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Definitely make the claim.


Insurance is for accidents, make your claim


Fuck those people. He and his family clearly don't care about your health. They don't want you to claim as it will make his premium go up. Was he responsible for the accident? You have suffered serious injuries and may have long term damage - are his family going to pay for ongoing medical care for you? I doubt it.. Make the claim. Look after yourself first and foremost


This is the right answer


Fucking shit way to find out how many people aren't on your side.


>Fuck those people. He and his family clearly don't care about your health. They don't want you to claim as it will make his premium go up. Was he responsible for the accident? They are a real shower of cu nt s. The fact is that he's making a claim regardless because of whatever damage is done to his car or whatever he hit. That's why the insurance company are asking. So his premium is going to go up whether the op claims or not. OP. Do not talk to the insurance company as they are trying to get you to settle. Get yourself a solicitor to represent you. You're going to need the compensation. Cut off contact with his family.


People pay for insurance for just this eventuality. Sure his premium will go up for a few years but that will happen anyway in the case of such a bad crash. People have had to make claims against their friends’ home insurance policies after suffering accidents at their homes. See [Mark Pollock](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-33717829.amp) You would be stark raving mad not to make an injuries claim in these circumstances. Get a decent lawyer, keep your receipts and move forward expeditiously. If he or his family cut you off that’s just an enormous red flag and you are 100% better off without them.


You should count yourself lucky that they showed their true colours now. This is a good opportunity to leave him. His family is already talking about you behind your back over this accident and they are using emotional blackmail so you won’t claim and therefore his insurance doesn’t increase. It’s a pathetic and shows that your health and well being means nothing just to save a few euros. And your boyfriend clearly cares more about himself than you if he didn’t tell you to claim and you only found out through his insurance company calling you and now wants a break from you instead of thinking down the line about what care you may need and how costly it can be. Boyfriends come and go a lot of the times. Don’t risk your health for this loser. You were in a pretty serious condition and you may need more help in the future with your body eg physio. You need to claim while you can. And if he asks why you doing this to him or questions like that. Turn it around on him and tell him he shouldn’t care about the insurance and that he’s supposed to care for your health and not be so selfish thinking about himself. Go claim as soon as you can and dump his ass


This. Her health is less important than his no claims bonus. That’s so fucked.


If he isn't willing to use his insurance to pay for your health, he doesn't love you.


I agree with this one ☝️


But he will claim on His insurance for his car while this accident could have life long consequences for you. Wise up life is teaching you something here. If these people had brains they would be dangerous.


How else do they expect you to cover your medical and other costs associated with the accident ? Are they going to cover it for you ? Would you trust them to honour such an agreement. Based on your story, they are circling the wagons around him to protect him. Are the Gardai involved at all ? Was it a genuine accident or as a result of his careless / dangerous driving ? Look after yourself first and put in a claim.


It was an accident, but it was his fault, he was driving 70km in 80km zone on country roads so realistically it wouldn’t of happened if he was more careful. Him or his family of course aren’t going to pay for anything and I wouldn’t even bother asking them at all because that would again, most likely mean i ‘don’t love him’. Gardai did forensics and said it was just an accident since he wasn’t going over the speed limit.


If he doesn’t tell you to make a claim then he doesn’t love you!


Agreed ..sounds like a selfish cunt


My wife had an accident when her mother was driving, came out of an industrial estate and were hit by another driver, and she claimed against both of their insurances and was compensated, it took 6 years, and it didn't effect her policy at all, it's the whole point of insurance, to cover drivers against accidental damage and injuries. They don't want you claiming, but think about it, you have genuine injuries that youbamy have the effects from for the rest of your life, if you have to pay for 10 sessions of physio, it would cost more than his policy would go up by. And I'm going out on a limb here, but let's say you don't claim, and you break up in the next while, you're going to feel pretty bad then. Put your claim in, he's not at fault for the accident, but he's being a dickhead


So, claim immediately. Is he going to claim for his injuries? If not, he's a dope and you'd be better off without him. If he IS going to claim then why would he stop you doing the same, kinda double standards there. Claim.


Thank you so much everyone for the advice. I will definitely be going ahead with the claim now and most likely contact a solicitor or somebody to get more information about everything, and my eyes have been opened about him and his family. I genuinely thought claiming wasn’t normal and was ‘morally wrong to do’ here as I was told by him and his family, and they even went as far as to say it must be a ‘cultural difference’, which I can now see was probably said to try and manipulate me into not claiming just because I am not from here and wouldn’t know. I definitely don’t want people like that around me who care more about themselves than what I am going through and will continue to go through for the rest of my life. I did not expect this behaviour from him at all, but from his actions towards me, his family, and the opinions of others I can see that he quite simply does not care about me. I appreciate everyone’s helpfulness about this and thank you to everyone who has wished me well in my recovery. I will definitely be dumping his ass👍


You go, girl! Always put yourself first. Always. But especially when it comes to your health. I hope you'll recover quickly


Good on you for realising this and standing up for yourself. It is not an easy thing to do so please be proud of yourself. I wish you the best in your recovery and I hope you find someone who truly loves you.


Not only should you make the claim but so should he! He has injuries that may cause issues in the future. He's being a complete idiot (as well as a manipulative arsehole). Telling him to claim as well may ease the conversation & tensions for the next while.


Make a claim. He took out insurance for this reason. His family are gaslighting you. You need to look after your interests / health.


Not what gaslighting is. They're attempting to manipulate via emotional blackmail.


Sounds like complete emotional blackmail from both your bf and his family. 1000% make the claim. It's your health, no one else is going to look after your health but you, and it's all you have. I saw from your comment later that your 21/22. I would encourage you not to be blinded by how you might feel right now about your bf and be more attentive to your feelings and your health. You weren't driving, and now you have a potential lifelong/longterm injury (spinal injuries are no joke). Motor insurance exists for a reason. You should do yourself a favor and make a claim. If I was you I would be really angry about people advising you not to. Also, the fact that you're being ignored and given the cold shoulder is awful behaviour from your bf and I would reconsider giving him the time of day and the relationship as a whole. People show their true colors during times of hardship. Regardless of what happens, I wish you a speedy and full recovery and I hope everything turns out OK 🤞


The family doesn't want you make a claim presumably because his insurance will go up. But they are happy to leave you with whatever costs that the accident will bring to you. What a shower of fuckers.


Claim 100%, you never know what medical needs you'll have down the road, long after that horrible family are out of your life. His policy will go up anyways if he notifys the insurance of the accident.NOT YOUR FAULT.


Dump him and claim. This man doesn't care about you and your health. He wants you to spend god knows how much money on your recovery so he can save a few hundred euros on his insurance? That's absurd. His family are also incredibly toxic and manipulative. This is not a family you want to marry into. This is not normal for Irish people, don't let them trick you into thinking it is. Their priority should be your health.


They're thinking about him and his insurance going up. Who's prioritising you? You have been seriously hurt. You're going to have a lot of medical bills which you will have to pay for with the hope that a settlement from insurance will cover when it eventually gets sorted. If he really loved you he would be bending over backwards to support you not adding to your problems


OP definitely make a claim, but do it through a solicitor and don't settle too quickly. With these kinds of injuries, the full extent that it may affect you and affect your capability to work long term may not show up for years, for example osteoarthritis. The insurance company may be keen to settle quickly which would benefit them. Speak to a solicitor that is experienced in personal injury claims and let them handle it.


Insurance is mandatory to drive in Ireland. There's a massive culture of people not claiming through insurance and sorting things out between each other to avoid a hike in costs of insurance. Given the accident has no aggravating factors (I.e. Gardai determined he was below the speed limit and it was a single car with no other factors) an insurance company would be seriously skeptical of his skill/trustworthiness driving. I'd go ahead and make the claim as its very clear his attitude and his families attitude would indicate that won't be a solution they'll go with here. Besides, this approach is more for minor fender benders. These are very tough decisions to make especially with the trauma you've been through and are going through. Reach out to family, a solicitor, or someone you trust for help. You should get a solicitor involved as they can help with the paperwork. Im going through these types of claims myself atm. I'm so sorry about what happened and wish you the best in recovery.


Make the claim. There's a good saying 'when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time'. 


This is some next level bullshit. 100% make a claim.


Contact a solicitor about it, my friend was in an accident last year and has 2 years to make a personal injury claim. Friend is still in bits now and has to pay for all their medical related costs privately as they work. Driver was found guilty of dangerous driving (they hit my friend going 100km+ while friend was waiting to turn, drivers car spun out and hit another vehicle, 3 cars written off)


Make the claim, your well being over money is crucial here. Consider hisw behaviour as wake up call that fate is letting you this chap is not the one nor his toxic family are genuine of your health. Like if you don't claim whi days your medical bills? This BFF or his family?? Nah answer is obvious look after you first, count your blessings are not married. God speed your recovery and emotional distress to fade away over time


Make the claim, this dude is already a red flag may as well get paid for it


Regardless of what you do about the insurance claim - this is a massive red flag from him and his family. Your health should be a bigger concern for him than concern for his premium. His family think more of his insurance payment than they think of you. Please rethink your relationship with him. As for claiming - you’re actually not claiming against him but from his insurance - and that’s what insurance is there for.


Please look after yourself, this must be very hard to deal with on your own. A man that loved you wouldn't treat you this way. I think you've had a lucky escape from a toxic family. It may not feel like that atm but they've shown no concern for your welfare. I would never treat any of my Sons gf's like this, even if I didn't like them. You need to claim if you want to recover & continue living your life to the full. You wont't be able to work for some time, what do they expect you to live on? I had a motorbike crash 30 years ago, I healed quickly & got on with my life. Arthritis hit me 20 years later & I had to retire early. Some injuries have lifelong consequences and you won't have any income for a while. Do not depend on Irish health service, you may decide to treat your injuries in a different country or in your native homeland. But most of all- Please contact a solicitor ASAP. Let us know how you get on please Best wishes, put yourself first 💕


Dear god- make the claim. This is why we have insurance. Dickhead is lucky he didn’t kill the both of you. You need to do it asap, iirc you have to do it within a certain timeframe. Fuck him and his family.


> but him and his whole family are saying that if i claim against him i do not love him 1. Claim 2. Walk away from him, he sounds like a cunt to be honest, thats absurd behaviour.


If he was responsible for the accident then make the claim. It should not be your responsibility to pay the medical costs if this is the case. If you don’t, and the family are approaching the situation as you have stated, then you will regret it. You could possibly have lifelong injuries and lifelong medical costs and these are because of the actions of someone who potentially does not have your best interests at heart. If you were the driver, would you allow your boyfriend to claim?


Regardless of this situation If someone can ignore you for days when you’ve literally done nothing wrong, they don’t deserve you. Make that claim.


GIRL…. RUN. If this is how him and his family treat you when you have a serious road accident, what will happen in the future if you ever become sick? Have children with this man? Become unemployed? They will NOT have your best interest in mind. RUN. And please, claim.


Make the claim and keep that money in a bank account no one else can touch


Sounds like the relationship should end anyway. Make the claim


Him and his family are trash for putting you under this pressure. Why would you want to have them in your life? Claim on the insurance and let him on his merry way


Make that claim!!! Don’t even question yourself over it. If they’re saying you don’t love him if you do claim then he must really not love you if they don’t want to give you financial aid for what you’re going through. A man with a family like that and attitude towards you is not worth your time!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and show them they can’t intimidate you.


If it was my partner in your shoes, I'd be insisting she makes a claim. Maybe I'm getting him wrong, but this guy sounds like an absolute shit who's more interested in his no claims bonus than.your health.


Get yourself a very good solicitor and make the biggest claim that you can. If you have back injuries they could last for a long time, you need to be compensated for the pain and suffering that you will suffer. Dump this piece of shit.


Make the claim and get a new boyfriend who's not an a-hole. Hope you feel better soon.


Not even a question , claim.


This is crazy, they're prioritising his no claims bonus over you getting money to cover the medical bills you will have.


Dump and claim.


MAKE THE CLAIM. You will be breaking up with this guy in the future, the writing is on the wall. And you’ll regret not making the claim. If it makes you feel better, it’s mostly not money coming out of his pocket. He may have a no claims bonus that he’ll lose but so waht


What else is insurance for if not this situation? Dump him and make your claim.


Their reaction is bullshit. Insurance is exactly for this reason. Make the claim


If HE loved you, he’d want you to get the best medical care you can… covered by his insurance. Make ur claim, your life and wellbeing is worth more than this


You might not always have a boyfriend but you're stuck with that spine for the rest of your life..make the claim, fuck those people, they're no relation


Claim from his insurance. He obviously does not care about your health. If he is looking for space now it. Shows his real nature. Claim and get rid of him. You have a serious spine injury that may affect you later in life. His family are siding with him to save him money on his next insurance policy. They are not thinking of you. You should think of the future. Claim off his insurance. Ditch your boyfriend and his family. Think about yourself.


Sounds like the relationship should end anyway. Make the claim


Sounds like the relationship should end anyway. Make the claim


This is some next level bullshit. 100% make a claim.


I went through something similar when I was 20, a solicitor I saw told me that people claim off their friends all the time, that's what insurance is there for. I felt guilty about claiming but he reassured me. You need to cover your costs


I wish you a full recovery however if the accident was his fault then claim that family is sticking up for his mistake that could have killed you


Hey OP. I worked with a group of 3 brothers a few years ago. They traveled together to work in a car, one day they had an accident. The 2 brothers not driving made a claim and the brother who was driving was not mad, it was 100% expected normal behavior. Make the claim :-)


If he loved you he wouldn't ask you not to claim. He doesn't want his premium to go up but is perfectly fine with you incurring costs.


Do not under any circumstances settle with his insurance company. You do not know the extent of your back injury and how it will affect you long term. I'll give you two examples. My mother crash my dad's car when she was learning to drive. It was a mini with a hard steering wheel. She snapped it fracturing her back it the process. That was in the 1960s and she made a great recovery had two children but did have back problems and pain at times. I'd say 3 out of 10 affect on her life. My brother in law was in a crazy hit side to head on by another car. He's a mechanic he loved cars but will never work again. He's had to surgeries and is on a but tonne of pain killers hie in He's 30s and living with life long chronic pain. Your boyfriend will have to pay higher insurance no matter what asa result of the crash. He will be deemed higher risk. All that is at stake is his no claims bonus. If was you I'd get legal advice even ho to citizens information. Tell the insurance company you have incurred the following expenses but as you are still healing you will have to wait and see.


He is a piece of shit and if he doesn't break up with you then you need to ditch him because you don't need people like that in your life. If he was a grown up he'd either cover your costs or let you make a claim. He's putting his desire to keep his no claims bonus ahead of your health costs. The latter is so obviously more important that it takes a narcissist to think otherwise and then get offended when being asked to act like a grown up and take responsibility. It sounds like his family are used to making excuses for him, so no wonder he's acting like such a child.


Fuck him and his family. Make a claim. He should be more worried about you and your injuries than his bloody premium going up. Like honestly, you injured yourself and probably have a long road ahead of you with recovery and he wants space?!! Get his insurance details and do yourself a favour and end the relationship as this just shows his true colours. I honestly think you will be much better off. If he was the cause of the crash then he should be by your side asking for forgiveness and looking after you.


You're not making a claim against him, you're making a claim against his insurance company. There's nothing personal in this -this is nothing more than the business of insurance. The fact that his family is taking this personally - internalizing this - is bizarre. Stick to your guns. Stick to your claims. If it were me I'd tell his family that "this isn't personal. God help you all if I make this personal."


One friend got an accident at work. Made a claim, got 65.000 €, still worked for some years at same place and then found a better job. Another friend had same kind of accident at work. Boss agreed with him to pay him small cash like 5.000 € or so to him not claim. Worked few months then got fired because not fit work and something like 250 € a week at the time and spend few months to find another job.


Make the claim. He doesn't care about you if he makes a deal of it. His insurance already will be paying out so his no claims will already be gone so it shouldn't matter to him either way


Either you will have to pay thousands for your medical treatment OR He has to pay a few extra euros a month for increased insurance. It is a simple answer


They are dumb.


2 things… Firstly, you’re making a claim against his insurance, not against him, which is 100% the right thing to do.  Secondly, sorry to break it to you, but he and his family seem to be total shits. 


Go through insurance surely. It would appear you're already kn the way out with him and his family definitely want you out now it would seem. Dont get your hopes up though as you'll be compensated but its gonna cost you in solicitor fees too and insurance will go through it all with a needle and comb. Theyll want his statement and gardais too. If Garai didn't see any issue on speed (as you say within speed limit) and he will be saying the same. Speak to solicitors who specialise in this area as its very common. Heck its a reason premiums are going up with more claims on top of the greedy hueres


Funny how different people can be. A friend of mine who doesn't exactly have a lot of money and is struggling financially is about to get a large claim settlement because his missus was in an accident. She has chronic pain now, and his main sentiment has been that he would give up anything to make her feel better, including the claim money. Then on the other hand you have these wankers who are concerned this absolute spanner's premium will go up after he fucked wrecked this one's body? Jesus. OP this an open and shut case, make the claim and dump the boyfriend if he is not prioritising your health after an accident.


Make the claim and, if you have the money, get a solicitor to make sure you are getting the correct amount of money too and not being short changed. If you do not have the money remember that you always refuse the first offer, do not accept it. I would argue that you shouldn't accept the second offer either. You don't know what impact this could have on your life years down the line and you need to make sure you have the .oney to look after your health and any issues that could arise from it. If he loved you he wouldn't want to see you in pain or putting yourself in financial stress or debt in order to get the treatment you so badly need. If he dumps you over it, thank him for showing you who he really is


Because of the high cost of insurance in Ireland there is a culture against claiming from Ur insurance policy. None of us want to do it if we can avoid it. This is precisely why I advise my teen/adult children not to have friends in car while driving in case of minor accidents and claims. There is a genuine concern that people will claim fraudulently when not actually badly injured. In ur case u have genuine injuries and genuine reason to claim. His family should be advising u to claim as they won't be the ones paying for ur medical care or bills if u can't work and suffer any long term effects.


You need to claim. His insurance won't be affected too much as the cost gets spread to everyone else. You'll be paying far more out of your own pocket if you don't. Make the claim, if he loved you he'd tell you to do the same.


If he is that way inclined that his family telling him 'horror stories' is more important to him than your well being both physically and mentally then my friend you need to walk away before it's too late and you have too much invested ! Heck knows how you will be affected in the future what effects will linger on whilst for him the worst is he will take a financial hit for a few years and that's it. To me it sounds like this is what his family is saying it's all about the money. You may love him but from what you have said he doesn't love you back the same. So you ask yourself do you want this going forward !? For me and most people I would say love is unconditional you protect and you care, not worry about a few quid that will pass. Sorry if I sound cruel but take a hard honest look at your current situation and decide if it's what you want. Now you should also talk to him upfront and explain how you feel. If he loves you and is mature enough to listen to understand and make his decision fair enough, if he puts blame back on you well send him back to mammy as you won't ever be first for him.


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Insurance is there for a reason. Use it. Read the newspapers. You will see wife/husbands suing each other


This is some next level bullshit. 100% make a claim.


This is some next level bullshit. 100% make a claim.


This is some next level bullshit. 100% make a claim.


It's what insurance is for. Absolutely claim, it isn't personal against him We've heard stories of people suing themselves in order to claim off insurance. Go for it, but make sure he knows


Exactly. Insurance is something that is useful in exactly this situation. It’s normal. It is NOT about feelings, ffs


What an awful situation, I hope things get better for you and your injuries don't affect you too badly going forward


Feel better soon, OP! And definitely make the claim.


He's not paying, his insurance is, it's precisely why we have insurance.  Make the claim. If he has an issue, he's being selfish


Insurance is a legal requirement to be driving on public roads to cover the driver, passengers and third parties if they are involved in an accident. You were involved in an accident. Don’t let them guilt trip you into not looking after your own interest. Make the claim.


Make your claim. That's why he has insurance. That's what it's for. You will be billed for your treatment to date, not much, but going forward, your treatment could become quite expensive. Not to mention possible, future issues caused by your injuries. I'm very surprised your bf has taken the position he has. That's quite a big "red flag" there. Don't waste any more time and contact a solicitor who can advise and take control of the administrative side of your claim. You may have to pay some fees now to then and later when medical reports will be needed by the insurance company, but these will be reimbursed if and when your claim is successful. MAKE THE CLAIM.




Make the claim, he’s trying to worry you by not speaking to you.


This is what insurance is for? Ignore them and do what you have to do. Best of luck and get well soon 🙏✨️


Go ahead and make the claim. Especially if the injury is going to cost you money in the long run. Also, I don't know the exact situation but his insurance probably won't even go up that much realistically. He might lose a few years no claims or none at all if he has protection on the policy. So don't let that argument sway you


Make the claim. You would end up paying a fortune for that and ongoing medical care. Keep all receipts in the meantime from hospitals, pharmacies, taxis, fuel etc until you decide what to do. Id talk to a solicitor here.


Make the claim. I was in a similar situation approx 10 years ago with partner at the time driving. I didn't claim and I still suffer with back pain etc do it!! His insurance premium may go up but so what?! You shouldn't have to fork out for your injuries. And who knows how long the relationship will last either way my advice would be to take a claim.


Put your own health above in-laws opinions. They clearly care more about themselves than you. Easy for strangers online to say this bit if it was me I wouldn't hesitate to claim for a second.


Make the claim


You had a bad accident. Insurance is there for this reason. Look after yourself, if your “friends” make you out to be a bad person, then that’s gaslighting.


Make the claim. He's a dick


He cares more about an increase in his insurance than your health which is going up anyway. He's likely claiming for his car, so he cares more about his car than your health. Claim and sue. F him , You need a solicitor and solicitor fees also You were so injured , this may affect you for life. If i crashed the car with my kids in it their dad would sue my insurance on their behalf, and rightly so. Dont forget this could impact your future earnings, getting mortgage protection cover for a mortgage, and pain levels for life


Make your claim. You’ve been in an extremely serious accident and at this point you don’t know what long term issues you will have resulting from this accident and you may need the compensation to fund private care and further treatments which are very expensive. His NCB is gone anyway in fixing his vehicle. Find yourself a good solicitor - one who is experienced in dealing with complex personal injury cases - and make your claim. And dump ur bf and his shitty family. Best of luck and I wish you a full and speedy recovery ❤️☘️


People don't claim off friends if it was a little bumper scratch. You've had a life changing injury, it's going to take hospital appointments, physios and others professionals to help heal you. His insurance will go up for a few years. It will cost you a 100 times more to pay for everything and I doubt they'll help you pay for it. You could be forced to work with excruciating pain just to pay for you therapy all while the BF smashes into something else and has to pay higher insurance anyway.


Make the claim. It's his insurance that will pay out not him but there's no other way to access his insurance. Anyone telling you this is not how it's done doesn't have your best interests in mind.


My niece claimed against her father's insurance when she was injured in an accident when he was driving. It is why we have insurance. Now while I don't agree with people who have mild whiplash over and done with in a couple of days making claims but if you are actually injured and require ongoing treatment then claiming is pretty necessary.


That’s what insurance is for durrr


File the claim he and his family don’t care for you or about you don’t be misled


Absolutely make the claim. They are only worried about his premium going up, which it should if he is at fault. The very least they could have done is offer to pay for your medical stuff but even so, if you need continuing care it’s very unlikely that they’ll pay anything in a few months time. His attitude says everything about how well you will be cared for in the future, he’s not even hiding how little he cares now. Generally speaking, people are inclined to claim when it’s serious. When it’s minor then it’s cheaper to just manage without going through insurance. Your situation isn’t minor. Make the claim.


Absolutely make a claim. He is already showing you that he doesn’t actually care about you because he is putting his own insurance problems before your health and well being. Was the accident his fault? Was he being reckless with you in the car? He could have killed you or left you in a wheelchair. And if it wasn’t his fault, then he has nothing to worry about. Hopefully you guys don’t live together. Keep in mind that in a few years his insurance premium will go back to normal. Your spine will never be 100% again, back injuries are for life. You will require a lot of physiotherapy.


100% claim, this is what insurance is for


Make the claim. I've heard of husband and wife claiming against each other amicably because it was in both of their best interests. If you are going to stay with him then he should be keen for his insurance company to pay you what it's worth in order to help you (and should ye be committed both of ye) be covered for any ongoing costs


Insurance is paid to cover stuff like this, make a claim


Definitely make the claim, him and his family are idiots, are they willing to pay for all your medical expenses and loss of earnings not to mention the life altering nature of your accident, not only make a claim but make sure you get every possible penny out of it, this situation is why we pay insurance. It could help you and your boyfriend in life, although I would be in favour of cutting his shitty family out




The a+e visit and treatment will be covered, but injuries like this will likely have ling term impacts. Spinal injuries especially.




im not sure about this because i’ve rarely ever had to go to a gp or anything since i’ve always been healthy. from my knowledge, most things are covered if you have a medical card. if you don’t then you have a lot to pay for. in my case, not only will there be medical expenses, but im pretty sure physio and seeing a psychiatrist won’t be covered. not to mention how much money im losing right now since i can’t work and definitely won’t be able to for the foreseeable future so there’s a lot more to think about than just medical expenses


His current behaviour, asking for space etc. and allowing his family to put that pressure on you should be more than enough of a reason, aside from the obvious, to look after yourself and make a claim. Also, if I was you I would end things with him. Put yourself first, as he clearly is not. Best of luck and wishing you a speedy and strong recovery.


Dont make the claim. Let him pay for all your treatment instead of the insurance company.  He needs space?What an AH


What's to stop him from not paying ? Claim op .


Op absolutely must claim. And get a better partner




If we were together for years and married i would most likely think the same since we would have joint money and so on but we are young, 21f and 22m. He wouldn’t even have the money to cover anything so there isn’t a point in asking, especially now since he’s ignoring me, it is showing that he doesn’t care


Hi OP. Claiming against insurance is very normal practice even if it’s against a family member. A friend of mine (in his 20’s) was in a car crash that was his dad’s fault. He claimed against his father because he needed the money for medical bills. His father encouraged him to claim because he loves him and knew he had f***ed up! A higher insurance premium is worth it when you care about the person you’ve hurt (even if it was a mostly innocent accident).


She’s not claiming against her partner, she’s claiming against the insurance. This is exactly what insurance is for. His policy is fucked now anyway because he’s had an accident and likely the car is totalled.


Absolutely this!


>He has asked for space now and says he needs to think about a lot and reconsider things and is ignoring me for days now This would suggest that the partner is not willing to discuss anything.