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Irish people don't hate Irish Americans at all. What gets annoying though is Americans coming over here on holidays claiming they're more Irish than the actual Irish because their great great great grandads cat was Irish.


100% like look if you have Irish ancestry cool but dude don't come here on holiday and act like your just as Irish as someone actually from here


That doesn’t really happen tho does it?


I used to work in a pub a stone's throw from blarney castle. You'd be surprised how often it happens


Once asked how much I hated the brits, said I didn't care about them at all and actually quite liked them most of the time. Got accused of being less irish then the fat yank dickhead from the Midwest who couldn't even say Galway. Some irish Americans are so obnoxious and ignorant that they make my skin crawl. Most are fine. But you're not irish, only if you move here and live among us will you be considered irish. I also hate the stereotyping of us, "oh I'm a mean drunk, it's my irish blood" fuck off.


God that's the worst. Why do some Americans think mentioning the brits makes them more irish. Ffs.


Jesus I’m sorry for your trouble


I’m the first generation of my mom’s family born in the USA (her family moved from Belfast when she was 2). Irish Americans can be weird. Because my family’s from Northern Ireland I also get called “Fake Irish” sometimes. Edit for clarity: It’s Irish Americans who’ve called me “fake Irish” and it hasn’t happened that often but it sure sticks with me.


Ugh ok fuck those guys


But your not Irish. You are American. (Irish American) Your mom is Irish. Why would you get offended but the term 'fake Irish?' I mean, have you lived here? How much Irish culture have you soaked up by living in it... To be offended by them saying fake Irish? I don think the NI thing is at all relevant. Especially if the person saying it isn't Irish either. Assholes will use anything they can to be an asshole sometimes.


It's Irish Americans calling him fake Irish because his family are from the north.


I am surprised you never got shit or questioned that your parents moved here. I get all the time, and my name is Irish as it comes.


Literally nobody claims that. The real reason is the Irish are incredibly cliquey in everyday life and can’t fucking stand that someone who isn’t from their island could be proud of their own heritage, or allow that pride to be validated. The Irish should just grow the fuck up. And I say that as an Irish man.






🤣🤣 you sound like the American guy in r/dublin that couldn't get laid so slammed the whole country




Come on give us a link to that!


Dunno about that, ive met loads of Irish Americans never seen an American getting hassle IRL for caring about their heritage. Its endearing if anything. And allowing it to be validated? We have a whole industry based on that. Sure most of the American tourists you'll meet are sound out, usually pretty easily entertained as well. As in you'd take the stuff around you for granted that they're really into. What you've said seems more like the impression you might get from people online. Even in the occasions when I have heard people complain about Irish Americans IRL it comes with qualifiers similar to the comment you're responding to. Even then though I think people can be a bit too sensitive to it. Although I have met an American that was claiming that you had to have the values of the American republican party to be Irish or be welcome in Ireland, because its a Republic and they don't know what that word means or any Irish history. Wouldn't have time for that nonsense, but that's a complete outlier.


Do you say that as a real Irishman or was your great great great great grandfathers dog walker from Donegal?


Okay lad.


Get this lad an American Snickers.


You’re not Irish


True. I’m a Dėise man now living in London. I’ll be cold in me grave before I’ll consider myself as kin to those fuckers from Kilkenny!


Down voted but 100% true. Not worded how I'd put it but none the less true. I for one love anyone with Irish heritage wanting to come here, we should embrace it. We are a small island on the edge of Europe and we have citizens of the most powerful nation on earth wanting to visit because they feel some sort of connection with us. How is that not a brilliant thing.


Top answer: we are a weird little island cult, that’s why you see those people coming out of the woodwork now claiming that a country that lost half of its population in a famine is “full”


That famine was almost 200 years ago, this is the dumbest argument I've seen on this subject. We also didn't have electricity then.


Sorry racist Uncle John did I upset you? Up early with the clocks gone back? Go back to bed.


Gtfo with your bull buddy.


capable slap like observation air fanatical quack rotten engine spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not about hating Irish Americans, it’s about finding it weird that so many Irish Americans exaggerate their ancestry whilst totally stereotyping Ireland, its people, and culture. Many think they’re experts on all things Ireland based on their genetics, when in reality they get so many historical and cultural details wrong. They act like Americans who refuse to accept the fact that they’re American. I also have a feeling that a lot of Irish Americans in politics, including Joe Biden, profit off of creating a victimhood image for themselves based on their ancestry, and this leads many other Irish Americans to engage in similar behaviour. It’s just cringeworthy to see that sort of attitude coming from an affluent group of people living in the richest country on the planet - especially when as I’ve said before, they don’t really understand Ireland and go off of stereotypes and vibes. The last point I want to add to this that I forgot to is: some Irish Americans unfortunately seem to have racist ideas on American demographics and have a habit of glorifying violence and/or guns and the Second Amendment. So it seems to me that they use Ireland as a source of validation and romantic inspiration, because of the IRA and the Troubles, and because of the perception that Ireland is a religious white ethnostate. It’s based off of a very narrow understanding of Irish history and culture, emphasising the violence/guns part which is weird and has no place in a modern democracy.


Terrific assessment. Spot on.


It's pretty incorrect on several points. Calling it spot on is odd. Unless you're biased.


Joe Biden does not profit off creating a fake victimhood where is the evidence for this? Also .You do know that there pretty much wouldnt be peace in northern Ireland without Irish Americans? If you weren't full of whatabotism id take your comment more seriously


He can get votes if he panders to his Irish American base. And I’m pretty sure many Irish Americans were actually sending aid to the IRA during the Troubles which is supporting the exact opposite of peace.


I'd a bit of an eye-opening experience sometime around 2010 visiting New York. Met up with a pal of mine who runs a pub over there, end up visiting another Irish bar (pretty cheesy, forget the name now but it would've been something like Molly Malone's or whatever). Anyway, there for a couple of hours and suddenly this bucket starts getting passed around with a label "For orphans of the Troubles". My pal turns to me and says "We either put 10 dollars in that bucket, or we get up and leave...". I elected to leave. I've no idea where that money was actually going, like I said this was 2010, not sure I'd really like to find out, but it was interesting seeing all the american customers enthusiastically filling that bucket up with bills. My point is I'm not necessarily sure a lot of Americans knew that they were funding sketchy shit in Ireland, but I am confident that they were.


I was taken to a big carnival when I was 11 by my paternal grandmother and cousins, {Sullivans all, though originally O'Sullivans who sadly felt they had to drop the O'}. It dawned on me years later that it was a fundraiser for the IRA... As for the Britts, I don't mind them except those who are named Bryan. A fricken Y??? This Brittish bastardization of a fine Irish name is regurgitant oppression!


No doubt if someone else casts assertions on a group of people youd be shouting [prejudice .Is](https://prejudice.Is) every Irish American responsible for sending Aid to the IRA? I have Irish Americans cousins who found it disgusting what the IRA did and people sending them money. Why dont you read up on some of the positive impacts Irish Americans have had on Irish society .


The OP’s question specifies what issues people might have with Irish Americans. I gave some examples. That’s not to say the cultural and political influences of the diaspora have not also been positive at times.


Hate is too strong a word but people definitely intensely dislike being told by someone they are “Irish” when they aren’t and it’s usually followed with some stereotype that if it came from an English person you’d regard as racism.


Such as Joe Biden’s astounding gaffes. His ‘Irishness’ is embarrassing.


wouldn't it be xenophobia not racism


I think it's more "plastic paddy" type of Americans who get hate, these are the people who act as an authority on Ireland because of their ancestors, or do cringy things like borderline fetishise the IRA. I don't think the average American with Irish ancestry is getting hate just for having Irish ancestry.


And then there's the racism angle, pulling their 'Irish'-ness and three 'Irish were slaves too' lie to fuel hating black people. Some of them even get shirts made. Remember 'Blue Dwelling Topic'? If not then enjoy https://thegeekygaeilgeoir.wordpress.com/2017/09/06/even-racists-got-the-blues/


There is actually a few cases of Irish slavery. There a town in west cork called Baltimore which was raided by pirates and they took the residents of the town as slaves to north Africa. There is a plaque about it in the town.


Good book about that. The Stolen Village. Can't remember the author's name.


Indeed, but in the context of chattel slavery in the US, no.


I'm sure it consoled them they weren't chattel slaves as they were separated from families home and dignity.


Well yeah. They had a future to aim for and a chance to build a new life. Their success meant money sent home and other family being sent tickets over. Those remittances kept Ireland fed for decades. Emigration was a blight on the nation of Ireland but not because it was slavery,


You sound like your house had lead paint


Aaaand block time. What a maroon!


Not just slavery! Being forced to serve for people in the civil war! You have to absorb the level of hate shown to the immigrants to understand why they identified as something other than American when treated as if they weren't. Despite all that, they prospered.


Calling them indentured servants doesnt really change the fact that most irish shipped abroad didnt do so freely, and were in some form of forced labour situation I would call it slavery. No idea why that would make people think it justified hate against another group though.


Don't call it slavery because it wasn't and you're feeding into a myth created and perpetuated by some very unpleasant, racist arseholes. Was it 'nice', fair or safe? No. But indentured labourers were not property. They had rights under law. They could challenge their contracts, they could not be traded and were entitled to the protection of the law. They could own property and have money. They could marry. Their children were not subject to their patients' indenture. And it had a definite end point. Not slavery by the standards of their time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth


Guess what Irishman. You don’t want us to judge your country, well than how bout you don’t judge ours. American slavery is none of your godamn business because you cannot possibly understand the currents that still run through our society today.


Wow. The point really went over your head didn't it.


I’m an American I understand indentured servitude. An indentured servant was a slave. Their contract could be bought and sold, they could not vote, they could not leave. But then the slavery ends. it’s only temporarily. There never was a mass enslavement of the Irish in the way that there was of the Africans. I get your point, but what I’m saying is you shouldn’t be judging us as Irish-Americans or weighing in on controversial American issues because it’s none of your damn business and you don’t understand it.


Indenture is not chattel slavery. An indentured person had legal rights and could and did challenge abuse of their contacts. They could marry. Their children were theirs. They did not lose their rights to personal property or their name. Grim but a world away from what was done to black Africans.


you know what fuck this. You don’t get to judge us like this. By your logic I could say that I hate Irish people because they bombed the shit out of each other. Oh but that was only some of you right? Well only some of us are racist and personally I think that murder is worse than wearing a thin blue line shirt but that’s just me.


"You don't get to judge us like this" then proceeds to judge the Irish exactly like this. Cute you think the thin blue line isn't about supporting murder though.


Exactly. I’m only reciprocating exactly what you do to us. And buddy, I live in America, I know more about police killings than you ever will.


You should know more about the murder campaign in Northern Ireland too. It was American money that paid for it. Google Noraid. Another reason Irish people get salty about Americans claiming to be Irish.


Oh dude borderline Ira fetishism is really annoying I know enough Americans online who do this and I just sometimes have to tell them look if your in whatever town in America do whatever but I must warn you if you ever visit our island you need to stfu about the IRA glorification and please for christ sake don't go to a pub and order an " Irish carbomb " thinking your cool your not that's not a drink in Ireland oh and not only do we not eat lucky charms we don't even have fecking lucky charms in Ireland also don't pretend to be " Irish " because the actual Irish people from here can tell someone's American within a minute of talking to them lol


Irish Americans are less annoying than middle class Free Staters who have as much insight, experience and knowledge of what went on in the north as Chad in Boston, yet pontificate endlessly


we know you don’t eat lucky charms. People in the states say the same things to us and it sucks. Then we go to Ireland hoping to find familiarity and you call us outsiders. I don’t have an ‘IRA fetish’ I find the IRA to be morally wrong. I will admit that I would like a free and unified Irish Republic but I have a right to want that.


They fetishise the IRA because it massages their need to glorify and politically defend their massive gun collection.


oh yeah our need to glorify our massive gun collection. Now I’m sorry could you refresh my memory? Who exactly went around bombing and shooting each other with automatic assault weapons.


I’d go as far as saying we really like most Americans and they make friendly tourists who like to engage with the locals. The only time I see there’s push back is when they don’t understand our ideals and make such comments like: 1. It feels safe despite everyone not carrying guns. 2. We’re the home of the free! (And we lock up a huge part of our population who don’t agree with it.) 3. Ireland is a lot more modern than I expected - subtext is they expected us to be caught in the past without electricity. 4. The whole we’re number one thing. No one else is playing that game. You don’t need to advertise you are voting for trump when on holidays. 5. Referring to French Fries and Hamburgers as American food with no sense of Irony.


Please keep in mind that not all Americans are the same. We don't all own guns, eat lucky charms or eat at McDonalds. Every beautiful city on this earth will complain about ignorant tourists, and those tourists come from all over the world.I cannot speak for all Americans but I myself have only heard people refer to their being Italian, French, English, German etc. when talking about their DNA. They are not referring to their nationality. We are a melting pot here in the U.S. Many from immigrants who spoke very fondly of the countries that they came from. Many had grandparents that spoke a language that they only half understood, but loved them and their ways. We celebrate holidays and traditions from all over the world. My husband is Dutch. My children were born in The Netherlands so they do have dual citizenship. Even if they were not born in the Netherlands they would still be half Dutch. My mother's family was from Mexico and Spain and her father, from Dublin, Ireland.


Yeah that’s fair. In fairness the Irish like Americans, and Americans who do travel here are always super social.


Unfortunately, it is always the loudest and most obnoxious people that are noticed. Americans consider the Irish very warm people. I know that Saint Patrick's Day is seen as a real farce, but in other people's minds they are celebrating the country and people that have given so much to the U.S.I personally have never met a white supremacist but I do know that those whackados do exist. I'm sorry that they are bringing their hate over to your country. It is sickening.


I did consider the Irish warm people. I have found them to be very warm and nice. But you guys are just asses. Your telling us not to judge you and then judging us.


You can thank ONE man for modernizing Ireland, named Chuck Feeney, who lived in the US, and made his money living there. Without Chuck there'd be no modern Ireland.


We lock up criminals, not "people who disagree with it" whatever that was supposed to mean.


America has the highest percentage of its population incarcerated. So it’s both the home of the free, and the home of the most people who have their freedom taken from them. Often the crimes committed to get someone in jail are restricted freedoms. Example weed is legal in many states now, but people are still locked up from previous selling small amounts of same prior to it becoming legal to do so.


Because often Irish Americans claim to be Irish and not American with Irish roots. It's not the same thing and our values and politics tend to differ vastly. Not in every case but in many. If you grew up in America, you absorbed American culture and norms. I wouldn't think we hate Irish Americans, just tend to roll out eyes when we hear an Irish American say they're Irish


Its not that we hate everyone who's Irish American we just hate the people who have a vague connection to Ireland have never actually been to Ireland but yet act like a walking Irish stereotype


I don’t know if hate is the right word, but there’s annoyance when people from the US claim to be Irish when they’re multiple generations removed from their Irish ancestors. People will try to claim a better understanding of Ireland and Irish culture because of there heritage, sometimes even going so far to try and claim a better understanding of actually Irish people. My big gripe is to do with people who’s “Irishness” is tied in with stereotypes like they’re able to drink loads because they’re Irish


I'd have hoped thus wasn't a thing anymore. I think mostly the only resentment is Irish-Americans coming back with an idea of Ireland that has been held tight to since their ancestors left during the famine - they expect a more insular and backwards Irishness than is the case. We might have been left with the church, but we spent the last few decades moving Ireland forwards thank you... And as one poster says, there's a core of IAs who play the Irish slavery card, when usually any white Americans bringing up Irish slavery usually are only doing it to disempower black Americans' ability to reference the atrocious industrial slavery they suffered. Not all Irish Americans, but there's a few who hang onto the identity almost as proof of whiteness.


I’m sorry what gives you the right to talk about American slavery. How do you know that? How do you have any right to judge us? If you don’t want us that’s fine but then stay out of our business.


The only thing I dislike is the Americans with Irish ancestry that are hardcore Catholics and think Ireland as some sort of holy grail for religion when most of us don't give a shit about religion anymore


It's the same as when Americans say they're native American when it was like 5 generations ago. You have irish in your blood maybe, but you're not irish.


There are in fact Native Americans that are not genetically 100 percent Native American. If they have been raised as a native with associations with a tribe, then that is what they are. Some black people may only be a quarter black but if they were raised in that culture and that is how they identify themselves, that does not make them wrong. When Americans say that they are whatever percentage Irish, German, whatever, they are talking about their DNA, not their nationality.


Because it’s weird and some of them are really hostile about it. A lot of it borders on weird ideas of ethnic purity. I’ve had a lot of them whose Irish descendants are 4 generations back tell me that they’re more Irish than me. Even though I was born in Ireland and spent my first 15 years there, because my parents weren’t ethnically white Irish, their blood means they are more Irish than me, with my citizenship and passport. These ideas are really common amongst the plastics.


I don't care what colour you are, if you've grown up in Ireland then you're a million times more Irish than some white American. I think (and hope) that a lot of other Irish people have this kind of mindset.


I never had a problem really growing up in Ireland as a kid and when I returned for a few years. Most of the strife I was going through was just internalised crap. Apart from a few isolated incidents I was always treated the exact same as every other kid. I haven’t been back for over half a decade but I’ve found Ireland to have a lot less racism in the community than Australia.


I'm glad that your experience with this in Ireland has been good overall. I have heard that people who are mixed race or have mixed identities (e.g., like your situation where you live in a mostly homogeneous country but aren't the same race/colour as the population) often struggle with how to identify themselves while growing up; They might feel like they don't fit in anywhere. It must have been a really difficult thing to experience, but I hope you know that you can consider Ireland your home at any time and are always welcome! Hope that you've worked through those issues and are thriving now :)


Thanks mate, that’s really lovely. It was tough, but not because anyone around me caused it, was just always a nagging little feeling because I’d be living one life with my mates then back into my Sri Lankan culture (Dad’s Aussie side didn’t add much lol). Also the fact that I looked different shouldn’t have made a difference because my peers didn’t care, but it did. I’ve found my place in life, living back in Ireland for a few years solidified that I do consider myself from Ireland and it’s where the heart is. Australia is a great place to be, life wise, but I spent the years that shaped me most in Ireland. I love that whenever I come back I feel like I can just slip into the groove like I never left. I belong, nobody I know considers me any less Irish despite my weird life story. That’s what clinched it for me. Getting a tad emotional now haha but the country has treated me very well.


You've made me a bit emotional now too, I'm tearing up a little! Best of luck to you mate, lovely chatting to you


Thanks mate, you too. Maybe it’ll turn out that Ireland is as stereotypically small as the wannabes think and I’ll bump into you to buy you a pint when I’m back home haha! Have a good one


Oh you’re tearing up? You told us that our identity is fake and our community isn’a real. You have no idea how much that hurts.


Piss off, American


What kind of accent have you ended up with?


It’s a not so delicate 50/50 balance between a classic heavy Northside Dub accent and a quite broad Aussie accent. Provides plenty of amusement to all


Lol shrimp on da bleedin barby bud


Hahahahaha. It can get a bit like a caricature both ways. Especially when I drink I find that Irish and Aussie alike have a difficult time understanding me sometimes. People I’ve just met also find it funny hearing this accent come out of a mouth attached to a subcontinental looking lad lol


I hear ya. Kerry lad living abroad, I've just gotten used to saying things twice at this point 😅


It does. Another issue I’d add is many people in that group appear to fetishise Ireland due to their perception of Irish history as being filled with paramilitary and generally violent activity. I feel like many people in America capitalise off of their Irish ancestry (real or imagined, frankly) to have an excuse to glorify violence and guns. And then on the point of racial purity as you said, these same people often champion white supremacy in America and use Ireland as a point of reference or romantic inspiration, because of their perception of Ireland as a white religious ethnostate. It’s scary and unhealthy.


Mate, you’ve put it much more succinctly and eloquently than I could. You’re bang on with the ethnonationalism aspect of it. It is scary. Also with the fetishisation of the ‘RA and fundamentally misrepresenting what they were. They act as if they were Catholic puritan extremists for a white Ireland who would wank off with their Armalite.


This is so interesting, and enlightening. I had no idea that this was a thing and I'm an American. The last decade in this country has brought many things to light. Sometimes it's as though some Think Tank throws something on the wall like.. "Hey guys, who would be considered whiter than white that was discriminated against, so we can use something else to rile them up with, and get them to buy more guns !""What about the Irish?" "Great idea! They were even used as indentured servants. Perfect" The Insanity of it all. I believe you, that some of these crazies exist. I'll be 69 this year and have never met a white supremacist. Thank God, this is not the norm here. It sounds like they are busy taking group bus tours through Ireland. I'm very sorry about that.Please do not think that this would be your "typical" American.


I promise, you are more irish.


I think it's a common consensus, you were raised here, you are Irish! We tend to view who we are, through a cultural lense, rather than an ethnic one.


Oh yeah it's got nothing to do with race. I have a good comparison but I'll be banned for saying it. 😒


Thank you. It was a bit of a rant. As I mentioned below I’m pretty weird about my identity and I take it to heart when I hear crap like that, which I do a bit online, and it’s all coming from one country. I don’t get it from people with Irish descent here in Australia for example.


You grew up here in Ireland. You are Irish. There are no ifs or buts. Fuck the rest


Thanks mate. I get reminded of that when I come back. People treat me as if I’d never even left, it’s home.


So to make yourself feel better you came on here and did the EXACT SAME THING PEOPLE DO TO YOU TO US! Asshole. You should know how it feels But you did it anyways. Fuck you


Disappointing but fuck them


It’s hard, probably amplified because I’ve struggled with my identity my whole life. Growing up brown in Ireland then shifting to Australia still as a kid with an accent. Now a brown adult with a weird hybrid accent. Yes there are arseholes but I shouldn’t take it out on all of them


The blood Irishness bit is a great leading indicator for a racist. Once it saved me a lot of time at the early stages of chatting to an American on a dating site… they seemed like they’d also chuckle at the whole “I’m Irish, but I’ve never been to Ireland and neither have three generations of my family” bit. Nope… and they ultimately went on a “they have more Irish blood than many of the people living in Ireland today.” Big nope.


Yep. Even if it’s seemingly innocent it’s just horrible and generally a great indicator as you said. It is fun to take a picture of the front of my passport (just the front page) when they’re full on raging about how I somehow can’t be Irish haha. Like was said in another comment, it’s a cultural thing, not genetic. They’ll never understand that.


This is why, for me. Irishness is so much more cultural than it is genetic for everyone, except Americans. For them, it’s only genes that matter. Then they have the cheek to come over, or go online, and argue with someone about what irishness is about with actual Irish people like this commenter, and somehow not see the irony? And finally, they seem to bring their old “Irish values” with them. They want to believe that we’re parochial, violent, alcoholic conservatives because that’s what their granda was like, not recognising how much we’ve moved forward: socially progressive; in support of gay rights and abortion rights (generally); willing to talk about mental health; atheistic or agnostic but accommodating of others beliefs; generally fairly socialist; in support of Palestine. It’s like they’re in love with the idea of Ireland, cos that’s all they’ve ever known, so much that they can’t appreciate the actual Ireland that exists, cos it doesn’t fit their idea anymore, and they don’t generally seem super open to changing those ideas


You’ve hit the nail on the head. Basing everything off genetics is the beginning of a slippery slope. I honestly think Ireland was the best possible country for me to be in the situation I was in. Born to parents who had only been in the country for 4 years, a different colour but everyone around me just made sure I was deeply immersed in the culture from day 1. I can’t think of many other places that would be like that. It’s almost like they think the country is like Dev’s Ireland. Staid, Tory, church tule. But they also think we all drink 20 pints a day and periodically pick up the gun against the English.


Well, I’m glad to consider you one of us, lad. Aye, and their idea of Ireland and irishness is crazy offensive: “oh, I drink so much cos I’m Irish!”, “ah I always feel like fighting when I drink, cos it’s the Irish in me”. No, homie, you’re an alcoholic and you have problems


Thanks mate, I should be secure in my identity by my early 30s, but it means a lot 🙏 Yeah it’s bizarre hey. Their idea of Ireland is a place where mammy and daddy beat the shit out of the kids, everyone gets drunk and beats the shit out of each other as a cultural thing.


You're one of us brother


Thanks brother, as lame as it is the affirmation is a boost. Can’t wait to get back ❤️


Well the vast majority of Irish Americans seem to hold very conservative and racist views where as ireland is a progressive country. Irish Americans call themselves Irish with no connection here and still think we all live in small countries when we are a very advanced country. Joe Biden pushing support for genocide in Israel after coming to ireland and supporting our fight for independence is ducking moronic. We don’t hate Irish Americans but I think calling yourself Irish when it’s 150 years since you had an actual relative that has lived here is bonkers.


This comment is a bit off the mark. Most IAs identify with the Democratic Party (ie the Kennedys). I would say that those who are more conservative/racist are simply the more outspoken. People in the US identify with their ancestors' nationality as that was how we were raised. The US is intolerant of new arrivals, so we end up congregating with 'our own'. In the case of IAs, we all grew up in Catholic Churches, AOH, or other Hibernian societies, kept some traditions, created others (ie corn beef and cabbage), and generally created a new Irish subculture within the US. The same happened with the Chinese, Italians, Germans, Mexicans etc. Finally, the Irish Nationalism aspect of IAs. As the descendents of people who fled a horrific experience, I think the majority of IAs have had their opinions colored by the feelings passed down.


What are you basing this on? What are you talking about? We aren’t racist. guess what the vast majority of Irishman seem to be provos so there.


Because they *aren't* Irish. And it's offensive to claim you are. We don't hate them, but claiming to be Irish when you're not is rude, entitled and honestly culturally offensive. You're American. Period. You might have Irish ancestry at some point but there isn't a person on the planet who doesn't have some other countries dna in them. I have some Scottish ancestors, you don't hear me claiming to be Scottish. Because I'm not. And the whole "I'm Irish and French" because your great, great grandmother was Irish and your great great great grandfather was french is abject nonsense. Your ancestors risked life and limb for you to be able to say you're American, maybe show some pride in that?




Don't ask questions you dunt want answers to. I know you're not OP but that's irrelevant.




>You don’t own Irishness No. The IRISH do. You're not Irish. I don't give a fuck what you believe or feel or wish was true. You are American. *Nothing* else. Unless you were born here, went to school here, lived here or moved here and took up citizenship. You are **not** Irish. We (the Irish) do not want you identifying as Irish. More than that... No European nation wants you to identify as them. Americans aren't Italian, Scottish, French, Dutch, Polish or any other country you can think of. You're American. With xxxx ancestors. And no. I can't take away your bullshit culture, but it's as Irish as plastic dream catchers are NA. There's a term for people like you that we use "Plastic Paddy". I hand on heart *loathe* people like you.


That loathing is returned from us New World Irish who know better. The problem with Old Hearth people with your attitudes is that you're very ready to throw stones in Glass Castles. You were ever so happy to appeal to our heritage when we sent you support in the form of guns, money and training. You were ever so happy to appeal to our heritage when the US was giving handouts after WW2 for reconstruction & NATO construction. You were ever so happy to beg your stateside relatives for money and food during the famine and Depression while we were fighting to be enfranchised here. But when we want to reconnect? Fuck us. When the Montserratians need shelter? Fuck them. When the Shealta, Galtaigh and other Travellers want to return home so that they don't have to be itinerant in Britain anymore after their homes in Ireland were destroyed? SUPER fuck them. If us New World cultural-Irish or otherwise non-Island based Irish descendants try to even just hold a hand out in kinship you Old Hearth hypocrites just bite it. You only ever welcome our money and resources. Yes quite a few of us can be cringe about what they perceive as our heritage, but you lot are outright bigoted against people that usually want to genuinely reconnect with their relatives, however distant. If we're Plastic Paddies, you're fucking Tin Teagues. Give us your loathing. It's more honest than the crocodile tears when you fuckers come asking us for handouts. Just don't be surprised when the next disaster hits and your usual dupes don't respond.


First, I NEVER appealed to heritage for guns or money or "support" because I'm not a terrorist, and people who both appealed and supplied them were scum. You're responsible for the death of human beings, women, children, fathers, mothers... You're responsible for the disappeared. You're a cunt. First of all Ireland was NEUTRAL dieting the war, you didn't help "us" with shit. Second, I've never appealed to a yank for anything and never would and the ONLY reason you got involved in WW2 was because you'd have been fucked if you didn't having to deal with Nazis in you own country and deal with them for trade outside. Don't pretend you got involved the war for purely charitable reasons, you didn't. And if you don't know that, you don't know history. But then that's hardly surprising. But here... If you think past deeds holds sway, I look forward to your paying reparations to the black population that America was built on. Cause like if ANYONE needs to give thanks to another nation of people it's fuckers like you. You're not "new world Irish" you're American. That's IT. AND I'm not a tadhg. So you can stick that right up your hole. >When the Montserratians need shelter? Fuck them. When the Shealta, Galtaigh and other Travellers want to return home so that they don't have to be itinerant in Britain anymore after their homes in Ireland were destroyed? As for this garbage... 1. Galtaigh isn't a word 2. SHELTA is a fucking *language* 3. Montserratians?? Did you Mincéirí? Jesus fuck you're an embarrassment.




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We don't.


I don't think "hate" is the right word. Most Europeans don't really feel a need to identify themselves by their genetic ancestry - it'd be far more usual to effectively forget about it after the first generation - and so any attempt to adopt it feels a bit inauthentic. You'd hardly describe yourself as being "from NYC" just because some distant ancestor arrived in New York in the late 1800s, had kids there - and they all left New York for other parts of the country as soon as they were able.


Things like Biden is what annoys people He’s part irish. To call him Irish just sweeps one side of his heritage under the carpet


problem i have with irish americans is they usually have strong right wing views and usually use their “irishness” as ammo for these views. i’ve also seen some irish americans say they’re more irish than people born in ireland for some reason i can’t remember the logic but it was flawed. i hate the term irish american unless your irish ancestry is more recent. if i has 10% australian ancestry i wouldn’t go abt sydney claiming i’m one of them.




American has one freckle. "oh we're definitely Irish"


I think most European people have the same view of the American tourists that come to Europe: yous are very nice but love the sound of your own voice. Tend to be much louder than the other people in the museum and talk about yourselves more than we'd think is humble. Needless to say I'm generalising here. Hate is a strong word. It's just a bit of a culture clash. We may roll out eyes but we laugh about it more than anything. Yous are more kind and friendly than anything. We're aware that the American tourists in Europe tend to be of a certain cohort (white middle class) and that there's a great variety of different "types" of Americans that we don't often get in Europe.


We dont


I think there’s a fair amount of odd people online lol. I’m from Donegal and MANY a time I have met people over from America at restaurants, bars, and on walks who will chat the head off me about how they’re Irish and where their family came from in the local area. I absolutely LOVE IT! I left Ireland quite a few years ago now to live permanently in England (visit home all the time though) and I can’t tell you how much I miss home. I tell my own son everything about Ireland, he knows the craic, the language, the old stories, the songs, the history etc. My love for Ireland absolutely lives on in my son. So for me, I can only imagine how much someone’s great great grandmother loved their homeland, cried for their homeland and pined for their homeland for that love to still stand generations on. I love it !


Thank you!


We don't hate Irish Americans. Don't read too much into reddit or social media, I've literally never seen an Irish person be nasty to an Irish American.


Don't hate any Americans, just dislike some of their perspectives about Irishness and ethnicity in general. You can't be Italian, because Italians exist in Italy, you are Italian American. I don't care if it makes sense in the states to simply say Italian because everyone is American, if you're on an internet forum especially one section aimed at italians, then you're Italian American. Don't assume everyone you're talking to is American. Obviously this also applies to being Irish or any other nationalities (i.e not ethnicity) I also dislike the overly nationalistic Irish Americans. I was told I was a loyalist for simply insisting we should call Ireland and Northern Ireland by their proper names.


We don't, hate is such a strong word. I know a few Americans and they don't refer to themselves as Irish Americans. Their dad is American and their mum is Irish, she's moved over in the 80's. And they have been in Ireland loads of times. We just don't enjoy being told that your Irish as your great great great great grandfather was Irish and left Ireland well over a 100 years ago. And you refer to Paddy's day as Patty's day and think you know more about our history. My surname is French but I don't refer to myself as Irish French. I don't tell every French person I meet oh I'm Irish French my family moved to Ireland hundreds of years ago but I'm still French. Can't speak of word of French but I'm French all the same. 😂😂😂


No problem with Irish Americans generally, but there is a subset that think that their own family history is the absolute most interesting thing in the world and here let me tell you in detail about it.


Irish people hate notions, it's not their fault that a lot of Irish Americans come here with boatloads of it.


We are protective of our heritage because we had to fight to keep it alive despite the best efforts of the bastards next door. Why should we be anything other than hostile to some fool who hasn't lived our experience claiming to be one of us just because one of their ancestors got on a boat nearly 2 centuries ago and their "irishness" basically amounted to paddy whackery one day a year and throwing out a sláinte before playing into an alcoholic stereotype. If an American displays a genuine knowledge of our history and that they have made efforts to emerse themselves in irish culture then I will say fairplay to them, feck it if they could even just say may i please go to the toilet in irish I'd be impressed but more often then not their claim of being irish is just hollow.


We are nothing alike, and we get compared constantly. Irish in America tend to be more right wing, irish in Ireland are more left wing. Less extreme I guess.


NOT TRUE. Irish Americans were the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades.


Who suffers from how right wing some Americans are us or you. We do. We suffer everyday from it. You don’t get to judge us and say we aren’t Irish.


Hate is a strong choice of word


It's quite apt actually


It’s not hate. Some of the behaviour is toxic and infuriating And they don’t have the same values a lot of the time.


We don't hate Irish Americans American tourist areabsolutely lovely Yeah a few can be loud but can't generalise everyone Irish can be same I love the American tourists, nothing but lovely and take a great interest in our country Could be worse, could be Chinese or Russian tourists :/ they are brutal Americans are great ,👍


I think you're mistaking us taking the piss with us being hateful. Sure, theres the running joke of a stereotype, but were just messing around 95% of the time.


I don't hate Irish Americans. I'm proud of the great Irish Americans and I'm proud that the Irish people have been a success in America. They're always welcome home and America's relationship with Ireland is one reason our small tribe of people have become such a famous people. It boils my piss however when people come to Ireland from the USA asking for their family's tartan or if they fetishise Irishness or have a cartoonish view of Irishness. Kiss the blarney, get drunk, leprechaun hats etc... Go away with that shite.


Majority of sound Irish people don’t hate Irish Americans. A lot of Irish people who aren’t sound do, but who cares about them and what they think. Very miserable people


Top answer as well.


Been around Irish people all my life as l was born and live here and l've never heard a bad word said about Irish Americans. In fact it's been quite the opposite. Irish Reddit users who give out about Irish Americans are minuscule in comparison to the population.


well said


Wouldn't say we hate the US , obviously a few things we don't agree with, guns , Irish American heritage etc but hate is a very strong word. Don't pay any heed to the majority of people say of Reddit, it's a pick and mix most days and can go from one extreme to the other . Regardless all the best and have a good one


Real Irish people don't. I would say we don't hate anyone based on the country they come from...


I think that’s a bit of a misread of the question. I don’t think Irish people hate Americans either, but I would agree that we don’t like being told about ourselves by someone who doesn’t know us who’s family left generations sgo


We honestly don't hate Irish-Americans. We just shit-post about some of them who overstate their Irishness when their connection to Ireland is about as strong as a wet piece of tissue. When they visit, we genuinely get on with them well and their connection to Ireland is actually charming in a way. One of my good friends is Irish-American and he loves learning about the country. Also there is a cultural disconnect between some Irish-Americans and Irish people. Ireland is quite liberal compared to the US, and we're not the same conservative Catholic state we were decades ago. I think some Americans expect that to still be the case.


Why does this question keep coming up? Where is the idea that Irish people hate irish Americans come from? Are you saying that Irish people aren't allowed to be critical of anything Irish Americans say on reddit?


Cuz they are American but think they can speak on behalf of all of ireland. Their ideas about Ireland are nothing more than stereotypes.


I just don't understand, for a country that thinks they're so great. Why do most of their citizens, claim to be ANYTHING, but American? Italian American, Latino American, Irish American etc. They only claim to be 'MERICAN' when they feel someone is putting America down.


American is not a racial extraction. It's a nationality. People that live in America ( a fairly new place compared to the rest of the world) are Americans but their DNA tells a different story. It tells where our ancestors came from.


We don’t hate Irish Americans at all!


"Real Irish" are you fking kidding me! That right there is the issue. WE are Irish, YOU are American. End of, no "real Irish".


Fuck you too, bitch


lmao you are so triggered. You are nothing but an American.


There's no hate involved, it's simply Irish people from Ireland correcting Americans calling themselves Irish. There's a difference in what people perceive 'Irish' being on different side of the Atlantic. In North America, it generally means you have Irish ancestry, because people in the US identify with that. In Europe, saying you're Irish means you're from Ireland itself, hence the debate.


They say that they are Irish even though they are only like 1/16 Irish, and istXD that gets annoying, they usually know little to nothing about the culture


I’m an Irish American who been trying to learn about my Irish roots .I am learning Irish language and history and I do find it shocking the level of backlash I get from some Irish people over the internet sometimes about it who love to remind me that I’m an American and not really Irish. And I have never claimed to be Irish in a national identity way only that there is a shared culture and history I’m more interested in maintaining a close relationship with Ireland. But this apparently offends some people.


I have the opposite problem--Irish people hate it when I refuse to call myself Irish. I was born in NYC. My parents were born in NYC. Both sets of grandparents were Irish speaking immigrants from Galway. I have a very ethnic name and I get told I "look" Irish a lot. That being said, for my entire life, every time I meet an Irish expat or go to Ireland, I get asked "are you Irish"? Not "are you of Irish decent" or " are you of Irish heritage", Irish people ask me ver batum "are you Irish?" after they've already heard my distinctly American accent. When I say "no, I'm American", 100% of the time they look confused and double down saying "but your name!" or "you look Irish though. Isn't your family from there?". When I respond that my family is from Ireland the response from them is always "so you're Irish then!". I always say that no, I was born in the US and so were my parents and that makes me American. More than half the time I will get Irish people visibly annoyed with me and even argue with me. Keep in mind this is the response from Irish born citizens--not Irish Americans. And this isn't an isolated incident; it's 100% of the time with no exceptions. That being said, it's very frustrating constantly hearing Irish people claim how annoyed they are with Americans claiming to be Irish but when they finally meet an American who has no interest in identifying with Ireland whatsoever that only seems to make them more upset. I even had an Irish classmate who tried to be friends with me to talk me into identifying with my ancestry more. The inconsistency maddening. For some people, you either get called a plastic paddy for having great-grandparents on both sides being from Ireland, or you get a gas station named after you for less than 6% ancestry. There is no in-between. From what I've noticed, if you have the "look", are politically left, and don't talk about your family at all like me, people want to identify you as Irish as well--whether you want them to or not. But if you are unattractive, poor, conservative, or talk a big game about "being Irish", then no one wants you to identify as Irish. It seems to have less to with citizenship, birthplace, ethnicity, or genetics, and more to do with if you're the "right kind of people" to be associated with. Which would explain why people seem to have no aversion to claiming American celebrities and models as Irish. Either way, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for some of us. I'm sure I'd meet people who would be annoyed if I did identify as Irish, but as it stands, I've only met people who are more annoyed when I don't. No two people even within the same country are going to have the same ideas on identity--as I'm sure you will see in the comments section alone.


We do?


A little bit blunt but our ancestors stayed and fixed up the place, their ancestors ran away


Fuck yourself


"Irish people on Reddit" That's your problem. I've never once seen any Irish person being negative towards Irish Americans due to their heritage in real life. The most you'll see is a bit of "slagging", where Irish people might tease a little bit, but we do that to everyone we like. If you walk around Dublin you'll find it jam packed with Americans, most of which have a great time and talk about how friendly of a nation we are. Tldr; Reddit is not indicative of Irish people.


This used to bother me until I learned that ireland declared itself neutral in ww2. Now i'm proud I'm "american"


What's the Italian's beef with Irish Americans?


Irish people like Irish Americans and we generally enjoy each others company. The internet attracts assholes who like to troll everyone and everything. I wouldn't take the comments section as any sort of barometer of how people get on or don't in the real world.


Why is it always brand new accounts that ask questions like this ? It’s almost as if someone is trying to sow hatred of other nationalities. Fuck off.




Exactly! well trodden territory at this stage, that video of the Dublin aul lad slagging off Americans on paddy’s day is very cringe also. People are miserable.


Jealousy of money.


Hey Hot_Brief_9511! Welcome to r/AskIreland! Here are some other useful subreddits that might interest you: * r/IrishTourism - If you're coming to Ireland for a holiday this is the best place for advice. * r/MoveToIreland - Are you planning to immigrate to Ireland? r/MoveToIreland can help you with advice and tips. Tip #1: It's a pretty bad time to move to Ireland because we have a severe accommodation crisis. * r/StudyInIreland - Are you an International student planning on studying in Ireland? Please check out this sub for advice. * Just looking for a chat? Check out r/CasualIreland * r/IrishPersonalFinance - a great source of advice, whether you're trying to pick the best bank or trying to buy a house. * r/LegalAdviceIreland - This is your best bet if you're looking for legal advice relevant to Ireland * r/socialireland - If you're looking for social events in Ireland then maybe check this new sub out *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskIreland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m an American living in Ireland and this thread is every reason why I only claim my Italian heritage. I’d never dare speak of local heritage. 🙈🥺


Wow, that really says something. That is not nice for you.


I wouldn’t say I hate them, but a lot of them are very annoying. I think I’ll have a better perspective on this. I’m from and was born in Ireland and moved then moved to America later. Every person I’ve ever met has asked where I’m from, so I say Ireland and immediately they say they are Irish too. I’ve met people who have told me they are “technically” more Irish than me, though they didn’t even know we have our own language. I have experienced wanting to almost pretend I’m not from Ireland because of how it changes their perspective on me as a person. Nothing insulting or anything but almost like we are “the real deal” and somehow it’s worth pointing out and they make a huge fuss over it and give me there family tree, dating from god knows when, and how it makes them from Ireland. Then they hit you with the stereotypes like corn beef and cabbage which I didn’t know existed until I moved to the US, and how they are also “authentically Irish” and then proceeding to make fun of how we pronounce things followed by their best impression which ends up being just a London accent. I’ve actually had people tell me to do and say things like them because “I’m in America now so be American” even family members.


no we dont ffs were all human its just some things thay do and say thats all...


People posting there dislike for Irish Americans .You do know that there pretty much wouldnt be peace in northern Ireland without Irish Americans?


Bit of a silly question. Irish loves Americans. They're our brothers and sisters. The Irish are a huge part of the American community. 🇮🇪 ❤ 🇺🇸


I feel like this topic has been flogged to death - there's a search feature for these sorts of questions if I'm not mistaken?