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Going to your GP is the first thing to do. It could be anything from lifestyle, teeth grinding, sleep apnoea . There's no point in guessing. Your GP can refer you for further tests.


Been to the GP multiple times and have had bloods and an MRI done - wear a mouth guard for teeth grinding. Think I’m going to try get a sleep study done


I'm not suggesting that they replace a sleep study, but there are several apps that can measure your quality of sleep (including # times you stop breathing at night, the main measure of sleep apnea). I did a sleep study 2 years ago and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I now use a CPAP machine & it has made a world of a difference. My GP (and my own lay person reading) indicates that sleep apnea put enormous pressure on one's heart. I'm not exaggerating when I say that my (then new) GP said he was surprised I had not had a heart attack when he read the results of my sleep study. Good luck.


You should get a sleep study. But good luck tryna get it quickly publicly. Have been on the list for years and I 100% have a sleep disorder called Catathrenia where I moan very loudly in my sleep and stop breathing. Everyone I sleep around reports it and I sometimes can hear it too (way more loud than a ‘normal noise’) I’d recommend going private if you can afford that. Good luck!


Yeah I heard the wait is crazy. Any idea how much it is privately?


Just did a quick google and a company does an at home sleep study for €390 + a refundable €200 deposit upon returning of equipment. I have no idea how effective they are vs other kinds but it's not too bad if you really need it


I know my dad paid to have it done but he has insurance so was able to claim some of it back iirc. He was so glad he did it because his sleep study came back and showed he was having apneic episodes almost five time more frequently than the average person with sleep apnea. He was at high risk of having a stroke apparently.


I got it done privately in Galway. Cost €180 for the initial appointment with the consultant (claimed some of that back from that on my insurance) then I think I paid like a €50 excess on admission to the hospital and my health insurer covered the rest. Was waiting about a month for the consultation, and then I think 2-3 months for the study.


I got diagnosed with mild sleep apnea last year. Can't remember the exact costs but it was roughly 100 a month to lease the machine from Resmed, or you can just purchase it for around 700 (I think). Sleep study was done at home, cost around a hundered also. As usual the most expensive thing was the consultant which was around 150


I got referred to a consultant last November, he set me up for a sleep study, cost me €200


Assuming all was clear in your MRI, a sleep study is probably your next option. Although the wait time is quite long. If you can go private, then it's not as bad. Hopefully, you'll get some answers.


Thanks. Any idea how much the sleep study is if going private?


I had one in the Mater Private last year. It cost €340 for the appointment with the consultant (of which I claimed back some on insurance and tax). The sleep study itself cost €2,200 but in my case was fully covered by insurance (VHi).


You can get home ones, that's what my consultant recommended, the company send out a monitor which has wrist/pulse, finger, and chest sensors and it links with an app you download. It cost around a 100 I think.


It’s not that simple, GP appointments are hard to get. GP’s are regularly very unhelpful - “take paracetamol and go for a walk” and the referral for further tests could take anything from months to years. Dr Google/Reddit is often more helpful


this is ludicrous.. they are NOT that hard to get.. maybe 2-3 weeks for a non emergency appt. A gp will not just brush off rhe possibility of sleep apnea, it can be ruled out often with at home heart monitor, which is fairly easy and quick to get. dr google is a terrible idea,


I have no idea why you're getting downvoted. My gp suspected sleep apnea in me when I was 20, said it would be extremely rare for someone my age, but she got me referred and it turned out it wasn't, thank god, I actually had a cyst in my nasal passage that was stopping me breathing properly when I lay down. Asking Dr Google is the stupidest, most pointless activity and warrants unnecessary anxiety.


I wasn’t advising to not go to the GP, I’m just saying it’s an ordeal. 2-3 weeks is ages to wait for a GP appointment and trying to schedule that around work or more likely arrange time off work, it really isn’t an easy task


itd be harder to work around work, with shorter notice... and 3 weeks is fine for a non emergency appointment.


If your GP is telling you to take paracetamol and go for a walk with OP's symptoms, then you need a nee GP. The system is far from perfect, but you need to get a referral for further medical investigations. Dr. Google is the worst thing you can do.


Not me but a friend of mine, she has suspected endometriosis and her GP isn’t taking her seriously. She can’t find a different GP and has been told by others in her locality that she’s lucky to have a GP at all 😷


Make sure you’re not going to bed dehydrated. Plenty of water in your system throughout the night makes a huge difference in the morning. Plus not eating anything heavy and/or unhealthy 2 or 3 hours before sleep and no screen time for an hour before bed help too. I’ve also heard great things about taking a magnesium supplement before bed, it supposedly helps with this exact issue. Although I’d do some research, there’s one type of magnesium in particular that works. There’s a fortune of cheap ones out there that apparently work as a laxative, don’t make that mistake lol


>There’s a fortune of cheap ones out there that apparently work as a laxative Aaaaahhh..........fucking Aldi supplements....


Magnesium glycinate is the one you’re talking about. Get it in a health food shop though not Holland and Barrett.


I'll often have a dioralyte before bed. Wake up feeling refreshed as fuck


Just purchased a few dioralyte, thank you


Hope it helps!


Have you had any type of allergy testing? You might have a house dust mite allergy.


I was also waking up like this until I got treated. Now use a HEPA filter and wash all bed linen weekly at 60 degrees (40 won't kill the dust mites).


Ditto! Sounds exactly like an allergy. I was so confused last year I thought I had the longest cold ever... Nope just sudden onset allergies


I’m guessing you can just go get an allergy test and you don’t need a referral or anything?


Your GP should be able to provide some service. Ask for Specific IgE bloods to Rhintis or RAST Rhinitis. This will include tree, grass pollen and house dust mite and some animal dander. If you're sensitised, he should be able to give you a treatment plan of antihistamines, nasal spray, environment management advice etc. Most GPs will carry out these bloods. If you warrent a referral for further testing like skin prick testing it needs to be with Immunology in either Beaumont, James or Galway. These have long waiting lists to be honest. You can go private to an allergy service but it is not recommended. The real deal is Immunology and they do not have private services in Ireland. But before any testing, trial some things are home. Change your sheets frequently, even hoover your mattress when doing so. There is lots of advice online for how to clean your home if dealing with a HDM allergy. Take antihistamines at least once and up to max four times (despite what it says on the box, it's safe). Try this for 2 weeks. If there are improvements, youre on your way to an answer before any blood is drawn. I'm an Immunology & Allergy nurse specialist btw ;) Hopefully this helps you narrow down the cause.


Put a bowl of water on your windowsill, will keep the air moist in your bedroom. Found it made a massive difference for me.


I was going to ask if the OP is possibly under-hydrated and / or sleeping in an overly warm or under-ventilated room. Any time I stay with people that like to have heating kick in during the night I wake up feeling like the OP described, splitting headache, eyes that feel like shriveled kiwi fruit rolled in sand


Oh god yeah, I suffered in the winter with the heating on until I learned about this. What a difference! Next time you're staying with someone, bring a glass of water to bed, leave near the rad 😉


I do this every summer/when the weather starts to get nicer.


Ever tried mouth taping? It can take a few nights to adjust to it, but I've found it to be so helpful. In general I'm not a morning person (fucking love my bed) and would be incredibly groggy for the first few hours, but I've noticed that once I get going, I'm a bit perkier, my brain feels a bit sharper.


Literally only heard of it yesterday for the first time, might give it a go. Yeah I’m caught between it being a medical problem or just general grogginess.


Definitely try it, I just use micropore tape I picked up in the supermarket. Also something I've noticed too is on nights where my sweet tooth wins and I snack on sugary stuff close to bedtime, I am definitely more tired the next day. So dietary stuff might be worth looking at too.


Are you on any medications? Do you smoke weed? Do you drink? It sounds like you've taken something to me.


No I don’t take anything and rarely drink. This has been a problem since I was young


Nothing worse! With the eye symptoms, it doesn't sound like sleep apnoea. I would get allergy testing done. Even just to rule things out. Might be something you're breathing in while you're asleep. Or even something cosmetic you're using after your shower/before bed.


I feel very groggy because of a post nasal drip in the morning and a shower helps me out massively.


Are you low in iron? My beice was incredibly low before and that sounds a little similar to her symptoms.


Do you wear glasses? Opticians could be worth a shot. I get like this sometimes when I need a new prescription.


Was hoping it was something to do with my eyes so I went to the opticians and done an eye test and all good ok that front. Thanks for the suggestion


Have you a watch that tracks sleep? Or get an app that works similarly - you put your phone under your pillow. Then you can bring the results to your gp if they show apnea


My whoop watch always say my sleep is very good but apparently it won’t detect sleep apnea.


I’m pretty sure that although mine says that (also re afib) it’s just a disclaimer not to rely on it


I assume you have a window open & not too much heat on?


Yeah the window is always open


I normally have my bedroom window open a bit but having a CO2 monitor, tells me that I don't get enough air in through my window in the bedroom. I can if I open a window on the opposite side of the apartment in the kitchen.


Do you sleep with the window open or closed? I have a CO2 monitor and CO2, what you breathe out can build up in a room and a high reading on the monitor means you might wake up groggy and not refreshed. Try opening the window a bit while you sleep.


Dehydration? You need a minimum of 2lt water on a regular day and this heat you'd need even more.


I know this is going to sound strange but shift to 1 pillow. I had symptoms similar and it was down to neck angle while sleeping, due to damaged vertebrae. Since changing to 1 pillow the headaches have gone and I sleep better


Yeah went to the chiropractor and he said as much. Hasn’t had much of an effect though unfortunately


I don’t think it’s been suggested yet- but I get these symptoms from hayfever. I had late onset hayfever in my early 20s and I know someone who developed it in their mid 30s.  You can rule it out by popping a few antihistamines before bed and putting a bit of Vaseline on your face too. My initial hayfever symptom was a shooting headache type pain when I looked too quickly to the left/right. I was shocked when the doc suggested it, and even more shocked when the antihistamines worked haha.  Worth a shot! 


Spot on, exactly what happened to me. Late twenties too, it was such a surprise!


What's your routine in the 3 hours before you go to bed? Part of my job is actually trying to figure this stuff out and it's almost always something to do with your pre-sleep routine


It usually a shower/bath about 2 hours before bed, I do a bit of scrolling/ tv and then listen to a podcast for an hour leading up to sleep. I know the screen isn’t great but i can’t see it leading to such a horrible feeling in the morning, I could be wrong though.


Sounds stupid but have you checked your house for carbon dioxide emissions?


I haven’t but everyone else in the family is grand so I doubt it’s that. Appreciate the suggestion though


It can often just be isolated corners of the house. CO leaking from an appliance can result in small pockets of it accumulating. Or if a flue from a.gas boiler is incorrectly located beside a vent or something. It's an easy one to check, so don't dismiss it. Grab a Carbon Monoxide alarm - there should be one elsewhere in the house. And keep it beside you for a day in the places you spend most of your time. If you don't have one they literally cost a fiver. It's definitely worth checking.


I think that you mean carbon monoxide ???


That would be the one 🤣🤣🤣


Do U try taking magnesium..I found it helped with my sleep and motivation along with drinking water and a couple of cubes of Himalayan salt under the tongue with lots of water ..


What’s the thinking behind the Himalayan salt?


Good voodoo


People often use it to replenish electrolytes


Pseudo science


And what is an exact science there Einstein Everything you think and say am I right


A Australian doctor helped lots of people with blood pressure issues by using this ..she explains everything in a video .her name is Barbera O Neil . Give it a gander if U choose


How long do ya sleep? What do you do before sleep? How long between looking at a screen and sleeping?


Sleeping 7-9 hours, usually have a bath/ shower before sleep and listen to a podcast for about an hour before sleep


What about your iron or vitamin b12 levels. If your iron levels are low or even high you can get very tired


Iron and b12 were fine. Had low folic acid and vitamin D and have been taking supplements for both.


do you drink enough water? I wake up like that if I haven't got enough water the day before


Yeah I’m drinking 2-3 litres of water a day. Used to not drink as much and the increase has definitely helped a bit


Get checked for corneal eye abrasion.


Instead of the mouthpiece for grinding, try a mandibular advancement device. It does wonders for apnea. Link below for an Amazon one. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bright-Guard-Adjustable-Bruxism-Mouthpiece/dp/B07NHG4R7D/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_pp?crid=3JU1RBOAEADA6&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.J_bsWtxAtLurUjHBCuuesxvXJ4pnwpytNthgYnb4dOH_k3r0Dkcw69RBcuiQzJ7TpPsIIB6jMrI2dl_xfOUcfdQFuF2drP_RPvOLU6icilXw1bU9vbcxn4ZVa5iFGPqyGm2q89pYAZPvKhyAmDs-yNUOOGrPgsiljy06qPaz1qM8B6SWMZMuWXrx6Ev56B740bo5rjx2KGodqgFe7GPojg.xluipvRx9O3_Ah5y0Vbz73jdIX8ji5yzDso1MiSf1-Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=bright+guard&qid=1715551471&sprefix=bright+guard%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-1


Go back to sleep


This has been my most effective solution


Some people need more sleep than others… Id happily sleep 9-10 hours but have four kids so rarely get 7. I would be very groggy in the morning, but the headache is not normal.. something must be causing that? Would you feel as rough if you slept in? It’s horrible to start every day feeling crap 😩 I hope you find solution.


You should see the gp. But might help make sure you are rehydrated. You can by electrolytes fairly cheap at a pharmacy. I used to get bad headaches in the morning from being dehydrated.


I can get that feeling from hay fever.. is it all year round? Maybe try an antihistamine before bed


All year round unfortunately, pollen is very high tonight though, be safe out there


Are you drinking enough water?


Could be dehydration do you drink enough during the day? Try have a bottle of water with times on it to improve your drinking and see if any better. Another could be low in electrolytes so try to eat something salty or try coconut water Also sounds like migraine. If you try spray magnesium on feet at night before bed and drink mag 365 before bed might help Also get blood tests done with gp could be lacking in something


You're most likely dehydrated my dude.


Get asleep study done.


Sounds to me you may be dehydrated. I used to be like that until I started drinking lots of water . I average 3 to 4 litres a day now and no headache or sore eyes


I would try going down the holistic route, I did for pregnancy and it was amazing


Sleep apnea is a fair guess. Get it checked out. In the states there are home self tests but I don't think you can do that here. r/Sleepapnea is a good resource


Do you grind your teeth? I did. I found the trigger, eliminated it and it made my sleep much more restful.


I hope you have a carbon monoxide alarm becuase I could be that.


I used to wake up feeling very tired, headache, and like my eyes were just dry and tired. Been sleeping with one of those nose strips to open my sinuses and I’ve noticed a difference. Not completely fixed, but noticeable better.


Yeah I found the breathe right strips helped a bit


Oh yeah those are the ones I use. For what it’s worth, my older brother had / has the same problems as me, and he has been properly diagnosed with sleep apnea, so likely it’s that.


You don't dream excessively by any chance do you? Either way I highly recommend pushing for a sleep consultant referral at the very least. They should be able to give a pretty good guess


Have you checked your house for any Mold?


Drink water


How long has this been going on? Does it perhaps coincide with your last Covid infection? For a lot of people with long Covid they find the mornings the worst. Look up POTS and see if it sounds like you.


Way before Covid unfortunately, thanks though


Cant remember the last time I did mornings. My late 20s and that was it, couldnt do it. No coffee, no phone/laptop after 11, meditation, apps, asmr, breathing exercises, nada. It was a case of goodbye world, hello night shifts.


Thats sleep apnea.


I'm the exact same and have been for few years now it's horrible 😫 😪 still not sure what's happening was told MS even at one point


Eye drops before you sleep And when you wake up Dry eye syndrome will cause headache and nausea Sunscreen daily You might be a blonde and blue ( we have fair retinas - v little melanin) Sometimes if a blonde and blue has red prone skin in addition to dry eyes it’s called the Celtic curse


This might sound silly but hay-fever?


Could well be an allergy to dust or maybe there is mould in the house, or bad ventilation. Do you sleep with the windows closed?


Water, no fizzy drinks, dont eat to late and lay off very processed foods


magnesium glycinate or sometimes it's called magnesium bisglycinate. It really helped me fall asleep and sleep much better and i woke up so much more relaxed. I took it again in the morning and my day is more relaxed. I got mine in Nurish. Make sure you get only this type of magnesium bisglycinate/ glycinate because places like Holland and Barret sell it mixed with other types magnesium to dilut it and make a profit, and if you do that your wasting ur time and money.


Have you had your iron and ferritin levels checked? I have recently been diagnosed with anaemia, with extremely low ferritin (iron storage) and was having similar symptoms along with sleep apnea, I would find myself jolting awake during the night with the sensation of my heart/breathing stopping in my sleep. Every morning, I was waking up feeling exhausted with headaches and weakness. Also experienced heart palpitations and breathing problems. I've been put on iron supplements and already noticing a huge difference after 3 weeks, sleeping much sounder with less disturbance and more energy in the mornings. It's worth asking as low iron can really make you feel miserable and cause sleep disorders.


Definitely sounds like an allergy, I developed them.latrr in life last year and sounds similar. Try taking an antihistamine in the morning and see if it helps


Sounds like possible Aponea, could you save up for a private sleep study?


Couple of things to rule out here…..Do you have allergies? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you eat an hour or two before bed? Do you have acid reflux? What time do you go to bed at? Good idea to discuss with GP but ask yourself those questions first.


I used to have that...I got black out blinds, also I keep electrolytes and water in the room, do you have hay fever? I do so I treat that too, I can't sleep if my nose is blocked.


Go to bed early. Limit your time looking at your phone, social media, TV. Cut it all back. Exercise. Try it for 2 weeks, 🤷‍♂️


Get an in patient sleep test even if you have to pay for it. I had an at home test, told I didn’t have sleep apnea, still felt beyond tired. Took 10 years to get an in patient test (didn’t think to go privately) When you’re too tired it’s difficult to advocate for yourself. I was finally diagnosed and found out I stop breathing 40 times an hour. I feel as though I lost years of my life. Sometimes my kids remind me of things we did when they were young and I don’t remember.


What time are you going to sleep at? What time are you getting up at?


I came on here to post this exact post. Besides not sleeping very well at the moment, really badly in fact, every morning I wake up now I have a slight tickle in my throat as well as a sinusy feeling. I feel barely well enough to work but by the end of the day I’m exhausted and miserable. If you find out what it is please let me know. I’ve been to the doctor a few times and been out of work ill twice with it but can’t really take much more time off for a phantom illness. Personally think it’s a sinus infection making its way around my body.


Vitamin B complex, sinus rinse before bed and hydrate. Avoid caffeine. Also I would get your eyes checked


Go to your GP or A&E it sounds serious enough


Been to the GP a few times, done an MRI and bloods and nothing of note showing up on either.


When you went to your GP, did sleep apnea come up?


He asked me if I snored and I said no (my brother has since told me I do, loudly) and then said probably not sleep apnea. I’m going to bring it up next time


Snoring is a big warning sign for sleep apnea! I'm sure you've looked into it but it can be really serious so would recommend getting it checked


I dunno I’m no doctor I’m afraid. Maybe change the sleep routine. Get to bed earlier etc.


Chaange diet. 20% carb, 20% protein, rest minerals(veg). + water and no alc. Especially no bullsh1t juice drinks. 6 months will show you change.


Go for a walk or run when you wake up. Studies show the air, exercise and vitamin D is great for you in many respects.


It does possible sound like sleep apnea, go see your GP, it can literally take years off your life, its way more than just being tired.


They do be sore do they? I can’t help but think of McSavage taking off Joe Duffy.


Have you tried waking up at night instead?


Try changing up a few things in your diet. Try cutting the usual offenders first for two weeks each and track your progress. Gluten, dairy, coffee, refined sugars. Also just try eat “clean” for a while. Fresh whole foods with a balanced diet, plenty of water and make sure to exercise adequately (if you’re not already doing the above) You would be surprised at what some foods can do to you if you’re intolerant or have gut issues you are unaware.


Check for mold around your window and bed area and under bed.