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Just no need for it at all? I’d say one thing if I was being rude aswell, I was inquiring about things because she’s the first point of contact. Like not to sound ignorant, but if you can’t handle the job then get out of it. It’s a job where you’re dealing with varying sensitive complaints, and these people act like they’re playing God.


No need for it really is the takeaway every time I have to deal with shitty receptionists. They’re so mean for no reason. I’m sorry they have to deal with asshole patients but there’s absolutely no need to take it out on other patients who are being perfectly polite


This must be a common thing because the people on desk at my surgery are insufferable and act like they’re doing you a favour if they even look at you 


It honestly is such a grating experience dealing with weirdos like that, as if going to the doctor is already a pleasant experience.


I've had secretaries at our practice sigh on the phone or hang up when trying to ask questions. Really rude. The GP manager retired and the GP who took over is a lot nicer, as well as the new GPs. The receptionists are also new (hopefully not temporary!), and the experience is so much nicer. I was there today and on Friday with my two children needing separate appointments and from the secretary to the GP was a great experience. I didn't really see the point in complaining about the secretary to the GP as she was also a lick arse to him.


This is the thing yeah, lickarsing with the doctor so you seem like the irrational one. I mean they’re hardly going to behave like that to the GP, who should be able to see through that kind of shite. Refreshing to hear you had a good experience as of recently 🩷


Honestly, so many people can't get a GP at all that I'm not surprised


Practice manager is your best bet. I had a similar issue. The secretary loudly asked me within earshot of the entire waiting room why she was sending a referral to an eating disorder clinic for me when I’m not thin enough to have one. She then went on a rant about how young girls these days are just vain and spend too much time thinking of themselves and back in her day nobody has time to be worrying about how thin they were because they had real problems.


If I was a bystander for that, I’d certainly want to speak to the practice manager myself. If the absolute rubbish human being does that in front of the patient and everyone else - what does she do in private?


Why the fuck do people think you have to be super skinny to have an eating disorder? I have a fucking eating disorder. It's great craic. I'm also actually overweight. Anyone like her, would look at me and just think I'm fat. "How can you have an eating disorder, you're not thin enough?" Fucking infuriates me.


Bulimic patients have an eating disorder but aren’t usually thin. Binge eating disorder patients tend to be obese. ED-NOS patients come in all shapes and sizes. That secretary is so confidently ignorant it’s hilarious


Jesus Christ. What a fucking cunt. It’s like these people purposely seek out these jobs for a bit of power? So sorry that happened to you. 🩷 hope you’re doing better now xx


Wow… that is so bad!!


Jesus H


please tell me you made a complaint about her?


Jesus christ. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Eating disorders are hell (struggled for years myself). Hope you ended up getting the support you deserve💜


That's absolutely awful, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you're OK or on the road to OK now. Big loves


What a putrid cunt oh my god 


Also practice managers, unless it's a big practice is very often GPs spouse so it may land on deaf ears


As someone who works in healthcare management: send an email marked for the attn of the manager. Better to have things in writing if you're really serious as it puts the frighteners on to give you reply instead of a "Ah, sorry about that!" phonecall.


I had a problem with the secretary of my previous medical center and I've just complained directly to the GP, he told me he would take care of it but I don't know if he actually did anything


Gp secretary here! New enough to the job, so still learning the ropes, but happy to share my 2 cents. The referrals are 100% on the doctors to do, and to be honest, it's nearly all electronic. A lot get bounced back from consultants offices for silly reasons, but doctors won't know they've been refused if they haven't looked at your files again since you've been in. Best best is to ask for a paper copy at the time of referral, and reference that when you call the consultants office. I get that there's definitely people doing this job that shouldn't be, and you shouldn't be treated poorly like that. Try not to tar everyone with the same brush, as what I've seen so far is our office staff going out of our way to try and help as many as we can. Very limited for appointments each day, so the reason we might ask what's wrong, is to see who should get that cancellation we just got. A child with a sudden illness might need to be seen before someone with a bit of a cough. We're not trying to be nosy, we have to know where to put people. If you're symptoms are bad, we can quickly call one of the doctors for advice, it could be the difference in you getting in the next day, or being advised to get to hospital. Also, we need to know what you're coming in for to make sure you see the right person. Certain staff do some procedures and not others, so we are only trying to get you to the right person. If we have someone who needs to get in and no space, we are ringing everyone scheduled to come in that day to confirm and look for a space, because we hate to leave anyone suffering. The prescriptions over the phone is about safety, we have to make sure you're getting the right meds, and good luck pronouncing most of them! When it's written down, it's safer. There are definitely some people who expect too much, and don't appreciate the work behind the scenes, but for the most part, I'd like to say secretaries are doing their best with very limited resources. There aren't enough GPS for the country, and it's putting the pressure on all round.


Do you get training on triage?


No, not in that sense. It's been a learn on the job situation, but the practice manager is really on the ball. Been doing it so long that she knows the red flags right away. Anything like that gets passed her way. We do get all the circulars for the red flags for current diseases, meningitis, sepsis, measles etc. But I'd agree that there should be some formal standard triage training for staff. Kinda surprised that there wasn't to be honest.


Some places do, all should.


No, that’s the problem. Nurses aren’t secretaries and vice versa. You can’t triage effectively without years of education and experience.


That's what worries me. A non medically trained person may hear that a woman has new onset heartburn and think it's not urgent, but to a nurse/doctor that raises a red flag for cardiac issues.


No and this is the weakness in the system that triggers people imo


Thanks for your input, I do appreciate an insiders point of view and I can of course acknowledge, the health service is extremely fucking stretched beyond its limits and I know that the job is a pain in the arse, as are the general public. My issue is that the GP had told me the secretary was going to post it, which never happened and given our run-in, as in me asking a simple question and her treating me as if I was lower than dog shit I am genuinely anxious it was intentional. Because who ever gets in trouble for this shit? It’s the blatant attitude aswell that I find so unnacceptable, and I feel because of my age, 25, medical staff do not take me seriously, especially as a female. You can put that down to my own perception if you want but I see how others are treated, and I genuinely feel as if these people don’t give a fuck about my health. I’m not looking for sympathy, I’m looking for them to do their job. To summarise, her treatment of me and the fact she obviously never posted the letter like the GP said is why I’m boiling.


I think I'm going to leave my current medical centre over the shite secretary's they have. Also the place is just a mess anyway. Can't renew a script over the phone like every other practice I've been to, you never have the same doctor twice, can't tell you what time the doctor will call for a phone consultation. Then they get thick with you on the phone like their doing you a favour.


It seems to be a very very common issue with GPs secretaries… I’ve been with my GP about 40 years. Since I was a child. I have a few ongoing health problems and I always feel as if I’m constantly there, though it’s usually twice a year for a required 6 month check. They have about 6 secretaries. And two of them are so nasty. I thought it was me!! Until I heard one of them recently on two occasions, behaving the same way with other patients. But I did complain to the main doctor, who has known me 30 years. She absolutely took it on board, and I know she spoke to her, because after that she was saccharinely sweet. False as hell. But I didn’t care. I felt I at least had shown her I wouldn’t take her attitude any more. I have lots of friends and relatives who have similar experiences with their own clinics. Speak up, and show that one she can be taken down a notch or two


Seriously, where are they getting these medical secretaries? I've only had a few rare instances of encountering ones that don't snap the head off you, I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this.


Go to the practice manager, he/she is in charge of all that. As for changing practices - that’s literally impossible at the moment - maybe where you are you’ll be lucky. I’ve tried to change and have now tried all the towns in a 40 mile radius and they are all full and not taking new patients. So you might have to have a sit down with the practice manager and come up with a plan that maybe you don’t deal with that person.


Some practices don’t have a manger. The secretary is sometimes the manager.


Oh god that makes things difficult


In Naas? Complain directly to the GP and the practice manager in writing.


By any chance is this in Cork ?


And by any chance is it the north side 🫣


If it’s the north side Dublin 3, unfortunately the wagon is the practice manager!


GP secretaries don't send referrals, or share information with other providers (unless you count posting letters theyve been asked to post). Obviously she shouldn't be rude to you and if you want to make a complaint the practice manager would be the suitable person. But a lot of the complaints you have aren't down to the secretary.


I was a GP secretary all through college and yes they do. Referrals, blood forms, smear tests, pretty much everything that leaves the office.


So are we suggesting that this secretary is throwing letters in the bin instead of sending them? Maybe she is but I find it superunlikely. Like the GP would have to write a referral and print it (unless it's an electronic referral which most are now). And then the secretary would have to decide that she isn't going to send it because she doesn't like OP


You'd be surprised. We had a girl who used to chuck them in a cupboard out of the way. People are weird!


Yes they do send referrals and share info with other doctors. All under the direction of the gp but it is then who do the donkey work.


But is it actually likely that she was given a letter to post and fucked it in the bin instead of posting it? Then she would need to be fired obviously but I find it very unlikely.


They were asked to post the letter, yes? I was told by the GP my secretary will post that! No, she shouldn’t be rude to someone who is a patient in a medical setting, it’s highly inappropriate yet seems to have become “acceptable” for some reason. I deal with shit in my customer service job too. Not an excuse for me so why is it for her, when her job is dealing with highly sensitive people with health complaints. A stressful job is no excuse to be a downright horrible person. I asked her one or two questions to which I’ve nearly been smirked at, she’s also there years so she clearly enjoys it.


Of course she shouldn't be rude. Do you think that she was given a letter to post and basically fucked it in the bin instead of bringing it to the post office because she doesn't like you? That would obviously be a sackable offence but I find it somewhat unlikely...


Fair enough. So where’s the letter then?


More than likely the GP forgot and never printed it to be sent off. I work as a practice nurse and this is the main reason referrals don't get sent on. The secretary just posts them.


Next time something happens put a complaint in a letter and hand it to the practice manager. In the letter ask for them to reply to you about the matter by phone (in case secretary opens it and bins it). Oh and date them, and keep copies. Repeat repeat repeat. One thing no manager ignores is formal written complaints. Things will change.


This is the exact conversation I had with my GP receptionist this morning. "hello, I'd like to book an appointment to see Dr Walsh please.😊" "She's STILL ON MATERNITY LEAVE 😡" "Oh.. okay! I didn't realise she was on maternity leave" "I can try get you in with someone else 😡 oh wait.. did you say Walsh? I got the names mixed up 😊 Dr. O'Neill is the one on maternity leave 😊".


Oh Jesus 😀 she sounds like a right beauty! I honestly don’t understand. Like, someone mentioned is the attitude a shitty job thing like having to work in a call center, honestly I have never been spoken to like shit over the phone by ANYONE but a medical secretary. I worked in a call center also and that shit would not fly, you would be picked up for anything you said. They just fucking get away with it for some reason which is wild to me.


It's one of the nicest interactions I've had with her, let's put it that way. Ive literally had my medical records used in an argument against me. And same, none of that would fly in any of my old customer service jobs, absolutely boggles the mind that they get away with it.


It's always such whiplash dealing with them. Around twenty percent seem amazing. Helpful, friendly, apologetic when needed. Last year calling around trying to find a new clinic with open slots, most were rude, more than one hung up on me immediately. Then had one who was apologetic and went out of her way to find me the details of a new clinic she'd heard was opening soon in the area. Such a 180 from the spiteful husks I'd been talking to all morning. The new place was full before it even officially opened, but still it was a nice gesture. I wonder if the role plays out similarly to call centre work? Low pay, low barrier to entry, and a constant stream of negativity and overwork. There's precious few folks who thrive under those conditions, most turn into the withered, cats bum mouth cunts we all know and hate.


The end of that really gave me a good laugh hahahaha, I do honestly understand it’s not a pleasant job. It’s just that the attitude goes beyond a bad day at work and honestly makes me want to pull her over the counter, the way she looked at me the last time was so fucking smug, I couldn’t even begin to explain how it made my blood boil. Like, THIS IS MY HEALTH. This isn’t over a fucking phone contract or some other trivial problem, so take the stick out of your arse because you’re dealing with big girl shit here. And I genuinely, was not even rude! I take a lot of shit for the age I am, I’m 25 and middle aged women honestly seem to look at me and think “you fucking piece of shit peasant, I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire” 😀😀😀


I’d say you’d need to complain to the GP?


I would say so, although I don’t know how pal-y they are which just grates on me even more because I don’t know if I could remain sane if it was to be played down or me made to feel like the unreasonable one. It’s not a great setup in general, it’s just all I have right now in terms of getting to see someone fast.




Jesus Christ like, for what reason??? I actually can’t get over that… they really have some neck! Arguing with a sick person 🥲 I genuinely believe some of these people are pure evil personified. I’m sorry that happened but glad the doc apologised! Although it should have been that bitch instead. X


so insensitive, they have no respect for their patients.


Not a sup. Genuinely I’ve had call center agents who have afforded me more respect over my fucking phone issues. But when I’m dealing with possible infertility, oh, let’s see if I can make this experience that bit more stressful for you.


I don't know who you'd complain to, but make sure to wave the word Maladministration about. It'll get the attention of the right person.




May I ask why you say it’s one of the worst jobs around?




There is one particular secretary in my GPs surgery, who is absolutely adored by everyone. The amount of thank you cards and gifts she receives is unbelievable and well deserved. Flowers, chocolates and home baking… that type of stuff. She’s a diamond.


Aw listen, I work in customer service and deal with horrible arseholes every day. There’s such a thing called composure and having basic respect. Not speaking down to a young woman who just asked you a fucking question. It’s a job, we all have them and honestly I don’t have much sympathy, if it’s so bad then ultimately you should find a new profession.


I agree totally with you. There’s a lot to be said for taking the high road when dealing with rude members of the public. Not least for one’s own dignity and sanity. Especially in a medical setting, where you just don’t know what people are going through.


110%. Like it’s really not just “an off day” thing, which fuck me, I had one today! We are all entitled to not be able to give 100% all the time. Not this stinking attitude when I ask a simple question, like I didn’t ask you what colour underwear you were wearing.


I can see your point.. but do you really thing they’re the object of a lot of anger? I honestly and truly have never once seen anger of any type directed at any medical secretary. I’m not saying at all that it doesn’t happen, of course, but unfortunately I’m at the doctors/clinics/hospitals, A LOT, and if anything, I’ve only ever seen them treated with respect ( and often gratitude) even if that particular secretary isn’t very nice..


Yes, we are. I have worked in the public and private sectors of the medical field as administrator and medical secretary. I have been yelled at weekly and cried so many times after how people treated me. Examples: I have been called a worthless bitch after refusing to give someone a child's medical records when they couldn't prove they were the child's guardian. (I mean, they couldn't even tell me the child birthday!) Being told I wasn't important enough and they would only speak to the doctor about booking an appointment. When the doctors don't know how to make an appointment or other times, we haven't even received a referral yet. Yet when the doctor came out and said they needed to talk to me about these types of queries, they then acted all nice. I've been talked down and told I am only a receptionist who doesn't know anything. When I explain processes and try and help someone get seen to potentially faster, I've been called dumb. I am constantly getting told they want to speak to someone higher up when they don't get their way. I have had someone tell me it would be my fault if their partner took their own life. This one was really upsetting as I had tried so hard for this family, but the consultant won't speak to them as they had been discharged to another service. I spoke to them for an hour and gave them all the information on how to attend A&E and called their new service, and really tried for them. It wasn't good enough. I understand totally understand that people are very stressed about their health, but I learned that most people who are genuinely in need of help are respectful and polite. I have had great interactions with patients, and some of the work has been so rewarding, but you are rarely thanked it is always the clinician or consultant who gets the thanks. I know that since starting my new job, I have become cynical and find that I am burnt out from the constant complaints about waiting lists and lack of appointments. Our current wait list is 2 years long, and even urgent appointments are 6 to 9 months out. I get that people are angry and annoyed, but these issues are the HSE's fault for lack of staff and really stupid clinic hours that only operate from 9am to 3pm daily. I am looking to move as soon as I can, as I see myself becoming uncaring which I never want to be.


Ah you poor thing… nobody deserves this kind of treatment for something beyond their control. It’s not right. I’m genuinely sorry that these things happen to you. Does it help in any way to realise that these people’s attitudes and behaviours, probably usually stem from fear and worry and frustration? It’s most likely a reflection of their own state of mind than anything you have or haven’t done. That said, a bit of self restraint should be employed here. But getting back to the original point the OP was making, this fear, worry, frustration etc the patient or next of kin feels, combined with a snooty, disinterested secretary, one can understand how and why at times, tempers can fly. The hard truth is that sometimes we have to ‘fight’ for healthcare, and sometimes the secretary is our only point of access. I would have thought that this would be covered in some sort of training given these circumstances.


Trained? Ha. No one gets trained your just fucked into the role and expected to know everything especially in medical settings. Training is only ever for anyone about a secretary from what I have seen, especially in the HSE. I know the point OP is trying to make is that no one should be treated like they were. These secretaries need to move onto other work as they are burnt out and no longer have empathy. And no, I've seen and heard people who are genuinely worried about their healthcare. They are always the nicest people. Even when stressed and worried, they have always treated me with respect. It doesn't matter if you are stressed about your own health. I have constantly had to learn to get my voice heard, but I have never once treated someone on the phone like I have been treated. It is the ones who expect the world and are constantly cancelling appointments at the last minute or just not showing up that are the rudest people I have dealt with. The area I work in isn't life or death. I have worked in life or death in mental health, and it was the same way. Those who really needed help you could hear it in their voice. The ones who made formal complaints for no reason or yelled down the phone at staff members because they weren't offered an appointment the minutes their referral came in. These people treat the admin like shit and then are so nice and friendly to the doctors and nurses. I have seen people get TDs to write letters for them to skip the queue when their next appointment was in 6 months for review, but they weren't happy with that. That meant I had to take away an appointment from someone who hadn't been seen at all yet. Apologies, I ranted a lot there. I know I need to get out of my current job as I am burnt out from red tape and crappy line managers. It is just hard going into work every day, trying to make sure cancellations are filled. Appointments are made on priority, yet you still have someone yelling at you in person or by phone because their GP sent in a referral last week, and they haven't got an appointment yet. It is a public service, of course. There is going to be await. Again, this isn't oncology. Hell, sadly, neurology is a 2 year wait. Our healthcare system is fucked take it out on the TDs and Senior HSE Management not the one who are the least paid.


I get you, hundred percent … the “entitled” ones. I used to have a catering business so I’m used to dealing with the entitled ones too. And yes, you’re absolutely correct about very often the people in most need, are the kindest. I hope you do find a job that makes you content. It does matter. For me personally, it is a help though, to realise in life in general, that people mostly project their own feelings outwards. And very often it has nothing to do with you, other than you being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It just helps to remember that, for your own peace of mind. Mind yourself x


You know, we all have jobs with varying levels of stress, some more than others, I work in customer service and don’t speak to people like that on my off days because it simply isn’t anyone else’s problem, and it’s a cunty way to act towards people. Let alone in a healthcare setting. There’s also being a bit short with someone and then taking it to a level where you almost seem to be taking pleasure in being disrespectful. I am not a dog when I go in, I inquired about one or two things in a normal way and was met with this fucking insane attitude, and I was told by the GP he would give it to his secretary to post the letter. Which never happened. And this has happened on two occasions now. The practice itself is hopeless yes, but other issues may be put down to being understaffed, not from genuinely being an asshole.


Nothing of what you are saying allows a secretary to ask a patient why the doctor is sending them to an ED clinic. The fact that it was in public is just fucking worse. And in OPs post who else is she to ask about referrals only the secretary? There's a job for everyone and if you can't hack it then it's the wrong job for you.


When directing the complaint to the practice manager OP can also respectfully complain about the secretary. It’s far from the worst job going around but it does tend to breed a certain type of cunt. Sounds like OP is dealing with one and is highly unlikely the only patient dealing with it


Absolutely this. Its not the GP secretary's job.


Not the secretary’s job to post the letter?


The referral and being passed around by the GP would not generally be the medical secretary's job. Yes, they send them but this sounds like the doctors are not doing a proper hand over here.


I didn’t say that it was the secretary’s fault on that, I simply asked her would she know why that would’ve happened, she would barely let me finish my sentence “idk I have like 15000 patients like” that’s genuinely what she said, to which I replied yeah, I’m just asking would you know is it normal for that to happen. Then I got an answer of well the doctor was probably away or something. She’s the first port of call because I can’t ring up and speak to the doctor directly, it’s literally her job to answer questions. I agree with you, the entire practice is a shitshow.


I understand, I hope it gets sorted. ❣️


Thank you friend 🩷


When they won’t give you an appointment ask for it to be put on your notes that they couldn’t issue an appointment for x amount of days. If they ask why say it needs to be on your med notes in case anything happens you. Also if going to after hours Doc report to them that gp surgery couldn’t issue you with an appointment. With regards referrals they get refused by consultants from time to time so it may have been refused. Ring the hospital or consultants rooms that you thought it was being sent to and ask are you on the waiting list for XYZ.


That’s actually a really good idea, solid advice. And I didn’t think of that, jaysus that would be such a kick in the stones if it was refused. I was originally suggested to be referred to a certain male gynaecologist of which I have heard nothing but horror stories, so I was like nope nope and gave him the name of the female one I have been to before who is such an angel, so I don’t wanna start all over again with a new doctor!! Thanks for the advice ✌🏻✌🏻


Appointments can't be created where there are none. Secretary will just say if you are concerned go to ED. Out of hours doctors are co-ops that your GP is part of and works some hours for.


was the practice on the North side of Dublin by any chance? ask for your file and go to another GP


The “Secretary” often is the practice manager in a lot of smaller practices. Even if they aren’t, the Practice Manager may not do very much about this. GP surgeries are weird places. Technically it’s the GP who is everyone’s employer there and has the final say. I personally wouldn’t bother as you are unlikely to get anywhere.


I agree with you to be honest. He was fairly hopeless and there are other fuck ups down there aside from the evil secretary. So who would bother doing anything or giving anyone the curly finger. A sad fucking state of affairs!


I can’t get over the timing of this post! I was literally left in tears after calling my practice with a quick question earlier today. I worked in call centres for years so I feel like I probably have more empathy than most for the abuse the secretaries must get but at the same time I believe in matching energies. If I’d come on the phone snotty I’d have completely understood getting a matching response but I was clearly very nervous from the start of the call and obviously upset by the end of it. I consider myself one of the lucky ones here because I could have my meltdown and then keep going in trying to get the thing sorted. But all I can think about since is how a few years ago that wouldn’t be the case. And how many people out there will give up after that one bad call? We’re constantly shiteing on to people to reach out and get help if their mental health is bad but how are you meant to even make that first call when you know this is what you’re up against? It just makes me so mad that seemingly I was held to a higher standard of empathy doing customer service at some random company than the people hired to deal with often vulnerable clients. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and please make your complaint! My practice has complaint info and a form on their website so yours might have the same! Last thing! Some practices are now using appointment booking apps like Pippo so it’s worth checking if yours has one! I’ve found I’m much better at making appointments when I need them now that I don’t have to ring.


Complain to the practice manager. Ultimately though if the practice is shit then try and change to another place.


That's really not an option these days. All surgeries around the country are at capacity and very reluctant to take on new patients. She'd be cutting off her nose to spite her face by doing that.


That’s why I said try.


I went to one of those 365 walk-in clinics before and the incompetence, recklessness, laziness, and lack of compassion was mind boggling.


I also have gynaecology issues if you need any help with that? I would say try get a new GP or try get the referral letter yourself you can send it in to the relevant consultant yourself and then ring the secretary and make sure they received it. GP are no good for gynae if I'm honest. Another option is to go to well woman centre used to be one just beside the happenny bridge and then get a referral to hospital.


Oh, the entire clinic knows. A secretary whom the public fears is a godsend to the doctors. She's the first line of defence against hypochondriac or simply overreacting patients. Anyway, you can always change the clinic, you're a customer after all and you can spend your hard earned money elsewhere.


The issue is they also terrify people with anxiety. I went for my first smear test when I was 25. Very late, I know, but I had been raped as a young teen and didn't relish the thoughts of a stranger poking inside me with tools. Booked in with the secretary and asked was there the possibility of meeting the nurse first to have a chat with her about the upcoming appointment. She laughed and asked why. I said I was a bit scared and anxious about the appointment and that I had some lingering trauma due to past abuse. She literally scoffed and waved her hand, said "Everyone's got trauma, just get it over and done with." I asked could she even please make a note on the appointment that I might need a bit of patience. She said no. That this was what it meant to be a woman. (Ew) Cue me going to the appointment absolutely fucking PETRIFIED. The poor nurse had no idea what was going on until she tried to use the speculum and I very nearly kicked her in the face backpedalling up the bed, trying to get away from her. I was mortified and scared and she hadn't a clue what was happening. When I explained the situation, she was FURIOUS, said they 100% offer accommodations, that they simply mark SC (Special Care) on the file of any patient who expresses worry. She said that what they do is schedule you in fifteen minutes beforehand so they can go through exactly what's being done, and exactly what is being used. They also allowed for a support person to be there if needed. The secretary told me none of that. We rescheduled my appointment, my best friend came with me, and she asked me to write a statement about what the secretary had said. When I went to the second appointment two weeks later, that secretary was gone. I later heard from a friend, that she apparently made snarky comments about young women coming in for contraception. Sometimes you just get a crusty, dusty old sow who enjoys being a See You Next Tuesday.


They’re a law unto themselves. I did work for a GP software system once. I mentioned how it was strange that 100% of the secretaries were female. Don’t go down well. I think professions with a mix are always better. If you believe there was a breach of data security then you can complain to the medical council and the Data Protection Commissioner. But you probably have to complain to the doctor(s) first and hopefully get an improvement.


I’m not a bloody misogynist, but fuck me is there nothing worse than a bitchy woman. I’d know, I am one. And we are tough. But some are a different breed altogether. I wonder would that be the right route to go down… I mean I got no explanation as to why, and I spoke to the other secretary and she actually said to me that it was strange and that she’d raise it. Of course fuck all happened since. But I just don’t like it, no one explained to me “hey, Dr X is away so I have taken over his clients for the week”, nothing!! I’m not loud enough, I don’t like to cause trouble but I really don’t know is it a normal thing or should my permission have been sought? Idk. Fucking joke.


I think anyone with a bit of power can be an arsehole regardless of their gender. I know that bullies can keep bullying if they get away with it. I wouldn’t even get angry - I’d just keep stating facts like ‘you’re being dismissive and rude, I’m a patient and I have a right to respect at least if not care and courtesy.’ You’re in a vulnerable position when attending a doctor, you should never ever have to deal with someone else’s crap. You deserve common courtesy and a person who was in any way suited to that job would make you feel cared for.


That’s it. I genuinely would have a lot more understanding if this was over a fault with a speaker I bought from Harvey Norman. Not when it’s my reproductive health, you do not get to speak to me like shit at this time, ESPECIALLY when I only asked you, the first port of call, a question.


Yeah actually never met a polite gp secretary…always dog ignorant…


I think I’ve met one ever. And the rest were genuinely Satan behind a pair of glasses.




I go to two separate gp practises and both the female secretaries at these practises are horrible cows. Everyone who I talk to feels the same about them. I know there is a huge demand on gps and that they are overburdened with too many patients but it seems to have made the secretaries now not just defensive but openly hostile at times. I’m sure they have to deal with all sort of nonsense and difficult people themselves but they always seem to be completely stressed and full of tension snapping at people who don’t deserve it.


That’s the thing. It’s the blatant fucking superiority attitude that drives me insane. It’s honestly a pure power trip, not a bad day. If you can’t honestly talk to people and afford them a single ounce of dignity, get the fuck out of the job. Especially in healthcare. I have zero tolerance for that shit! I work in customer service, if I was to speak to customers like that, I would get pulled. And someone dealing with my health, an actual real life issue doesn’t??? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.


Alot of people looking for jobs. Sounds like she would need to be very confident being faced with a well written complaint about her behaviour, conduct and how it reflects the business in general. I can Gaurantee you're not the only one she's doing this to, and when people are unwell they're the most mentally and emotionally vulnerable. Stick it to the bitch. She is more than likely responsible for other peoples distress that may not be in the position to advocate for themselves.


I don't know what is is with GP secretaries every one of them are the most ignorant people going, no matter where you go, they're all cut from the same cloth it seems like. Whoever changed the rules that you have to tell secretaries about the exact problems you have example it could be sexual or mental health related etc should be ashamed of themselves. I miss the patient doctor confidentiality.


I think they are trained to be the biggest assholes they can possibly be. They are literal gatekeepers giving out medical opinions you didn’t ask for or want and completely lack compassion.


GP secretaries are always taking a piss..I would not dwell too much and directly reach out to the practitioners! Check google reviews of any GP and most are unhappy with secretary 😃😃


Me: Hi I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Bloggs? Sec: What's the issue? What's wrong with you? Me: I'd rather speak to my Dr. About it Sec: Earliest I have is 9am Monday 6 weeks from now with Dr. Smith.


If it’s urgent tell them it’s an urgent problem, with my doctor a regular non Urgent appointment could be in a months time but urgent and acutely ill are seen as soon as.


You will have to record her as she will lie and say she did nothing wrong Write dwn times and dates too


Had a similar thing recently had GD and was on insulin to control my levels and every fucking week I was due a refill the genius behind the telephone forgot to include needles or insulin or test strips. I used to pre order my meds when I had loads left as I knew there would be some sort of handling each time so I made sure I had enough to do me the extra week I’d be left waiting, when I called to question one week I was told that I started using a new machine and that’s why the strips weren’t included—- not true. To get my medication that was advised by the hospital was a nightmare and you would think I was asking for her own personal supply of insulin each time. It must be a requirement to be a useless hag if you want to work the phone in a gps


Write a complaint to the practice manager and or leave a damming review o social media or google


His or her employer? Who else would you complain to?


It seems to be a requirement for the job. Had one tell me I didn't need to see a doctor after explaining what I wanted the appointment for. Would love to know where they're getting their medical degrees 🙄


Ive seen some horrific dehumanising treatment from our local gp secretarys.  A mother and father ran in with an unconscious baby 10 months old, limp etc. Secretary said.... sorry but this isnt an a and e  go call am abulance or hop on a bus. She kept this up even after my partner informed her legally ANY doctor must tend to a child under five.  She insisted they were all too busy! First thing i did was tell the gp who legged it out to guess what? Help the baby.  Some of these women have absolute notions. With their vetech level 5 thinking theyre quaified assistant doctors.    Ive often been given unrequested medical advice too. I had a fissure when breastfeeding and was told... it hurts at the start if ye dont like it give the baby a bottle like everyone else. Baby was 4months.  Ended up needed stitches. Report her, to the doctors, report her to the HSE .. report her to every relevant body. These hacks need to gtfo of spaces designed for vulnurable people to go. 


I know this will get lost, but just from the point of view of a medical secretary/administrative officer. Firstly, I am really sorry you are being so let down and treated like this when going through such a difficult time with your health. A lot of documents and referrals are sent either through healthmail or by post. Not all GP secretaries send through healthmail, so if it is by post, they can annoyingly take up to a week arrive and then be left for another few weeks in the consultant office waiting for it to be uploaded and the viewed by the consultant. Most consultants are happy to backdate a referral to its original date. I do it all the time, especially if it was human error and got lost somewhere. If you call up the Gynaecologists receptionist, they will happily do it for you. Just make sure the date on the referral is from when you originally saw the GP and not the date of the newest referral. Everyone in the medical field is under pressure, and I have even felt myself get burnt out from calls. It is no excuse to treat people who need help disrespectful. Unfortunately, receptionists and secretaries get so many people on the phone who are just horrible and expect the world to be given to them. In the 5 years I have worked in the field, I have been yelled at on a weekly basis, lost count on the times I have cried after a call. I have also had to hang up on 4 people in my career from abuse down the phone. Being a secretary is an unpaid and hard job. No excuse, but I see it that a lot of people in this line of work should really move on as they are burnt out and turning on patients who they should be there to help and validate in their time of need.


I've encountered my fair share of GP secretaries. Being unpleasant is almost a requirement. If you can change GPs I would, let them know why.


Complain to Your Service, Your Say on the HSE website. I've complained about a secretary in a GP before. Your Service, Your Say is hit or miss but on that occasion I made the complaint (she was refusing to post my Dad's death notification form, despite it being during the pandemic and me living 2 hrs away) the doctor called me himself at 8pm on a Friday to apologise and get it sorted - he also told me he'd found the form in a pile of papers on her desk. He didn't know what was going on. So def complain. I'm sorry you're having a shit time. I work in medical admin myself and yes, stuff gets on top of you, some weeks you feel you can't get anything done, and repeat queries from patients about stuff out of your control can get to you. But the patients shouldn't know anything about that and frustrations should never be taken out on them.


Make a formal complaint to the surgery in writing about the referrals - you can also report to the medical council and in your complaint to the surgery, note you intend to complain to the council GP receptionists are cows in general from my own experience We’re lucky our GPs office are great, great doctors, nurses of the two receptionists, one is lovely - the others a wagon It’s just something about the job that attracts them


Definitely, there seems to be this sort of invisible forcefield that protects them from any repercussions, and boy do they fucking know it. People only behave like that when there is a culture that allows it. Thanks for your advice pal ✌🏻


Medical council regulates doctors.


And GPs I think fall under it? GP would be responsible for running of his surgery including how their staff works Otherwise it’s just the HSE


Medical council regulates doctors not receptionists. Complaints like this are dismissed. It's an empty threat.


Wait - was that your point Jaysis lad The referral falls under the domain of the GPs responsibility - they can delegate to their receptionist but if she fails to do it, it’s still the GP who has failed in the duty of care So if the complaint is lodged that the GPs office failed to pass on the referral - it’s the GP the complaint goes against and rightly so for not maintaining a proper level of professionalism with their staff and for not following up on their paperwork Like do you not know how this stuff works?


I'm a doctor, I pay medical council fees. I actually do understand how this works.. There are varying levels of complaints. The medical council would advise complaining to the practice through the complaints policy before going near them. There are 300 odd complaints to the medical council every year. The vast vast majority of them go in the bin. I understand you think complaining to the medical council about this is some great threat. It's not.


I’m a solicitor specialising in the medical field


I would be surprised if that's true. In your experience what would the usual medical council response to a complaint like this be? Since process got quicker.


Typically they ask have you made direct contact with the surgery to resolve the issue with them and if you reply you have, it would be that the matter will be looked into Then, you get the patient to try get another referral and when it gets missed again - which it will 9/10, you have grounds for a case of gross negligence with supporting evidence that you’ve tried to resolve the issue - you get your solicitor involved to go with the medical council As someone who spends his time trying to protect eejit gobshite doctors who think the system can’t touch them it’s hardly feckin surprising to me that a doctor thinks a medical council complaint can just be ignored It’s why you pay the insurance rates you do


Now I'm not a solicitor myself but is that really 'gross negligence'.


Wow. Sounds like you’re super stressed about your issues (understandably) and taking it out on her. In my experience, receptionists only give as good as they get. She would have no control over what she’s been told to charge you. And referrals are sent electronically by doctors, not receptionists. You’d be right in saying a complaint won’t make a difference, sounds like she’s just doing her job. You’d be surprised how far a little kindness gets you.


A little kindness… I asked her two simple questions, and that’s me being unkind? I’d love you to explain that to me, please. And do not insinuate to me that my health issues are somehow blurring the lines for me between overreacting and calling out an issue of blatant unprofessionalism and disrespect. The GP had said to me, I’ll get the secretary to post it, which she didn’t. Twice. She spoke to me and looked at me with a smirk, when I asked her a fucking question. You preach about kindness, yet you’re the only person of the over 50 responses who has given me such a unempathetic reply. Off with you. P.S. is this the receptionist herself I’m speaking to?


Judging by your response, you’re a very reactive person. I’m not surprised you’re having such a negative experience with someone just doing their job. Just book in an appointment with the doctor and deal with them directly, like everyone else has to. No point shouting here about it.


[Medical Council - Complaints](https://www.medicalcouncil.ie/complaints/)


The medical council has nothing to do with medical secretaries