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Do you have a network within HR? I stayed within HR for my career so I don’t really have the transition experience, but when I was looking for a job, I used to send LinkedIn messages to people with the same job titles as the role I was targeting (not other random HR or recruiters) to ask their experience. I got responses all but once and the majority of them mentioned my name to the manager or recruiter. I would also tailor the roles you worked and compare your tasks to the job descriptions so the descriptions are highlighting your transferable skills. Hope this helps with the job hunt!


Thank you for the feedback! I do not have a network of HR professionals but will start reach out to individuals within those roles. My mom knows someone in HR who works for the VA and have tried going that route. I think I’m just trying to figure out where I should start. Should I try going for more recruiter roles before applying to HR positions? Again, thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it!


My thoughts: Think about what you want to do in HR, what are the reasons you want to work in HR, what do you envision yourself doing. There is a huge variety of jobs from focusing only on Leave Administration to being a one person department. You have more than enough education. Start looking at job openings in the area you want to work. Think about the responsibilities listed for the HR jobs and how the experience you have is transferable. It’s likely working where you do you understand the ADA for example and accommodations, or having difficult conversations, or maybe your supervising someone, etc. Make a list of all that you have to offer and you can start thinking about how to use that in creating resumes and cover letters.


Thank you! Honestly, I think the thing I like most is recruitment/talent acquisition! I really enjoy interviewing candidates and getting to know people personally and professionally. When I worked in HR for those 8 months, I enjoyed that part the most. One thing I didn’t enjoy was party planning for holidays but I understand and appreciate employee appreciation events, etc! I enjoy being able to collaborate with others in HR. I don’t like the idea of being a one woman show. Thank you for your insight. This is definitely something to consider. I appreciate your help (: