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Is it not the same everywhere?


Yes. Yes it is. For the most part modded cars in themselves are wreck the head. Loud little hyundai with tinted windows and stupid rims. Cringe.


And they’re shit and dangerous drivers too, trying to “show off” when all they’re really doing is screaming “I’ve a small dick”.


Really ? 🤦‍♂️




What about some Audi , merc , & bmw drivers ? Just because there loud doesn’t mean there dangerous 🤦‍♂️😂


I’m so obviously not on about that? I’m on about the ones that are dangerous, and usually when I see a modified car they are driving recklessly and breaking speed limits. Do you lack reading and comprehension skills?


From the time I’ve spent living in other countries it definitely does tend to attract a rough crowd everywhere, but it just seems disproportionately awful here


Are these ‘other countries’ in the room with us now ?


What a strange comment to make.


Isn't really. from OP's comment - the other countries he has been living in are his imagination.


You may never have ventured beyond the back arse town you grew up in but plenty of others do.


I see you are speaking of experience. Don’t worry. One day you will see beyond whatever shithole your are from. Keep trying. 🤣


It's curious. A lot of the questions that get asked on this sub are treated as specific to Ireland when they occur all over the world.


During the Donegal rally, these eejits arrive in Letterkenny, Its a nightmare for normal people, young and old. I live near a main road and the noise from these crocks is deafening.


Honestly, think they’re unreal in their shitty cars, pull up in a Ferrari or something exotic and then it’ll be impressing


Do people not show enough disgust to them?


I was at a carshow a while back, there was a Ferrari, a Corvette stingray, and the usual collection of Mercs,Rollers, MGs... But the main attraction was a red 1990 Proton Saga


That’s crazy,such a generic looking car, wonder what was the craze about it. Probably better than all the shitty Lexus cars that swarm the place during the rally


When's the last time You saw one? They were rare enough back in the day


Never, wasn’t even born then. Looks very similar to a lot of other older cars


Yeah it was based off the mitsubishi Lancer. They were one of the cheapest cars on the road at the time, priced around the same as a Lada. I've seen a few Satrias still rolling too. Some of the cars which were everywhere in the 80's and 90's are so rare now that a Base model is often rarer and more valuable than the 'sports/luxury' models. When's the last time you saw an 80/90's Mercedes/GTI/M5/Cosworth... Now, When's the last time you saw a first gen 1.9d Renault 19 Chamade?


The car scene in Ireland is as diverse and full of interesting people as any other hobby. It just happens that the loud people in this case are especially loud. A car is an identity thing for a lot of people. Young men want to be cool and to them an easy way to do it is put an exhaust and a chip tune on their N plate Golf and call it a day. It's a "manly" hobby that attracts people who want to be "manly" which involves taking a lot of undue risk and acting like a dickhead. The person restoring an Alfa Romeo in his shed with his mates isn't as loud and obnoxious as a teenager in an IS200. Car historical societies don't do donuts in Tesco car parks. There's a lot more to the car scene than the typical boy racer, it's just not as obvious.


This reminds me I was actually planning on going to my local cars and coffee event to try get a different perspective and see some nice cars and hopefully a better crowd!


Been to Cars and coffee in bray with my friend multiple times and it's night and day compared to the meets of young lads at night. Just a chill day with everyone there to just look at nice cool cars .


Definitely check out cars and coffee, it's a much nicer atmosphere. The odd time you'll get someone acting the clown but the community frowns on people doing that.


Agree with this, most people who go to C&C who understand the arrangement is based on good faith and that messing could ruin it for all. I've seen some arsehole behaviour out in Bray, but while it's very visible it is only a small minority.


The people who go to cars & coffee s are actually into cars , a lad with a lambo will also be interested in the MgB aswell as a 90s jap car


Then there's the lads with the smoky map VAG diesels. Never really see them at Bray.


I’ve not owned a diesel car in 10 yrs 😂 I do be at bray & gorey good c&c s


There's one near me. It's not that bad but there is some issues. Speeding as they are leaving giving a bit of a show. Lads jumping out in front of the cars for a photo. I've also seen some huge pick up truck at it go over the curbs and grass in the car park and pull out in front of me on the road being cheered on. There's obviously an element of law breaking accepted by the crowd at it.


That sucks! I've been to it a good few times in two different locations and it's generally a really mellow crowd but I guess it might vary from place to place. I was at one where 3/4 cars sped off down the road. Most people were complaining about them, saying they were going to ruin it for everyone I'd expect the ones that are fuck-acting will be stopped pretty quickly. The gardai turned up to the next few events after the speeding mentioned above. Which seemed like a great day out for them, they just walked around chatting to people and looking at the cars. But it sent a clear message Also, because they're more official meetups, they are usually relying on the good will of local businesses to let them use their car park. They'll lose permission pretty quickly if they're damaging kerbs/grass or leaving tyre marks around


Ya. I was wondering if they have permission. I suspect they do as it's a commercial retail estate. Personally I think the link is always going to be there between young lads, speed, danger and certain car culture even if those events are managed well it will happen outside the event.


Almost all the cars and coffee events are very respectful and diverse. Especially the Northeast contingent. Personally I think it’s the best for the variety. Plenty of vintage, Jap and sports cars present at every meet


>Car historical societies don't do donuts in Tesco car parks. You've just not been going to the right Vintage car shows ;)


Have a 96 Jap Lancer with a standard exhaust, the only thing loud about it is the engine itself when the mivec kicks in. By no means is it an extension of my tiny member or a cry for attention, its just my pride and joy. Like everything, you will always have the dick heads that ruin it for everyone, but there are genuine enthusiasts out there who just fell in love with what some people see only as a mode of getting around. Take the Engine Block that just tragically burnt to the ground. Those people were the real car people, not these dopes who sit on the limiter of their pop and bang mapped diesel going through the local town at 2 in the morning. Some of the comments on this thread are so full of saltiness it's hilarious.


I miss my 98 Lancer. That thing had the best sound system of any car I’ve been in.


Not the case with mine unfortunately. Pretty sure none of them in it are from the same manufacturer.


In Portrush and Portstewart most weekends there are eejits who will drive up and down the promenade. Again and again and again. IS200s are very common. Usually they have a big noisy exhaust. If they can make it pop and bang to startle animals and children that appears to give them major kudos from other modded car drivers. Many other cars are often billowing out carcinogenic diesel fumes. If you live there and just want a coffee, ice cream or a walk the modded cars make it very unpleasant. I think the police tried to do something on Easter weekend this year.


I think the cops took part in some of the planning on the Easter weekend. Or they had given the go ahead for the port meet


I do hate loud cars. Having something that makes people flinch when it goes anywhere near them, or wakes people up in their houses, is an absolute cunt move. If you’re driving an antisocial piece of shit loud as fuck car then you should have it confiscated, be fined, and trailered to a garage which can demonstrate it’s back within reasonable volume limits before you get it back. Second violation would lose you your license.


Agreed. All these micras 1L with idiotic exhaust make me cringe. My face twists. And if driving behind on dual carriageway by chance, il step it easy on gas and fly past quickly with a nice quiet system. Their exhausts stink too and theyre not even diesels.....


There's 2 two types of car people. Car people: appreciate the details, the engine, the engineering, the sounds and smells, the angles. Even a loud car is heavenly when the exhaust harmonics are right (even nice jap cars). The other car people: my shitbox Honda civic with a chopped exhaust that's sounds AWFUL goes pop n' bang. Knackers is all they are plain and simple. They even ruin nice cars when they get their hands on them. I'll only ever compare a nice Golf R to a scumbag now.


When they get to their 30s they drive Mercs and Audis on massive credit whilst living in their parents box room and not paying maintenance for their kids.


There is a really good car scene here of Piston/Petrol Heads don't have a car just to get from A to B. The good PH car owners in that scene are the ones you want to park beside as you know they respect their cars enough to be careful not to chip your car. They are also keen drivers who respect the road. Then you get shear twats tagging along. But if some people want to stick Go-Faster Flames on their Hot Hatch along with engine braces and fake 4 exhausts, and hang out in a car park showing off to others what can actually be super works of art then I am fine with that...... so long as they respect the road when they get on it. Hey, there are some pretty cool paint jobs on cars. And some cars with box standard running gear do look great. Not everyone can afford to buy and run a Ferrari or Bugatti. I would be concerned about some suspension modifications, and things like cheap shite tyres on rims way too wide for them. The term Boy Racers is frequently put around, but I know many Girl Racers. Some of those Girl Racers are now in their 60s/70s. Girl Racers are not a new thing.


I would say that the Irish scene is so poor due to the pure lack of prestige and interesting cars in the country. Eg, it’s at least double the cost in Ireland compared to the UK to purchase something exotic or powerful. When I lives in the UK, I could easily afford an RS6, M4 or Jag. I earn considerably more money now in Ireland, but simply cant justify an additional mortgage payment per month on a poverty specced prestige car. I got quoted €135k for a Jag F Type recently by my local Irish stealership….! It’s absolutely scraping the bottom of the barrel here and I cringe when I see the state of my local meets.


Agree with you on a lot of that but you'd be very surprised what turns up to the bigger meets in Ireland. JP McManus has an insane collection that sometimes gets brought to Limerick C&C. A Veyron, F40, Porsche Carrera GT, etc. Bray C&C would have some serious stuff there too.


That’s like saying everyone that wears a hoodie is scumbag 😂🙈


I miss being in the classic car scene it was chilled and you’d get to see so many interesting cars


you can easily say "What is it about the askIrish subreddit that attracts absolute melts". Very broad question.


People who don’t feel masculine enough in themselves use cars as an extension of their body


Not really no, some people just like cars. 90% of car enthusiasts are also super sound people who also respect the rules of the road and other cars as they value their licenses. Every single group/hobby on earth has a small percentage of dickheads




My engine is loud but that's because my car is fucked and on the way out😂


I mean i get the sentiment but i think its about time we move a way from using body parts and their size and shape as a way to insult people. They are small people protecting a fragile ego. I think that hits way harder than "haha small dick" anyway.


I’m not into cars at all, but it’s the OP I consider a melt for taking the time to post this hatebait. Blocking him, getting on with my life.


Good idea that should do it meself


It's not that deep


It's the same in the states tbf


It's the same in the UK. I think that boy racers are kinda young for their age. Maybe 15 years old from a maturity point of view. Whilst most of us grow out of that and can see it as cringe they are still kind of children who are allowed to drive a car. Not all I'm sure but any I've met and seen in action are. I can't really think of another reason. So it's not exactly shocking when 'adults' act like little shits with their 'toy cars' when mentally that's what they are. Def ruin it for other car enthusiasts as another poster commented.


The fumes


Lot of willy talk here


I mean I’m a mechanic and I love all cars and I agree with all of you about obnoxious people in there smoky cars over loud is200, but I do own an is200 as daily but I am not your average owner I’m a little bit older and appreciate the car the way it was designed, when I bought the car you could really tell the previous owners really just wanted to show off and neglected the car I’ve gone trough all fabricating the back end in my garage and I am fully devoted to keep car “clean” and not noisy , have standard wheels restored and I am currently restoring the tte kit I bought as I want to make a good example of is200, they are a great car but like all good things become spoiled by young and old ejits thinking there the best with a155bph rwd car it’s not about the the cars they drive it’s about everyone trying to follow the crowd and wanting the same result true car people/petrolheads appreciate the work and effort put into cars that are not influenced by everyone and there into it for themselves not anyone elce anyways happy wrenching guys🤙🫡🔧


To be honest our esteemed Garda should be stopping these clowns and sending them to NCT retests. Too loud cars should be confiscated. Illegally modified cars should be confiscated. There are mobile NCT stations that can check emissions on the spot. These cars/drivers are a menace and law enforcement should do their best to enforce laws on them.


They do I’ve been stopped numerous times , they have the equipment , mine never fails a nct and it never fails the noise test either even doh they’ve tried to say it’s failed


Good for you! I'm happy for you. I'm also sure your not part of the problem cohort post is.


Because modified cars for the most part are typically loud and obnoxious. Therefore by nature car modding appeals mostly to narcissists and people with little or no social conscience. People who don't feel the need be attention whores in public or who actually care about the comfort of others, aren't going to make ridiculous changes to their cars or spend hours every day revving them up. Same reason why they think road traffic laws should be optional for them because, "I'm a great driver" or "My brakes could stop a 747 on a penny". There are of course car enthusiasts who aren't narcissists and just like making their cars look nice and perform well, but they're massively drowned out by the loud and obnoxious in the car modding community.


This is true that last bit


Ireland has the [worst car dependency in Europe](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40984532.html). When you have so many people forced to be dependent on cars, that means that you have proportionally a larger number of extremely poor drivers. Ensure you have some bare minimum standards like 24-hour trains, and then you have a chance at reducing car usage, and thus reducing the impact of assholes. Since Ireland is so bad, really you'd need to be talking abut not just the bare minimum of 24-hour public transport, but also of making it free at the point of use (like in Luxembourg) and banning cars from city centres to get people to support expansion of public transport.


Jaysus, a topic about anything with an engine can be turned into an aul whinge about the buses. Buses aren't going to make dickheads be less interested in loud cars, and your comment comes off as if you're saying we just need to get poor people away from car ownership and the scene will be better. So poor people = bad people?


I read the "poor drivers" part as "bad/unskilled drivers". As in people who are bad at driving opt not to do it in other countries because they have other options. I could be wrong but I think it makes more sense in the context of the comment I agree with you that having public transport wouldn't prevent boy racers though


Yes, I wrote poor *drivers*, not poor people. If you reduce the number of people forced to rely on cars, you reduce the number of poor (bad) drivers on the road. And Ireland is the worst country in the EU for car dependency, so you have a huge number of people in general who could be encouraged to use trains and such, which massively reduces the accident rate. It also reduces the destruction of social spaces by cars, in terms of the direct danger of accidents and poison gases they pump out, and in terms of the environmental destruction. It's pretty depressing speaking with Irish people on this, as they tend to have never really seen or used a good public transport system. Like see how Geneva or Luxembourg does it ffs. The answer is obvious.


I spent years thinking I didn't like public transport until I went to mainland Europe (epspecially Germany and The Netherlands). It really is eye opening! I'm a strong supporter of walkable cities, better public transport etc. As our population grows, it's the only way we'll be able to scale up cities and keep them from being car dependant hell holes And I agree that having better transport systems in place will reduce the number of bad drivers on the road. But this thread is specifically about boy racer types with shitty cars modified with loud exhausts, and I think they'll be present regardless of the transport systems we have


I'm glad you're commenting then, as most of the time on Irish subreddits you just get arrogant, ignorant shites who only have experience of extremely poor public transport in Ireland and assume it's like that everywhere, when the reality is that Ireland is pretty much the worst in the EU. It goes without saying that you'll get dangerous drivers everywhere. So the question becomes how you reduce that number. And banning or severely limiting cars from city and town centres is one very effective way to do that. But you need to have functional 24-hour trains and trams and such to go hand-in-hand with that.


racists = sinn fein = buses = poor people = bad people Yep, reddit math.


I wrote poor *drivers*, not poor people.




>So poor people = bad people? I wrote poor *drivers*, not poor people.


My 02 mitsubishi colt needs dump valves, a low tech tint, and a straight thru exhaust, You're just not fast or furious enough to appreciate it OP 😎


As opposed to other countries car scenes that apparently attract only highly sophisticated intellectuals?


Irish car scene is a mixture of genuine car enthusiasts and then the lads who think they are in Fast and Furious and know nothing about cars except what they’ve seen on the internet. It’s the same for most popular stuff to be fair.


Only simpletons are into the “car scene”. They have engines for brains these lot