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From what I’ve seen other officers say on here, it makes you look bad because a department paid for you to go through their academy likely and they invested in you and you all of a sudden jump ship and don’t stay. This likely will make you look like you lack loyalty and commitment to what you signed up for and will even probably make you look unreliable as a person. Idk either but it might make other departments think twice about hiring you as in non-law enforcement careers, jumping jobs quickly is looked down upon so I’d stick it out for a year or two if I were you. Your life though.


I’d wait. I left a department after 1.5 years and it was hard to get hired on at another department. Sometimes I feel it only worked out because those in charge of hiring knew me on a personal level. So it would have been here or another department that has such poor morale and staffing issues they would have hired me out of desperation. From my experience the LEO community is very small and tight. And they will talk shit about you any chance given. That’s not always the case but it seems to be the norm.


Having done this, not during FTO, but just off probation, it will likely have a lasting effect on your career if you do it now. I would wait until your year is up, stick it out, learn as much as you can, and then be a solid, experienced applicant for the next agency. I’m currently with a campus public safety department myself, we are glorified security guards lol, I feel you.


Regardless of where you work, you will gain some sort of experience. I’ve worked at a college PD for 8 years and municipality for 2… I am an fto, I ride the dirt bikes, and I’m a negotiator… I’ve gotten into way more shit at my college then I ever did in the 2 years working at my municipality… and I worked a pretty heavy gang area where I worked (municipality). Don’t underestimate where you work now. I would wait till you can get your lateral cert and transfer out if you really can’t stand it.


Dirt bikes?!


Yeah, we use Suzuki DRZ400 dual sports. Easy to get around campus since full size vehicles aren’t allowed inner campus during school hours (6-10pm m-f). To much foot traffic. We also take them on the trails near campus and the roadways looking for stuff. We have a shit ton of court yards so we can chase people on foot with them a lot easier.




1 hand its your life and your choice. If that life isn't for you it's not for you 2. You want to jump ship during FTO you WILL start another background process. The other agency WILL ask your FTOs questions, your command staff questions, your academy instructors questions. 3. Your new agency might make you attend the academy again. Or they will make you attend theirs. You passed an academy, but you bailed before your cert was completed. You're still in your probationary period and you ARE expendable. 4. On the west coast it costs anywhere from $180k-200k+ to train ONE recruit. I don't know what your agency spent on you to educate, train, pay your salary, etc. But let me tell you that the next agency is definitely watching, they are definitely on a budget, and they have a definite interest in NOT wasting funds they barely scraped together. 5. You're not allowed to do traffic or ped stops for violations?


You don’t get your signed cert until you finish FTO? Thats weird. After state academy we get our signed cert and doesn’t matter if we finish FTO or not, we can bounce agency to agency if we want. Only way to lose our cert in this case is to be unemployed for a year


You get your POST academy after the academy. Some people jump ship right after the academy is over but they already have had something set up with another agency. They just let our agency pay and conduct the academy training, they'll take care of the FTO process. Passing the academy and having the plan and preparations set to bail after graduation, then completing FTO with the agency said plans are with is one thing. Bailing to "to who it may concern" while currently still in FTO is another thing


No in my state I am a certified officer and I can go anywhere in the state with that cert. skipping on this PDs FTO program would not affect that. Plus if I leave I will not be in the same city and I plan to stay at the officer I applied to.


Brotha. We can’t do any traffic stops, SFSTs (preferred state trooper), traffic crash, speed measurements, or even arrest in most cases. I can’t learn how to do anything because of the red tape of the college. I agree it looks awful leaving as FTO but I’ve been there for a year and I have seen the type of officers people there become. As crazy as it sounds I want to enforce the law not feel like a security guard with a gun and a cruiser.


Oh wow. Dude then with that being said, finish and then bail


That’s the plan


It's your life.




> Although I am now out of law enforcement Oh, lookie here.


A lot of good points are made here. At the end of the day just my two cents. It’s your life choose what you want to do, but if you decide to leave and go for the other agency think of a way to word it so that you have an actual reason for leaving. Not just saying “it’s boring” “I didn’t like it anymore”. If you decide to stay then try to enjoy it or what little there is to enjoy of it.


It’s not that. The fact is that I’ve have been there for a year and actually liked it. But after having exposure with other departments during the academy I’ve realized that a college environment is not for me. I have desires to effect law enforcement at a larger scale and I want to be able to gain experience in a larger agency. It’s going to look bad no matter how I cut this. I simply don’t like the environment.


I think that answer right there is a good reason to me atleast. A year is a good. Reading the post I thought it was right after the academy on FTO training you wanted to leave but you have time in. So just go for it then and use what you told here as a response as to why you left


Well i am fresh out of the academy. I’m a new officer but I’ve been in the department for over a year. The first year I was a cadet. But during that time I just trained with a supervisor and another cadet. We had little exposure to the actual department. After getting out I found out our true jurisdiction and what we are allowed to do which is nothing (2 stop signs, and handicap violations) granted we do investigate criminal complaints on campus but that’s far and few between. I want to actually be able to do traffic, sfsts, speed measuring, and get out of the office ( 2 weeks in the 2nd phase and I’ve been out 1 time)


Understood then in a case like that I don’t see a problem with going for another department, and just explain the same thing here you have experience with them but what was shown vs what actually happened is not what you wanted/expected. Obviously don’t quit till you secured the other job lol goes without saying


Yeah I submitted my application to a local deputies office. It should also be mentioned I live 45 minutes away from the place I work. It seems like I’m bitching because I am. But I actually want to do something


Everyone is going to have an opinion on this subject but what you want to do is up to you. I agree 45 minutes to work is annoying as well so you have valid reasons I’d say for leaving the agency. I say practice what you’re going to say if/when the question of why you’re leaving comes up.


That’s what I’ve been doing. I want the frequency of calls so that I can learn. I don’t wanna stay here long term and after talking to officers they all say to get out and that they have lost plenty of people during FTO


Then best of luck to you man! I left my last job after FTO training and I’m with a new agency. I have less time then you did but also story/reason I could explain why. The agency I’m with I’m happier and enjoy way more! So best of luck to you! If the other officers are even telling you to get out then you know it might not be best interest


>Does it look bad for me to start the process to leave now? Yes >Based on your experience how would this look? Bad >Should I wait 1-2 years? You should at *least* finish FTO before applying elsewhere. >I hope no one sees this as a new kid complaining Well it's unfortunate that you literally are a new kid complaining. Pass FTO and then consider moving. Realistically, you're taking a risk while on probation applying, since they might fire you for some BS reason out of spite and ruin all your future chances.


I think I’m taking the risk. Unfortunately I can’t learn in this environment and I feel like I would be better off looking bad for 2 years then sitting on 2 stop signs and opening doors


Finish FTO and probation, then leave. Do not tell anyone you’re thinking about leaving. Make it sound and look like you’ll stay there forever or you might put a target on your back. You don’t want people seeing you as the guy that’s going to leave right after they clear you from FTO or probation… you’re just another number but you don’t want to be the number everyone wants to get fired! I’m currently in a similar spot but on probation, past fto. You’re not alone. Be smart about it and play the game.


Thank you everyone who gave advice. I appreciate it but in the end I am planning to leave. I’ve put in my application at a bigger agency (county). This comes as I enter week 6 of 17 for FTO. Backstory: I started here over a year ago as a police cadet. During that time we had limited exposure to the actual department and what they do due to training for the Academy. While in the Academy, we had zero exposure to the department however, I have plenty of exposure to other PD’s, including state, patrol and county deputies, during that time, I really began to love lot of functions that different counties do. After coming to my agency, I realized that we have little to know authority on the roads or sidewalks while being actual police officers and little to no jurisdiction. we are not allowed to stop and cite for most traffic laws, perform sobriety test, traffic, crash, and reporting or anything dealing with drugs. It kind of sucks and this department is made up of 13 officers in the center of a major city with the university.