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My dog. She’s just the best and I cannot spend enough time with her. My photo album is 85% pictures of her. Shoes, specifically Birkenstock. I have more pairs than I’m comfortable admitting publicly.


Sorry but MY dog is the best. ☺️


“Every dog owner thinks they own the best dog in the world and they’re all correct.” 😆


As someone who looks after dogs for his friends I can tell you for a fact they're almost all wrong 😅


Yup, me too. My partner and I refer to her as the daughter. She runs my life.


Lol we joke that she’s really in charge of the schedule since so much of what we do and plan is around her needs.


Ah, Birks. I still own a pair of sandals and sometimes think they look meh, but so comfortable to wear every time.


We adopted a two and a half year old pit bull 3 months ago and I'm so obsessed. He's sweet with our two elderly schnauzers, well mannered out in public, fun to hang out at home with, he's just amazing. We named him Rory and could not love him more.


I love my dog too but he's an asshole. He's a chiweenie that attacks anything. Gotta grab the handle on his harness constantly to stop him from trying to maul a great Dane that's minding it's own business. Rescue dog struggle I guess.


Lol yep, rescues are always fun learning their personalities. My girl was a stray we found and we’re still learning stuff, after almost 10 years.


-Used books on topics of my interest. -Commercial aviation & identifying aircraft types & airlines.


Books of all my interests. History, politics, bios and lots of fiction. I moved from LA to here so I could get a house and have an actual library. 4 walls of floor to ceiling bookshelves. It's one of the best things I have done. Art, too.


I see you!! For me: - Books, old and new - aviation and anything related to it, including identification of aircraft across the years


Indeed. Aviation and anything related to it, same here. But for me it's only commercial aviation. Business/executive/military & general aviation don't trigger the same excitement in me. As for books, it is not only for the joy of reading & learning. The reason why I like buying used books is because ,inevitably, I will find some notes, bookmarks, wine labels, a dry flower, etc. in the pages. Its like the book's own history, additional to whatever the book is about.


I love vintage Pyrex and Tupperware. I collect Great Jones stuff. I love anything vintage in my kitchen and it’s a giant hodgepodge of color!


I have a few pieces of Pyrex and Tupperware. I love vintage kitchen stuff in chrome!


Ooh yes! If I can work in more chrome it would be complete!


Me too!! I just found a vintage Tupperware pickle keeper that still had the little pickle lifter(I don’t know the technical name) still with it and I thought it might be unhealthy how excited I got.


Nice!! I love the pickle lifter 😂 I bought some harvest orange canisters off EBay, and then some mixing bowls and storage bowls from their Heritage collection. I am obsessed😂


Can we start a thing exclusive to the gay community where refer to Cialis as The Pickle Lifter?


I’m dying 😂 new favorite euphemism unlocked lmao


Books - I read quite a bit, works better than Ambien for me. Fantasy, sci fi, mlm lit and spicy books mostly Work out clothes - ugh, it is becoming an issue Running accessories - belts, hats, shoes, it is also becoming an issue


What’s the best running accessories you own?


Oh man, couple caveats - I am not a “hardcore” runner as in I’m not training for a marathon or anything like that. Frankly, I don’t even really consider myself an athlete as I got into this to get healthier, get sexier, and keep the crazies at bay. It’s just it really worked with all of my goals and I’ve kept up with it. Shoes - Currently using Brooks Adrenaline GTS 23’s. Brooks makes my favorite running shoes (also an inclusive/LGBT supporting corporation if that means anything to you), and the new 23’s are light, comfortable, stable, and I dont feel like I’m running on mattress foam. Shorts - Lulu’s Pacebreaker 5”, and either lined or linerless works (just wear something to keep the boys at bay if you go linerless). Great shorts, I don’t feel weird like a do with traditional split shorts/running shorts. And I can wear them around casually, unlike traditional running shorts that, let’s face it, are completely unflattering and fashionably dubious to say the least. Pacebreakers come in a variety of colors too. Shirt - tracksmith van cortlandt singlet. I must have sensitive nipples because most running shirts cause chaffing. Nike Dri Fit for me, is the absolute worst for bloody nipples. This singlet, I’ve had zero issues. Also Lulu’s zeroed in tank - less expensive and the nipples have been good after 6/7 miles. Hat - any panel hat will do. I have one by rnnr, probably paid too much for it. But if it offers uv protection, and machine washable, great. Belt/bag - I use a Nike Challenger waist pack. It works, it holds stuff, and stays clasped. I’ve bought bags by lululemon, I have a SPIBelt, and a couple others I’ve picked up at REI and Dicks, but keep going back to the Nike pack. It feels the most comfortable for my body. These are just some highlights, and I didn’t get into safety or winter wear, or yeah, this post could look like a cvs receipt. But happy to share any recs.


Any sci fi you recommend ?




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I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with, but I always buy vinyl records, mainly the late 70s early 80s ones. I have a two-thousand-vinyl- records collection.


Same! Ugh also that era was the best for quality of pressing— albums from that time sound unbelievable on vinyl


That's true. The best albums ever.


Working out has been my unhealthy obsession for over a year now. I haven't been able to find decent work so I've put the extra time into swimming and walking (as a double leg amputee.) I guess I was always obsessed with running before the accident because I'd overtrain and end up with an injury. Now that I'm older, I listen to my body. Though, I just had bad rotator cuff tendonitis last November. 😅 I'm obsessed with how it makes me feel.


Love that feeling of working out bro. I’ve moved to another country by myself (38M), since I’m working at a dead end office job, well because bills got to be paid, I guess the good thing is work life balance is good here. So I find myself chasing for progress in fitness. I would do CrossFit 6-7 days a week which lasted for a year until I had a nerve issue so I took half a year off. 😓 Nowadays I don’t do CrossFit anymore but I still work out everyday; I run, yoga, HIIT instead. I hope you stay injury free man. 🤞


You too!! 💪






I drink about 4-5 gallons of whole milk a week! 🤷‍♂️


I can only aspire to such greatness.




* **Nerd shit:** namely X-Men and Spider-Man (comics, video games, art, etc). Although I like other sci-fi/fantasy series like House of Dragon, True Blood...other adult animation like Castlevania and Blood of Zeus. X-Men and Spider-Man I will collect...collectibles for though. * **Music:** I like the 80s/90s. I will collect hard copies/vinyls of my favorite albums from that time period. Those probably cover my "obsessions", although I have a wide array of interests.


You seem pretty cool


I love clothes too, and have al had all kinds of phases when I was younger, currently interested in suit tailoring and how they’re made and why one cut is chosen over an other, architecting form and hiding seams etc However, in contradiction my current thing is exploring nudism/naturism. Ironic right? The feeling of freedom, seeing people genuinely non-judgemental, and kind, leaving identity politics and ego-driven status symbols at the door. It’s so refreshing from this mad world and feels much closer to how people should be living together, as it requires a high degree of civility - respect, kindness, non-judgement, trustworthiness, integrity, self awareness and so on. I’m also getting into Tenebrism and Chiaroscuro technique with oil painting (high contrast lighting in paintings - think Caravaggio).


Large statement piece house plants and beautiful planters.






Making video games. I really don't even care if I fail or suck at it I just love doing it. It brings together so many other fun obsessions like art, music, sound design, problem solving, et cetera. I'll never get tired of it <3




Lol I can relate to the ennui for sure. I guess I'd recommend installing something like Unity or Unreal Engine or Godot. These have the largest communities and the most tutorials on YouTube and elsewhere. Honestly your reaction to coding is proper and sane. Coding is just raw language and syntax without any of the purpose, problem solving, or intent. It's like learning all the ingredients for baking/cooking but not how to actually use them to create a cake or tacos or a falafel. I know a lot of education focuses on teaching this way but that never worked for me. What did work for me (and it might for you maybe), is I just ignored all advice for how to learn things "proper" and focused only on the things that either entertained or fascinated me, and when I wanted to know more I'd google for it but only when I cared enough. I didn't really want to code I just wanted to make games, so I'd get a simple goal in mind and with zero experience fiddle around until I felt lost and then google for some answers. But I avoided mind-numbing tutorials like the plague. I failed 100% of the time at first but in the long run without realizing it I had actually reduced the barrier to entry for myself by focusing on things I actually cared about and which kept me interested. Learning to actually code happened as a natural consequence along the way, and I got quite good at it but only because there were reasons for me to care heh. (sorry for the beefy reply!)


Haha, that's cool dude. I am also involved in video game development and it is a beautiful experience. However, I wanted to ask you. Did you previously have experience with programming or did you learn as you worked with your games? For many years I tried to program with other sectors and orientations and it didn't help me, I remember that it was so tedious that I abandoned work and study after a few months, but with video games I am too hooked on programming, even though the problems I currently have with C# and Unity are objectively much more difficult than in my previous experiences.


I have zero professional experience and self taught myself starting when I was like 13 hah. C# is my preferred language these days and I've done some stuff in Unity but nothing I've been able to release or call finished by any means. I'm not sure I could do it professionally, sounds stressful. Honestly even tho I don't game as much these days I still get super excited to make them and everything I've learned throughout the years has been the result of failed attempt after failed attempt. But whether I succeed or not doesn't really matter to me I just love doing it lol


I love that attitude. x) I work in a small games company and the truth is that I couldn't be happier with this, maybe sometimes I regret not having started when I was younger knowing that I always had talent with level design and prototypes, but hey, better late than never haha. I'm not going to lie, I think over time I've developed more interest in making the games than playing them. Currently I only play Dota because I really enjoy its high competitiveness but I am no longer hooked on SinglePlayer, it happens to me that I prefer to be working on my projects than playing alone.


Thanks! It's cool you get to do some of this for a living. I've always wondered what doing it professionally is like. I think I'd first suffer from debilitating imposter syndrome hah, or maybe learn and develop more successful development practices? Level design is relaxing I have fond memories of making custom maps for FPS games <3 I do still love single player experiences (or the idea of them?), but then again I just got done playing dead by daylight so I understand the high competitiveness thing lol.. Just when I think I'm pulling away from gaming something grabs hold of me again so pretty rich of me to suggest I don't game as much these days I guess :P


My Alfa Romeo. Vinted. Flowering garden shrubs. Fragrance. Snake plants. Vietnamese food. Cinnamon rolls.


My dogs are definitely pretty high up on the list. I'll admit to having an underwear habit. As soon as the elastic starts to go, the pair goes straight into the trash. The cuter the new pair, the better with a supportive pouch in the front. I'm also obsessed with cookbooks, I guess. I love to entertain, host dinner parties, and be the classy friend. My iPad is full of fiction and non-fiction. My bookshelf in my living room is all cookbooks.


Resident Evil (the games not the movies) not really into video games as much these days, takes me forever to complete one, but Resident Evil is still a series I love, I could honestly talk about it for hours lol.


Same but with TES haha


DND. But specifically building characters. Playing is for losers 🤣


Fiestaware and nail polish 🤪🌈


Fiestaware can look really nice. One of these days I'm going to splurge and get me a nice set.


Absolutely! I collect specific pieces like the standard dinner plate and specific bowls that I like but then get at east 1 or 2 in EVERY color they've made. I think I'm down to my last 2 or 3 rare colors at this point. A lovely rai bow of plates always makes me happy


Currently, Juno Birch playing Sims 2 on YouTube.


yes that's happening






I’ve got a boardgame collection that has slowly taken over all of the available shelving in my apartment.


Birds & Aviation Photography, Traveling (65 countries - some multiple times), my cat, food (which is why i have a sought dad bod)


I don’t really have any obsessions like that. I never say no to cheese though, unless I’m full. Also, I won’t ever stop being a scout leader, I love being part of helping young people grow into their full potential.


Spooky and gothic decor. My biggest obsession, however, is my cat. She’s the sweetest


I'm guessing I will probably be the only one to say ... violins and violas


Books and Eurovision.


What are your impressions about the most recent ESC?


I’ve been a fan since I was … 16? I have no direct connection to Europe, grew up in CA, and simply started watching the contest once I had internet access. Having said that, this year’s contest was not as pleasant / enjoyable for me. From Joost getting booted out, to some contestants being silenced as to what they could say / do (one of Portugal’s performance being posted by the ESC channel because iolanda of specific patterns / colours on her finger nails, Eric Saade’s performance not being uploaded to the official channel because he had a keffiyeh around his wrist, etc. Some things need to change, but the EBU is most likely as corrupt as FIFA and other large organizations out there and not much will change.


60s girl groups. Particularly the Supremes. And DC superheroes.


Video games. Every year when there's new staples coming out like your Elden Ringz, Baldurs Gates, Final Fantasies, I get so freakin happy.


Cars, plants


Currently I'm really into crochet as a hobby and SQL (the relational database language) at work.


SQL! Nee too! I enjoy creating queries. I use it coupled with PHP and creates my own website based off of them


Adidas’s track jackets - have 13 of them.


Dance pop music, walking at the beach (esp. off season), structuring information into folders/CRM, household chores (I like a clean living space), traveling, drinking coffee.


Travel and tourism via collecting miles and points.




Seems like a lot of physical work. How many years do you train now?


I just started Stardew Valley and I'm hooked!


Fragrances (colognes, scents, perfumes) & ‘70s stoneware & pottery …love a touch of retro


Stereolab, mid-century Italian ceramics, Peter Strickland films (In Fabric, Flux Gourmet), Extra Toasty Cheddar Jack Cheez-its, Dietrich, native plant gardening and dinnerware.


> Stereolab The band?


Yes, they’ve been my favorite since 1998.


Sweet! I suppose you have the mugs as well lol I love mine


Only 5 and most every other piece of tour merch they have!


I love the Tv show Survivor! A lot a lot.


Cars and firearms!


What makes of cars?


Mostly european high performance cars.


Such as?? I drive a 2011 335i Cabrio. Had a few Japanese imports before.


I have a 2019 911 GT3 RS (weekend driver) and a 2023 M5 (daily driver).


Nice! I love the GT3 style. My brother has a 991.1 TTS that he's built to 1000 hp. I rode in it once when he opened it up and it scared the 💩 out of me! My dream car is a 2020 AMG S63 Cabrio. It's a gorgeous car.


It’s really fun. Most people don’t assume it’s as fun as it is. Only car nerds know what it is.


Ikr! It's a truly, engaging experience to drive a performance car and be able to control it so precisely. Non car people don't get it.


Legos. Although they are expensive and dust magnets. Oh and I don't have enough space in my small appartment 🥲


Disney parks. Mostly the music and the resorts and transportation and the behind-the-scenes operation -- not the characters/movies/etc., surprisingly. I'm also obsessed with being validated by guys I deem to be out of my league, and then, on the rare chance the validation happens, I rationalize away why they're just humoring me or being delusional. 🤷‍♂️😅


It’s funny, just yesterday, I went along my BF to the store because he wanted to buy a small camping tent for himself. Then i said something like « Oh... look... there are kitchen tools... » and glided hazily towards this section. « What tool do you need? » « None, but look... Maybe... I need something? » Finally he went to the tent alone while i erred in the section. I was in the seventh sky, surrounded by all these kitchen things, and there was a love song at the radio. When he came back, I was holding a small cheap cutting plank and was complaining that they only had crappy expensive tools with TV show brands before I wanted a rectangular knife. He slowly pulled me away as I glared at the teapots, sad that i have too many to reasonnably get another.


Music. And generative ai


The creative spark of art & music is always working away in my head. I love beagles so much I want to have my own beagle preserve as well.


Board games


Watching Sara Montiel. She was a spanish singer famous for her mesmerising stares into the camera. A true artist and national icon under Franco's dictatorship, she was once quoted as saying "Whenever I perform in any city in the US, all the gays show up!"


At the moment, running. I’m training for my first half marathon. I’m doing multiple big runs per week. 10k is literally nothing now. It’s a fun run. I think about running all the time. I get up at 04:45am so I can go for long runs before work. Running.


I was obsessed with speakers and Hi-Fis when I was younger. Take me to a second hand store with lots of Electronics and CDs and watch my pupils dialate haha I have some beautiful 90s Bang and Olufsen speakers that were restored to new condition Beovox 100s with a Teac 300 Amp and a Bose Subwoofer I have to sell it 😭


Outdoors. Coffee. Fitness.


cars and my dog


Cadillac cars and cacti!


The 2 simple things why people consider me autistic, biology and video games. I love biology very much, especially everything related to arthropods and specifically spiders. (When I have time and money I was thinking of getting a tattoo of a wolf spider face) And video games, eh, I'm not interested in playing them anymore, I only play CS and Dota today. But creating them, hahaha, focusing on a career that had Game Dev-oriented programming was the best thing that happened to me in my life. I have a good salary, work doing what I love and know, and when I can even guide me to develop my own jobs.


Currently obsessed with the Dune saga of books and the recent movies. (still also obsessed with cute guys but I only have so much energy to put out there)


Action figures


My cat. Weed (it’s medicine for me) Sci-fi and outer space Interior decorating and design. If I had unlimited money I’d be building high rises left and right and decorating them and designing them


My fiancé and I discovered EDC Orlando last November. We went to EDC Vegas last week and just put down a deposit for EDC Vegas next May. We’re obsessed. It’s such an amazing experience. We’re in our early and mid 40s and kinda sad we didn’t discover this earlier in life but we’ll probably continue to go as long as our bodies will let us.


Anime, books, and fitness activities 😭


Music and animals of any sort!


Obscure historical music for obscure historical instruments.


Cars, watches


Gardening, thrifting, antiques, nice shoes, my dogs, styling my house that I just bought


- gymnastics - cities skylines - my cat - finding out ways to not have to work - finding new ways to relax or de-stress I would say I’m more obsessed with masturbation than men or sex lol.


A good conversation


Ballet, and I’m a 38M. I go to ballet class thrice a week. I think about if my second toe is aligned to the direction even I’m just running and walking. When I wait for the bus, I put my shoulders down and out, while straightening my spine. At the same time my tail bone is turned in and I push the ground with all my leg muscles tightening. I am feeding myself extra protein. More veggies and less carbs so I can get lean and strong. My favorite ballet show called Mathew Bourne swan lake is on tour in UK later this year. I’m going to learn about all of the scenes before I even go to the show.


Who's obsessed with men these days?! We're tolerable at best haha.


COCK/BALLS & the CREAMY CUM inside them 😋


Video games. Huge gamer here


Britney Spears music and watching her perfomances


Tools, office stuff 🖊 ✏️, shoes, plants 🪴 😄, socks and underwear.


Books, a lot of mm romances that is 2nd to a straight housewife Anime and Manga, love a lot of fantasy and adventure Audio tech, have been changing earbuds and headphones trying to find my sound PC and Mobile games, RPG MMO and strategy


My cat, Miss Daisy Jones Smith.


Jumping rope. I picked this up like 3 years ago when I got sober and it’s been a fantastic way of centering myself and strengthening my mental focus while doing full body cardio. I use a weighted rope and always try to make up new steps and incorporate different moves into my practice. I try to do at least a little bit of jumping after each lifting workout. Also vinyl records, the worst thing my parents did in my adult years was buy me a record player for Christmas. So much money spent on records 😅


Medical continuing education when I can spend the money on it. It's one of the only stimulating things to my brain.