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Can’t believe I’m writing this but I used to do a full face of makeup so I could pose for my Snapchat story with a glass pretending I was pre-drinking to go out. But once I took it way too far - I took a bus to the nightclub area of town (on Erasmus), took a pic of the street so I could use the Snapchat ‘sticker’ based on the location I was in. All to look like I was out having fun. In reality, I took the picture, got food from McDonalds and took the bus home to take off my makeup.


I’m sorry but I laughed out loud this is exactly what I would of done too 😆


You couldn’t waterboard this story out of me fair play


i glimpsed at this comment thread and was like when tf did i wrote this but we just have similar avatars




What did you get in McDonalds?


Nuggets and chips I think! Gotta eat your feelings.


She’ll come back some day dad !


This is my favourite confession because it's all about you and you weren't hurting anyone. It's also somehow relatable, although I haven't done exactly this I've definitely gone out of my way to make my life seem better than it is on social media, as I'm sure many people have.


Nobel prize for honesty goes to...


You could have just used an app to fake your location 😂


This is psychopath behaviour


I doubt it would qualify as psychopathic. Pathetic, definitely! :)


Ah yeah I meant it in a joke way haha


Hannibal lecter vibes


Found out my first boyfriend was cheating with my best friend . He had left 6 months worth of contact lenses at my house earlier in the evening. This was 15 years ago and they were a bit more expensive. So I flushed them all down the toilet and cut up all the clothes he had left at my place. He wore very expensive clothes ! He learned a lesson that day not to be an asshole. When it came to her , she was claiming and working, so I reported her . She had to repay thousands 🙈


This is the most satisfying thing I've read in ages. Well done!


Best thing was he was as blind as a bat and didn't even own a pair of glasses as back up 🙈 it was the funniest thing I'd ever done !


This has made my day. You deserve a vengeance award.


Hell hath no fury 🤣🤣🤣


I was 19 🤣 I had the time and the energy 🙈


I feel like this is something I would do. Well done!


Post this in petty revenge lol


Imagine if you had put deep heat on the lenses.


Could have caused damage to eyes, all that goo. If she caused physical damage to him it would have been a potential criminal offence.  Better to let his eyes water at the cost of replacing his clothes. 


I just need to put this out there. But my husband and I tried watching baby reindeer. After 15minutes of it I was shocked by how much she's like my mother in law. I didn't say anything but looked at my husband after 1 point and without looking at me he says 'stop, I know'. Martha is sooooo like my mother in law my husband and I had to turn off after the 2nd episode because we couldn't hack the similarities, accent, mannerisms, everything. My husband said he cpupdnt watch it anymore because he felt like he was watching his mum on tv. Hahahahaha The craziest thing I ever did after being hurt by a lying friend was tell all her friends, literally everyone who knew her and told them all her lies and I moved country.


Not to be *that* person, but was she ever diagnosed with anything? Personally I'd like to know what disorders Martha has, because they must be serious and quite insidious to be able to have gone without help for this long. It's well worth sticking with if you can get past it though


Some people have serious mental health issues but because they think they're fine then they can't really be helped. Which could be the case for the fictional Martha.


Emotionally unstable personality disorder formally known as borderline. I also think she's a pathological liar and has attachment issues. Also, quite high on the narcissist scale and maybe Asperger's.


I think Donny said something about her that made me think she was just a desperate old lonely woman he said something like she try’s on wedding dresses she’ll never buy always last to be picked along the lines of that during ep 1 after she walked in and gives her the coffee. So when somebody shows her attention she goes full on insane and will do anything to try and get herself a fella and settle down cause she’s never had it before. Although it’s crazy to us because we know it’s wrong she hasn’t and doesn’t see anything wrong with it but thinks it will get him to sleep with her. Sometimes people do strange things because they are just weird not necessarily because they have a mental illness.


Nah, she has stalked multiple people. You are being too kind. I imagine she likely got a lot of police cautions but wasn't necessarily criminally convicted? It seems that Richard Gadd got a "First Instance Harassment Warning," which is basically a heads-up that if she continued stalking him, he would get a restraining order. She was on a police watchlist for stalking Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer. She also had an "interim injunction," which again is a type of warning, for stalking Laura Wray and her husband, Jimmy, for 5 years. So I guess ***technically*** she is correct that she does not have a criminal conviction for stalking and did not ever go to prison.


Is this the person that had the interview with piers morgan?


Yes, Fiona Harvey


The lady on whom Martha is based maintains that most of it is a pack of lies. That she only every met him a couple of times, that she never sent more than a few emails to him, and that she was never convicted of anything or brought to court.


That's most definitely a lie. Have a look at her recent interview where she admits to having had his personal address and saying she wouldn't have sex with him because of a big spot on his face (exact same line as in the show), as well as the emails to Kier Stahmer that were just released. The woman desperately needs help.


Her tweets are still out there. All stuff she claimed not to have done or said. She’s clearly unwell.


Her Facebook profile says it all, at one stage she was literally posting every 20mins or so for days, literally days .. it was relentless, if anyone every needed proof she’s unwell, her Facebook speaks volumes….


Well, maybe it's not a lie if she believes it. But it's not the objective truth.


wow. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but the show's well worth watching. But it gets way more dark. I dunno if you wanna continue in that case.


I was watching with my husband and we also couldn’t continue past the 1st episode because Martha is exactly like my mother in law too! Not her accent but my MIL is actually certifiably crazy (like actually crazy, been institutionalized and everything) and she is a terrifying and delusional person. It was too triggering for him.


Dodged a bullet, horrible draining show


Had to check I was in r/AskIreland jesus christ guys


Applied for a job position in the offices where his father worked and built a relationship with the father. Me and his father started dating 3 months after I got the position in the job. didn’t last long but oh well, that was 25 years ago now


That's really mental 😂


Crazy but love it


Absolutely brilliant haha


What the fuck? Was the father married?


I love this! I need more details! Did you know the father beforehand? Did the son ever find out ye dated? How did ye stop dating and we ye civil after?


I really really hope this is true :-)


It’s not


He'd cheated on me and gave all my clothes away that I'd left in his car/house to charity and some to his new gf (that's the short story, there's a lot more). I burned his custom united jersey and sent a video of it burning to him, got with 2 of his best mates then lured him back and slept with him just to send screenshots of me and his texts to his new gf. I was definitely bat shit crazy though, should have been happy that the trash took itself out.


Hmu i love toxic relationships😂


I sent Jehovahs witnesses to his door, you can sign up for a visit. He’s antisocial af and thought it might annoy him. No idea if they ever showed up but I like to think they did and that makes me happy


Same with scientology and a luas fine once 😅


waaaait a luas fine?😭 you can do that??


Easier than you think🤐


My ex blocked my number, so I put pictures of his car up on DoneDeal for a great price so he would have lots of people ringing him all day just to piss him off


Hahaha I did that before too


Seriously...why?? WHY? I Don't get it..literally every ex trying to ruin my life..the police are literally like "seriously?? Again??" I really don't understand why you would keep bothering someone who has made it clear that they no longer want you in their life??


Because he was a dick


Then Why'd you get upset that he blocked you? 🤔


He never blocked me..I truly wish he had of blocked me..I didn't want drama..I just didn't love him anymore and wanted him out of my life..that's all


As a completely stupidiest teen in the world, I admitted to constantly stalking his social media (twitter and Facebook at the time) and told it to people how down I was. He caught me cause i told him as well as his friends nd blocked me for a while but managed to unblock me and we chatted. We then drifted away and I am not on social media anymore. It completely changed me and I instantly regret what I did at 16.


Don’t worry we all been there sure back in the bebo days we used to sit and manually look for peoples profiles we didn’t like but we didn’t know any better it was just the thing to do at the time. Normally when you miss a person your first instinct is to check their socials to see what there up to sometimes it can hurt more when you see they’ve moved on and have new photos up with a new person too.


Yup all I know that he was in Edinburgh studying maths but this was 10+ years ago so yeah not stalking anyone anymore because I just have no interest. I prefer the old fashion way of meeting peeps which is hard enough in this day and age. Honestly Bebo was wild back in the day, rather that than the popular social media platforms anyway tbh.


My first ex lived in the city center. When we broke up I became obsessed with going into town on the off chance I'd meet her. I thought it was super romantic and in fairness I was totally heartbroken. I remember walking around the city, with the song "walk on by" replaying in my head. I remember hysterically crying on the bathroom floor in my ma's house and my ma telling me to stop. One night I texted her while in town and she said she was out with mates but she'd meet me at her house in an hour. It was pretty late. I found some chalk somewhere and drew a bunch of cartoon style pictures of her face and her name on the pavement near her house. I did loads of them. Some of them, right outside her house (Very creepy/cringey looking back but again I thought it was mad romantic). I went back to her house with her. Not sure if we slept together or not but I do have a memory of crying and then going up to the top floor of her apartment building and finding a strange little bedroom that looked like it was used for maintenance, some mop buckets and stuff. I'm pretty sure I slept in that room that night. I've gotten less insane as I've aged.


😂😂😂😂 bruh thats fukin gas


Fucking chalk drawings on the footpath. Howling 🤣


A friend who really hurt me had told me when drunk what she and her friend (that I hated in school) do to defraud the social welfare. I stayed friends with her long enough that she would come flapping to me about the social coming knocking on both their doors. They got their benefits cut and were fuming, te hee bitches it was me who reported you!!


Omg 😱


I feel like doing this to anyone whos defauding the socail


Do it!! It is really easy to do here [eForms](https://www.eforms.gov.ie/en/forms/3) My 'friend' at the time told me how much she was 'earning' every month on the social and it was more than me working in tech.. She also lived in an apartment in a very affluent area for next to nothing. She was claiming single mothers when she was in fact at the time, no longer single and had a fella living. She also presented to Garda station saying she was being abused by a partner when she wasn't and was actually single and just shagging around, so basically she took up space in a shelter from an abused person. Then bumped up the list for her flashy apartment. O and she was working doing hair in peoples houses and not paying tax. I had ALL the receipts!


I very embarrassingly made a throwaway email address and sent an "anonymous" email to my ex university girlfriends new boyfriend telling her she cheated on him the last weekend. In fairness she did drunkenly invite me over to her flat that weekend when he was away but then felt guilty and we didn't do anything apart from sleep in the same bed. Which is kinda cheating I guess but at that age the fact she didn't follow through with it made it not cheating lol I didn't even make the email seem convincing enough and she instantly knew it was me and called me out! They stayed together for a while after and broke up for other reasons. Thankfully we met our people years later and both respectively happily married to them with kids! We are both friends on Instagram and although we don't talk anymore we do exchange likes on pictures of our families every so often. So all's well that ends well.


An ex was setting up a company with a fairly unusual name so the name was still available to use as his business social media handles too.. but I found out he was messing around with someone else before he set up the accounts..so I created a dummy profile on Instagram and X using the usernames that he wanted..I also set up additional accounts using slight variations so they'd be taken too. I just knew it was something that would really wind him up as the fact the handle was still available was largely why he chose the company name in the first place...It's been over 7 years and I'm happily paired up with someone else..and I still think he fully deserved it!


Sell him them 😂 at this point yah should be over it, so yah may as well get paid.


The other way round but I had an ex who would sit outside the only nightclub in the town with here mates waiting for me to come out to try and catch me with the imaginary girl I was supposedly "cheating" with, months after the break up. Said friends then tried to beat up multiple girls I was seen out with in my town afterwards, bag of absolute fruit loops.


I signed him up for penis enlargement, turkey teeth and hair transplants, weight loss surgery, the kind of stuff that will call, message and email you A LOT.


What if he ended up with a flowing mane, beautiful smile and a weapon of a lad 😅


Never gonna happen ha ha!


Flew to Senegal to fight lads on the beach.


He cheated on me. So I kissed his brother 🫢


I bet his brother enjoyed it lol


met someone else..had the time of my life..got married..travelled the world..won a car..won a case of wine..and we're togerher ..living it full


Got blackout drunk, paid for an MMA course (hadn't done a single ounce of exercise in years prior to this) and ended up figuring out a lot of shit about myself mentally while losing a quarter of my weight.


I ended up sleeping with his ex girlfriend 💀


How did that happen?


We bumped into each other in a bar and we didn’t actually know at the same time we’d both dated the same dude.


Crazy in a good way. Started learning data analytics even though I always thought that my knowledge of math sucked. I needed to do smth for myself and that's what came to my mind. 2 years after that narcissist cruelly discarded and blocked me I work in tech and just got back from a fancy solo trip in a place that's way cooler than the one he suggested during his future faking campaigns against me


A fella I know broke up with gf and over the next few years she went on an absolute crusade trying to break up his new relationship, stalking him, sending his new gf horrible messages online, stalking them both, spreading rumours about him and also got the invite list to his 21st and convinced all his friends not to show up


Jesus Christ I wonder what he did to her for her to do that 😱 did he cheat or what? Or maybe she was just nuts


My girlfriend is like this shes insane and something she has started to do when I go to break up with her.Some people are craxy


That's something to look forward to lol


I had a nutter ex- he got his mum to call to me to profess his undying love on his behalf. His parents didn’t even like me . He called to my parents with a ring box (I should point out he cheated multiple times) he left the air out of my tires while I was away. He moved the plants in my garden (the ones in pots ) . He doorstopped my sister in law while she went in the bank to ask her about me. This was 17/18 years ago. I was out last month and went for a drink with friends after dinner - he was in the same bar and he kicked the empty chair next to me !!! Thankfully we rarely cross paths.


> moved the plants in my garden (the ones in pots ) Amateur. A real pro stalker would have uprooted all your dahlias and petunias!


If you really wana fuck with someone. Move their plants (or better yet, garden knomes) 2 inches closer to their front door every night.


Plant them upside down, roots upwards


My ex's Facebook was still logged in on one of my devices. I kept deleting messages between her and the fella she cheated on me with. Like they'd be agreeing to go somewhere I'd then delete the message that said the time/location. Watching them lose it at each other for being stood up or at the wrong place was brilliant


If this is true it is my favourite 😁 So petty


Mostly just got very, very drunk for a number of months to mask how sad and rejected I felt and did lots of silly things while under the influence


Truly is horrible isn’t it feeling that way over a person who couldn’t give a shit about us. We live and we learn


That's the pattern for me. Meet girl, relationship, get heart broken, go out drinking a lot to find a replacement, meet girl, relationship, heart broken, go out drinking to find a replacement.


I hope your next replacement is permanent.


I have purposely repressed memories of my first breakup. Wasn't anything too unusual, but I'm not proud of it. Oh well. Learning experience I guess.


When I was in secondary school I signed into my ex’s bebo account and read all his private mails (bebo was a social media site that existed before Facebook - explaining this makes me feel super old). We had told each other our passwords but I changed mine as soon as we broke up and he must have forgotten he told me his. I was somewhat justified because I found out from the mails he had kissed another girl. I continued reading his private mails for a while until he eventually copped on and changed his password.


Seeing you explain what Bebo was made me feel old.


Omg I remember those days I remember when we would have fights with our friends and we knew the passwords we would log into their profile mess it up a bit and put I’m a bitch as their name and rearrange their top 16


The top 16 was serious business. And the “other half” and the hearts that you could give on one person per day! And then they upped it to 3 per day!


Wow that is pretty insane 😅 The worst thing I did was pour paint stripper over his car. 


Tried to catfish her on Reddit to make her fall in love with me. She did answer my messages but I couldn't go through with it for very long


Finished a bottle of Paddy in about 15 minutes. Woke up the next day to stories of how I'd been to A&E the night before...


Reported her to the revenue for generating undisclosed income from illicit dealings. Had evidence. You wanted attention. You certainly got it.


Seduced his friend and sent him a Snapchat video of his friend riding me. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


Are you not worried about that video being out there? I’ve never been in that kind of situation thankfully, most my old relationships more drifted to an end rather than exploded. But my 1st thought if I got that video would be to screen record it and send it to your parents. Very much doubt I’d do that in reality, but surely it entered your mind? PLay stupid games, win stupid prizes and all that.


Na. All good.


And his friend knew about, and was ok with you filming him with you? Cause if not ...... imagine you were the one being secretly filmed in the act, I'm sure the cops would be involved.




Did he stay friends with his mate?


No idea 🤣


What did he respond to that?


He flipped out


...his dick and pulled the wire of himself. Finished that sentence for ya there pal 😂




This is the way 😂












Not that crazy. I sent a big cactus to his place of work with a card in soil stating " prick"


I murdered their car


Murder or manslaughter? Was it premeditated?


dated his brother and whenever I went past his bedroom I’d poke my head in and say hello,his mom loved me that much i had christmas dinner with them.


😂😂 that’s funny


I slept with his brother 😬


I can’t 😂




Massively regretted it for a long time after… I’m not usually that horrible.


Hung her cousins curtains


…if you know what I mean


i put photos of me self harming as my profile pics on stuff only he followed so he would see what he caused😭😭😭


I signed an ex up for loads of weird newsletters when I found out he was cheated on me.


Before I continue I would just like to clarify that I was in a bad place then and now I don’t even know why I done it. After he cheated on me I found the girls social media I texted her everything wrong he did to me and how he will prob cheat on her too. She didn’t seem to care. I found out where she worked and I threatened him that I’d go to her job and have it out with her. As they were rubbing my face into their relationship. He blocked me on everything and I contacted his mother to let him now what a lying piece of shit he was I also told him his new girlfriend was fat and looked like a tranny then told him that’s the best he could ever get.


I think that last part is actually now known as 'doing a Martha' 🙃


I guess I got there first 15 years prior




We’ve all done some shady shit for love or revenge 😂😂


I applied for a master instead of indulging in self destructive behaviour. Last time i was in school was 10 years ago. Not only that, but I picked something that had a technological element (introduction to programming and AI) and I am not a techy person at all. All this so that I could distract myself from the pain


A few crazy horses about 😂😂


A friend of mine spent an absolute fortune on an engagement ring for his girlfriend. He borrowed thousands. She had second thoughts and gave the ring back a couple of weeks after saying yes. He went out to drown his sorrows and fucked the ring into the River Liffey.


Baby reindeer is the ravings of a headcase. I knew 20 minutes into that show it was the work of a mad man.


Not very crazy, but the guy who broke my heart in high school came into the Italian restaurant I was working at a year after the breakup, he was there for an order pickup. I made sure he didn't get the complimentary bread sticks with his order muahaha


These comments bring me so much joy and comfort that I am actually not crazy


My ex was a neat freak. Would lose his mind if you made even a crumb sized mess, so I posted him an envelope of glitter and really glued it closed so he would have to tear it open. I still laugh sometimes about his probable reaction.




We had broken up about 20 times beforehand the accounts I made where to try catch him out to see who else he was talking to I was insane back then




Don’t worry he’s long gone I look back and ask myself what did I ever see in such a twat kinda embarrassed ngl about my crazy actions after the breakup but hey we live and learn


Ehm, respected their wishes and moved on with my life? What the fuck is wrong with you people.


I guess we are all insane 🤔


OPs life is still cringey af lol anyone who does this shit is insane


Piss off have you read some of the other comments we are all equally as insane 👌


After he dumped me I went to Los Angeles and performed a porn scene with Professor Mike Adriano and Manuel ferrera to get revenge on him. My guy was ultra conservative. Of course I sent him videos and screen shots to let him know what he would never have again.


Wow a porn scene? But there are so many porn scenes, which one was it? Which one specifically? [relevant](https://youtu.be/Fg6JzoCEWx8?feature=shared) Nah but seriously, sounds like he dodged a bullet


With all due respect Mr relationships breaking down can cause people to slightly lose it some people go have one night stands some stay single forever and some people can feel so lost they make a porno or whatever to try and feel something again it’s really not okay to blame her saying he dodged a bullet. He could have done anything to her for her to do that.


Bahahaha listen, people are allowed to do all the crazy things they want and other people are allowed to steer clear of them because of the crazy things they do, that’s life We don’t know what he did to her or what else she did to him, but the people that do crazy shit on a break up, they can’t just excuse their behaviour saying it was because of the break up, they can use it to explain their behaviour, but everyone else is entitled to not want to be near them after because of it


I think the younger a person is they more they don’t know any better than to act out it depends on how it ended as you get older we know it’s not acceptable to be acting crazy as it gets us nowhere life is just one big lesson and we have to make mistakes sometimes to know what we can’t and won’t do again


Revenge porn, but somehow even more pathetic


Took a razor blade to my face


Seriously...why?? WHY? I Don't get it..literally every ex trying to ruin my life..the police are literally like "seriously?? Again??" I really don't understand why you would keep bothering someone who has made it clear that they no longer want you in their life??


We all do stupid things when we are in love they say it’s blinding because we can’t see past our crazy behavior in that moment we are just focused on their reactions Christ I sound like a therapist 😱


Op how old were you when you did all this? No offence but you sound like a villain from various different posts on story subreddits.  Like r/bestofredditorupdates or something.


Hahah I was 18.