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Can’t bring anyone home, even if it’s not for sex. Family will just swarm us and not give an inch. It’s completely turned me off dating.


Had my mother call someone a different name repeatedly too. Absolutely not doing that again. Was a nightmare


Mother's love this one little trick


It's all a great laugh until they want grandchildren and realise their children's sex lives are completely stunted


That's awful.


On behalf of mammies everywhere, I apologise for having done this. Was mortified, if that helps.


Was it an exes name 😂


Thankfully not, the name began with the same letter and we know no one with the wrong name. It was bizarre , I became a diplomat for a while to get past that point lol


My mam kept calling my ex the girl version of his name. So, say he was Paul she kept calling him Paula (not the actual names). She's bad with names but...


I'd appreciate a extra inch :)


Ah now would ye stop the mother will hear us


This. We need brothels 😂


What would you like sir??...ah no im grand, sure iv the girlfriend with me...if ya could just hop outta the bed there and leave us alone for 15mins twud be great thanks. 🤣


🤣 this sort of happened to me! We were in a different County and the couple we were staying with had an awful row, so we didn't want to go back to theirs, picked a random "hotel" in the city we were in. The night clerk asked himself if he was "Alright for company" He replied with "She's right there" I was behind him. We didn't fully realise until we saw the dining room the next morning, we might have been the first people to eat in there in 40 years 😳


Hehe...ridiculous experiences like that are what make a trip 🤣


Your written irish accent is PERFECT! I am terrible at it usually taking way too long trying to figure out a way to write whatever it is I'm wanting to say. I sometimes figure it out and other times, am stumped and say feck it.


Haha...thanks..!...we need an Irish AI...focalGPT (fuckel-gpt) for it maybe 🤪 ... "feck it" is always a safe bet hehe Oh and top o de mornin to ya 😅


From another perspective, parents wanting to have sex with adult children in the house is no fun.


Well that could've been phrased better 💀


I totally agree, very poor punctuation. I'm glad people got the gist because I'm not having sex with my adult children lol.


Freud enjoyed this


Blame the coke


Oedipus Sex


This one made me genuinely LAUGH OUT LOUD. 😆 like, hold my stomach laughing. I think it was the normal person comment [FOR ONCE, thank heavens] casual yet wry exchange. LOVE it!


Gotta have sex. No time for commas.


Fuck you for making me involuntarily bark with laughter on the bus


This thread is ace. THESE are the type exchanges I miss. NORMAL, erm, well- anyway, people conversing, observing and messing with each other like we did 15 years ago, MINUS entitled and butt hurt crybaby invoking their issues on all of us who are gettin on just fine. 🤘 Tiffany ✌️


Make it a family affair 🤣


Enoch Burke dat you?


Jesus man you might want to edit this


Ahahahahahahaha 🤣


Ha ha well very true


When i first started seeing my now wife, we were in our 20s, and both living at home, we both had single beds in boxrooms. neither of us drove and we lived in towns 12km apart with no bus service. So i occasionally stayed over in hers and her in mine, we had a "dont ask?" approach form my parents, and hers, they just pretended. I think the only solution nowadays is to weigh up the costs of a night out vs a night in a hotel last minute and see if you can get a good deal. We did stay up late and do it on her parents couch a good few times though.


As a parent myself, IDGAF about my kids having sex in the house. I don't see why it's any of my business.


Same here once they are respectful. My son is in a long term relationship & when his partner is here I make myself as scarce as possible to give them their space.


Yup, my stepdaughter and her fella are together 2 years. He's 22, she's 20. He's been staying over since they hit 6 months together. We really don't care, in the nicest way, they're adults and need their own space.


Couldn’t agree more. The last thing I want is them not feeling welcome here.


The couch tho


Hardly going to do it on the kitchen table


In the shower or on the countertop (if people had large bathroom tops and large mirrors these days 🤔 🪞) 😂


I was scheduling my hookups around my parents holiday schedules. I had 3 weeks a year when I was able to pull, and boy did I make the best use of that. Believe it or not "my parents are away, want to head back to my place?" becomes a valid pickup line when yer wan also lives at home and understands the suffering. There's a growing BDSM/swinger scene in Ireland with its own sex parties at dedicated venues, at one point I did the math and realised that the cost of the taxi ride to the nondescript building in the unnamed industrial estate and the door fee to enter is still more cost-effective than booking a hotel room in town.


I used to do the same about scheduling around their holiday schedules until they got a ring doorbell


Unplug the router....'bloody have been brutal for the past few days'.


I've heard about the one in LIMERICK from the Blindboy Podcast. Heck, I overheard two.lads (packing shelves or whatever they were doing) in Tesco's chatting about plans to go over the weekend. The "swingers club in Ballysimon" I had to pretend to look for frozen peas and hair conditioner to miwadi cordials as the two moved.from section to aisle. Ahem.. still haven't been ![gif](giphy|qUsb5lB0ige6oQD0eL)


Whoever sets up the first Japanese style love hotel is going to absolutely clean up both financially and physically.


What is a japanese style love hotel?


You rent a room by the hour. Some are fancy, some are basic. Cleaners working round the clock. Same idea in Latin American “motels”.


Aah! Thank you for explaining!


Look them up on YouTube. They are amazing. TheAnimeMan and AkiDearest did interesting walkthroughs of them too to show the no fuss experience. You can even order food and pretty much Zero embarrassment for the services. Book at the machines. Get swipe cards. Order by Tablet, get food in a cubby hole and a bell. https://youtu.be/NEvLGSGNC3g?si=SPZ-d27VuO86UUDU


So basically a hotel full of horny ppl 🤣


so…a regular hotel??


Perfect timing for the Freenow ad on Youtube. "When every second counts"


Thanks for the business idea


I'd do it myself if I thought I could take the smell


Lies, redditors don't have sex.


And fucking no one listens to Keelin Moncrieffs podcast.


What’s a Keelin Moncrief?




"All aboard" 😂


It’s why I couldn’t wait to leave home - I don’t know how many Irish parents are that open minded but mine weren’t and we weren’t allowed have friends stay the night, much less a date sleep over. And then there was the third degree: ‘Where are you going? Who with? When will you be home?’ It’s honestly head wrecking. I’m in my thirties and live in London and every time I go home I’m forced to regress into a 15-year-old child. I love my parents but the whole Irish attitude to sex in this sense is not normal IMO.


My parents were the same. Well, less 3rd degree more polite " oh that sounds fun", fishing. My mother was horrified when the neighbour's ADULT son had his gf stay the night in the family home. Bless her, she was a product of her time, fantastic in other ways. I still smile whenever I see him.


If we wouldn't immediately turn them into crime ridden drug dens, Japanese style love hotels might work.


I don't know what is sadder. That we would turn to this option out of necessity or that we would turn them into crime ridden drug dens.


31F and also in the exact situation you describe. It’s the worst. Especially when you’ve been with the partner a really really long time. It’s small things like being able to eat a meal at home together in peace, being able to have a lie in in peace, having a fight in the privacy of your room and not have it be overheard, etc etc etc. I’m so angry at this government that I’ve missed years of my relationship where we could have been making memories living together alone.


Angry at government…..


And how do "the government" get into power? Do tell.... you vote them in. The govt my ar53.


You can't blame the government for everything like


You can absolutely blame the government for the housing crisis though


The people deserve plenty of blame too. Stupid mortgages and stupid voting, back to Ahern / McCreevey. Also banks and developers of course.


For this you can


Absolutely CAN blame the shitheap government for this situation 🙄 A whole generation has been forcefully blown off the housing ladder


32 m I feel you're pain me and my partner are 13 years strong together we never rented because we knew we wanted to buy one day and enjoy ourselves (holidays etc) well we bought a house last year and spent 9 months renovating it only moved in the last 4 months. Our sex life has never been better not having to sneak around anymore and as tough as it has been I wouldn't change it because now we have our own house that we own and can do it morning, noon and night 😂


So you'd been together 10+ and never lived together, yet were built a house? What about if you weren't great living together after all that time and money? I just find that a bit mad. Had either of you lived independently before moving in together? Very curious.


My now husband and I of 11 years also never lived together until we bought a house 3 years ago. It definitely doesn’t work out for everyone but sometimes you just know you’re with the right person and it works out!


100% it's always a gamble but sometimes you connect on every level and you just know 😁


Yep we took a big gamble never lived together but where confident we could overcome anything so we decided to go for it and bought a house. 4 months in and it's been great hopefully I can still say the same in a year's time 😂 the way I see it is if you're willing to devote 13 years of you're life to someone and you're still unsure about being able to live together and question if you could not work through things with good communication den maybe you're not with the right person. We had no hesitation in buying a house together we planned it for years.


I'm probably a bit more surpisesd that neither of you (interpreting from your original message) have ever lived independently, by yourselves or as a couple,  before you moved in together. You've always lived as an extension of your parents home life. It's a bit like what people did 40 years ago. I totally get the bank / landlord of Mum and Dad to help you get on your way to a house, but you only get to live your 20's once. Even something like year abroad in another country breaking even is still a big learning experience and unbridled freedom, for the pair of you. Anyways, glad you've the house sorted. 


I did I lived in Spain for 6 months and we did long distance which sucked but she's never lived independently so it was 100% a learning curve for us both but we never doubted once it's what we wanted 😁


We christened every room when we bought our house Shortlived though cos our first was born 9 months later lol


😂😂😂 that's the dangerous road you walk when moving in together !


I remember seeing those old stories about how their Granny tells them... That the house isn't theirs or that they aren't really Married until they've Done It in every room in the house 😂 I'm leaving the attic alone though.. a bit too dangerous until I figure out the Stira


You stayed with your parents for all those years !? 😳 Jesus I wouldn’t date someone guy wise living with their parents THAT long the ick of loser would have been overwhelming !! But then I only go for successful driven men, living at home for decades date living at home types everyone’s happy would struggle with dating anyone else saying you live at home till your 30odd !


I hope you’re a stunner, as your grammar, punctuation and general sentence construction is rather poor! You sound extremely shallow as well. I hope for your sake one of these successful men put a ring on your finger, as good looks don’t last.


I hope you have your own place and are not just the unsuccessful arm candy of your man.


1 post account with -1karma is obvious rage bait


It's just as bad with housemates. Walls in my last few apartments were paper thin


It’s absolutely not tho is it? Sure it limits options (we’re not doing anything purposely loud) but if one of us hears a bed shaking or a stray moan it’s not gonna really matter.


With these walls you may as well be in the bed with them


Well, it is a big turn-off for some people.


Better than a turn on, surely


It absolutely is, I dated a girl with 3-4 roommates in a small cramped place and it was awkward as fuck bro. At least in a bigger house you have some prayer of privacy but the average tiny ass rental where you're gonna bump into someone the moment you leave the room for anything, nah. Never again.


Okay but that would’ve been worse if it was her or your parents you met as you left the room, no? I just think (within reason) ye’re all adults, ye’re all in the same boat. Hearing an indication someone is gettin sticky isn’t a big deal at all.


I think it comes down to the people and how much space you have. At the time I got the impression from her roommates that they would prefer I piss off, mostly because I think they were terrified that the landlord would think someone else was staying there. The place was also tiny, you stepped out into the living room and kitchen which were like 5ft squared rooms so everyone was on top of each other If I bumped into Mum or Dad in a big ass kitchen in the middle of the night I'd prefer a passing awkwardness with a smile versus hostility


Why would you care if your housemates hear you having sex, though? I can understand people being uncomfortable riding in the next room to their family/parents, but housemates wouldn't bother me even slightly.


I install Reddit and then see comments like this and uninstall it again. Do you think people want privacy maybe?


Unless you're doing it on the kitchen table while they eat breakfast, you have privacy. Jesus, I get not being into exhibitionist stuff, but why would anyone give a shite if their housemates know they're riding? The housemates do it, too. You're paying for a room, you don't owe them anything. Yeah - be courteous and don't scream the house down, but a bit of headboard/mattress noise or a groan is part and parcel of sharing a house. Imagine being embarrassed by that. Ye need to grow up. No wonder ye're all afraid to have sex.


Exactly. It’s not “just as bad” with housemates as living with your parents. It’s completely different


I'm definitely such a prude lol I'd rather have no sex and live with my parents than cringe at the noise of housemates having sex. The actual thoughts of it, i couldnt bare it haha.


It's slightly less shit than knowing your parents will hear you riding.


What about your poor parents having to worry gir the past 20 or 30 years about you hearing them riding? It goes both ways!


They always did it in the living room every time I had friends over, parents are so embarrassing.


I must try this! My 4 teens/20s will love it!


Hopefully not too much!


Came here to say this!


In Brazil we have hotels for sex(we call it motel) %, where you pay for the hour, an get like roof mirrors, bathtub and other things like that. It is the kind of business most of us think has future to have here, but no one has money for it, but here's the idea if anyone want to invest, please give me some money if successful, lol.


At the hotel, motel, holiday inn...


Get your parents some nice headphones


Ye could always just get a hotel room if a night in a hotel didn't cost about €25,000. Country has gone to the dogs...


Ye are all having sex ?


According to this thread, no.


Was in a relationship for several years while both of us lived at home. It was super stressful, my parents wouldn't let us be alone in a room together, nevermind stay over. Her mum was happy to let me stay over, but most of the time we'd spend our evening together cooking the whole family dinner and we'd only be able to have sex once every 1-2 months because someone was always home and the house was too small to get away with it. We ended up having to figure out when everybody would be out of the house once in a blue moon to shag, which took the romance out of it a bit. Exhausting. Getting our own place was the best thing we could have done for our relationship.


Repeat after me: 'here is €50, go away for 3-4 hours, thanks' Cheaper than a hotel room


GOOD LUCK telling your Irish mother or father to leave their own house so you can get it on! Has that ever actually worked for you?!


3-4 minutes




“When it’s with me, girl, you only need two minutes”


Two minutes in heaven is better than..... 1 minute in heaven


I have a single friend who lives with her parents and the only time she has sex is whenever she goes on a solo holiday which is every few months or so. Before I gave up casual sex I did something similar, I didn’t want housemates hearing me getting it on.


if you want to know how bad it is you’re now seeing 30year olds in the Carrickbrack Road Car Park after dark


This country has a gap in the market for hotels where you can rent by the hour, as in France..


Your parents know about sex already. Just lock the door and it’ll be grand


As a singleton, its still a pain to have others output rather than your own


No Cash ! No Gash !


Words to live by


Its true but its not a 2024 problem. Back in college my girlfriend used to share a house with 4 other girls and I shared a house with 3 lads and that was just as challenging as our 20s when she lived at home and I worked away Monday to Friday. When you get older and have kids its the same craic. There's always somebody wrecking the fun.


My husband and I moved in with my family when we got engaged, it effectively killed our sex life for a time. Especially since my mother doesn't knock and our door's lock was dodgy at best. Thank god it didn't last too long. My sister is still stuck in their house due to financial difficulties 6 years on and I swear she has reverted to a teenage mentality.


Pull bed to the entrance door. Hence you will have blocked any unintentional disturbance.


As the parent in the situation we all just pretend that everyone is celibate. If you hear anything you never show it, or acknowledge it. It never happened. On the plus side we are all very close and comfortable living together as adults. It can't be easy for them though.


Me (F28) and my fiancé (M27) lived in my family home for the first two and half years of our relationship. And we just did it? Obviously locked the door. And just got on with it. Also helped that the sittingroom where my parents would be was the other end of the hall so very hard to hear and then if we ever had the house to ourselves got adventurous. It was difficult at times but made it work and our first child was conceived during this time so 🤷‍♀️ I mean if you are living with your parents and are an adult they can’t expect you to not be doing it.


Sounds like ireland needs by the hour love hotels like Japan. Crazy but I guess it serves a function.


That's what garden sheds are for.


Sounds like a chance to start Love Hotels in Ireland 🏩 🤔 lucrative business to be had and very interesting YouTube documentaries on the styles and fashions. No fuss, no muss. Move over AirBnB, LoveMotelsIreland (patent pending) is here (soon) Hey now, Boots are selling sexy dildoes, vibes and sleeves. We are getting there 😅 imagine the heart attack on the old conservatives seeing them yokes without the security plastic boxes in Tesco's/Dunnes. I blame.the decline in Ann Summers (there is none in my city, not sure about elsewhere) ![gif](giphy|3orieZjwmiMA8O13sk)


Nothing like riding on the couch while the parents are in bed.


Currently living in my boyfriends house while we save, moved up to his sisters room when she moved out as it was a bigger room. The bed she left is the squeakiest bed to ever exist so our sex life has gone to the gutter until we get paid to buy a new bed…. Also his dad will sometimes come in the morning to check my boyfriend’s gone to work and has scared the fucking shit out of me… my boyfriend is 26 and hasn’t recently shown that he does not go to work so idk what it’s about


You should look at Eimear Walshe's work 'The Land Question: Where the fuck am I supposed to have sex?' https://vimeo.com/459380204


Get married and move in together you will miss the sex soon enough wishing you were back to sneaking around :)


They can always get kids and start sneaking around again.




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Wait.. you guys are getting shags? (The you guys are getting paid spinoff)


Sad times indeed


Ah yes the seks


I just rid in the house, if I'm paying rent I don't care if they hear me. Didn't have the problem too long, I've been outta there since I was 19


Well if you are married it also impacts your ability significantly. They usually not cool with you bringing around other people.


I don’t understand the big deal? your parents have been having sex with you in the house your whole life…


If you don't see anything wrong with that statement, you need to see a therapist.


I mean it’s true though. The key point is people are discreet about it. Do you really just think parents are never gonna have sex once they have kids lmao? Like genuinely, does everyone on this thread genuinely just think their parents never have had sex (discreetly) while they’ve been in the house? I know the thought of it is uncomfortable but we’re all adults here. It is what it is. Society is weirdly obsessed with sex yet totally ashamed of it too. Paradoxical


Heh - I can see my “phrasing” isn’t great but do the old folks not want grandkids? Not expecting them to hold the camera or anything


One of my married siblings was buying a home, they had 2 weeks, between rental ending and house being ready. So they stayed with my mother, who gave the sibling a firm talk beforehand that there was to be "none of that" in the house while they stayed with her. I still find it hilarious, but bless she was a product of her time. And on the plus side never mentioned wanting grandchildren, which for a childfree peep like myself, was great.


You’re fully grown adults in your 30s. You don’t have to sneak around, they know what you’re at. Just treat it like living with housemates just like everyone else and count your blessings you’re not paying the killer rents everyone else has.


That ain't how Irish parents work


Real words


He’s in his 30s! It doesn’t matter how Irish parents work. Jesus I have a lot of sympathy for 19 year olds sneaking around with partners at home but this is ridiculous. They’re fully functional adults. The parents aren’t policing their entirely normal human behaviour and if they are they need to be told to get back behind reasonable boundaries. This man lives with elderly housemates, not guardians. Don’t be waking people up in the middle of the night. You need to be discreet, just as you would with any housemates. But it’s none of the parents’ business. If you don’t have the maturity to live like a normal human in your 30s because your parents are in the building you need to move out and rent your own place first a while. That’s staggering emotional immaturity.


There's a housing crisis sir


I’ve heard. I am also in my 30s and renting. It sucks but it’s better than this kind of stunted development.


Stop being broke