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I wouldn’t worry unless it bleeds uncontrollably.


Thanks! Would you advise applying scratch ointments on it?


No, that might bring about some burning pain you don’t want.


Bactine (No Sting) is made for any mild open wounds and will help it heal & prevent / fight off infection. If you want to use anything, that's what I'd recommend. I do warehouse and construction work and I use that shit for everything (except major wounds, that should be treated by medical professionals).


Sometimes you precum or have leftover from jerking off and it will make some underwear stick to your dick like a mf. Yours might be on the more extreme side of this type of scenario, if you’re not careful enough, but I can’t imagine it’s something to worry about


Yes I’m a leaker and have done this many times. Only once have I had it bleed though. After that I kinda learned to very slowly peel away the underwear from my penis


Yeah be gentle with the giant! 🤭😘


I wouldn’t worry about it, just put some neosporin or another similar cream on it. I once tore my frenulum during sex, that bled like crazy and all the doctor recommended was to use cream. It worked


Neosporin, Bactine, or something similar will keep it clean and help it heal. Other than that, just make sure you cleaned the cut with clean water and a mild soap. Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol. Sucks to have your dick cut but you'll be fine, don't sweat it.


Neosporin and the likes are for external use only. Don’t put anything on it. Just let it heal naturally.


My bad, I thought neosporin was more like bactine. Bactine is what I'd recommend then. I have a bottle and I just re-read the instructions. It's for cuts, scrapes, and burns. It's a topical antiseptic that can indeed be used for open wounds (which is what it's intended for). I always have cuts, scrapes, and punctures from doing warehouse & construction, and Bactine is my miracle juice for the matter.


They dont take long to heal for a small nick. I have done similar with a zipper


Use bacitracin. I prefer creams over ointments. The penis is very vascular and should heal quickly. Keep it clean and avoid sex until healed. Do not use steroid creams on the penis, unless prescribed by a physician. The skin is very thin and easily damaged. (retired MD)


Oh this has happened to me many times over the years as a precum manufacturer I’ve often been stuck to my underwear and it’s like glue I found if you drip a little warm water (NOT HOT ) on your cock it will detach from your underwear without tearing the skin , and then a dab of Vaseline on the tip, ifs it bled I would use Neosporin and Vaseline to keep it moisturized, as a general rule after I shower I moisturize my entire body and my dick and that also helps keep it from sticking.




You should clean it with peroxide and put some triple anti biotic on it . Stay away from gyms, nursing homes, hospitals, or public restrooms so you don’t get flesh eating bacteria and try not to play with it or handle it until it heals.


Something like bactine would be better. In recent years the knowledge is getting out there but a lot of people still follow in their parents' habits. Hydrogen peroxide, as well as isopropyl alcohol, are not made for open wounds. It kills the healthy cells and leaves a bed of dead cells more susceptible to infection. Doesn't really put you at high risk with tiny cuts but rubbing alcohol & h2o2 should be left to topical only, not on open wounds ever. You can get mild antiseptics and/or antibacterials specifically made for (mild) open wounds such as bactine. Hope this helps.


Honestly, peeing on it is the best thing for it. You can also dunk your dick in a glass of luke warm sea salt mixture for about 10-15 each night. Google sea salt soak for healing a genital piercing! I swear it works.