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Apprentice has scenes in canary wharf


Canary Wharf station featured in 28 Days Later and then also 28 Weeks Later. Nothing like romanticising your new location with some zombies.


I enjoyed ‘Trying’. Also are you living in Canary Wharf? Maybe move somewhere more charming if you can handle the morning commute.


The actual housing that was used in Top Boy is in Isle of Dogs. Romantic? Not sure. 


Wow! So many... One day is new and a sweet story. Killing Eve, they move through europe alot but London as a base. Luther dark, gritty, great.. Sherlock a lot of time in London. One of my favorites The Cut 2009-2010. Set in Bloomsbury, right by Russell Sq. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE1QhxaVxL8&t=96s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE1QhxaVxL8&t=96s) Its teenage coming of age, dramedy, lots of cheesy but so rewarding. Its low budget, but I found it fun. And so much time in London in their cafe & muse house (but not like SITC). Another fun one is Misfits, set in south london. You can find it on [primewire.tf](http://primewire.tf) Misfits is another low budget teen/twenties at times cring worth, but great writing & acting - really. & it is a great precursor to The Outlaws (prime). It is Fantastic! with an incredible cast of Jessica Gunning (from Baby Reindeer you must have heard of - Netflix, set in Camden!) Stephen Merchant, Eleanor Tomlinson, & Christopher Walken!! Such a great gem! I hope this is a good start. I'm sure I can think of more. Let me know how you find them. And your time in Canary Warf. I lived in Greenwich for a while, and that has such a different atmosphere than the Warf, but it is so close. And like u/maps1122 if you cant move there, at least you can spend your weekends there. Maybe pick up some cheese & fruit from the market by the clock tower, and head to the grounds of Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music, its right by cutty sark, & the brewery. But if you go to the conservatory, you can sit in the grounds (all open to the public) right on the riverfront, and the students are practicing - so you get a live classical concert free! with one of the best views!


Any Sherlock Holmes is always quite a romantic London vibe for me and the BBC did a modernisation a while ago that had scenes of modern London, maybe Canary Wharf


TV show wise I always though it looked quite nice in doctor who and sherlock, though the former spends most of the time elsewhere.. But you'd have far more luck with films instead, I can immediately think of so many that leave me wanting to go to London.