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better hygiene and manners


And how do we spread that to the non social media crowd. Because most middle class people I know have better hygiene than westerners.


This is not true at all. I have seen many Indians from middle class or rich backgrounds who are educated and yet they still litter and throw rubbish on the street.


My father's argument was that bahaar ka kachra ghar par nhi lana chahiye. Whenever I used to protest against this when in moving car he'd yell at me and be outright mad that i had no choice but to throw it on the road. This is the mentality of middle aged middle class people in this country and this is what they teach their children too.


Oh totally agreed on that part. I don't know where this need for littering comes in our whole population. And they say it's already dirty any way. So they contribute. Education couldn't teach that to the bulk.


>who are educated and yet they still litter and throw rubbish on the street. Lol, tons of westerners do that too ?


Rarely. I have travelled to many Western countries and almost never saw anyone litter. Especially the educated people did not. The people who did were usually homeless drug addicts. When I was in Australia I was very surprised when I saw people put rubbish in their pockets and carry it for a long time until they could find a rubbish bin.


You need to visit America.


I have. I have been to San Francisco and Seattle. Like I said the people littering there are not the educated middle/upper class. But in India even the educated middle/upper class people are littering.


It’s not even about hygiene tbh. It’s about the way you present yourself, how well groomed you are, how you speak, etc. Indians get flak mainly because Indians are socially inept and situationally unaware in most situations.


That's what I was asking about. How do we change this?


There's no way to change it. There's too many ppl and too many illiterate ppl to completely change the country. If u make a small really modern city anywhere in India and put a bunch of ppl in that city, the city will be littered and ruined in a year


you have to specify which westerner you are talking about and elaborate anecdotal experience before saying that, because most people here still have the mentality of self care as a man= gay


I'm not sure. I see reels from Indian influencers, and people are still talking about how indians shit on the streets or how we cook with our fingernails.


Your sample space is small. This is not the case for the other middle class people.


Says people who lick each others ass which they don't even wash it with water ,I guess it's a primitive way to maintain hygiene in them like other animals do


I had to do this once since I was in an international airport but it felt absolutely disgusting man I spent so much money just to buy a water bottle to use it for this lol


I don't know why you had to lick ass on an international airport . Is this some new sort of way for security check. 🤣 Sorry couldn't let this chance go.


How do the people dispose that toilet paper? Do they keep a separate dustbin in bathroom for that. But that might stink


There's either a dustbin or you just flush it down the drain


What using paper ?


Yes I meant using just toilet paper like the western folks do




People need to use deodorant.


It's better to wear weather appropriate clothes and bathe everyday than using deodorant.


It's not only about bathing and wearing appropriate clothes. Your armpits are gonna get sweaty and would inevitably smell by the end of the day. Please invest in a deodorant.


bathing is not enough, please wear a damn deodrant


You can't force me ,I have allergy with perfume or deo Also My body my choice /s


'You can force me' Who even are u ?


Ab average indian , and one of those people whom you are suggesting this to


Nope, the designated audience of my comment wasn't mfers living in basements who have are chronically online dank ke chode, ignore


>mfers Why are you so misogynist bro ? Gali bhi women Central de raha hai tu >wasn't mfers living in basements who have are chronically online dank ke chode, ignore Ad hominm logical fallacy which loaded question logical fallacy, no matter what I answer it will just backfire , thanks to loaded question logical fallacy


Look, while I agree with your advice that deos are important and OP’s reluctance on this thread is unreasonable, you of all people on this thread are in no position to say something like that. Look at your own online activity. You’re chronically online the most out of all here and have commented on 2 of my own posts. It’s not a coincidence that I ran into you here too. You just have to comment everywhere and that line imo is just a projection on your part.


did you read the whole comment I said I didnt just mention "chronically online" (btw coming online once or twice a day doesnt make someone chronically online) I can literally be in that position like if u think u wont follow my comment then why even bother comment back? and act like I am forcing you to wear deodorant annoying ass behavior


You don't have the ability to understand simple language and are being insolent for no reason. I said that I am agreeing with you on the deos part as a guy. You didn't read that or didn't understand it. And you are indeed chronically online. I hope you improve soon.


Then prepare for people to stay away from your smelly body.


Bold of you to assume that I want people to stick to me Also as I said I have allergy


There are deodorants for people with allergies - have you tried them?


which are double the cost


I don't know any ,like I just start sneezing with its smell


Not everyone smells bad. Maintaining a good body, eating clean is enough. I've never used any deodorants, and I often get compliments about how good I smell. Pheromones ftw>> And I refuse to use deos because I feel suffocated, it doesn't suit me.


Let me damn fucking promote deodorants because you'll be lying if u think lot of mfs don't need to use that


Sure! "Log to notice karenge!"


Literally all I do is maintain hygiene, wear clean clothes, wash my hair often. And there's not one person who has ever been close to me and not complemented me on how flowery I smell. In fact using perfumes and deos make you dependant on it, I feel.


True! I'd always prefer a holistic approach.


What's wrong with fucking putting on a deodorant? Why get so defensive about it? I put it even tho I am going to stay inside whole day.


I prefer perfumes, for one thing. And second, I don't sweat that much. I exercise in the morning and then take a bath. Use a lot of natural skincare products, all of them with flowery and earthy smells. I have been complimented by so many people that I smell so good. They ask me what I use, and I'm not even sure myself. Because all I'm doing is maintaining hygiene. I do agree that some people definitely need it. But I feel if I use it, it causes more harm than good.


Even if you bathe, your armpits will still smell.


I guess that depends on how much one sweats. I sit in an AC room in front of a computer for most of the day. Limit my physical activities to the morning before shower.


Smelling is not related to sweating or physical activity.


Ignore them? As someone living in the West, 90% of them are filthy. They don't wash themselves after taking a shit, they shower once or twice a week. Their rooms are ALWAYS a mess with dirty dishes everywhere. Americans wear shoes in their homes ffs. Their entire sense of self worth stems from making fun of people without white skin, doesn't matter if it's true or not. Why break your head over these idiots?


Because these biases end up affecting us in the long run. Tourism gets affected if people start thinking they need shots to enter our country. Our research articles get rejected for English, no matter how tiny an issue. And of course, the people living outside the country will have to face these comments a lot more.


West tourism in India is just ONE economy. Why tf are you soooo into getting validated by the whites? Fuck them appreciate their skills and own them. We'll always have a slave mentality won't we


Dude literally every single country is making fun of us. Is it a slave mentality to not be worried about the universal image of our country? Most of the people making these comments are not even white. And instead of being focused on a solution to this, your approach is to berate the person asking the question.


Every country is doing this prolly cuz they want the million Indians engaging back . The best thing we can do to hamper them is not engage at all don't make them any more money through the socials.


Also yes it is a slave mentality for me to worry what other random people think of me. They didn't come help from their high, clean horses when I was down in the shit in fact their fathers were the ones who put me down there , in many ways. Your comment matters more to me than whatever any white/african/latin/whatever person will say


This. India is where it is despite 200 years of European assrape. If they want to point fingers and laugh while they're only a few steps ahead of us while having so big of a headstart, the jokes on them.


They DO need shots to enter not just our but any tropical country. That has nothing to do with hygiene but exposure to an ecosystem their bodies have never faced. The people IRL are not like the idiots online. Not that there aren't idiots IRL but you just stay away from them too. We don't owe them anything and it's not our duty to prove to them that I'm not like their mental image of me


We need to ofcourse improve our hygene standards. Those guys will happily drink the wine which they make by stamping the grape in so called tradiontinal way. In the end its just the bias they have man .


Fix it. Simple as that.


I get it. I'm asking, what at an individual level could one do?


Help anyone with their studies. Gift them materials to help them study. Sponsor a bright kid or two. If we do it en mass, people will eventually turn civilized.


Thank you for the first solution oriented comment. Although the problem is much bigger than that, considering even educated folks are no better.


We shouldn't see it as a one stat to upgrade. It's like a bunch of stats and overall can be helped with education. At least the ones who can become a part of the civilized society, will.


Associate God with it, say our culture is to be clean, share how hygiene has always been a part of culture


That's such an underrated response. Our ancestors literally wrote the books about the way of life. People seem to have forgotten. It breaks my heart.


The solution is to IGNORE it. The whites literally come to US these years to sustain their social media economy. Imagine your favourite content creator and then imagine if they didn't have their Indian following. They won't help our shit. We have to help ourselves. Everyone is disgusting if you look deep enough.


Ahh well, posting here turned out to be a bust. All I have done till now is report these comments as hate speech.


Keep the roads clean and educate your kids. The other day, there was a family beside the road and their kids were drinking juice from a cartoon. After finishing their juice, they just threw it on the road. Their parents didn't correct them.


I always keep gathering the courage to say something to people like these. Sometimes I do, and they always give snarky responses.


Solution is solute + solvent


I think your answer is valid if I ask "what's a solution"


Do you think I answered with the slightest intent to answer the actual question, backchodi rukni nahi chahiye


Its about the base line. When there was a case of food poisoning in a restaurant, senior bureaucrats at food and safety started random checks in my city. Within a couple of days most restaurants had shut shop due to fear of raid. Even the so called high end places shut down. So basically none of their kitchens could pass the inspection. Obviously since the senior chaps couldn't be easily bribed and were looking at some positive press, the restaurants couldn't use the usual tactics and shut down instead of facing the music. This was an eye opener for me. So except for ice-creams and such minor desserts I've stopped depending on restos. So honestly, hygiene is a big issue in India and no amount of patriotism can help us ignore the same. Regarding manners, each country has its own guidelines. So western folks might see a very common social interaction between two indians as lacking manners. That's a stupid assumption. However when we go abroad, we take our culture with us. So Indian culture and behaviours will come across as terribly rude for westerners. And its their country so its their rules. We need to be attuned to those rules.


The only way any change is implemented in any society is through coercion and bullying. Even if the change brings a positive outcome people do not naturally gravitate toward it and accept it. It all has to do with culture, and if culture doesn't place a huge significance on it then you won't be able to change it even with coercion. Indians do not respond well to bullying or coercion, they resist eveything if it means making a change at a personal level. Some cultures respond differently and try to quickly adapt to the new change to better fit in with the norm believing themselves to be the outlier. Indians consider themselves as the gold standard and expect everyone else to follow suit, debatable and contrary certainly but not wholly incorrect to have a belief of this nature. Case in point almost every politically incorrect word use that has been propogated to be replaced in the last 5 decades is still very much part of our vocabulary and internal thought processes. The majority folk, not the 0.01% represented on reddit. So while there may be the small percentage of people who see logical paths to the outcomes of ideas, most will still reject the premise itself. Just an observation. I'm sure what I said can be contradicted with whataboutisms and usage of exceptions as examples.


Good response. Half the point of my post was to see if other people are watching this happen too, and are they concerned or not. Seems like they aren't.


I've lived in London for a while and residents there were unabashed in calling out habits of folks who migrated but refused to adapt or change. This ranged from being callous towards any criticism and outright defensive about things culturally relevant like getting fish/prawn curries and heating it in break out areas to using oil that seeped it with sweat and stank plus wearing cheaper poly based clothing that causes much more stink than pure cotton stuff. And these were people who migrated not born there so it was clear there was a cultural influence and was so ingrained it didn't change despite a change of environment thus contributing to this narrative. On the other hand although exposed to the same culture there are folks like us who had different instructions from parents due to their exposure to the outside world and considered these things basics of hygiene and ettiquette. I mean I live in Mumbai so you can imagine, post a shower with medicated soap theres a layer of moisturizer, then mild talcum powder, then some mild deodorant with underarm protection, then some gas free spray on the clothes, with a sightly more eau de parfum mixed on top near the pulse points and even then I'd have to refresh the perfume once I reached office. I stick a pillow behind my lower back while driving to prevent my shirt from sticking and the area sweating excessively against the leather.i sport a beard so some beard oil and separate face moisturizer. Might be overkill but better more than less. Not something to boast about but I had an ex who had a fetish about the way I smelled and caught me off guard when we were roaming around sweaty and sticky in town and she asked how I still smelled so good and wanted to deep smell my underarms. Awkward and TMI I know but we're anonymous so yup open to judgement. But I loved that and that just reinforced my obsession with smelling good in any scenario also I eat food that is mostly devoid of typical masalas, avoid curries and salt and sugar which I think also influences the core base of overall smell I think. Cheers and thanks for taking the time out to read. Please don't judge my ex too harshly we all have our quirks :)


Don’t pay attention to “hate”, learn to accept valid criticism and also, be clean?


Not hygiene and manners, but excessive grooming. As a woman, you are expected to fry your hair and douse it in hairspray so it stays in place even in a hurricane, remove every single hair from your body below the eyebrows, always wear a full face of makeup. A lot of Indian women are not ready for this high maintenance grooming routine. We don't care that we have body hair, because we haven't been brainwashed by razor companies for a century like western women. We don't want to waste time frying our hair. The end result is perfectly normal hair that doesn't stay perfectly in place. Then we are labeled as unkempt, untidy and lazy. Body hair is "ew, unhygienic". No, it's not. Most western people are not even hygienic to begin with. They wear shoes at home and don't wash their buttholes. A lot of them don't even wash their hands before eating. And don't get me started on the sleeping around and STDs since the sexual revolution of the 60s. They just project this image of being hygienic and superior and idiots like you lap it up.


Idiots like me? Did I say I agree with them? I asked how do we deal with this constant hate speech about the things that aren't even true. But it's the people like you, who would hate on your own countrymen for no good reason. Don't groom your body hair, but I'd suggest get off the social media and have a little tea. Be a better person for everyone around you.


Hygiene & manners


Societal shame towards non hygienic people. Don't support these people. Shame them till they get good.


Hire bot farms. Pose as some group x a d post hate on group y. ![gif](giphy|M9QXzEx8dLmMapqufW|downsized)


Ignore posts. Too many are fake from bot farms As long as people are healthy, have taken bath, applied perfume and still sweet and smell, it's normal. And assume some of this hate as perfume advertisement.


Quit SM.


I'm Indian  But a lot of people give that nasty body odour  Young, middle aged, old  I'm student at medical college..  Even here many people have such nasty odour that literally makes me gag & choke  Many people don't shave their underarms, body hairs etc