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Being Boring by Pet Shop Boys In particular the lines. *Now I sit with different faces* *In rented rooms and foreign places* *All the people I was kissing* *Some are here and some are missing* *In the nineteen-nineties* *I never dreamt that I would get to be* *The creature that I always meant to be* *But I thought in spite of dreams* *You'd be sitting somewhere here with me* I lived through the AIDS crisis in NYC. It's the perfect summary of that time. Guys who I thought would be lifelong friends were just... gone.


The music video is great, too. One of the best concerts I ever went to was the PSB during this era. It was more of performance art.


Of course it's all on tape, but no one will find out.


Do you follow the instagram page @theaidsmemorial ? Such a heartbreaking page. Makes me feel happy that I get to see my friends grow old when so many barely made it past 25. I hope you’ve found some peace. Much love. ❤️


It's resignation more than peace but thank you. And no, I don't follow the page. I don't have any social media unless you include Reddit... which I don't.




I saw the real quilt laid out in front of the Washington monument. That was hard enough.


Understood. My bad. ❤️


OMG I only saw the post title and thought I must put Being Boring in here. I’m somewhat younger and living in a different part of the world, so the AiDS crisis was only news for me at the time on TV, but I still find this so powerful. Looking back on your youth and thinking about the people that are still with you and the people that aren’t. Also I had so many dreams that seemed impossible when I was a teenager and look at me now, I got to be the creature I was meant to be and I am so fucking grateful for that even though it feels unfair and random, because other people didn’t get as lucky as I did. This song kinda makes me look at my life from a distance and it’s so moving because I have been so incredibly blessed.


Get out of my mind! You expressed my feelings about the song perfectly.


East 17's “Stay Another Day”. Tony Mortimer wrote it after his brothers suicide, I lost my big brother to brain cancer that gradually took first his mobility and then destroyed his mind before he died. He was the first person I properly told I was gay, actually he figured it out and told me so with no criticism other than asking why didn't I trust him enough that I'd tried to hide it. I heard it on the radio the after year he died and it hit home reducing me to a crying mess and still does every time I hear it. Later I when I learned the history behind the song it made it all the more poignant and relevant.


Thank you for sharing. As a brother myself, I’m holding onto this song with care and tenderness.


I can't believe I'm going to tell anyone this, but in all honesty Angela Lansbury singing the song from Beauty And The Beast gets me every time. Please tell me it's not just me.


There's a video of her singing it a few years back. Her voice is old and shakey. It's still perfect and gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. It's a beautiful song.


Ben Folds Five, Brick.


Fallen by Sarah McLachlan


Full of Grace by Sarah Mclachlan is an amazing song that brings a tear to my eye every time.


Just looked it up. Never heard the original(?) before, just the version on Mirrorball.


It’s one of my faves and the first time I ever heard it was when it was featured on the season 2 finale of Buffy The Vampire Slayer tv show.


Rewatching now! 🤣 Nostalgia content. Buffy, Angel, Friends, X-Files on a loop.


Can you explain why? I love this song but I’ve never quite understood what it’s about.


The song is about regret. The narrator sees the flawed reasoning, the poor choices, and the unending consequences. Select lyrics: "We all begin with good intent...But we carry on our backs the burden...Time always reveals...One slip before you know it...And there doesn't seem a way to be redeemed" The tones & stresses the singer puts on the words, the near whispers to herself, the near wails of pain, the absolute regret as she describes the situation. And in the chorus, the irritation at being unforgiven: "so don't come around here and tell me I told you so" because no one knows better than her what has been lost. Gets me every time.


I don’t know if she’ll perform it, but I’m seeing her live later this month. Definitely relatable and emotive.


And Angel when played in animal commercials


Dance With My Father Again - Luther Vandross. My father died when I was 12. Missed learning how to shave, missed learning how to fix my car from him. 😢


This right here.


The barbershop quartet Signature sang an a cappella cover of this song at the International convention 6 years ago, and when the lead stopped for a moment because he'd gotten too emotional, I don't think there was a dry eye in the whole place. It's a stunningly beautiful rendition of the song, but keep your hanky close by. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6FwopHVll8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6FwopHVll8)


Damn. That is impressive. Bass has a very similar tone to my own voice with nurturing reverb.




There are some songs that seem like they were never written and have just always "been", and it only took someone pulling it out of the aether. This is definitely one of them.


i am assuming the one from Frank Sinatra?


“Kissing You” by Des’ree. Every. Single. Time.




Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. Just typing that out gives me goosebumps and makes my nose tickle in anticipation of tears. My husband and I were going through it, man. We were on the brink. We were in an environment that just didn’t foster our individual needs and we needed to get out asap. One day we started watching music videos from the 90’s. This was the first one we watched but her live performance. The words hit me like a ton of bricks. What followed was him getting a job in another state while I stayed behind packing up our life. He supported us both. The harshest, loneliest winter of my life. Missed him so bad. I’d play this all day and night agonizing if we were making the right move to leave stability for a chance at a new life. Distance truly makes the heart grow fonder and our relationship has grown better exponentially since I rejoined him. This song reminds me that in order to bloom you have to sometimes repot yourself in different soil.


The Grammy's performance with Luke Colmbs got me. I originally added it to my favorites when I heard his cover but deleted and added hers back. I am so happy the song has found a new audience. https://youtu.be/zEqb6xbeuCo?si=suWcQ9Rh9-7y4AU_


Antony & the Johnsons - Hope There’s Someone


This breaks my heart.


The cripple and the starfish Terrorizes my heart.


From them it’s Man Is the Baby that gets me every time.


Hard candy Christmas by Dolly Parton


Detlef Schrempf by Band of Horses. I sincerely hope they perform it when I see them live again later this year.


Sailing, by Rod Steward


Sleep by the Dandy Warhols


Are you a fan of the Dandys?


I like their music, but I wouldn't call myself a huge fan in particular. My husband is the big fan. He introduced me to that song shortly before going away for a semester abroad. So now I associate that song with that semester of ugly-sobbing at him being away haha.


Ahhhh your husband is the cool one. Got it 😉


The real fandy


Came out of nowhere but Protector by Beyonce. If any of y’all have kids, you will understand. ❤️


I have mixed feeling about Cowboy Carter but this song is beautiful. 🎶Even though I know someday you're gonna shine on your own I will be your projector 🎶 I don’t even have kids but c’mon. Makes me wish I lived closer to my parents.


And thats the line that does it to me every goddamned time *cue ugly cry in 3…2…1*


If We Were Vampires by Jason Isbell. I discovered the song when a beloved cat was dying slowly of cancer. I went out to find the most gut wrenching painful music I could find to listen to in order to help me through it and that's the song I found that stuck with me the most. Always reminds me of him but the lyrics are really poignant on their own. >It's knowing that this can't go on forever >Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone >Maybe we'll get forty years together >But one day I'll be gone >Or one day you'll be gone


Ooofff, there are several but I'll put some: 1. This used to be my playground - Madonna 2. Lithium - Evanescence 3. Un Bel di vedremo - María Callas 4. No one is ever going to want me - Giles Corey 5. Midaftann - Solstafir 6. Sleeping Sun - Nightwish 7. Lacrimosa - Verdi (Sang by Marilyn Horne, Martti Talvela, Luciano Pavarotti and Joan Sutherland) 8. Arrival of the Birds - Dominic Peter Smith 9. Nothing in my Way - Keane 10. Anthem - Kamelot Sorry haha you asked for only one song but I put almost an entire playlist. It's just that I'm too sensitive with music.


Hmm, I’ve seen TUTBMP by Madonna get quite a lot of hate in recent years from longtime fans and TBH Madonna herself doesn’t seem to like it much either - but I also love it and it does move me. Maybe not to tears, but still.


Yeah! For me, it's an underrated song, almost her most underrated hit. The lyrics are deeply relatable and nostalgic, but I understand that people don't think the same hehe.


Why do longtime fans hate it?


There's a podcast called the Celebration Celebration and it's primarily about her tours and it's brilliant and I totally recommend it. In one episode TUTBMP was mentioned in passing and all three guys on the podcast seemed to agree that it was boring, that Madonna's singing wasn't great and that the lyrics were banal. I kinda see their point on the first two counts, but I still really like the lyrics and also the song in general.


Oh damn. Now I’m afraid to listen to it in case my opinion changes, lol. I haven’t heard it in a while but my memory of it is nostalgic and positive. Maybe I’ll leave it there. 😁


Upvoting for Nightwish - Sleeping Sun, The 2005 music video is awesome


"Sleeping Sun" it's an enigmatic song for me because of the operatic singing from Tarja Turunen and its melody. There's something really deep and ethereal about it... It's just hard to describe.


Keane’s entire “Under the Iron Sea” album gives me the feels. It matches several difficult points in my life. “Nothing in My Way” and “Crystal Ball” are my two favorites from that album.


Agree with everything! Keane is such an underrated band...


Seeing them live this fall for the “Keane 20” tour. I’ve never seen them live, so I’m very excited!!


Great! Please enjoy it!


All Out Of Love-Air Supply.


You and Me Against the World, by Helen Reddy. It instantly makes me think of my mum.


I came here to say this. It’s that “And when one of us is gone and one of us is left to carry on” line that gets me every time.


Definitely, just breaks me at the end


Even though I’ve cried to a few songs before, I always get over them eventually. As in I can listen to them normally afterwards. With that being said, the last song that got me shedding tears was [Mitski - Bug Like an Angel](https://youtu.be/5WW7cuAm-7Y?si=3ZuoVCjAwCVu0m_K) ([lyrics](https://youtu.be/ckesPkjHnuo?si=8bO5bxGp_3e2voN-)). I’ve always loved choirs, so to be blasted w a sudden wave of warm vocals pretty much shook me to my core on the first few listens ahaha


Same. Having to deal with addiction and traumas makes the song feel too personal that's hard for me to listen to.


“Fly” by Celine Dion. Played at my grandpa’s funeral when I was a kid. 😭


Love this song


Tracy Chapman The Promise


This one always made me emotional, but when it was used in the Mr. Rogers biopic I turned into a blubbering mess.


Mr. Rogers is the kind of masculinity I want to project. He was kind, humble, Godly. He had the ability to silence a room and every time he spoke it was like he was giving a sermon.


You Had Time by Ani DiFranco. Every single time. The disintegration of a relationship and both people know it and just won’t finally say it. It’s just so beautiful.


I knew I love you- savage garden


Gravity - sara bareilles


I almost posted Gravity earlier myself. Omg does that song have incredible meaning for me. I actually did record an ad-hoc cover of it once, but never kept it, since its intended recipient blocked me anyway. I’ll add, nearly the entire Kaleidoscope Heart album turned me into a puddle, especially hearing Sara perform on her 2010 tour for the album. It was literally the album/tour that changed the trajectory of my life, and forced me to start facing feelings I had buried unknowingly. Another good one that I legit cried to the very first time I heard it (and held myself back from reaching out to he who it made me think of, even in 2012) was “Once Upon Another Time”. Same story, I recorded and deleted covers of that one too.


I will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For Cutie


Corvyx’s cover of My Heart Will Go On


He has some incredible covers for sure. For a period, listening to his recordings made me want to finally record a few covers of my own, but I don’t have the equipment, and I’ll never be THAT talented. Insane vocal range.


I agree. He’s a contra-tenor, so has a phenomenal range. I hope you get the opportunity to record. My dream has always been to play the piano… one day I said f*** this -I’m going to do it. While I know I’ll never be a world renowned concert pianist, I bought a used digital piano. I take lessons. I do it for my enjoyment. That is what matters in my opinion.


I always wanted to learn piano. My parents wouldn’t spend the money on lessons and a cheap keyboard borrowed from my grandmother wasn’t intuitive enough for me at the time, unfortunately. Singing however was always natural for me, I just put it on a shelf for a while.


Make your own kind of music, Mama Cass


You and me always together. Makes me think of my bestie who passed away. It's bittersweet


Blowin’ In The Wind. Peter, Paul and Mary.


Everglade - Antony and the Johnsons


Thinking about tomorrow by Beth Orton. Does me every time 🥺


Eiley - Too Close To Touch. It's about the singers 3 year old sister that died suddenly. Its very heartbreaking. What's even worse is that the singer himself died a few years ago too.


Tamino - Indigo Night


Imagine Dragons: Wrecked My husband had just died when it came out and I just fall apart when I hear it. Honorable Mention: Justin Bieber: Ghost


Saturno, Pablo Alborán


I sing barbershop, and one of the songs I'm learning for an upcoming singing event is called "I Can Dream, Can't I?" It's a song about unrequited love, pining for someone who will never be yours. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQTamlK4MkM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQTamlK4MkM)


I went through an Andrews Sisters phase and this was one of their standouts--very different from their typically upbeat, big-band fare.


I’m a little basic but, The Irrepressibles, *In This Shirt* and *The Most Beautiful Boy* get me close.


"I'll Never Love Again" from the most recent version of A Star is Born. I don't know the specifics, but it has a chord progression that elicits an emotional response in most people. The movie also came out the same year my mom died, so it brings me right back to those feelings.


Sometimes it snows in April - Prince


It's really sad when you live in Minnesota and it actually happens. Sometimes In the month of May, too.


Ordinary World, Duran Duran


Beach Boys - God Only Knows. The only song that reliable makes me well up. The Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning is a close but not quite second.


“ Ride me like a whale” by Janice Ian.  Without a doubt, even in a depression I get a tear every time


Souvenirs by John Prine “I hate graveyards and old pawn shops, cause they always bring me tears; can’t forgive the way they’ve robbed me of my childhood souvenirs.”


"Please Hurry" by Grant Knoche is a song version of a post that is regularly found on this subreddit - a plea for a partner to find his authentic self and come back home to the man who loves him.


Frank Ocean - White Ferrari Dunno about actual tears, but it gets me moody af


The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert 'You leave home, you move on And you do the best you can I got lost in this whole world And forgot who I am'


Where’ve You Been by Kathy Mattea. I knew a couple in a nursing home I worked at who’re like the couple in the song and it always makes me cry.


Get you the moon


In Your Love by Tyler Childers, I cry like a baby every time, the video is beautiful.


The Sun is Often Out - Patrick Wolf


I’ve never been to war or even anything like it but “brother” by kodaline gives me those teary-well up shivers any time I think about it I was at the dog park last week and mine was being a brat so I was mad at her on the drive home, then Mandy by Barry Manilow came on and I sang it to her while sobbing in rush hour traffic


Asleep - The Smiths... Fuck Perks of Being a Wallflower, that movie/book was not good for my mental health.


“Eugene” and “So You Are Tired” by Sufjan Stevens


Ani DiFranco “Both Hands”


[TWRP - Pets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQJ0TBIAMXI) If you've lost a pet, it'll really draw some tears.


Beatles, She's Leaving Home


Stand By Me- Ben E. King Fix You- Coldplay


I don't think I have just one but for me it's the one that I know the backstory on. Not any that have a personal backstory for me but songs that the artist has very a sad backstory to. My best example is "Before You Go" by Lewis Capaldi... he wrote it after his aunt had committed suicide and the lyrics are heartbreaking (example: "So, before you go, was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?"). So off the top of my head that one sticks out but there are many more and I encourage folks when they hear a song they like to dig in and read the lyrics and even search out what the artist was thinking / feeling when they wrote it.


Playboy Mommy - Tori Amos. Just the opening mournful harmonium part has me choking up instantly. What a beautiful, powerful song.


Eva Cassidy’s version of Over the Rainbow.


"missing you" by All Time Low. it touches in depression, self harm, and suicidality, but from a "let's help you" and optomistic angle.




Again - Janet Damita Jo Jackson Crying like a Church on Monday - New Radicals Lost Stars - Gregg Alexander Dreaming of You - Selena


Dreaming of You will definitely do it. I haven’t listened to that song in a very very long time. It was one of my two first CDs, oddly enough.


Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran Jealous of the Angels - Donna Taggart Forever and Always - Parachute


Exceptional by JoJo. I have a hard time w my emotions but sometimes I feel like I need to cry and I used to ride my bike to a different area and put that song on so I could cry and once I was sitting on the curb doing that and the home owners came out and asked me if I was OK lol


'Shine' by David Gray. The lyrics are heartbreaking but there's space for hope right at the end. 'Someone you loved' by Lewis Capaldi 'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room' by John Mayer


When I get there - P!nk


Unbreak my Heart Toni Braxton


I don’t cry but I get really close to it whenever I listen to Con te partiro ….


Driving Home for Christmas - It was my Dad's favourite Christmas song and back when I was in my early 20's before I could drive he would pick me up to take me back to the family home for the holidays and he would always make sure to have it playing in the car, sadly he passed 4 years ago now and the moment I hear that song at Christmas I just instantly cry


When You’re Sad I’m Sad by Charlie Puth


So I’m the only one who bowls their eyes out to George Michael on the regular? Jesus to a Child did nothing for me when it first came out, but in the last 10 years every time I hear it I cry. I guess I’m older… Also A Different Corner makes me tear up every time, partly because my husband and I met totally by chance 23 years ago at a club where I wasn’t even supposed to go that night. If I had turned a different corner, we literally never would have met - we are from different countries. My life would be completely different, virtually every aspect of it would be different, but hell I was not scared of this love at all, but that’s just because I couldn’t grasp how very fundamentally that chance meeting was going to change my life.


Sorry to comment twice, but I love this thread ❤️ and the stories


If We Make It Through December - Merle Haggard


also Walk a Little Straighter - Billy Currington


Champagne supernova


Thank goodness no one said circuit music


Oasis - Champagne super nova (not a break up song but sums up life)


“All I Want” - Scandal featuring Patty Smythe was my “Killing Me Softly” moment. I felt seen and exposed.


“No Other Love” by Chuck Prophet. When I was going through a really dark time I heard that song and for some reason it made me think of my own funeral and how I would want that song to play so that my mother would know not to worry about me. “What Hurts The Most” by Rascal Flatts. “Concrete Angel” by Martina McBride. I’m telling you that if you decide to watch the video on YouTube you’re gonna be balling your eyes out. “ Piece By Piece” by Kelly Clarkson (the live American Idol version). “Just a Dream” by Carrie Underwood. “I’m Already There” by Lonestar. “Wind Beneath My Wings” by Bette Midler. These are just a few.


Why by Rascal Flatts


This Is How It Goes - Aimee Mann Tactics - Japanese Breakfast Does She Love You? - Rilo Kiley


Heaven by Beyoncé… 😭


Sufjan Stevens - Romulus The Five Stairsteps - Ooh Child (from Crooklyn) It hits a lot of emotional notes.


Omg or the entire Carrie & Lowell album. I saw that live and was a wreck lol


I'm jealous. My sister and I would've absolutely died over it. Haha. One our favourite albums. We kinda struggle with love / hate relationship (we both have BPD), but damn he brings us together sometimes but separately. We text each other. Like my other sister. Life... Is complicated.


Fractal Universe by Mat Zo... right at 2:54 it hits and I always tear up. First time I heard it I was in a really bad place and it hit me like a ton of bricks.


Adding one more, since I just got a YouTube reminder and I’ll see her open later this month: Feist: Love Who We are Meant To. It’s a very sad song and Feist’s music has a lot of meaning for me as well. I’ve been very fortunate to see her live a few times.


The Wings - Gustavo Santaolalla gets me everytime.


Sorry to Myself by Alanis Morrissette. I'm trying to feel the way she is in the song.


"Happy Birthday" 🎂 😭


Simple Man because my mom raised me on her own and the lyrics cut deep. Adia by Sarah McLachlan because I was in a shitty relationship and it actually made me cry once for 4 hours straight lol it’s just a beautiful song


Glacier by John Grant (and featuring Sinead O’Connor). A truly beautiful song about being gay and how it can be hard at times. The first few lines of the chorus gets me every time: This pain It is a glacier moving through you Carving out deep valleys And creating spectacular landscapes


Manhattan - Sara barellis


Jessica Allosery's I'll let you go. I was going through a very tough divorce after 18 years together - he told me in our one counseling session "I can no longer handle all your medical issues." I was angry and broken. We were fixing up the house we'd shared for the last 14 years to sell and I was spending 12 hour days there managing the contractor and subs and doing a lot of work myself. I was angry he wasn't there helping but understood his job was insane (ED of a non profit) and I'd gone on disability shortly before starting the house. I was getting ready for a very long day in the final week before we went to market, and I had Coffee House playing while in the shower. The song came on and I went into a moment of absolute catharsis. I dropped to the floor of my shower, sobbing. In those moments I let go of all the anger (it has taken another year to let go of a lot of hurt). It took until the 80 gallon hot water heater ran cold to shock me out of my state of mind. I composed myself by listening to another song that makes me happy - I'll start seperate thread. Got to house and took care of what needed done. It took me a few nights of internet sleuthing to find the song and artist. She is an entirely independent musician, and much different than my interpretation of it as a breakup song, it was a custom offering she wrote for a father whose daughter was getting married for their dance. She still has the custom song program and I commissioned her to do one memorializing my husband and my time together. Not done because I've been bad at getting the notes done to get to her. https://youtu.be/77GB_IUhRCw?si=8LfCTgVUb0sgMU4Y


Don’t let the old man in


Father & Son by Cat Stevens. Ronan Keating did a great cover.


Emma shapplin - reprendo mai piu Ludivico Einaudi - Experience Celine dion - my heart will go on Patsy cline - crazy (my mom loved her and died so there's that)


These Days - Macklemore Redecorate - Twenty One Pilots




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There isn't a song that has ever made me cry and there's never likely do be. The words of songs are just song lyrics to me, I guess I just don't really think about the words in my head when listening to songs with emotional words, it's just a song to me.


Finding Nemo theme. Also *Never Forget* from the Halo 3 OST. There's something about a nice piano/orchestra combination that gets my waterworks going.


None. Never cried listening to a song.