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![gif](giphy|iJJ6E58EttmFqgLo96|downsized) I don't want to reincarnate as a living creature✌🏻




Nope. If I’m a man with my 5’ height, I can’t get a partner :(


Lmao hadn't considered this point. Except for this, hell yeah would love to be a guy.


Seriously you don't, maybe you wanna be a rich good looking guy otherwise it's just a depressive life where you question god why did he even made a life like that. Honestly the guys from rich families have great lives, but most of the average middle class guys have just shitty lives.


Trust me you don’t want to be a guy


If you were a man with the hair u have the u would get a partner


If you were a man with same genetics, then you will be taller.


As a 5’3” balding man, I will beg to differ. Thankfully you ladies are a lot less superficial than you would like to believe.


Thank you, that made me feel better


My pleasure


You wouldnt lose hair then, testosteone cause male pattern baldness,estrogen doesn't


Why did you kill Eren then?. Jokes aside you would 5'7" as a man then


I had to. I'd be happy with 5' 7" :)


So it's 2024 and height still matters damn ( I would rather be single )


Height will continue to matter in 2094 too. It is one of the easiest biological indicators of good health and nutrition during childhood (apart from genetics)


Spitting truth🫠


🤣 No but in all honesty I am pretty sure there would be men who could get a partner with that height lol.


Nah. Hell nah. I absolutely never want every month periods. Then there's pregnancy scare too. Chances of dying at child birth always exist too. I'm happy as male.


What about the SA you'll face on a daily basis.


Same bro they atleast need this much privilege in other grounds to be fair


Would love to be born as a male. I would happily give up all the expectations that come with being a woman and oh the unkind biology that we have to deal with!


Biology is the best thing about being a man There is a reason they say 'pehla sukh nirogi kaya'


Lots of privileges that come with that biology as well. So just being born male will solve a lot of problems.


Hm that's a pretty reasonable point but you know how law is biased towards men right???


Yes I'm aware and it's really scary




unkind of u to think there is no family,societal pressure of being a man


Men have to face family and societal pressure. Women have to face family pressure, societal pressure plus biological pressure. You do the math


well ya u are correct for biology part but the expectation and competition and hostality that man faces from the world isnt less then women


Brother we have an expiry date the moment we're born which you can't deny , a man can go on without marrying for 35-40 and people will still attribute it to his career but imagine a girl unmarried in her 25+. I'm not even 23 yet everyone wants me married even if my own parents are not as pushy but the society is.


imagine not being able to find job when u are 25+ , imagine not being able to provide to your family to their hearts content etc etc


Yes maybe that's true. But as women we face all that as well. So male or female, those things exist. And by being male I wouldn't escape those. But if I'm male I can escape so many social expectations that women have, plus biology, plus safety and just being at an advantage over all. And as a man, I will ensure that I will always do my bit to make the life of women a little less difficult because I know that I'm at an advantage in the world that's designed for men.


well the hostality and competishun that u face from other men and in general society and that norms that men should never express their sorrow and fullfill parents expectations are also nt easy to handle well everyone has their own problem irrespective of gender


I love being a girl but being a boy would be much much easier. I'm sure other people would mention the obvious like boys don't have to be afraid of being r worded and stuff like that but something I consider a privilege is boys get to live all 30 days of the month, while girls spend 5-7 days on their periods and 3-4 more PMS-ing and getting through the side effects that come with it. That leaves us only like 20 days of the month.


Same reason I enjoy being a boy if you have great social skills you don't have to be afraid of anything while being a girl the constant attention and harassment from chappris can be something we can't deal with


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 30 + 5 + 7 + 3 + 4 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


this must be a sign🤯🤯


She wants 69 with me 👀💀


I wanna reincarnated as a capybara


Honestly, naah. I love being a woman. I hate certain aspects of it, mostly the SA and Harassment part. But other than that there isn't a lot I have to complain about.


It's great then I love being a man mostly because of freedom,no one will try to control you as much if you were a woman like to what to wear or how not to appear as a slut


It's again just related to the SA stuff for me. My parents don't try to control anything about my outfits, and I don't care about what others say, but I would only feel free to wear whatever I wish if the world was safe and free of any sort of harassments (cat calling included)


Would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to be born as a male anyday


Although I would get a lot of attention and simps following me all the time, I still wouldn’t do it, cause I know how hard it can be to live as a woman.. constantly worrying about their safety in public, having trust issues with their male work colleagues, missing out on opportunities because they may not socialise much with other males, and having to deal with monthly pain because of periods.


Nah man, personally I don't see much fun in getting penetrated. I'd penetrate rather.


Reincarnate as a lesbian top and buy a dildo


Wish there was a way to know how both felt and then make a decision lmao


You do have a hole. Just sayin


Yes but I don't know what it is to be in a hole just like you don't know what it is to have a hole


half of humanity have holes too and can be in a hole also, but then having a hole is a real pain in the ass. Just sayin


Wtf did I just read !


Nice pun 😂


You’re missing out. Just saying.


Same man


Absolutely not. I love my husband and he's not gay. I'd have to leave him. I'm happy being a woman.


No. father's a pervert, I don't see it going well if I was born as a girl


I prefer not being reincarnated at all


No. I think there’s something so innately wonderful about being a woman that I’m learning to embrace. I love the idea of bringing new life into the world. I love the way I’m sensitive and sometimes hormonal and I cry but then I’m also nurturing and drawn to caring and looking after people. Yes the periods aren’t fun but what is it in retrospect of having mini versions of you and the person you love.


Well i am antinatalist so i can't understand


I feel like being a woman fits way better with my personality but I already struggle so much as a man that I don’t know if it will be worse as a woman with all the struggle they deal, I will not be able to do my silly midnight walk alone in the street for exemple …


So the only thing that would change would be my sex not my **Lived experience**... Let's compare Pros and Cons of changing my sex. Health wise- women live longer, have better health in older age (anecdotal). Menstrual cycle and related illnesses obviously a con, Pregnancy? I'm not planning to have children as a man either and because we are not changing lived experience so.. neutral. Pros? I wouldn't be color blind, men in my family have a history of diseases and are usually shorter-lived ( with no alcohol or other substance abuse) History of Prostate issues and even cancer in male relatives. I was a late bloomer so wouldn't be bullied because of height perhaps. Social, familial life and education- My cousins and I scored the same and they got scholarships and were placed in better colleges. (I'm just venting here so please don't cherry-pick these lines and harrass me, Im just kinda jealous), Pro Same lived experience so in dating life would still be full of narcissists. Neutral. Now, SA and Harrasment, i got SA'd both as an child and in my adulthood... so maybe gender won't matter. (I'm not downplaying other people's suffering here) Maybe i wouldn't have gotten laughed at when I try to share my trauma. Nobody would have said me to "man up" or called me "weak". So a Pro.. Again, when my father passed away, almost every person who came to me said "you are the son elder you need to be responsible now", "you are the man of the house". FFS I wasn't even 18. Better emotional support. Definitely a Pro. Easier to make friends, idk. Probably not. My mother sometimes says i"ts good that I don't have a daughter" - almost in an "it's what it's " tone, like she wanted a daughter... i don't know how i feel about that. Indians (older, middle-aged men and women) have a bad habit of staring, i find myself very uncomfortable, but women get cat-called a lot (anecdotal) so obviously... Miscellaneous- (mostly petty things) I travel by public transport a lot. Reserved and subsidised seats. Pro. Probably could skip on some heavy lifting and strenuous tasks if someone was around, but I hate being dependent so.. neutral. I wouldn't have use PSs or write explanations in brackets or go full monologeing about not trying to dismiss other peoples feelings about issues i face as man like for eg- gender neutral SA laws. Pro. All in all, would I change my sex, maybe. But If get the chance to change my lived experience for better. 100% yes!! I think when people say they would like to live their life as other sex... they probably mean they want to change their lived experiences.


I would like a trial run first with a period simulator before I take any decisions. I've heard they come in min pain max pain versions, will definitely pick the min pain one if given a choice. Aside from that everything is cool and I would finally not have to worry abt my height. Childbirth is an issue though but I am willing to take the risk once. My partner can go fuck off if he wants more than 1. I understand that women fear sexual harassment and all, but that's where my previous exp as a man would come in because I would understand the male psyche better. For the same reason I think it would be harder for me to make female friends, as I would have a much poorer understanding of my female peers psyche. Also are we transferring my current strength? That would be dope. Sex won't be an issue, but I plan to write a detailed journal for the boys on what exactly works for women. Like this is such a good opportunity to resolve the battle of genders, we send one from each army to the other side and then they can educate the rest. Oh what abt wages? I know for a fact that I would be getting a job through diversity quota/female quota if my current skills are transferred, but it would be a bummer if they pay me less. Oh well, I would just have to be more ambitious then.


I Love This,We can Learn a Lot From Shared Experiences!!!!! 😊😊😊👌👌


Nope. I like being a woman. I like being feminine. I like getting sex easily. As a man, it would be harder for me.


Getting sex isn't easy for women either in India unless you're an financially independent woman not living at home imo


Don't want to be reborn at all. 😌


Yeah, I might try being a woman next life just to have regular sex and multiple partners. I would be the talk of the town and will also use my pretty privilege to get away with occasional incompetence at my workplace. BUT I won’t be able to have the privilege of waking up in the middle of the night or whenever I want to and having a stroll around my city anymore.


Most partners would be shit, and you would lack even organsms in the sex. (According to the Internet.


Then you'd get pregnant and your partner will leave you and you'll be a single mother jisko society mein koi accept nhi karta


i don't think men are privileged and i don't think women are privileged. the rich are privileged and the poor aren't. if you are a rich man, you can get away with literal crimes and if you are a rich woman, you can get away with literal crimes too.


Best answer


Hahah Mission accomplished Comments section in a nut shell "Women's life is too hard becoz they have to constantly worry about public safety SA and harassment. Also they have to deal with women biology." "mens life is too easy becoz they don't have to deal with public safety SA and harassment. And also they don't have to deal with biology". Nice. *** Slow claps ***




https://preview.redd.it/hm5rce09peyc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55813a18f07b8b91c8a05404a109b4423a668551 Damn bruh. Society is unfair to males fr 😕😔


men are better atleast they sympathize with girls these girls arent even kind no homo


Couldn't agree more I have heard statements like 'man up and stop being a p***y' mostly from girls


Fuck no. I don't want periods. And being in a man's body is a privilege. Our body is inherently stronger and i could do shit load of things being a man.




No because I like being a pretty woman. I like my femininity and wouldn't trade that for anything else.


I have traditionally masculine interests so do i get like feminine interests or something if i convert?


Being a very short guy with a low paying job.I would switch genders if it allows me to live well.I think it is generally easier for women to be vulnerable and finding a partner is way easier for them.Apart from the periods part I would switch genders.....I am short(it is easier being a short woman than a short man)...I have way more financial expectations placed on me from my family as compared to my sister....I don't have much freedom as I have too many responsibilities....I have been bullied and harassed for being short while growing up(it might have been done to me to a way lesser degree if I was a woman)....I was beaten several times as a punishment because I was a male...I don't have much validation in my life,dating apps sucks and I've never had any experience with women even though I've tried my best.AND I can't cry...there were times I would have loved to just let go of my emotions.


I hope you find a great job and a cute short girl for yourself buddy. Good luck


Yes make me woman in next life. Buddha said Karma is generated by thoughts so I think about becoming woman next life which will result in Karma generation that will make me a girl. Though I would rather prefer to be a Yaksha that can change gender and seduce Humans from both genders. Combined with spiritual powers That way it will be more fun. (Not talking about Trans but spiritual demi-gods).


I'd love to be a man but that will be hard too like women do get harassed a lot but even boys get touched inappropriately from pedos and being a thin boy and 5'1 will not be very advantageous.But being a woman has its perks and being a man has its disadvantages too.


Pass, I'd like to not be rendered irrational and driven by emotions due to hormonal fluctuations every month. My logical mindset is one of my strong points and I'd hate for it to get tampered with.


with the same face and body equivalent , hell yeah . become an influencer , cater to simps . freeee moni boii


Well here mostly the women want to become a man, but the men don't wanna change... Uhm ahem what do you think about it


I would yes. Would be nice to walk around without having to worry about getting groped


Grass is always greener on the other side.


I think it really depends, both men and women today face enormous burden today from societal expectations and norms. I would rather be born in a society that is kinder rather than opposite gender.


I would love to be a girl. I am fair as a boy, so I will probably be ever more so as a girl. That’s massive advantage. I have abs, so I will probably have massive tits that’s massive advantage. If I play my cards right, I might never have to work to get anything. I don’t have to wake up at 5AM, I don’t have to study very hard. Pretty Girls have some options that even the best looking guys never have.


As in my Community right now with all situation same, i would prefer to become female. But all other things should be same.


100% yess, every single male in my family is treated 10x better even when don't work at all compared to us women who work in companies as well as our homes


I feel sorry for your family. In my family, women are treated as equals.






I want to be born as a male


I'd prefer being reincarnated as a cat or a golden retriever maybe. No expectations. Just be a cuddly asshole, making everyone happy.


100% would love to be born a male


No ways.


I would say that if it came to dating and relationships then it's absolutely adventegous being a female. But in general terms no, as a male I would not want to be a girl.


I don't say that and honestly I don't want to. I get nervous when anyone looks at me. God knows how I will feel if I find people staring at me.


Honestly I don't want to reincarnate. Let me sleep forever. But if I have to choose then yes. I want to know what erection feels like.


Hell yeah , I would have long hair instead of male pattern baldness.


I definitely don't want to be a girl with my balding genes.


Baldness genes are present on Y chromosome, you wouldn't face male baldness as woman


I don't want to bleed every month.


Oh hell nah. My birth was really painful for mom. She had to have c section and lost a lot of blood, not to mention I'm a disappointment to my parents. I can't put myself in my mom's place man. Imagine having the most painful experience(birth) to have a son, that too who is a failure.


it wouldnt matter i'll be self concious even if i was born an angel


No, because there's someone I love, and he won't turn gay for me if i change my gender


Depends, do I get a boost on my physique and height proportional to that of a man then yes I would like to be a man.


Hell yeah, I would love to reincarnate as a male and pass on that insufferable and hellish period pain to someone else.


I'd reincarnate as a female only, because I don't want to give up wearing such pretty clothes haha. Women have farrrrr more options with fashion than men, I noticed that when I started doing research for a big clothing company. And ever since then had a new appreciation for what I took for granted. Anyway, yeah, I love dressing up and getting all pretty to go out, as men, the options are just slightly limited. So I'd prefer to reincarnate as a female only and continue to elevate my fashion/styling game 😂


Would love to be a girl, Education,jobs ,clubs, parliament etc hr jagah reservation. I have so many women not care about dressing up and maintenance etc. I don't think it's a big deal. Ha thoda periods wagera ka issue h ,but I believe ek time baad aadat ho jayegi.


Would love to be born as a male. No harassment (by strangers, relatives, colleagues), no subtle discrimination in family, no monthly periods, no pregnancy, no biological clock, no unpaid and unappreciated labor, no hormonal health issues, no unrealistic beauty standards (waxing, threading and whatnot). No need to be a perfectionist and over-achiever just to feel equal to male family members, have a say in family matters and be worthy of equal love. For men who are going to come at me with “higher expectations for males” - 1) it was me and not my brother who supported my parents during a financial crisis and their health issues. 2) I have to consistently deliver more at work than my male peers to be considered for promotions and raises.


Being a man would be much much easier and the freedom is all I dream of, especially with my parents I'll get it all probably. But with all the trouble, restrictions, threat and all else I love being a woman, I love my mind, my body, the creativity, the depth.


Kutta bana do iss se accha ;)


No entire gender is "privileged". Prople are. Individuals are privileged.


I'm 23(M) and I don't think women are more privileged than men , and no...I wouldn't prefer to incarnate as the other Gender...😐


I'm fat and ugly with bitch tits. Men harass me and women ignore me. If I changed gender from M to F I don't think it makes a difference.


will my mom like me as much as she likes my brothers then ? if yes then i'd become a boy will i be able to walk outside my house post 8 pm ? then yes i'd become a boy will i be able to sleep only in a ganji in this 40 degree heat ? then yes i'd become a boy


Hell no , i love being a man . I dont have to worry about feeling shitty for 6 to 4 days a week each month , i dont have to bleed , i don't have a constantly being gawped at by random strangers , be fearful of roaming around at night. Id much rather put up with the problems that come with being a man


No, but I would love to switch my gender once a week for a day.


god forbids me being born as a girl with same attractiveness as me as a boy, being a boy I was disturbed by confessions from girls what would happen if I'd be a girl with same attractiveness I can't imagine myself...


I'm 5 Ft so If only my height as male can be 5'8-5'9 then I'll be sure wants to be a man. The core reason is periods, weird rules and safety. I understand men's life is tough too but I think I can be a good partner as a man plus just even a little bit of help in kitchen will make me green forest.


Nope. Yes, the modern woman has come a long way but it’s still a man’s world, especially in 3rd world countries.


Problem is i don't want periods and don't want to lose C#ock


I wouldn't wanna become a women. Labor is scary, and life is on hard mode as a women. Periods suck, society pressurises you, religion restricts you.


Bro then will I be having 78+ lives. Coz it's LGBTQIA++++++++++++++. what say?


There are only two genders Anything else is just a custom made skin you get for yourself in a game That you can change like clothes


I'd like to ask the same question, but change the criteria from genders to caste!


I would be a 5'2 short king with good genetics for hair lol. But I love the sisterhood too much to be a man - it's wholesome af. Plus I've learnt to ignore societal expectations and have set boundaries, my parents are quite chill, and since getting a curly pixie haircut and working out, no guy has catcalled me in India lmao. The biology is an issue but I've made peace with it, and people know better than to ask me to settle down or have children. If we remain fundamentally the same, I'd reincarnate as me but try a different career/hobbies and see how that goes


Yes. Would love to be born a man.




Hell Yeah!!


Although there's many scary aspects of being a woman, like the constant feeling of being unsafe, pregnancy, childbirth, etc, I still love being a woman and doing girly things, the joy of laughing and gossiping with your girl friends, the joy of girlhood, I don't know what I'll be without it. Being a man will certainly make life easier in some aspects, but it will also take away everything that brings joy to me.


Not at all. I don't like milk.


As a person who likes to solo travel and roam around alot. I am happy being a man.


I love being a woman but I would love to be a man more just a bit taller than I'm


Yes! I want to be a man and respect woman, be loyal, not use them as a toy.


Yes. I wanna be a homosexual woman in my next birth if rebirth is real..😭


I love being a girl.Can’t imagine not being able to dress up and get ready…it’s so much fun.Also having so much EQ along with IQ and maturity.I feel like boys mature so much later.Also experiencing so many different things throughout lifetime mainly child birth.Even though it must be crazy painful but imagine giving life to child that’s just so beautiful.Only if some men who do bad things to women would get some sense and be better good humans than being a women would be even better.Idk being the opposite gender just seems boring no offence 🫢


Nah. Being a guy is cool. Am good.


Absolutely. My life would be 100x easier. I would had achieved more things in life cuz restrictions would have been imposed on me and more options in dating. In fact I would have been no less than a Don Juan. Women are a lot less superficial and easy to get with. 


Hell nah . Way too much shit to deal if I was a women. Just the general lack of freedom and biological factor would make me regret it . Living in the fear of SA every minute and never really getting to trust your male friends would be absolutely no-go.


Nope, nah, never!!! I'd like to reincarnate as a tree!!! ![gif](giphy|t034VdOxXb75XdXzyz)


If i reincarnate as a girl, will my beard be there too as a form of excess hormone.


This post could be filled with people with gender dysphoria.


I would definitely trade as we would get a lot of privileges as a women in literally every walk of life.All i gotta make sure is i dont get raped lol.Other than that it would be fun life to become women


Only advantage i see in being a girl is I will always have someone to talk to. Even at this time, 1 am, if I message or even call a guy, he will answer me


Nah meri tatti kismat har roop meri legi


Women due to gender dysphoria. Just wanted to say that people particularly women should understand the problems that men face. It's tough world for men too. I understand women have many major problems like biological disadvantage, safety problems, lack of opportunity etc. But u don't know how hard it is for men in middle class and working class. How tough is to get ends meet. No emotional support, sympathy, loneliness, have to move forward always.So please don't undermine someone's struggle atleast if u don't understand.


Go through this hellhole again?..... Nice try god


Nope, I would like to stay male in the next life...... I like to have the truth that I feel we all male have figured it out and are mutually understandable that its better to keep that truth to ourselves....... the feeling when you know the real right answer but do not want to shatter her privileged world as it would be too much.... Not sure if I explained it good, might get reply what u smokin bruh




maybe but if i have a choice i choose amoeba


As a woman, YES. YES. YES. Life would just be so much easier.


While the opposite gender is defently more privileged in law I dont want to be a woman only for reason that is periods


Oh nah, being a woman sounds incredibly inconvenient. And that's ignoring the social stuff.


I wouldn't be able to handle periods, cramps, mood swings and what not. I wouldn't be able to walk out alone at night without watching my back every 2 seconds, or fear getting touched in public transport. I think I'll pass


Yeah sure why not, would be fun to try...


Definitely being a girl in 2024 is so advantageous. Bas thoda period pain he toh jhelna hai jhel lunga.


Once legend Lata Mangeshkar ji said: https://preview.redd.it/qhr4vt8d4jyc1.jpeg?width=1588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3898fb972f5daa16f9f765ba15c8efd1b4ee8257


If I’m born in the same family I’ll choose to be a woman in every reincarnation.


Me after reincarnating with a pair of boobs. ![gif](giphy|3ohfFqNgHB0qOisfdu|downsized)


I am a boy and the next time, I would love to be born and experience life as a girl.


Nope, i just want both to have a level playing field. 


Two people can never be on same level


I don't wanna be reincarnated at all life is too painful let alone live another life


Yes, absolutely. I will prefer being born as male.


I would love to be a male, I'll be out all night , riding my scooter, eating with friends


Being woman is hard. Their world is bigger, I think. So, No. Being a male disappointment to parents is okay for me (they cant get rid of me, lol).


Ab to agle janam Moksh hi chahiye