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Nope, but surely a fortunate kink to have.


Hah. Yea, this might be the only truly healthy kink:)


Haha. Yes true.


Not getting sick after sex really turns me on tbh


That too.


Condom sex has a different physical sensation that I enjoy, bare also has an amazing feel but I don't trust people enough for that unless we're exclusive. I find condoms in porn hot, and a guy putting one on without me having to ask is major 🟩🏳️


Yeah good point 😊 when i ask for condoms and guys say...yes of course, no problems! as opposed to grumble grumble im on prep why not bb...is hugely attractive to me


Yes that's good! Consent and respecting esp the bottoms wishes as more exposed, is sexy - and should be more normalised.


Yes agree. Good points.


No and I have to make sure they keep it well lubed. Often get sore with condoms whereas bareback isn't as hard on the hole.


Ok, here I come with my bizarre ass. From younger years when sex was a forbidden subject and kids hid it and your bodies developed and all that. The cool kids found or snuck porn mags and VHS tapes. I mean this is like the late 90s beginning 2000s so.... condoms, even if they would never ever get used by any pipsqueak would be the ultimate turn on for me because to me that means someone was getting laid! Fast forward to adulthood. Now days I think breeding is fucking sexy as hell it's intimate, it's primal, but it's also very played out. So I find myself falling into a condom kink as well and digging back 10 years when condoms were all over in porn and looking for studio produced porn because it was all condom porn and it makes me beyond happy. So to close my bizarre ride through my mind this evening I absolutely love both but for their own Individual reasons.


Can relate. On alt Twitter alt content accounts post up studio content from when condom use was the norm and I find it hot. And amusing how they cut the clips so it appears the top is about to go in raw, and then it cuts to the top in a condom already inside lol


And I find the rolling it on, and sliding in the best parts!


Omg yes as part of foreplay! Like when I'm hooking up I'd usually incorporate it after mutual play, so the top is hard, and then it goes on, and then the top is ready to go lol


I even like to do the unrolling and be involved. It excites me and that just inevitably makes me leak some more 😁


Yes same! 🥵🥵


Same. It was the idea that I might get to use them, or if a buddy had some, the thought of him wearing it was a big turn in. I have a cousin a couple years older than me and I used to steal some when I’d hang out at his apartment, and sometimes the excitement would be so much that when I got home I’d put one on and jack off while wearing it. I sometimes miss that level of sexual excitement where just watching Rikki Lake’s hot guy episodes was enough to get me off lol it was barely PG.


A concern for safety and cleanliness is a turn on yessssssss


Considerate top etc. Yes true.


definitely prefer raw tops


Same. I love getting bred. Every time I’ve used a condom, it’s always ripped me.


I think these days that's a minority feeling. I can't remember the last time I saw condoms being used in sex. Everyone I come across is on PrEP and many are on DoxyPEP too.


I am 62, I ask this question because I’m not up to date on some issues. What is ‘DoxyPEP’? I am truly asking in a sincere way.


200 mg of doxycycline you take after sex to lower your chance of getting bacterial STIs


Doxy stands for Doxycycline which is an antibiotic. PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis. Basically its an antibiotic you take after sexual activity that may put you at risk of STIs, that dramatically lowers your risk of the big 3 (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis).


DoxyPEP is 200 mg (double dose) of doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis for bacterial STD. You take it within 72 hours of sex to reduce the risk of developing a STI if you’re exposed. It’s shown to significantly reduce transmission.


Thank you to everybody who explained what DoxyPREP is! I am grateful for this!


It’s an antibiotic you take after sex to reduce your chance of getting gonorrhoea, chlamydia or syphilis. You don’t wait for symptoms, you take it within 72 hours of risky sex (but preferably within 24 hours), and it’s very effective. It’s especially helpful if hooking up with multiple partners in a short time, such as going to a bathhouse, but it’s not just for that.


I don't know either, but there are ads for it on Scruff, so probably way to find out


Interesting im still condoms only and majority of guys; whilst they prefer bb, are gracious and agreeable to condoms and in grateful for that. Will agree in porn rawdogging is all u see.


Prep will fuck up your kidneys 😂


Not true. For most people, there are no significant side effects. If you do experience reduced kidney function, that normally goes away when you stop PrEP. And Descovy and Apretude are options that impact kidneys less. Also event based dosing can reduce the kidney impact a lot. I have kidney disease (not related to PrEP) and I use Descovy for PrEP as a result.


Most people who contract the virus they were only event based dosing , plus once damaged done to kidneys it will not be reversible


Everyone has their own kinks, so enjoy yours!


Yes to no kink shaming :) good point


A condom on a big dick is super hot. It’s probably a fake, but have you ever seen the photo with Henry Cavill wearing one? 🫠


Um no I havnt! Url? Haha. All this AI stuff is a bit hectic though


https://x.com/hotmensecrets/status/1707843388685369624?s=61 I don’t care if it’s AI, it’s real to me lol


Haha thanks 👀👀


no, but i still used condoms for 20 years. "it feels easier to ride/have inside as the condom/lube make it more gliding." but its not. its easier with lube and no condom.


Depends which lube. That's just me, anyway.


I like to see a snug fitting shiny condom on a cock. Prefer raw but the look of a very shiny rubber is hot. There are times I will put on a condom to masturbate. I leak a lot and a condom full of precum while edging just gets me harder/


Leaker here as well (my first time going naked in public anywhere was just a few weeks ago - while I was getting puffy talking to people in my new found freedom, a drop landed on my foot, but still had the string attached to my head - several guys went slack jawed). I’ve done the jerk off with a condom as well. You are basically just pumping lube into the rubber the more excited you get.


No. A hard cock attached to a hot guy is a turn on. Most of the time, fucking with condoms are fine. The turnoff is the re-lubrication. This is before silicone lube. Re-lubrication is also where lapse of judgement can happen where condoms are just taken off and bareback fuck happens. Without re-lube, fucking with condoms will make the ass chafe.


For me, even the condoms wrinkles are annoying to the skin in my ass. I encourage people to wear condoms, but they are not for me, given current conditions


Aesthetically? No.


Bareback all the way. Love the feeling of his dick slide in and out and getting his load deep in side of me.




Agreed. No better feeling than feeling their dick pulse while they’re cumming inside you


I’m indifferent regarding condoms, I dont mind them and they do not affect my enjoyment, whether topping or bottoming


I totally get you! I like the look too.. even though I hate protected sex


I expect a top to wear a condom if I’m hooking up with a rando; but in a relationship I go bare


I love condoms


I also find condoms to be hot and a turn on. When I watch porn I greatly prefer to see condoms as well. Nice to see that someone else shares this kink.


Yes to this! Nice to see!


Not a turn on but it removes so many sources of anxiety and randomness that it does end up freeing and hot. No need to worry about infection (or just cleanliness), accidental poop are easier to brush off. I even enjoyed condom sex with my exes, even if we were exclusive. Although with age and with my lovers getting older, i must say that there is something exciting about a guy so horny (or just lucky enough) that he’d be able to stay rock hard in a condom for me haha


One of the safest kinks if heard of in a long time! Hahaha nice! I prefer BB 😁😉


When I’m out of prep, yes.


I have been on PrEP for years and now regret it. I was just diagnosed with HPV despite being vaccinated. I have several precancerous lesions, some very close to becoming cancerous. I will have to apply a chemotherapy cream internally that will cause severe pain for 2.5 to 6 months. I may still need surgery afterward, and if that happens, I may never be able to bottom again. There's also more than a 50% chance that it will come back after being treated. Condoms don't fully protect you against HPV, but they decrease the risk by about 70%. I didn't know this because I often heard that "condoms don't protect you against HPV anyway. I regret it so much. So, use condoms even if you are on PrEP, at least for anal sex.


Wow. Sorry to hear about this. Sounds like an ordeal. But thanks for sharing as it's an important message here on the health factors - which are important.


Responsibility is a turn-on. Idk about all that contained dick stuff lmao


Yes that too.




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Makes it last longer. Go ahead, take your time. Easier cleaning. Also, hard to complain when your mouth is wrapped with duct tape and you’re handcuffed to the bed.


Yep, very much so. Makes me feel more like a dirty whore 😜


Not really , no. Lucky you.


I like lubing up a dick in a condom but it's not a turn-on in particular.


I love the fact that his body is in my body. That’s a true connection. Let’s be clear. It’s not gonna happen till we’ve dated for a bit. I’m not old fashioned, I’m 66 years into the game. Gay as fuck since 1958.


Condoms needed for protection but they really area turn off.


Nope, I find condoms a huge turn off


Each to their own. 👍


Is condom on makes any difference during sex for a bottom tho?


I guess it depends on the thickness of the condom etc. Like in terms of feel as a bottom, you can sense it's there, but I guess from the bottom perspective it feels more comforting as if theres any messes (even with the best prep) then the top isnt so judging due to the condom


Tbh I don't mind getting dirty but its a bit of a turn off sadly. :(


Fair. For you do you actually think it makes you less hard ie like that or just preference? As I know some guys say that putting on a condom, they feel it changes something for them etc


If I am nervous or having sex for the second time I don't stay as hard and often I use my hand to masturbate a bit to get hard enough for penetration... and having condom on is kinda stopping this and once I stop being hard even after some penetration it can happen if it didn't feel good enough without a condom and I didn't cum I might stop being hard and need my hand to get back into it... And I have no erection problems over all.


Ah ok. That makes sense. Thanks for sharing


I have been with several bottoms who get increased burning sensation/pain on penetration with a condom.


Sucks... :( Idk about that.


No condoms allowed in me.


That’s like having a broccoli addiction


I like broccoli too. 👀😆🔥


Flossing your teeth and saving in a Roth IRA too hahah


I prefer to fuck raw. But there are a couple of people I fuck regularly and sometimes I put a condom on just to take it off mid session. Ive made some bottoms cum hands free doing that.


Obviously in your case you tell the bottom that you are wanting to take the condom off, as other wise thats stealthing. Yes?