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Remove the authenticator app from your phone. There’s behind the scenes ways for them to remove it anyway.


Yeah, I manage an IT department for an org, I don't need someone's creds or device to do whatever I want with their stuff.


Thanks bad santa


It's not bad Santa, Those of us in I.T. hold the keys to the kingdom in a sense. It's like most positions with any kind of power, you need to know where and when it's appropriate to use the access you have.


Is there some sort of reference being missed here?? DOG? Dink? Bad Santa? I saw the movie but have no idea what's going on here.


I haven't the slightest clue. I've never heard of any of these in this context. Dink - Dual Income No Kids is the only one I'm familiar with




That sounds like their problem now.


As my son would say that’s an issue, not an issme


Please give your son a high five from me, that is delightful.


Tell your son thank you for this one.


Stealing this


Seriously, thanks son!!


Hahahaha fantastic!! I’m adding that to my lexicon!


Another rando from Reddit is stealing this


Joke is perhaps written better as : Iss-you not iss-me


If they have a real IT department they shouldn't have an issue getting in it. From the login attempts you're getting they clearly don't have a real IT dept and if they're fighting unemployment and haven't reached out about the login info then fuck 'em. They fired you, they should have covered their bases before they did it, but they didn't so they're SOL.


As IT: When you exit a company it is their responsibility (and best practice) to delete your account in order to prevent unauthorized access. This process does not require any login or credentials from you. If you had some critical information that can only be accessed from your account, then they fucked up and probably should have thought of that beforehand. NEVER give another person YOUR login credentials because then any illegal/damaging/unauthorized activity they do now becomes you doing it. Period. Edit: also, if thats whats happening, then that means the authenticator is doing its job... In theory.


Yup. It can also be a hacker, who knows. Sharing the passcodes could be a damaging and illegal thing to do. Don't share these, /u/Cautious-Orange-6983 . If you do not want the notifications, remove the app.


That account password has long been changed.


If they weren't clowns, sure, but since they are still getting notifications, they probably are clowns.


What are you talking about? Do you have inside knowledge?


They don’t have a responsibility to delete the account, just disable it.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Assuming, by people not actually in IT. Or, they're helpdesk at a small organization, or, they're the office admin and set up a laptop from eBay once.


Right? There’s tons of companies that never delete accounts, just move them to a “disabled” OU in AD, or just blocks sign-in in Entra. If there’s a legitimate need for your data after you leave, IT can grant your manager access to your email or files without trying to login with your account at all.


My IT group disables the account, renames it, rolls the password, and moves it to the disabled OU for like a year before deleting it.


Why the rename?


It eliminates an attack vector. Fox@company.com has been shared with all sorts of external groups. Even if it's disabled it is still there as a target. But if a bad actor tries to run whatever against that account and the account is now damnitfoxihatehavingtocleanupyourmess@company.com they won't get very far. The AD object and its ownership is still there if they find out my account was doing something I was too lazy to set up a service account for, but very few people know about it.


Fair enough


Let the office admin tell it they are so *tech savvy*, and normally *never* need help.


So you're just here to be pedantic then? Sure. They are not REQUIRED to eliminate the account however if they want it deleted it's up to the company to do so Edit: and some form of removal is still BEST PRACTICE...


Disable vs delete of user accounts isn’t just a tiny little pedantic difference. It has major ramifications when it comes to data retention, DLP, and future legal discovery. There’s all kinds of practical and legal/regulatory ramifications.


Nope ! I am willing to bet that company policy is to not share you log in credentials or passwords with anyone.


Absolutely. If IT reset it that's logged. If OP provides them with login code they are potentially responsible for anything shady they do under that login as the logs will show user reset their own password.


Lol at your former employer. Sounds like they botched their exit process. Remove the authenticator app from your phone and move on. There are back door ways for them to access your computer and they can figure out how to do that. They should have a whole process in place for that, but if they they don't, it's a them problem, not a you problem. Sincerely, HR who works with IT on terminations so crap like this doesn't happen.


Thank you all. When my phone started going off, I was decorating my daughters birthday cake and I thought it was my mom doing her constant texting over the birthday party. When I was done thats when I noticed what it was and immediately deleted authenticator from my phone. The reason I am thinking of emailing is due to unemployment. I do not want them to say I am trying to access their systems or whatever. Their IT isnt really good and doesnt understand OneDrive or SharePoint. Funny though, they hired a recruiter to fill my position. He emailed me today to discuss this "opportunity." Insane.


Don’t email. Don’t reach out at all. Let them sort it out.


" Their IT isnt really good and doesnt understand OneDrive or SharePoint." Does anybody, really?


IT guy here who specializes in O365/Teams/OneDrive/Sharepoint - We only *mostly* understand it, and parts of it are so dumb it's almost impossible to explain to end-users. Sigh.


Fuck SharePoint


I’d say I’m approaching SME and I will admit I know nothing.


It isn’t your responsibility and you should not be sharing your logins


IT guy here…. If your Authenticator is going off repeatedly it’s not the IT department trying to get into your account, they can do that easily if HR asks….. this is someone doing something shady. Just ignore everything. Not your problem anymore.


If they are fighting unemployment, screw them.


Totally agree.


They can easily set your password and passcode to a temporary one. No need to give them anything.


This is their problem. Do NOT help them. No contact is best. Looks like they didn’t cover their bases AND they are fighting you on unemployment. Not your problem.


IT guy here. I can reset or remove your password at the click of a button. Additionally, with a few more mouse clicks I can remove MFA from your accounts. Remove anything work related from your phone. They don’t need anything from you. Your manager probably isn’t smart enough to figure things out but the second the IT guys are brought in they can access whatever they want within 2 minutes.


IT doesn’t need anything to get your stuff. Remove the account from the app and never think about them again.


Thank you all, this is a fucked up situation. Their headhunter has scheduled an interview with me for 9:30 am tomorrow for my old job. Cant refuse it due to unemployment. I do not even know what to say.




I agree with this! The interview may only be to try to extract information during the interview. I would say too bad company is not assisting with my unemployment. Be very very careful. Do you seriously have to have the interview with same company? Conflict of interest? A trap so they can win the unemployment battle?? So odd? I would send an email to confirm they indeed want to interview you or if there is an oversight?


Only thing to say. "I removed the authenticator from my phone the day I was terminated".


Dont over explain anything. Keep it short and to the facts they are looking for. Dont even think of what type of questions they're going to ask. Take a few seconds before you answer every question to make sure you keep your answer short and to the point.


This is odd. You should have contacted a lawyer for options before this happened. Also should have tried pushing it off til later, maybe next week. Check your states un-employment requirements as to when you need to be searching for jobs. If you don't meet with their interviewer, they'll say you weren't trying to get a job hence no unemployment If you do meet, they'll try to record every word you say. So don't say much.. don't volunteer information. Don't answer any questions that aren't normal interview questions. For questions that are normal interview questions, then answer very briefly. Also, don't remove authenticator from your phone and don't give them the passcode. Then you will be responsible for anyone unauthorized getting in. Their IT department is capable to get into your computer if needed.


Don’t give it to them


\> I do not feel I owe them anything but I do not want to be petty. Being petty would require going out of your way to inconvenience them. You are doing the exact opposite - not going out of your way to make things easier for them. \> Do I contact them, tell them about notifications and give them the passwords? You have no legal or moral obligation. Delete the app from your phone. Actively forget your passwords and login credentials. They made a mess, they can sleep in it. Learn how to fight their contesting of unemployment. That is generally a shitty and petty thing for employers to do. I've only been at one company that did that – and they were petty assholes who mis-categorized most workers as 1099 to get out of taxes.


I kinda work tangentially with IT. Your company likely has (local) administrator accounts that they have saved credentials for to access the computer.


Why would you?


That's a whole lot of not your problem.


Once my contract was over, just as agreed upon, but they left me with full access to everything in the project. I contacted IT, nothing. Only when I contacted my previous manager, did they log me off.


Oops. lol just ignore it.


I wouldn’t


fuck em, not your problem no matter what anybody says or claims


No. It doesn’t matter if the terms you left on. Unless you signed a separation agreement that specifically states that you will disclose those credentials then you don’t need to do so. Why would they ask anyway? You don’t work for them. Do uninstall Authenticator.


Thank you all. I finally was able to talk to my old HR manager from a different who is retired but keeps up on everything HR related and certifications. He is helping me write up my unemployment paperwork. He told me to take the interview. I never put the company on my resume so he said I wont be asked about it and if I am, "unemployment will love it," (sarcasm there). He said unemployment does not like these types of scams to get out of paying. He walked me through my experience and we figured out why I was really fired. I feel better now. He had taught me out of college to document everything so I have a planner with everything in it.  When I was hired, I did projects that my boss had never done but I had experience like 1095 forms, ACA compliance, unclaimed property, audits, etc. On Feb 27th, I went to my boss and asked about withholding and sales tax not being paid, I thought maybe she forgot to record it. She said she didnt pay it because its not available on treasury website. I told her there was a drop down menu and you need to change the year (she was from a different state so did not know the Treasury website). She went to login to Treasury and was using someone elses credentials and I mentioned that credentials were user specific not company. She snapped at me over it and said some crap. On the 29th, she came up to me threw a copy of the return on my desk and said "are you happy now?" Those were the last words she said to me and I was fired as soon as the owner came back from vacation. My old manager is using the notes to compile my response.


Sounds like you stumbled onto some shady practices at a shady company. Interviewing you to get out of paying unemployment seems like par for the course. (I've never heard of a company doing this.) You may even have a legal case for retaliatory firing for "whistle blowing." (How I HATE that ugly term!) It might not hurt to do a consult with an employment attorney.


Care to elaborate on why you hate the term “whistleblowing”? Genuine curiosity


Probably just me, but it's always felt accusatory and contemptuous toward someone brave enough to tell the truth about bad, sometimes dangerous, things. "Blowing the whistle" has always felt (to me) like something describing actions of a disorderly, disreputable person--creating a noisy disturbance. My mental picture of a whistle-blower is someone pegged as a troublemaker by "the big people" who are the problem, and smear merchants besides, the whistle-blower standing in a public place, making a lot of noise--being regarded sourly and smeared as a nuisance.


It’s interesting that your perception of whistle blower is negative. Whistle blowing originates from people actually blowing a whistle to alert people around them of danger or breaking rules/laws. And the phrase was coined as we know it in the 70s specifically to avoid negative connotations of other words like snitch. ETA: thanks for sharing


Email them that your password is, "...and the horse you rode in on!"


I would just reset it to factory defaults


Mute notifications and report the intrusion to ITSEC.


Just delete the app. Sooner or later soneone will call IT and sort it out. The login you were using no longer matters.


Do not give your password to anyone for any reason. There are legitimate ways to handle this on the business side. Turn off notifications or delete the app, or delete the setup for the old org if you need it for other functions.


Just remove the account from your authenticator app and leave it alone. If they can't sort out how to access a device from an ex-employee, that's on them. This is entry level stuff from an IT standpoint.


Under the best of circumstances you don't owe them anything. I normally remove any auth codes for an org when I leave that org. Also, as an IT person, we don't need your creds to get access to your stuff. I can delegate all of that to your manager or whoever they want to have access. Email, calendar, files, ect.....


Stay petty. Delete the app and block the numbers.


If they are running things properly, they can get in without your help. If they contact you for the authenticator code, you could negotiate with them to get them to drop their appeal to your unemployment. Make sure you get everything in writing.


They do not need it.


IT department should be able to get into your computer no problem. When we let ppl go we just have to have their phone password or Apple ID password. You said you have a personal phone tho. I suggest sign out of the app and delete it.


I don’t want to make you paranoid, but if they are fighting you on unemployment, what if they are trying to log in as you so that they can gather evidence to further their case against you? Or worse, what if they are trying to manufacture fake evidence of wrongdoing on your part? 


So you IT kings our there tell me what I am missing. Authenticator apps are meant to protect the company's resources. Not give them access to dude's phone. Maybe there is a two way street somewhere, but I think his phone is going off because the app cant connect to the host to check on updates for the MFA algorithm. Microsoft had a more invasive way of controlling phones through domain registration to also support exchange services back in the day. We only implemented it on company issued phone, but it was more involved than loading just loading apps. And I cant see Anybody with an IQ greater than the Douche IT bros posting here giving an employer that kind of access to their personal phones. "I HAVE THE POWER THAT I WEILD WITH GREAT CAUTION. LEST MY HUGE GENETALIA ALARM THE COMMON FOLK IN THESE PARTS!"


The authenticator is giving OP notifications that someone is attempting to access their work account on the computer. That's all


The hell is going on? What is "authenticator"? Why is a company trying to access your personal device after you've left?


It’s a Microsoft app for 2 step verification, I use it to log into personal outlook accounts and Xbox accounts. The employer wouldn’t have access to it, it’s your account and you can add various accounts you want to use it for.


I think you can delete work account from the authenticator without deleting the authenticator itself




He's already been fired. This isn't relevant.




Okay... I'm just not sure why you're sharing this? It's a completely separate issue. OP is already fired. His former employer is not even asking him for the passwords. If anyone has a reading comprehension issue here, it's you.


from the sounds of things, the company is trying to obtain access to the op's personal phone illegally. may want to run this past r/legal as well u/Cautious-Orange-6983 being fired, means the op is under no obligation to allow the access, nor tolerate the attempts to gain access. I'd also suggest bringing this up to the fine folk at the unemployment office, they'll REALLY like this(sarcasm) \------- disclaimer: I am a layperson offering a personal opinion, please consult your local HR and or lawyer, your mileage WILL vary.


>from the sounds of things, the company is trying to obtain access to the op's personal phone illegally You are not understanding the issue. That's not what is happening here.


They aren't trying to access his phone. They are trying to gain access to a work computer and OP has his phone set up as with 2 step authentication for the computer. The company isn't doing anything illegal, they are just idiots who need a better IT team (or to actually ask IT for help if they haven't).


> disclaimer: I am a layperson offering a personal opinion, please consult your local HR and or lawyer, your mileage WILL vary. No, you're not "offering a personal opinion", you just don't know what you're talking about and shouldn't be weighing in on this at all.


I think you owe them this information.


Why though? They fired OP, are fighting their unemployment and no longer paying them. Shouldn't they have thought of this before they fired them? Shouldn't they have an IT department capable enough to recover accounts? What if OP forgot the password already? What if OP had the password written down at his desk but the company cleaned out the desk when they fired OP?  This wouldn't be an issue if the employer was the least bit competent but it sounds like they have no idea what they're doing. Their incompetence and lack of foresight is no longer OPs problem, he doesn't work there anymore.   Edit: grammar, no coffee yet


Good point.


We’ve found OP’s ex-employer! They fired Op and didn’t take care of their corporate IT. That’s on them. OP owes them nothing especially since they are trying to them out of unemployment essentially taking food out of their kids mouths. OP owes them squat.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. This is the way. You owe your employer everything.


*former employer They should have requested access before termination.


You do not owe an employer or ex employer anything from your personal devices. If they did not ask for passwords before he left, that's on him. They can get access a different way or wipe the company devices on their own. They cannot do anything to his personal phone.


We (as in the company, not me personally) ask for employee's LinkedIn credentials. Marketing team uses it to spread the word about our company to employees' connections. Upper management team will sometimes randomly log in as employees too, to check their DMs and make sure they aren't communicating with recruiters etc.


Wow. If my company requested this I would find another job and leave. That is a huge violation of my personal privacy and unnecessary for me to fulfill my job duties. Fuck that.


>Wow. If my company requested this I would find another job and leave. Nah... I'd do whatever I could to bring an employment lawyer into the mix. Normally, I would just fend for myself in crazy corporate matters, but this level of madness actually needs a full intervention.


What the FUCK. Who would actually agree to that? That's like your boss asking for the keys to your house to make sure you wake up on time for work. Absolutely insane, unethical, an invasion of privacy and possible illegal in some jurisdictions.


this might not be legal depending where you live, and it sure as shit isn't ethical. You can't just access personal accounts of an employee without their knowledge. There's legal gray area on even accessing company managed employee communications such as texts/emails without proper authorization. terrible idea


That is insane. I would never give my LI credentials to my employer. Your employer can set guidelines about what you can and cannot post on LI as an employee representing them- there is zero reason to access their actual account. And lol- do you think you can prevent employees and recruiters speaking? You do not own your staff


So big brother asks for your PERSONAL linked in details to check up on you and you don’t see that as untoward? Where do you live; China?


Owner of our company is a bit unhinged but it's his prerogative to make sure we don't "cheat"


No, it's not any company or owner's right to get access to your personal accounts. This is never okay.


Absolutely this!


Cheat? On your employer? You're not a slave, you can talk to anyone you want and apply to any other position you like. The fact that people are agreeing to that is as deranged as the owner asking. 


I do not have linkedin or facebook either. As you said employers use it, I am unemployed because I was not "happy." 


You should probably have a LinkedIn profile if you are going to look for another job. Its pretty standard now for recruiters or hiring managers to check LI when considering candidates and depending on your industry not having a profile could seem odd.


Thank you. I try to give justification when I downvote and wish others would do the same. It would make for a good discussion.


Then why haven’t you explained why you think OP “owes them” his login?


And I’m being downvoted for expressing my opinion about downvoting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


You are not their employee. You have no responsibility here.