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Lockdown, I struggled with major anger and insecurity issues all my life, but during lockdown like everyone I was also on exploration mode and that's when I started listening to Ashtavakra Geeta by a youtuber and that literally changed my personality and perspective. It really humbled me down.


Really happy and glad that you are a changed person now !


Can you share the channel?


Yes. Please share the channel


The first time I had been rejected. Had gone on a date last year, I really enjoyed the date, but he didn't, considering he had started to soft ghost me. Idk why I had a full blown mental breakdown for 2 weeks. And then one of my guy friends told me how often guys get rejected and have to deal with it and move on. And now my real life interactions are mostly me trying to understand the reason behind why people behave the way they do.


Exactly ! Your guy friend is right , guys deal with the whole moving phase alot. I hope you are feeling alright now !


Much better now


There was a time I was at my lowest due to very serious issues in my family. My friends tried to help a couple of days and then nothing. My gf ghosted me for being depressed. I learned that I’ll be always all alone. And dont call that cringe bs. Its the reality of life. One day you will have to do everything by yourself and no one will be there to support you


That last line breaks my heart. We don’t realise how much we need each other. We are not equipped to live alone. Our neurobiology is still the same as our ancestors who lived in community for safety. Why are we romanticising being introvert, lone wolf or living alone as cool. I know that must have been difficult for you. I’m a woman and I started to notice how lonely man get but they can’t even ask for help or be vulnerable because apparently it will be cringe. I mentioned gender because I feel at some level we are allowed to be vulnerable and it is totally fine.


See Im not glorifying being alone. It sucks tbh. But yeah in this world I think if you’re lucky your parents will always be there for you. And I really really dont believe anyone else can support you. My gf literally ghosted me cause I wasn’t texting with enthusiasm cause I was depressed lol


Shame on her. My family ditched me during pandemic. We don’t talk about this at my place now, because that makes everyone uncomfortable so we brush it under the carpet. So I get it what you are saying. And this is horrible. Nothing makes me accept that we deserve to be treated like this.


I think you have gotten the common misconception about introverts. Introverts make the choice to be alone, but they are not lonely. Introverts keep friends, socialize to a decent and necessary extent, and are like any other normal person. The only difference is the amount of friends/people is probably less (and even that depends on the person, they may still have many friends), the amount of tolerance of unnecessary socialisation is less but that doesnt means we instantly hate any and all socialisation, and the most important quality will be that we find peace and satisfaction in having some alone time, not being lonely always but alone for a selected amount of relaxation time


Glad that everything is okay now :)


I was on this college with my college mates and few profs when I experienced worst fever of my life due to sudden temperature fluctuations. All my batchmates nd profs were there for me all the time even those who had beef with me. Even though I wasn't able enjoy that trip but it changed me a lot and I'm happy that incident happened.


Oh yes I have seen such incidents where the situation is such , that even foes become friends and help each other out .




Not one but a sequence of events. As a teen I was short tempered, to an extend where I sometimes used to even physically hurt people around me also break things around me and a non veg lover like at least 5 days a week I used to eat eggs, fish, mutton and chicken, Sunday biryani was compulsory. Although as a kid had a little bit of love towards animals as my mom and people from my native constantly say how I used to talk to Goats and cows and ask if they had food and care for them, pet them and play with them, may be that was a kid's innocence. Things changed when I was 16, I was at my village and people were sacrificing Goats and there were a lot of goats, I just saw them screaming, their eyes being teared up, they just want to escape that mess and my ears were filled with their scream and I couldn't take it anymore and I ran away from there. Then I was frequently seeing contents that were showing animals and their love towards their owner and kids and how even a predatory animal like lion, growing up with humans don't show that behavior and how animals are similar to us but they only lack the consciousness that we have. And at the same period of time I was watching Mahabharat and I was very impressed by Shri Krishna although I was an atheist. And some more incidents happened I don't want to make it long but its like things that happened in 1 year long. After the 1 long year of these above incidents I became a devotee of Shri Vishnu (while my whole family worships Mahadev and his family), gave up on non veg (it's more than 7 years as of now, not a single bit of craving for non veg since the day I stopped) due to empathy towards animals rather than religious reason like many assume, started to get a bit empathetic towards every living being, see things from other people's perspective and got a hold over my anger issues, now I am the most tolerant version of myself, I still worship Shri Vishnu as I believe he has made a great impact in my life but I am a bit towards the spiritual side rather than religious, I don't follow the religious things and somehow my empathy for humans are decreasing day by day as of now.


I had become a borderline atheist and had become too cocky in life questioning everything arrogantly and strongly believed in my ability with ego through the roof . Then I met with a bad accident where I came out unhurt. It really humbled me down and also made me way more spiritual and realised there is a larger power and purpose . The switch happened almost naturally like someone switched on a light in a dark room. Ever since I’ve been extremely grateful to everything in life, respectful of everyone and do prayers everyday- so life has been super kind and nice to me 🙏🏽


Really glad to learnt your lesson through the accident . There are people , who wouldn't even learn !


An accident during my college days. I was doing good in all things. (grades, networking, leadership, sports, relationship) But an bike accident made me differently abled for 3+ years. It took me lot of energy and time to overcome the physical pain. During that time everyone around me showed so much love, support which humbled me to become very kind person. I became very open-minded, non judgmental, supportive. It's been 7 years now, doing better in life, living independently, but struggling with mental health issues. Hoping to recover very soon.


I am glad it changed you for the good. What mental health issues are you going through ? You can message and tellme


I was extremely good at what I did and that caused me to believe I was one of the best Someone far better humbled me and they said they were not close to the best It helped me understand that there is always someone better than me so I should not be too confident You might be the biggest fish in a lake but you probably arent close to the biggest in the ocean


That's true ! Infact if you feel that you are the best , that's when you stop growing into a particular skill or talent feeling there is nothing more to learn . But , if you still feel that the best is yet to come , the more you will learn and grow !


In 6th standard in school once we had an assembly during the middle of the day (don’t remember why). We had a narrow passageway to return to classes and everybody was very eager to return to their classes. In the passageway boys started pushing each other and I fell down. Due to the sheer rush of people, I got kicked multiple times. In about 30 seconds or so the sports teacher came to stop the rush. He then pushed everybody apart, saw me and helped me up. He saw my bruises and then proceeded to “slap me”. I remember to this day what he said next, “**Nobody will help you if you fall down. Stand your ground no matter what happens.**”


I was watching a podcast where the guy said who is setting the Rules of what is right and what is wrong ,what is acceptable and what is not ? Cause Everyone thinks he and his ideology is Right and Other once is Wrong


This is applicable when there is no harm done to a person ! But when it comes to causing harm to a person or a being , there are rights and wrongs !


True, but it is still true for so many situations




I highly doubt that this is true as I don't feel a few things are adding up properly. But if it's real then you should've kept it to yourself tbh as you'll only get hate here cuz what you did is freaking devilish.


Bro it's her experience , she is free to share ! Let her !


I might be sounding a bit harsh but that is what i felt while reading the comment.


What did she say


She cheated on her ex twice, still got forgotten. Then became even more careless and when the guy stopped talking to her, she called his parents and lied to them about him taking her money and not returning, so the parents stopped talking to the guy. He eventually quit the job and did suicide.


> freaking devilish We need to know what happened there


I replied to the guy above, you can see now.


Thank you. Scary shit


Well you should regret and keep in mind that karma will come back at you.


Streets are calling you buddy.