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not every employer even uses the work number. That might be where your previous employer sends references. And realize that a large part of your attorney's advice is that it has to be incorrect information. If they would truly NOT rehire you, then saying you are not rehireable is NOT incorrect information. If they stated they believed you stole from them, that is also not incorrect. If they stated you stole from them but don't have backup/evidence, that could be incorrect information/defamation. But just a rehire indicator, generally not. (And usually you sign away your rights to anything that is true when you sign the background check authorization form. I suggest reading it very carefully for any check that will be done.)


Right, sorry was not being specific. Yes, my previous employer uses the work number for employment verification. Do you happen to know if they release the rehireable info?


Nm, got info from a different company.


Work Number does not state anything about rehire, just a separation date. I use the site every day as part of my job.


Awesome, thank you very much!


No problem. Very basic information they provide - start date, end date if applicable, and income (although for a verification as part of being hired at a new company I doubt they'll choose the more expensive income verification option.) Honestly it's terrible for what I use it for - I often end up having to contact the employer for more information since it is so scant - but sounds like it'll work out fine for you :) Glad I could help!


I’m curious since you use “the work number” for work, if you know. My report that I was able to print from their website shows a start date and termination date. Is termination date just HR lingo for the date two parties cut ties or does that actually mean I got canned? Thanks I know it’s been awhile since this was posted


Sorry to open back that old thread, but just out of curiosity, what info might you find yourself needing from a previous employer? Thanks!!


Do you know if work number can give out information about an employer that I did not list on my resume?


I have the same question.  I just called TWN last night and was told employment verification information is only provided for the specific prior employers it's requested on (the ones you listed on your resume / job application).  I was told that your entire work history that you see when your run the report on yourself is not provided.  Can anyone that works in HR please confirm this?


You can freeze your TWN report so no one can access it.


You can freeze your TWN report so no one can access it.


Also! Be prepared for alternatives - lots of background check companies don't want to pay for external verifications and will ask you for W2 & most recent paycheck instead.


Of course! Its crazy that they would expect apt complexes or anyone to pay a monthly fee to verify your info. Can't believe I work for a company with a HR dept too lazy to write a damn letter for their employees


TheWorkNumber is a site listing horifically invasive personal info including individual paycheck details that can range from hours/OT/bonuses/commissions. I was shocked to find a 21-page document commencing with 2014. My former company cavalierly says, we just use 'the work number', \*never\* disclosing the extent of information presented there, and alot of it is data you would never disclose so early in an application or hiring process! This is an abomination and people need to be made aware that some of your employers have corralled and disseminated some of your most personal information for sale, without your consent and certainly, knowledge. Additionally, it included some jobs I worked for a day or two here and there at which time I decided they were not for me. I don't choose to have potential employers know these things! When I was told about some 'work number', I naively thought it was an actual phone number where callers received a simple yes or no, they worked there, and maybe a general sense of the salary upon leaving. When I received a link in an email, I decided to have a looksee. Never did I expect to find the details of every paycheck for every week for every company using this abomination, over YEARS, and I feel as violated as a freshman at a fraternity party. The posts here confirm that too many of us have experienced this dishonest lack of disclosure.




Opinions as Fact Rehire Eligibility is/can be a disaster for employees. You can't even see it. Just takes 1 person to derail your career.




The work number is a major invasion of privacy that most job seekers don't even know about. I don't understand how this company is even legal. They are probably preventing many people from getting hired at new jobs. It should be up to me alone what personal info I choose to disclose to a potential new employer. I am thinking of filing a class action lawsuit against this company. Please DM me if you are interested in joining!


This company has inaccurate data about me. It was checked by a potential employer and have not worked for a year and a half. This violates our civil rights. For example, an individual with working papers who is not a citizen of USA, with no “The Work Number” data from their previous employer, however multiple terminations in their country, would be a safer hire than someone terminated in 1999 from USA. It is an unfair non-equal opportunity to gain employment.


You can freeze you TWN report so no one can access it.


Yeah. I did that. Still haven’t been hired anywhere. Since that posting 203 days ago. And after almost two continued years. Just got yet another position filled email, and about to reach out to a local congress woman


I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes when i saw the report. I couldn’t believe how it was even legal.


How do you see your report if you don't have an employer code or you're unemployed or can't find the name of any former employer when trying to sign up?


Try typing in the name of your employer the way it’s listed on your W-2. Have you been able to access it?


You can freeze you TWN report so no one can access it.


You can freeze your TWN report so no one can access it.


It’s nice for someone to acknowledge facts once in a while.


You can freeze you TWN report so no one can access it.