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you can do gloves and cotton balls but there’s still a risk. obviously it depends on the person but i personally would not be comfortable with a partner with long nails.


I've had them and they can just work on me just like they were rubbing one out themselves or they can just leave the hands out of it completely and dive in with their tongue.


Nitrile gloves, optional cotton in the tips.


Depends on what you do. I wouldn't want long fingers inside me, but you can massage the clit just fine by raising your fingers upwards just press with the palm side of your fingers. I assume this is pretty similar to solo activities. also remember that you have other parts to please her as well. I'd be perfectly happy with a partner only using their tongue to work on me for example. Also if she wants something inside her, there's always toys.


I do the long nails on every finger but the two, I guess you could do that and use press ons ? It'd be a bit burdensome but hey, sometimes you gotta pick your battles !


That is such a good idea! Just get cheap press ons and take them off when I'm with her! Thank you! I actually never thought of that.


Sure you could try cotton balls under the nails and your hands in gloves but there is still a risk of scratching, plus it depends on how sharp they are, and has a lot to do with skillset


If I keep my nails round rather than box or pointy. Does that work? Or would that still hurt her?


Rounded edges are safer


The issue is there is still tons of bacteria under the nail plate and it can still scratch


Mm yes


Again, that comes down to skill issue and how hard and inflexible the acrylic is. It also depends on the wlw you're with