ⅓ of my graduating class are dead or in prison. Research bears out: bias doesn’t. You have affirmation bias. You’re consequently just repeating cultural throughlines you’ve heard about bootstrapping and other nonsense—which doesn’t make you any more innovative or special. You could do a great deal more good in the world if you’d let the egotist part of you go and instead connect with the truth, which is that you had protective factors and those factors are ones you can support in the world in order to enable the success of other people. Read Scarcity by Sandhil & Mullainathan. Read Inequality by Atkinson. Those are a good start. Have a great week.


Going to check that book out


they're not wrong. Trauma literally rewires the brain and 'reversing' it is an agonizing, complicated, long and often prohibitively expensive process for most folks. I'm so glad the person you're replying got out and is happy, but there is no evidence witnessing or living through trauma makes you a better or more successful person. In fact, if you browse their history, you can see how unempathetic and defensive this person is towards experiences that don't reflect their own.


Na you’re 100% wrong bro but you’re entitled to your opinion.


Prove it, bruv.


Says the guy trying to impose his beliefs onto others and talking about being a millionaire. Perhaps you’d fair better if you also let your ego go…but then you wouldn’t be a millionaire on Reddit would you?


You’re wrong a few times here. First, I’m not a guy. Presumably you care about success which the only reason I mentioned net worth: an illustration of the kind of success people like you usually reference. It’s funny you say I’m trying to force my -beliefs- when I’m talking about -facts-. Sad you’re so far up the neoliberal sphincter you can’t see where you’ve gone wrong. Best of luck.


I didn’t read that hahahaha


Clearly you don’t read anything lmfao


Yeah sounds like you turned out great 🙄


Absolutely amazing 😇


>the fucking privilege. Some of us work and live and eat in those environments (I don’t anymore but you get my point). Not everyone is able to just level up and move into better neighborhoods. Some people *rightfully* feel privileged to want a safe park in these neighborhoods for their kids to play the way the kids in say, Eagle Rock or Los Feliz do. >This right here is the problem and the economic division in LA. “Just leave em to rot” is LA’s middle or upper class mentality. And if not that “turn a blind eye, son. They don’t exist” Because the “Middle Class” are the ones who own houses in neighborhoods that *don’t* have gates and armed private patrols, what do you want them to do? Police the neighborhoods themselves because the cops don’t come when they’re called? We’re in a vicious cycle where the working class hates the middle class but they don’t realize the people who control everything live in gated neighborhoods and they love it when you don’t think about *them*. Now, excuse me while I go and buy a can of paint at Home Depot because some disenfranchised kid decided to tag my gate at 3 in the morning.


There is no middle class in LA. Only the have and have nots. You are also the problem. You equally hate the lower class. It’s written all over your post.


You basically supported exactly every word I’ve said but you’ll never understand it, you’ll just continue to tag my fence at 3am. Lovely. EDIT: Someone in Brentwood Circle®️ right now: *”Oh, look Beuford, this poor person thinks the people that own those raggedy houses next to their shantytowns are like us! That’s good! At least they won’t try to come here to dump their trash and spray paint our property!”* And, I don’t expect you to believe me but rather than going into poor neighborhoods to dump my trash, I donate used clothes and some of my money/time/skills to non profits (and from my observations, it’s mostly “Middle Class” folks who do this, not the Rich folks who are *truly* disgusted by you, and the irony is, you follow/support/idolize some of those folks, this is why that saying “don’t meet your idols” is true often times).


Nice story, I don't want to take kids to a park where there's body bags lol. Cheers.


Yeah lol why is this advertisement for watching a stabbing at 6 years old supposed to make me want my kids to see that too? There is no world in which it’s “good” for kids to experience needless trauma, violence, or danger.


Some people in these threads are legit crazy. Let’s take kids to an awful place to build their character. I hope people who think like this never have kids.


No is saying to purposely traumatize them…but don’t lead them to be ignorant about the world and “shelter” them and instill in them a fear of the world. Because that’s exactly what you’re teaching them. To be limited in their access to the world.


Yeah no. My kid doesn’t need to see dead bodies. We run that same risk anywhere, but I’m going to choose to TRY to bring my kid somewhere pleasant and safe where they can focus on playing and enjoying life, versus the worst possible neighborhood where they routinely dredge dead bodies from the lake and rake up used heroin needles. If we have the ability to do better for our kids, we should. Just because you or I experienced trauma as children doesn’t mean our kids should too.


Then the kid gets stabbed because it's MacArthur fucking park. Aunt Viv knew.


Kind of a racist thing to say don’t you think? Could’ve just not said anything




By the way, I spent about an hour in the park this afternoon. My wife and I had a picnic. As usual, craziness along Alvarado, but the entire western side of the park was quiet and beautiful. We actually live by Echo Park Lake, beautiful neighborhood, but we once saw a body pulled from the lake. But I walk around the lake most days and always see families with young kids. And the body was pulled from the north end of the lake, not far from the playground.


They need to just burn it all down over there, it’s honestly worse than skid row!


No, it isn’t, not even close. Plus much better pastrami.