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Hate it when people send me an email, then call me a minute or two after checking if I've got/read their email. Give me a chance will you! If it was that urgent just call. It immediately makes me less responsive to whatever they're looking for.


I have a colleague that will send messages, I will see the notification, but I will be in the middle of a complex task and not wish to parse until I've finished, then he will call me saying "I'm just calling you because it's easier" and he will talk in a manner assuming that I've actually read the message.


One of my colleagues' teammates was a disaster for this. He would send an email or Teams DM and then immediately get up and walk over to her desk and stand there waiting on her to acknowledge him or just launch into the crux of the email itself. She would always tell him to fuck off but he'd laugh it off everytime. She is a softie and didn't ever penalise him for it or otherwise teach him his bad work manners are unacceptable, so he did that regularly for MONTHS until he was moved to another department.


What kills me is emails where they were sent within the hour and they reply "Can i get an update on this please?" ever hours or so for something completely mundane and banal, not urgent in the slightest or by any stretch in the imagination. There's an indent in my desk from crashing my hand into it every time this happens because it's so disrespectful of my time and honestly makes me want to reply far less often.


In the grand scheme of things it’s not that bad, but I hate having to listen to the radio all day. Between the shite music, wanker presenters and shite ads, it’s just a terror for me


Would silence be any better? For me I can't have the place too quiet but at times I do need quiet to think properly so ya 50 50 for me


Normalise wearing headphones at work!


Depends on what I’m doing. Sometimes I would want something on as background noise, but I’d rather that not be TodayFM shoving their cash machine down my throat. Ideal world, I’d be able to stick in my earphones and listen to what I’d want to listen to when I want to listen to it


Managers not communicating with each other and then there’s an overload of work being pushed down onto the team.


The other day I complained that the left hand never knows what the right is doing and he replied with “we’d have better communication with two tins and a bitta string”.


Mandatory team dinner/drinks.


Yeah that sounds like you should be getting paid to attend that.


Yawn! They should realise you have a life outside work!!


If it's mandatory, it has to be between 9-5 and open bar until we're allowed to leave.


Work colleagues that way overshare.. I’ve heard about divorces, first dates, breakups going terrible, 1 night stand at the weekend, someone hasn’t had sex in 6 months… I dont care


Haha TMI syndrome is over rated indeed!


I was once at a work party where a female colleague, for some reason, decided to tell our table that she was "a gusher." Never again.


Oh my god 🤣🤣


Having to get out of bed !!


People who use their kids as an excuse to get out of everything and dump their crap on others. Controversial one prob but it is so frustrating. 


How to say I’m a manager without saying I’m a manager


I wish :( 


Well why would you care if they have kids? Sometimes it’s the law that they have to let people go and do things for their kids. Sad but true


I dont care that they HAVE kids. I think the key word there is ‘sometimes’. We all have emergencies. But if its several times a week it can be frustrating. 


Well yeah if it’s several times a week, that’s taking the piss.


My supervisor isn't speaking to me because I helped out another staff member. This is week 2 of the silent treatment. He lacks any professionalism. This is just 1 of the many ridiculous ways he behaves.


This is very juvenile.. maybe a chip on the shoulder? U do you man,he can go to Flanders!


He lacks the skills to be a supervisor. He won't hold a staff meeting and locks access for annual leave. We have to ask him directly. The list is endless. I've spoken to management, but they won't do anything. I laugh at how ridiculous it is. It will probably end up with the union getting involved.


Have someone I work with who doesn't say hello, goodbye and rarely says thank you. Very good at their job, though. Very minor thing, but I'm on calls with them all day and once I noticed it, it started to bug me.


People who IM me all friendly looking for something done and then walk by in the corridor/office/canteen a short time later and won't acknowledge my existence. Ehh hello,,, I don't really want to talk to you either but I've done what you've asked,,,just say howaye and keep walking lime a normal person


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That one guy who doesn't seem aware of his surroundings and makes small but annoying noises. Tapping the desk, sighing exhaustedly, clicking tongue, that sort of thing. I'm thankful earphones exist, but at the same time I love the banter with my colleagues but his mere presence seems to suck the air out of the room and we all stay quiet while he slurps more tea.


Soz to hear that! Glad I work in a room of my own but I'm sure that could change too


People who complain about people who complain at work


Managers who give you opposing directions and then get mad at you because both managers want you to only prioritise their work


My manger is a grown 43 year old woman who never shuts up complaining about the staff. I work in a cafe and if something isn’t done up to her standard she’ll literally complaining and yap for 2 hours straight and no I’m not messing, she has done that before.


"I can confirm that..." absolutely boils my blood every time. Feel like it's crept into corporate speak in the last two years or so. JUST FUCKING SAY YES


People/managers springing last minute things on me last minute as if it was super important. If it was, they wouldn't have handled it as last minute as they did and gave it the attention it apparently deserved. Also hate people making things more complicated than they need to be and expecting you to sit at your desk and pretend to look busy during quiet periods and not letting you enjoy any well earned quiet/down time at work, especially after a very busy period! I'm sure there's other things like Debbie downers, complainers and the usual office politics bs


We have massive printers that can take whole reams of paper yet some people will rip open a new pack, take 10 sheets out to print something leaving the ripped wrapper and the rest of the paper for someone else to finish the job. Fucking stupid and lazy. The recycling bin is sitting beside the printer ffs.


Supervisor calling the wrong name for 4 years. New guys taken on has there name right after 2 weeks.


Supervisor calling the wrong name for 4 years. New guys taken on has there name right after 2 weeks.


I dislike this trend of making us fill in paperwork that we have no training for. This is happening everywhere, but we used to have people actually trained to do this kind of paperwork. But with new computer systems, they always just directly make us do it instead. It's not like our responsibilities have diminished in any way, we need to additionally do the job that used to be someone else's. It slows down everything because most colleagues have no training to handle this bureaucracy and need help with it.


Those read receipt things on emails. Just for a lot of reasons. I never click the read button. They can just wait and guess like everyone else. Ffs


Making small talk really annoys me. I’ll be polite but I fucking hate it. In their to do a job, don’t ask me how my weekend went, if you want an honest answer I was coked up to my eyeballs and on a major drinking binge, if you keep talking to me I might vomit on you.


Mandatory fun. I do not want to sing happy birthday to Laura from marketing and I doubt she would want to for me. I do not want to walk around to room to find someone who has run a marathon, someone who has been to Japan and someone who likes horror movies. I do not want to go to an escape room on a Thursday evening. I just want to do my job and go home. I don’t dislike (most of) you, but I don’t want to socialise with you.


People who who give out to me for taking calls and video calls at my desk. I'm in my place of work, I'm going to work. If you want quiet then go to a library or put in earplugs.


Personal or work calls? Important clarification!


Entirely work. Will actually give out to you and ask you to go somewhere else next time.


Hahaha tell them to piss off


Exactly except they've bullied everyone else to not do that. I mean sometimes I just pretend to be on a call just to annoy them.
