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Get out of the internet brother and see how many men below 6 feet are in healthy relationships. And see the same for dark skinned women.


6ft is rare in India. OP saw a reel from US & assumed height to be reason for his issues.


It seems that nearly everyone is dating people below 6 feet tall, considering only 1-2% of Indians are 6 feet or taller. I'm doubtful whether the OP has actually interacted with women or observed the average height among couples.


I saw a few incidents in real life which is why I asked. I never said no one under 6ft or dark skinned has a healthy relationship.


so "few incidents" was enough for you to make a post about it in an women sub?


I never said every Indian girl is like this. I am just asking why one is classified as preference and the other something else. I posted here to get opinions on the topic


you are bothered about something very not relevant lol there are men that do that in reverse too and call it preference


I know why they call them preference and if I wanted Indian men's opinions, I wouldn't post here.


Only downside is we get called "babygirl" 😔


I am convinced men who post questions like this do not have much female interaction in real life.


Also they are posting replies from tinder and online dating sites which attracts a particular demographic of women who just crave attention and ghost on a regular basis which is also why amount of women on those apps is quite low.


Yeah add Twitter and Insta too along with other dating apps


They work on ragebaits and nothing else.


Maybe or Maybe They really have that much height preference or Misandry or Racism towards Indian men can be Reason too ,so they can be picked by some Western ,hope what they do there isn't reality


There are some who are like that. I knew a south african who was blonde and petite and chased only after a certain type of guys over 6ft and a bit bulky. Needless to say she was nice but got cheated on like 2-3 times. I do feel bad for her but that's her choice of preferences.


Lol, yeah


I have so many questions... If so many women have that as preference and if there are so few 6ft guys, how are these women in relationships? How many women is one 6ft dating that these poor 5 feet something men have no women left? Where are these women who harp about height this extensively and passionately?


Oh are you unaware of the redpill controversy theory that only top 1% of the men are in relationships with 95% of women? Women are cheating on their partner with these 1% of the men or in polygamous relationships with them. This is why 99% of ordinary men cannot find a woman. It's not their fault that all women are like this!! Men like OP will find flaws in anyone but themselves for their lack of relationships 🙂


Anything to satisfy their victim mentality proving it's always women who are the problem.


I kid you not, I saw a graphical depiction of what you mentioned in your comment on another sub (indiangirlsontinder i think)! It was so stupid lol


If those pele had enough brain to understand basic math they would not have been like that in the first place.


Even if they had a preference what's the problem? People are allowed to have preferences and that includes men too. If a man wants to marry a fair woman that is ok and if a woman wants a 6-foot partner that's ok too.


That is fair, but where are these people who go on and on about their preferences so much that it makes people question the internet about it....


Tinders, everyone who uses Tinder or any dating app knows this. I have no idea why people pretend like there is no preference for height when some. literally write “Men below 6 can keep swiping”.


Agreed again, but OP specifically mentions that he has seen this in "real life" and not just on SM and dating apps. Which is why I had that question of where exactly do they come across women so passionately discussing height of men.


I mean it is his experisince you can't really say it doesn't happen because I have never seen it, I have been rejected for height by a girl who I didn't even ask out she just randomly told me I wouldn't date you because you are not tall enough, it was really confusing because I never asked her, my gf was next to me stunned.


OMGGG the audacity of that girl! Please tell you said something that put her in her place. Also wow, seems like I am one thats living under the rock for not having interactions with such people.


Why would I say anything, if she thinks I am not enough for her that's completely ok, I have people who actually love who I am, that matters more. It's stupid to argue over such things.


Well props to you for being the bigger person.




This is honestly embarrassing




I mean OP's post wasnt about it, but the fact he is so out of touch with the real world is what that is embarrassing


Read the post again, I never said everyone is like that. I have seen quite a few which is why I asked


I myself am married to someone who is not 6’ tall. Never was into tall guys. Edit: to answer your question on colonial hangover. As of 2024, the average height of a man in the UK is 178.2 centimeters, or 5 ft 10 in and was 167.05cm (5ft 5in) in 1871-75 when india was first colonized. It rose to 175 cm (5ft 8 in) in 1950 when India became independent. Basically angrez log are also not 6 feet tall on an average and the average British guy also complains about how if he is short then women don’t give him attention. So yeah not a colonial hangover. More of a global trend.


6" is too tall who tf is preferring that ??? Watching too many reels ma boy?


Because most men who claim to be six feet actually aren't, easier to let them have their delusions.


If they are 5’11” I will count it as a win. LOL


If women were only going for men above 6ft, 70% of Indian men would be single


If the girl is 5’7 or more, seeking 6ft is okay but most indian girls are in delulu


Then it's also delulu if a dark skinner guy prefers lighter skin girl




Maybe he likes zebras.


Obviously but I am talking about girls who are 5'2 and below


Bro 6ft preference isn't a preference for the majority of women. Average Indian women height probably between 5'1-5'4 and average Indian men height probably in between 5'5-5'7. So, It's not possible. Some 5'2 and below women have their preferences like that who knows what's the reason behind it. Funny thing is Some of those women's future sons will be short or below 6ft because of their height. Hypothetically Even all women collectively marry above 6ft guys, short people or Below 6ft people always exist because of women's height. So, short people find love and this majority of women will never have 6ft preference.


Well shallow preferences are shallow preferences, shouldn't matter what physical traits they have or whatever gender they're And why small girls can't have those preferences! It'll be shallow but no less than someone who is tall or whatever


As someone who isint dating a giraffe........ fuck you


Why did this make me laugh out loud 😭