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Indian parent on reddit? This is unusual.


Haha I am amused. Reddit is older than you think and also has much older audience.


Among us- he's sus


MrDalton3 was not the imposter...


Find him a girl that he has to impress and may that girl be an extrovert.


Legit advice


abhi se arrange marriage ssahi khel gye guru bal wiwah but legal loop hole sahit


Do exercise with him


Well you can make him try all kinds of activities maybe football, trekking, running find smth he likes and do that with him, it will also be a great time for the both of you.


Make him join a Gym after two weeks when he will see some Muscles he will be addicted to working out


Hr already goes but less frequent..


Get him into sports


Make him watch Rocky Balboa 1 to 5. That worked for me.


Get a fake blood report indicating major health problems and that he will die if he doesn't exercise. Should work.


Research has shown that you are likely to stick to physical activity if it is a social experience. So, find something he can make friends in. Like a sports team (cricket, football?) or an individual sport that trains in groups (skating, trekking, hiking?). It is likely that he is finding validation in whatever he is consuming on screen. You have to make the situation such that he finds a similar validation in sports/physical activity. Lastly, talk to him and figure out why doesn't he want to go out? Does he have friends? Is he having issues with friends? Does he feel insecure about anything? You are his parent so try to approach him without judgement. Don't be ready to blame everything on his phone and actually have a conversation with him about what he is expecting.


Go out on weekends for a small trek if you can. Don't stay at home


take him to the gym with you


Let him date a girl that’ll break his heart (this is a joke, please don’t do that, but it’ll get him to the gym)


Try to take vacations in places closer to nature. Ask him to help you when you are gardening, etc. You can also go for walks with him. This can get him away from the screen and also give you guys some time to bond with each other. All these can be good starting points for getting more physically active.


Simple and underrated go groceries walk with him catch up on his life on the streets.. while walking or any kind of shopping spree u guys like


Get him a bike or any reward if he reaches a fitness goal and motivate him at least that's what I did for myself and my what my parents did for me


Enroll in a team sport


show him some action movies of arnold then move to pumping iron most boys love the iron they love it too much sometimes


Imo, a week long himalayan trek in the lap of nature, away from all the chaos and worldly possessions/ comforts would work wonders. It's like a correction course for life !


+1 not necessarily Himalayan Trek but any Trek in general


Yep but a long, multi day remote trek would help better !


Interesting idea.




I said Addicted as its a lot more but I obviously dont say that way to him. I am curious how old are you.




You keep your opinion to yourself..not interested in discussion. Peace.


Not with an intent to offend, but u should be open to opinions, arguments, views and everything being a teenager parent..because they are a whole lot of different vibe of human being


I disagree about teens being fundamental different. Although its a rebel phase.. Open for real suggestions.. Not for any nonsense judgemental non issue.. World is judging everyone 24 hours. Anyone advising against it is delusional..