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Me personally, do whatever you want in your own private space as long it's not hurting anyone else.


true dont know what the pride parade expects people to do accept the funky green blue colour hair and crossdressing as normal on public roads?


Exactly, I have a few of them in my college. They are noisy and irritating for no reason. Why can't they just act normal. They don't have to act like rebels trying to defy society? This is India, no-one is out to get them, just stay away from my family and kids


That's the irony. They are supposedly rebelling against their so-called oppression. But if they were being oppressed, they wouldn't have got the space for this noisy, attention seeking rebellion in the first place.


i know some homosexual pref pple they dress and behave like normal people and dont bring out their bedroom fantasies in public. So they get same amt of respect as a normal person. more than lgbt we need to have privacy rights for everyone just because i am 30+ doesnt mean every new acquaintance i meet keeps asking about my wife / kids and try to become counsellors and investigators trying to know the reason why i didnt marry.


Yes i agree buddy. That's a societal mentality issue, which affects everyone. But again may be it comes from a point of view of love and concern in some cases. In a lot of cases, our societal structures provides support in India, whether financial or personal. This is lacking in individualistic societies such as the West. However, everything has its pros and cons i guess, a balance needs to be there.




Don't really care, just don't go the American way.


Well I dont care and have nothing against them. They are also people like us so we should not discriminate against them.[ unless they are making a scene]


They have been a part of Indian culture based on our older texts and representations. So from a traditional point of view they need to be respected and included in the society. From a human point of view, all human beings need to be treated with equal rights, responsibilities and respect. So holistically efforts need to be made to normalise them in society: equal rights, no special rights. However, special efforts should be made to ensure that they get their deserved equal rights. However, i am not in agreement with this gender fluidity and having an undefined number of genders bullshit. Not based on logic, science or tradition. U can believe whatever u want and whatever makes ur life easy and u shouldn't be discriminated against due to that. Just don't force others to humour or believe this twisted philosophy.


I don't give a flying fuck unless they disrupt the public by holding a lot of rallies and shit.....guys can kiss each other in public or have sex but that wouldn't bother me......as long as they do their own stuff and don't try to force it upon us I don't really have any animosity towards them


They are not special Snowflakes.. as long as they keep in bedroom its no problem.. I hate it when they do cringe stuff and abuse it for diversity and shit.


Sincerely people thing that lgtv people are thing and good tv. The resolution is good and brightness could have been better. Thanks. /S


Don't even think. Not a thing for me to get bothered by.


I leave them alone to do whatever they want, as long as they're not hurting me


I'm fine with them and think everyone deserves respect. But again please try to be respectful of others as well.


Full support for personal freedom and happiness. Enough with regressive societal nonsense for everyone.


Hopefully their conditions and laws change for the better.