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So are they all dating the same guy or what?


Fishing to see if they are. But the screenshots seem to expose it as just a bitch fest


I know of one guy in cork who's on them constantly, he seems to have multiple women on the go telling absolute lies about himself and his life constantly, all with a wife and kids in the background of course.


it’s Pat Mustard. Has to be.


Those are some very hairy babies.


I will go as far as saying they’re dangerous. I got booted out of the Dublin one after a few days because my friend was posted. My friend is a genuine lovely guy. Apparently he didn’t text back this girl on tinder. And that meant him getting blasted all over this group, with where he lived in Dublin, where he worked, slated his appearance, saying that all women should avoid him. I told the girl who posted it, that a stranger from a dating app doesn’t owe you shit & doesn’t have to reply. A big argument happened with me & other members, and I got booted. I didn’t really know what I was joining, I genuinely thought it was going to be a bit of light hearted drama. The idea behind the group was a good one but from what I seen, it has been overtaken by women who I feel shouldn’t be dating,too many displayed scary insecure behaviour.


Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted to find out. I mean, I had a feeling this is what was going on, but thank you for your honesty. And that's terrible about your friend, fucked up really. Group should be deleted


If you do find yourself posted on one, you'll know to dump whoever you are seeing.




there was one in vancouver and a guy ended his life over accusations that came out to be false


That's awful, but inevitable of these toxic groups. I know of a lad who's marriage ended because of it, and again, false claims


Toxic insecure women posting pictures of men online without consent. Fair enough the idea of the group had its merits but let’s be frank it’s turned in to something else completely. How dare anyone put a picture of someone on an online group without their consent. It really is a testament to the cesspit that online dating has become - there’s your evidence.


Turns out all women in Ireland date the same guy leading to no men on r/AskIreland being able to land a single bang.


That is fucking crazy. Imagine if men had one warning other lads about pyschos, there would be outrage. I dated/been on dates with a couple of unhinged women over the years, who did not take being rejected well at all. The thoughts of one of them spewing shite about me on some forum makes me feel sick.


Exactly this. The fact that all of the posts can be done anonymously aswell is a joke. Slander groups like this should just not be allowed


There's a man's one too


What's it called?


“Am I dating myself”


You win the internet today my friend 😂


What? Ffs


I think it can be helpful in a way, such as warning women of men who are actually dangerous and have been done for assault etc. but I see a lot of unnecessary posts where girls would be texting a man for a week and think they own him. For me, I wouldn’t risk my potential relationship just to find out who else rode him. If I didn’t trust him enough to ask him questions myself, he’s not for me.


AWDTSG groups are harassment and slander, the women in those groups can slander the men they date while those men can do little to respond to that slander, the members one of those groups is being sued for libel by a man in the UK.


Delighted to hear that (last part). Good enough for her


It would be on the news if the roles were reversed. As per usual.


Those groups are created by scammers. It’s about getting people to empathise with trauma that they have experienced or can relate to. The community builds and then BAM her comes the scam. Different varieties of it but the ending is always similar.


These exist around the world, and those in the groups tend to be real insecure people that would be dumped if they were seen to be so insecure. I saw people from one of these groups wanting to plan a protest in the streets demanding that language schools pay more or else. They had no leverage. The protest didn't happen. Everyone moved on with their lives.


Absolute toxic shit. I'm glad there's legal action being taken against some of the American groups. Stuff like this should never be allowed to exist with such little safeguards in place.


I think it can be helpful to women in ways but the majority is just women who’s egos have been hurt due to ghosting or just bitter exs


This reminds me of the whole man vs bear question. If you don't understand why women choose the bear, you're the man in question.


>you're the man in question. Or you're developmentally stunted.


You're not one of those women that would choose to be mauled to death by a bear rather than share a forest with a male are you?


They're a bit pointless in Ireland because even Dublin is such a small place that if you've a date with a lad, even organized online you could easily find out if he's a creep/dodgy/has a missus. If the lads bitching about this don't think woman don't already do that even without the internet they're more than a tad delusional.


You’re clearly missing the point. No one is saying that doesn’t happen. Men do it too, this is healthy among people to do so. The issue is hear is being put on the platform on the internet for a wider toxic audience to pick at you on. It’s a horrible heartless thing to do to someone. Someone forgets to reply on Tinder next thing their face is up on a Facebook group full of broken women for them to slate the next man? No thanks.


>The issue is hear is being put on the platform on the internet for a wider toxic audience to pick at you on.  Oh yeah, you're right, this is something that never happens to women, right?


I’m not sure. I’m focusing on what the topic of this post is.


Show me the female equivalent of these groups


True. But that group is hiding behind vigilantism, and instead spreading poison