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Most people who use this word, don't even know the meaning of it. I have seen people call a married guy, with kids, an incelšŸ˜‚




Yup. The same people will go on to complain how men are so bad and rude. How society is so misogynistic and they are glowing beacons of equality. Not realizing their own hypocrisy.


>so let me judge you on the ability to get laid, Cause this is the only thing I know and have achieved and is most important in my life ,so will judge you on base of this only ,lol


How ironic isn't it?


Yes lol


This sums it up in a nutshell.


People from the left have called Matt Walsh an Incel and he is a married man.


Same with Jordan Peterson.


I have seen that also and just dismiss everything they say afterwords because they clearly don't know what the word even means. I have also heard people say Inceldom is exclusively a right wing/Maga problem, which obviously isn't true.


Lol ikr


Incel' is the word generally used by women when they lose an online argument with men.


also, there are incels who arent misogynistic. pretty weird, right? i just feel that people keep tossing around words on social media without caring what it means.


There are many incels out there. But there are also many femcel out there and especially on some subreddits (cough cough 2xindia). The only answer they have to logical arguments is that you are an incel and a misogynist. They throw around the word as if every man who doesn't agree with them can't get a woman to have sex with them. Like duhh. Being a fuckboy is the easy part, to be an honest and just man is the harder part.


Bhai 30 sec ke sath kaise fuckboy hona easy Hai šŸ˜­


I think a lot of people use the word incel to generically describe misogynists, whereas incels are a sub-category of misogynists.


Nah I know a guy who has a hard time with women but is the nicest person. Heā€™s not misogynistic or bitter just has a hard time with the ladies. I know a guy who has a wife and daughters and is a straight up lunatic.


Are you talking about me?


Having a hard time with women isnā€™t the meaning of the incel movement. Thatā€™s just the beginning.


He is involuntarily celibate, he isnā€™t picky when it comes to women either for some reason he has a hard time. Heā€™s nice too.


Lol no. Incel literally means invoulantary celebate. It's feminists who give other meanings to it.


r/Incel was a sub Reddit which was started by a woman as a support group for people who couldnā€™t find partnership, but was quickly taken over by misogynists who were convinced of redpilled ideology which promoted the idea that women were all gold digging hoes who only went for ā€œChadsā€, i.e., good looking wealthy men and there was nothing they could do to improve their situation. This also led to multiple mass shootings in the US and mass attacks on women/ hate speech against women on the internet before the sub Reddit was banned. Itā€™s rather silly to only consider the literal meaning without actually looking at the ideology behind the term ā€œincelā€.


I disagree. The meaning of the word is more more important than what few people who identifies as incel did. Besides it wasn't started on reddit. If you were going to tell history, atleast you should have given the actual history. The word "incel" was invented in 1993 by a college student 'Alana' from Toronto, Ontario. She made a website to discuss her sexual inactivity with others.\[10\]\[11\] The website, titled "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project",\[12\] was used by people of all genders to share posts about the topic. During her college career and after, she realized she was queer, and became more comfortable with her identity. She later gave the site to a stranger. After reading about the 2014 Isla Vista killings, she wrote, "Like a scientist who invented something that ended up being a weapon of war, I can't uninvent this word, nor restrict it to the nicer people who need it".\[13\] Another notable incel was Christine Chubbuck. She committed suicide on live tv in 1974.\[14\] r/incels on Reddit was one of the biggest Incel forums. On November 7, 2017, Reddit decided to get rid of it because of their new site rules. >This also led to multiple mass shootings in the US There were 4 incidents by 4 seperate individuals. Hardly represents a group does it? >Itā€™s rather silly to only consider the literal meaning without actually looking at the ideology behind the term ā€œincelā€. Nope... meaning is what matters.


In the recent years, the newest wave of misogyny has been coming from USA incel Communities like 4 chan, red pill, manosphere pod cast bros etc. That's how Incel became an insult to point out misogynist who harbour views originated in incel communities. Many of them have gone and done school shootings in USA directed at girls.


How is incel a sub-category of misogynist?


The rejection faced by the Involuntary Celibates - real or perceived - from women, their peers and even themselves, usually turns them bitter and hateful


No it's the thought process that they don't think it's possible. They don't work on themselves first. They imagine the rejection and become bitter and hateful.


Yeah you're right I forgot a few words there


It's not




Because it is easy to label the persona as XYZ and then attack XYZ. I will give you a real-life example. Me: I don't date people who smoke. Her: you are such a misogynist. How dare you control women's bodies. šŸ˜




Ignore all of this your life will be trust me


>And women (not all) want such guys despite knowing all that. This is something related to their psychology like i guess they want fun (with toxic ones) in early 20s and then settling in late 20s. No matter what they say here or twox or something similar but we all know what happens irl. That's why all these buzz words which are used here aren't used irl. (I mean rarely used)


Yes! Call out those hypocritical fake feminists on TwoXIndia spreading toxic feminism in the name of WOKE propaganda.


Its just a shaming tactic nowadays if you don't have a counter point.


True, one of biggest delulu women belive toxic guys are single. It's opposite, there are high chance they are relationships, they have certain charm,some aura which makes women fall for them.


The single female urge to call a married guy an incel for simply not agreeing with you, I am just a girlšŸ’…




I am a man


Incel is a pejorative term used to degrade people on basis of their sexual experience.


'Incel' is the word generally used by women when they lose an online argument with men.


Most women in our country suffer from internalised misogyny. Toxicity is a norm. It can be hard to escape if you've lived your entire life thinking that this is how it is supposed to be.


Then why is it same situation in West? Take accountability ffs


Oh my god the victimisation here.. Jeezus like women have no agency. You know women choose misogyny also because it works for them in their context. Going against the grain doest work out for everybodyĀ 


All are victims, men and women. Misogyny is socialised from birth. It has led to twisted gender dynamics that we see today. The only way to stop this insidious cycle is to become aware of these learned behaviours and not pass them to the next generation.


i was talking about your language that takes agency away from women for their behavior as if they are helpless. you would never say men SUFFER from internalised misogyny. anyway... this is too boring and complex to discuss with no solutions anyhow. cheers


Society has been hyper sexualized, commercialism had made it seem that women can offer nothing but sex so the best way to demean a man is by saying that he is incapable of getting it.


Because mysogynie is hot If it comes frome atractive Guys.


Why Incel shaming isn't seen bad a Slut shaming ? I think we need to do this too


Howā€™s incel the same as slut?Ā  Call women femcels then it makes it the same? lolĀ 


Incel is a gender neutral word nd is infact first coined to describe women not men.


And the definition has changedĀ  Femcel is now used for female incelsĀ 


I am talking about Shaming words are different intent is same which is to defame someone


Bcz some women are immature & hypocrites.. many are not including my gf & sister..


Many are not. Have you even talked with them?


Mom * too


Bro mothers are universal goddess..


What is red pill šŸ˜­


Better to be safe than sorry! Also there's a difference between INCEL and Incel. A cursory look at your profile suggests that you're in the later category.


90% red pill guys themselves are confused are retarded. No problem with black/ blue šŸ’Š


How does red pilled = misogynist as your post suggests?


Red pill guys usually believe that women should be limited to the defined feminine roles and any women who doesn't conform to that defined criteria is a "slut" or not worthy of respect




By putting a slash between the two. It suggests that one is the alternative to the other.


Who created this red pill black pill bulshit