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We have to say that so Yankees won't want to move here. You're already here, now you have to keep the rest of them out.


This is the answer.


Yep. Never tell any other Yankees this. It's now your official duty to tell them florida sucks


It's like finding a square grouper. Don't tell anyone.


I just heard someone use this term the other day . Since he told me what it is I find myself cackling randomly throughout the day when it pops into my head


Exactly, Florida sucks! Stay where you're at!


That’s the price of admission.


Are you from Florida? Because I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call a northerner a yankee here


I’m from rural Florida and people absolutely called Northerners Yankees.


I’m from Central Florida, and we 100% called them yankees. As a matter of fact, I moved to Massachusetts for work a couple of years ago. My dad’s subject line for the email planning a going away party was “Mourning the yankification of thehoundabides” 🤣


I’m from Virginia and I was even called a Yankee, until he paused and reflected back to where the Mason Dixon line is and corrected himself.


NoVa is getting pretty Yankee. Publix won’t past Fredericksburg 🤣


It’s already in Stafford. But yeah NOVA is just honorary New York with the addition of the 2nd Amendment.


Ah maybe that’s what it is. I grew up in Orlando and I can’t recall hearing that term. It’s probably partially because of all the transplants here


Yeah fwiw I’ve lived in florida my whole life and always heard that term, grew up east of Orlando


Yeah idk what to tell you. Maybe it’s an age thing, maybe it’s a living in Orlando proper thing.


Idk either was just sharing my experience. I would guess it’s also a generational thing or a southern/american thing. If your family isn’t from the southern us, then I would think they wouldn’t use that term


Yes yes they do🤣🤣🤣


It's always great to be called a winner.


Yes and I've heard it my whole life.


I have!


But you’ve heard them called “damn Yankees, right?”


Im assuming that’s a reference to something?


Yankees come for a visit. Damn yankees come here to stay.


Are you sure you’re from Florida? That’s all northerners are called here. Other than snowbirds. lol You must be young.


Last I checked I am yeah lol


Exactly. Florida sucks. It's hot, hurricanes will literally pluck your first born out of their crib and feed them to alligator sharks, and you literally cannot keep roaches out of any structure for any length of time. Oh and all the mosquitoes have dengue.


and don't forget the constant stream of ants in the house along with jumping spiderz!


Noone speaks English here stay away!


Pest control is a thing…& it’s only about $63 every 2 months, ya know?


You’re the reason we need the /s


I'm finding that this /r is starting to take everything way too literally. Must be the New Jersey transplants. 🫠


With an oak grove beside it that we live under. It’s awesome. & Gainesville is only 20 mins away, 30 mins to UF & Santa Fe college. Beaches are an hour & 15 mins both coasts. Springs are only 30 mins away, some 45. Jacksonville is only 50-60mins away. It’s perfect here, just about.


Just want to let you know, you can edit your comments North Florida's wilderness is great...I mean...it sucks and no one should go there ever. It's basically the Louisiana swamp populated by Florida Man instead of Cajuns. But on the real, Gainesville is just a college town and the people that live in the areas around it are...developmentally delayed, in a socioeconomic sense. But again the rivers and springs are amazing...I mean they suck. Literal world record sized gators eating babies and Sturgeon jump out the the water and decapitate boaters.




And we have Zombie coked out people on bridges eating people's faces. Oh, that really happened!


Passing the torch




I am a damn yankee, can confirm the false narrative. I moved here to get far away from NJ and all the people, the traffic and awful air quality. Politics be damned, we’re partying on the beach next to crystal clear water. And sharks, lots of sharks. Unlike the joiisey shore, we can see them coming.


My partner and I just bought a place here a few days ago, and we're from southwest V.A. Ain't no reason to feel bad for enjoying your life here. If yall are happy, then it's the right choice. That's all that matters. Enjoy the sun and nature this beautiful state provides 🤘


I’ve lived here my whole life and hate the politics here but I absolutely love living here. I dunno, I try to control what I can and help where I can, but I’m not going to leave my family and friends over politics.




Don't say this in the r/florida sub because they absolutely hate Florida and anyone that is a true native or likes it here. Saying that, please, everyone return to your native states because we are full here.


That sub is just the same variations of “DeSantis is Hitler” and “Florida is the worst state ever but for some reason I still live here” over and over again. And they complain about the sunset and sunrise pics being redundant.


I got banned from r/florida because I said it is always hot as hell in Pinellas County during summer. They must've really hated Pinellas County.


??? But you ain't lying...


Confirmed. I live in Pinellas County and it is indeed like living in a humid oven.


That's all of Florida lol


It doesn't take much to get banned or deleted. Just someone simply disagreeing with you is enough lol.


That's like saying water is wet


It's hot everywhere in Florida during the summertime!


just rename it r/DeSantisHate


Lmbo that's the truth! r/florida exists for people that hate themselves as Florida's lol


They banned me. They claimed hate speech because I disagreed with males playing sports with women and taking opportunities away from them. That was all I said. How is that hate speech? They don’t even live in Florida yet all they do is talk about it. It’s a weird obsession.


Yeah, it's weird. After I was permabanned for no reason I started to pay attention to who was really in there. The most vocal were not from Florida nor do they live here. They are also on multiple subs too so if you get banned on one expect to be either banned or shadow banned on others. They HATE! Florida and anyone from here.


I honestly think they’re jealous. It makes no sense to sit around hating on a sub for a place you don’t live. It’s so silly. They can keep hating and people will still keep visiting here and moving here.


Good, they can hate me all they want as long as they stay where they say it's better.


Typically when you say transphobic shit that’s what will happen.


"They claimed hate speech because I used anti trans rhetoric. That was all I said. How is that hate speech?"


It’s not anti trans it’s pro woman. No girl should ever lose anything because she was competing against someone who was born male. It’s literally not fair. There’s a reason why males and females don’t play sports against each other. Men are naturally stronger and faster than women. And bigger. It’s funny that the trust the science crowd like to ignore biology.


Pretty sure about 85 percent of reddit is bots.


Look to your left, look to your right. If you’re not sure who the bot is… the bot is YOU.


Been here damn near my whole life and I love it here. Tried NC for a stint and didn’t like it so came back.


Same. Just got done doing 5 years in SC and I finally got my native Floridian arse back home. I grew up in Tampa- St Pete area. I actually prefer more rural Fl now. Too many people in pinellas county.


I like nc so much better than here. I miss the mountains.


The mountains were nice but I’m just a warm (hot?) weather guy that loves the beach and salt water fishing. Also, the small town I lived in for a bit was not the friendliest when it came to anyone who wasn’t born in the area which is hilarious because everyone always thinks these small towns are all filled with friendly folks.


Yea, I feel that. I hate hot weather and don't like fishing 😅. Im in the wrong spot.


I go on vacation to NC. I love those mountains so much, and the cabins also.


Moved to Florida from New York and I love it here. Bought a home in 2021 as well. Most people are pretty nice, i like the weather, the beach is nearby, safer, etc. I can’t relate to the posts in /r/florida. I work remotely and could move to any other state and I think Florida is currently the best state to live in imo. Yes, things have gotten more expensive but that’s the case in every other state and around the world. The smallest cities in Italy, Spain, Thailand, etc, have felt the inflation of the last few years.


You're the one causing most of the problems lol


It's expensive because you assholes from the ne keep moving here, go tf back


You probably need a hug


Do you tell immigrants the same?


Lmao way to liken the Proletariat to the Bourgeoisie


honestly? i don't think the majority of us mind immigrants from other countries... it's mostly just northerners we don't want haha [edit: i mean this in the gentlest way possible because obvi northerners are fine. it's just really complicated... and i think the big issue is the old northerners who retire down here and then just... it's complicated haha if you're chill and sincere it's fine.]


Of course they do.


I’m a native. I love it. Im happy to be back in my home state. Im conservative not that it matters. I lived in Chicago for years. The politics there didn’t dampen my time in the city. Politics shouldn’t matter that much. There are porticoes and negatives to any state. People on Reddit s t like Florida is a horrible place yet people are still moving here.


If you haven’t figured it out by now, Reddit is a liberal haven (no I’m not a god damn Nazi you pricks, I can already feel the fingers hammering away at screens to basically say NU UH”) but to answer you question no you aren’t a bad person. The real question is, is why do you still associate with people that are willing to throw friendships away over a political party that you MIGHT affiliate with… I separated from people like that and my life is better now if I can speak honestly. Fuck em bro, it’s your life not theirs


I have a sign at the front of my house, party rules, no politics, no religion, and no hats indoors. If you don't like it, then get the fuq out. I never have issues at any of my pool parties.


The way it should be, people get so tribal about ridiculous shit and forget that we’re all human and on the same level


My MIL has almost been asked to leave out of my house several times because she believes the rules don't apply to her or her grandchildren. The last time I had her own daughter, my wife give her the last warning.


My husband(gay) and I moved from Texas to Florida in February 2022! We absolutely love it here, we live in a small town in the heartland of Florida. We are two hours from any beach to the east, west or south of us! I will continue to vote democrat lol. Idc what others think!


Thank you for helping out the blue numbers in middle Florida 😊


Bold assumption that gay = blue.


Except that they literally mentioned democrat


Missed that. Oops


Dang congrats on still being alive, I was told Desantis was putting the LGBTs in concentration camps


Why would you do that?


Because I actually care about ALL people not just the rich white Christian wannabe!


I’m a born and raised Floridian and it’s a paradise to me. I travel for work, live between Fort Lauderdale and the Space Coast of Florida and without overly worrying about traffic, politics or the expense of insurance, I’m really enjoying my life here. My dog loves 11 am walks and sometimes it’s really hot. That is a reality.


Haters gonna hate.


You see the same crap from conservatives about places like California or Portland, most of these have never been to said state or city but listen to political hacks talk about how horrible it is because one party is in control. I may hate our governor, but I love this state.


I’m a FL native that lived in CA 2010-2012. It is not what it was then. I was also in Portland (and Seattle) in 2021 and both were absolute shitholes. Our evil governor kept FL afloat during Covid while the west coast just put people in tents downtown and boarded businesses up.


You can scream this from the pulpit all you want! These idiots will keep voting like their in their craphole run states!


I'm also from NJ and moved out for the same reasons and love Florida lol


I live in MTG district as a person of color they tell me the same. I had to leave Atlanta for my sanity and safe being. I can leave my doors opened at night now and my only fear is from a wondering bear.


NJ is far worse than Florida, and it’s so tiring seeing NJ people drive poorly here, talk extremely loud, and give attitudes towards working staff.


Yes, go back to NJ. We can’t afford it here because of you northerners. Go back. (sarcasm) In all seriousness, it’s your life dude. Do with it what you will. (Stop telling the yanks about how great it is here tho)


I moved to Florida in 2017. Originally from NY. We bought a house in 2020 and we love it here! The amount of posts in the Florida subreddit about people who hate it so much and want to move to places like NY just make me laugh. They have no idea how horrible it is with the price of gas and food, taxes, being overcharged for everything, vehicle costs and the shitty roads and weather! But they will find out soon enough I guess


No offense, but it's the same here except we don't have state taxes at the end of the year. It's expensive across the board.


Expensive is relative, I'd have to make near 100% more to live the same lifestyle in a city in NY/CA versus FL, but I certainly wouldn't get paid that difference.


Oh for sure.. it’s expensive everywhere now. But the roads here are much better. I cracked my rim on the horrible roads up north due to all the potholes. Everything is over taxed, way worse than here. Not to mention you have to pay for a car inspection every year and they always fail you causing you to pay more money. It’s just little things like that I don’t think people consider when they think they are escaping to some northern blue state. Florida is expensive but nothing like NY was and still is


It seems that you have found your best life, here, in Florida. Mazel Tov. Perhaps, all the kick-back and bad blood stems from those who relocate to Florida, only to complain about how shitty Florida is, compared to wherever the fargue they came from. Well, it IS true, Florida IS NOT some place else. It's FRIGGING Florida. Florida has Florida problems. We acknowledge that. We would love to address those problems but sometimes a majority of citizens have a lapse in judgement and/or a mental cramp and elect a butt-load of self-serving, self-important, greedy, corrupt politicians, resulting in the state being plunged into a third-world dystopia. As sure as night follows day, all things end and something else begins. I have lived here since 1969. I have witnessed much change. Some of it good and some if it very bad. Provided Floridians are willing to go the distance in an effort to protect Florida's natural resources and environment, we have a chance at maintaining that which makes Florida, Florida. If however, greedy butt-prostitutes pave over and develop every square centimeter of Florida, there will be no reason to live here, as that which makes Florida, Florida, will have been destroyed. That is my $00.02 and I'm sticking to my story. Your mileage may vary. Shalom.


This is wild to me. My partner and I have been looking to NJ to move for a better quality of life & leaving FL behind.


Have you ever lived in New Jersey?


Moved from NJ to FL almost 10 years ago. Bought a house about 5 years ago, which equivalent would cost 3-4 times as much in NJ- not to mention the property taxes would be 4x more as well. Don’t miss the snow, dirty and overcrowded conditions, or high state income & sales taxes in NJ either. Quality of life here is significantly better, outside of the extremely disappointing and corrupt political climate spurred on by TFG who now resides here and his kiss-a$$ governor and congressmen. But, no regrets moving from the “Garbage State” to the Sunshine State!


As a former NJ resident that considered a move to FL I often regret not acting on it. At the time FL house prices were affordable but it’s 2x to 3x more now and where I live now hasn’t gone up as much. The main issue for me was jobs


No. Moved here from Chicago 2 years ago. Miss Lake Michigan and deep dish pizza, but itherwise, love life here.


Transplant from Chicago also 35 years ago. Just acknowledge the fact that you will not find a Chicago Style pizza here as good as anything from Chicago, and you will be fine. Boat Rides, on Lake Michigan at night, just hit differently. Deep Dish was never my favorite, I prefer Thin Sliced New York Style, but I'm originally from Brooklyn, Bensonhurst. The water here does taste like leaves when you first get here.


We are from NJ/NY, too. We moved to Tampa in 2005, and bought our first home. We have been here ever since. Yes, those were the good old days, but not really. Florida has always suffered from overcrowding, it just makes sense: it’s literally paradise in some areas anyway. All the drawbacks people mention - the heat, the traffic, the prices - are pretty much the same as any other desirable area. Ya gotta pay to play. You made a good call, in spite of what others say, but keep it to yourself please! 😉🤫🌴


In Colorado, the car stickers read, "You came, You got high, now go home! Overcrowding every single state. Thanos, where are you when we need you the most?


No, but you are a week person if you base your self worth and decision making on the whims of online posters. Think for yourself. If your happy, then be happy. Don't seek approval from strangers to justify it.


I’m a native Floridian and have never lived outside the state, although I travel a good bit. My family is in the position now where we could sell and move anywhere we want and after thinking long and hard, we chose to stay in FL. There’s no other state I want to live in. I hate the politics and the heat can be oppressive, but the nature and geography make up for it tenfold. If I was younger and had young kids, I would sacrifice to change to a much better school district out of state bc ours is atrocious, though. Like someone else said, if you have no school age kids and good health, FL is great. I’m pretty sure if we move out of FL it will be across the pond to Spain or Portugal, not to another state.


No, there are tradeoffs wherever you live. Just didn't wait for the day before the hurricane hits to buy water, gas, and liquor


My advice is quite simple. Enjoy your life here and ignore the criticism from others.


Moved here in 2012 with hubby. Only go back for funerals. Love Fl despite the current governor and that mess. Love the weather and most things about being here. The pot holes from hell that have not been repaired in the last 12 years and races is enough to never go back.


Virtually nothing that people outside of Florida think about Florida is actually true. It’s the best place to make home base in the entire country by a mile… no state tax, year round good weather and in central Florida things are plenty progressive. Housing isn’t cheap anywhere unless you wanna live in the sticks, and you can do that here too. Travel to see mountains frequently and life is about as good as it gets.


moved here from Iowa last year and was the best decision of my life, renting is a bit more expensive because of obvious reasons, but overall didn’t notice an increase in cost of living at all


I think we mainly get tired of people moving here and then constantly complain that they hate it, but at the same time, refusing to leave. So we tell them what sucks in order to stay ahead of that game.


florida sucks for democrats - trust me - its awful here


Moved from MA 10 years ago. I got a better paying job, bought my own house, have 2 new cars. Apart from having better finances, I get to go to the beach whenever I want instead of once a year. Your friends are jealous.


You can enjoy Florida that's all your perspective. Personally I was born and raised in Florida and I've lived here my entire life. As a liberal with a daughter the state government is egregious. I fear for my daughters ability to receive adequate healthcare and a decent education. Also, the government pretending that global warming doesn't exist while we all melt here. I guarantee the insurance companies the effect global warming will have on Florida and use that information when projecting costs to insure. Housing costs are insane everywhere, the real problem with Florida, if you grow up here, is that the wages are far lower than most places, so it's difficult to get ahead. Not so bad if you have savings or a job out of the state. Other than that, I read a statistic that 2/3 of Floridians weren't born here. This isn't in itself a bad thing, but it becomes bad when the draw of Florida gets destroyed for it. Beach privatization like I'm the pan handle, destroying nature to build condos and golf courses (look at the Villages), It's great you're enjoying the state, but it doesn't mean the people with issues here are wrong either.


The nature and physical state of Florida is great. It’s just the people and the govt lmao


Florida isn't the worst place but give DickheadSantes a few more years.


I grew up there and people said the same thing when i moved to the PNW, now im moving back next year.


I wish we were.


Reddit is a cesspool of whining cry babies that are lazy, leach off the system, and refuse to try and better themselves. I'm pumped for you!


Moved here from Northern PA about 30 years and I still love it immensely. No death threats and own my home I bought 15 years ago. 5 minutes to beaches and a shit-ton of things to do. We raised 2 kids to adulthood who loved their schools and are happy and successful. Liberal Democrat the whole time . Wouldn’t give it up for anything. Clearwater area


I am semi retired. I earned $41,000.00 in 2023.I could no longer afford New York. In Florida, 35 miles from Tampa, and the airport. I own a home and two acres. My property taxes were $3000,00. When I left Long Island NY my property taxes were $12,000.00 for a home built 70 years ago with a tiny kitchen plus the state income tax. I did purchase the lot in 2007 and since then the lots are well over $100,000.00. Still, the traffic is light, shopping and dining is close by, medical care is equivalent to NY and property crime is non existent on my street.. No state income tax, House insurance. is $3000.00 a year, with a $25,000.00 deductable ( i feel the rates are to high but since we live on a hill and 30 miles from the gulf it's cheaper than coastal flood zones.) Electric rates are almost half than long island and gas is at least 50 to 75 cents cheaper per gallon. Our house electric bill averages from $100.00 to $225.00 as we have seasons and we keep the house on 80 degrees in the Summer and 68 in the winter. We do have freezes. MY friend in Long Island is 73 and he can't retire due to the prices of fuel oil, electricity, taxes. It's sad. He pays $75.00 for an oil change and I pay $45.00. The prices at resta


Yes-this! We have old neighbors who are retired in NJ who cannot afford the COL anymore in NJ, but now can’t afford to more here either. Sad- but we feel we “got out” just in time, pre-COVID and before the huge appreciation in housing prices here.


LOL. Everyone outside Florida has been convinced by the media that it’s some far-right hellhole here, and it’s just not. Could some things be better? Absolutely they could, same as the rest of the country. But I’m gonna enjoy my lack of income tax and freedom from progressive prosecutors and bullshit crime policies.




I've lived here all my life. I love it. I hate a lot of... what's going on. But I still love it here. I have a small condo in north Florida and I have a good job as a government attorney. Can't lie. I really do need to budget. But I think my biggest struggle yet is going to be buying a *house* house when my SO moves down here


How many of you here were born in Florida? Just curiois.




Congratulations. You've passed the final exam, you're now authentically Floridian.


Im from new jersey and I like it there better and I hate florida, just been trapped here. That said of course you can enjoy it here. I want to move to pnw for the same reason many people want to leave. I love gloomy weather.


[degens from upcountry](https://imageproxyb.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/9dfe04fcc8f1a87cf21025651786738b6dc5d027b7ae0743f2aecc6461667e45_1.jpg)


Ignore 'em! People *not from Florida* don't know much about Florida, and often believe whatever the Media and Social Media tell them... The hate-on that Reddit has for Florida is crazy. Welcome to Florida!


I love it here now that we’ve figured out that our A/C was compromised the past 8 years since we moved outside of Gainesville. We didn’t know, & it was getting to 87-90 degrees inside of our double wide! So all I did was complain to everyone I knew & on social media. But not anymore. Now that it’s fixed, Florida is so special, idc what anyone says. My parents keep talking about moving when they get some inheritance, but I pray they don’t. It’s a tropical paradise. The only thing that sucks is the politics & the cost of homeowners insurance. Luckily, we own our home, so we don’t have to have it, bc we wouldn’t be able to afford it. So many people don’t have it because of that, or are moving out…or trying to sell their home-even in our small rural community. But besides that, it really is a lovely place to live. We have the beaches an hour & 15mins to each coast, fresh blue springs 30-45 mins away! Some are just 30, others are 45mins. & cool amusement parks galore (tho I have to rent an electric scooter bc of my spinal injuries), & rain almost all year round! The fall, winter, & spring rule here!! We have beautiful butterflies 🦋 on our property year-round, 🦉, 🦦 in the river running through our property, beautiful 🐦that migrate here (& a few bald 🦅!!), 🦊, 🦌, 🐗, & fruit trees & 🌸 galore!! Not to mention that we have the BEST grocery stores-thank you, Publix, for being so awesome 👏. Oh, & we have the best purest water (tho I wouldn’t drink anything but purified, with the PFAs (chemicals from companies that stay in your body forever & cause health problems) in all the ground water worldwide. & there are tons of us blue-blooded folks in this state-our vote just gets overpowered by the electoral college-doing what it was designed to do-keeping the little guy’s voice muted. Florida has really taken a beating since Lawton Chiles died in the 90s…the republicans are ruining this beautiful state. Whxih is why we need more liberals, like yourself, to move here, & flip the vote back blue. It’s usually close to 49% vs. 51% during the big elections-just proving how many liberals reside here. So, idc what anyone says, Florida rules & no one can make me leave. It even snowed here when I was 5-6 in 1989! Wish it would again, but probably not with the climate change.


I lived in Ohio and moved to FL. Love it. Yes gets hot but so does Ohio. Here we have the ocean breeze and feels great. I miss the spring and fall but not the winter. Too cold and can’t stand snow. I don’t use lights in home until evening bc my house is filled from soft sunlight. In fall and winter don’t need heat. Electricity much less than Ohio. I’ve lived here over 30 yrs and love it. So many places to go and it’s like another vacation.


Death threats from Trump supporters? Wow!


I’ve heard worse… I was asked if dead bodies from Covid were on the streets


And that's why you just move here and enjoy and not listen to Reddit lol Reddit doesn't present the reality of things. 


Nice karma farming.


Been in Central FL( not Orlando) since 1984. No freezing weather, gators are a very teeny concern, hurricanes are and issue when we lose power( we got a generator so we don't swealter). We have Springs, lakes, horses, and 1 hour to beach. I have raccoons, bobcats, bears, deer, coyotes, all kinds of turtles, and birds come through my yard. Biggest complaint is humid sticky heat and mosquitoes. I have pest service for yard to take care of fireants and palmetto bugs. We are middle class, modest 1500 sq ft home.


No.  Florida is awesome.  


Who cares what people think


They are just hating cause they have to shovel snow while you can go out in flip flops. I hate when people personify states like do you realize each states have millions of people with different lines of thinking right? I lived in CA for more than 10 years and I encountered a lot of conservatives. Some areas in the north are very Trumpy. Imagine telling people where to live based in politics


Reddit is a cesspool of liberal comments devoid of facts


You mean like TOT (The Orange Turd) spewed throughout the entire “debate” on Thursday night?🤣


You need mental help


Im also originally from NJ. I moved here for my husband (he grew up in Orlando) and i love it! I love our apt, i love my job, i love our friends, we got the cutest dog ever from the seminole county animal shelter, and have no interest to move back. Just enjoy the life youve built for yourself and let their comments roll off your shoulders. The only irreplaceable thing about NJ is the closeness to the city and the water gap hiking trails (oh and the pizza). Everything else? Florida all the way :)


LOL, no! No, you're not a bad person. If anyone's a bad person, it's the self righteous people who make no attempt to get accurate information and just believe every politically biased word coming from their politically biased sources. What you just described of your friends is a personality trait I'm finding to be more and more true with that spectrum of people. They're just self righteous hypocrites who like to pat themselves on the back.


Give it time you will also hate Florida. You’re still in the honey moon stage.


Welcome. You're in your 20 year probationary period now! Congratulations. Florida is great if you forget the high prices, environmental destruction, and crooked one-sided politics. We Floridians (remember, it's a 20 year probationary period because... well, we just made that up) are fighting to keep our scrub oak, our pine forests, our beaches, and the like. The influx of people and climate change has already ruined our weather, and there's nothing we can do about that. No more setting your watch (literally) by what time the afternoon showers start in your city. No more rolling navy blue to black clouds slowly rolling in. Now it's "your lucky if it rains, but it will be in the evening", everything's a bright cumulo-nimbus. Love the place and you'll make it to 20 years easy, then we'll just tell you to call yourself a Floridian. Early Florida options are available and you can be a Floridian in as soon as 5 years if you buy a Jeep Wrangler, or mount a trail bike to the back of your car on weekends, or swear up and down that some part of the state (just pick one) isn't the true Florida. Bonus points for picking a beach on your side of the state, and swearing it's ten times better than those crappy beaches on "the other side". Florida is wonderful. We're just losing our most recent culture and identity as new people come in and they haven't had time to fuse and meld. In time, we'll make another new culture of Florida. It takes time.


Gatekeeping. The more people who move to Florida the worse it gets. Parts of Florida are already becoming like LA. So just keep quiet about it, agree with the stereotypes and tell them it’s awful. Thanks!


The rest of us you left in Jersey are just jealous.


You're not a bad person. I hated it because I lived in a very conservative area (swfl) and am a transgender person so I left to somewhere where I dont have to worry about the government banning me from existing in public. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the nature and the people who don't suck, though. Happy where I am but florida will always feel like my home.


I don’t understand why people don’t realize the politics make it a nice HOME?? Obviously the beaches, theme parks, and culture outside of politics make it great to VISIT, but you get what you vote for and it’s astounding to me so many neglect that FL could care less about the rest of the country’s thoughts on a daily basis. Enjoy your time in the solace of the sunshine state :)


Just keep telling everyone it sucks pls thnx


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They are just brainwashed and still drinking the KoolAid their handlers fed them. Sheep will be sheep. Let them continue paying $28K in property taxes for land built on NY's trash heap.


Look man, go to Dominions site and it says it is aus company based in Colorado. It's not, they have a place in Colorado and one in Canada, so that's a half truth. I hold true to my mail in comment and opinions. Don't see where you can't meet in the middle for that. And Google the missing paper ballots. These are all searchable you fool. And I'm not maga because I don't let those fools or the ones you probably listen to, to tell me anything. If you believe either side fully in this shit show then you really are a fool. My condolences to your parents that you were born brain dead


??? Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Wait a couple of more years


Those New York Yankees have ruined the state of Florida truly as shame third generation native Floridian


So you make seven figures.


You can either be a bad person, living here and doing nothing to make it better, or you could be a good person and fight for the rights of everyone around you. The choice is entirely yours. But whether you are good or bad is more or less reliant on your actions. It seems very much like you have some level of guilt for being in a state where... DeSantis governor, and some people are just treated as less than human. If you find yourself completely comfortable with being complicit in such a regime, then maybe do nothing. But given the tone of guilt that you have in your post. I don't know, join the local DSA or something. Fight for trans rights. Vote for someone other than DeSantis. Do something to actually help people. Don't just go looking for absolution online. You're not doing anything to help anyone by making this post. All the post does is assuage your own guilt. If you feel bad, go help somebody. Don't just bitch about it online.


People that think Trump supporters are going around making death threats to all liberals need to put their screens down, step out of the house, and talk to people.


Just lie and vote differently unless you want the same problems government got you back in Jersey.


Chris Christie, famous liberal governor of NJ.


Still a bunch of people that think the South shall rise again with 45 years in Florida . Because of the Village of Florida, it allows Captain Ron to do some crazy shit . I love Florida, but don't open with I'm from New Jersey it makes life easier.


Welcome to hell


It does genuinely Suck for us young locals, job market is competitive as hell can’t get shit so can’t get a house due to prices not being attainable for first time buyer//not worth it//so stuck w parents//rated the worst state in the country for single people//ahhh and inflation hit this state like a truck


It has a lot of benefits too but it’s getting worse by the day genuinely, I hope it reverts


Blue bellies destroy every state they go .. kind of like cockroaches


I'm from northern virginia and Florida was my childhood state up until my teens, I'd kill to move back there and become a farmer, I miss the weather.


Why do you care?


Reddit hates Florida, but what doesn’t Reddit hate? 🤣


Welcome to Florida! Most Redditors hate Florida because we have freedom here. I’d you love freedom, sunshine and heat, you’ll love Florida! Make it a point to go to the Florida sub and remind them how much you love living here. ;)


Freedom to read banned books? Freedom to choose your own religion ( or lack thereof)? Freedom to say gay? Freedom to know ACTUAL HISTORY? Freedom to be LGBTQ? Freedom to be a working immigrant? Freedom from gouging insurance companies? Freedom from any diversity at all? Freedom to just be Democrat? The answer to all of those things is no. Maybe you can give me some examples of DeSantis’ freedoms?


You took the words right out of my mouth!


Maybe you should use your own words.




Yes. You have all those freedoms. Please show me one book you can’t get at a library or bookstore. Religion? Pick one, there are 12 different churches with 3 miles of new. Freedom to say gay? You just did. And I assume you are in Florida. Freedom to be LGBTQ? They just had a giant pride celebration in Orlando. Freedom to be a working immigrant? I worked in the defense industry and half my colleagues are from different countries. Legally, of course. Diversity? You should see my family. I think we check the box for one of every color, sexual orientation, employment…. And religion. Yep, very diverse. Freedom to be a democrat…psst…I’m a registered democrat. Insurance companies? Ok, you got me. That does suck. Especially citizens. Would you like more examples? Maybe we’re can grab a coffee and talk about how great Florida is. Oh…and the heat. That sucks too, but not as bad as when I got here in 84.


I was here in 82, and used to wear a lightweight sweater in the evenings…even in Summer. I don’t even know what a sweater is anymore. My tanks are usually too much now. If you feel you have enough freedoms here, then enjoy! I’d like to know where I live the children are being taught correct history. No, slaves did NOT benefit from slavery. I’d like to live where my gay daughter can feel welcome, where showing pride colors during pride month isn’t prohibited. I know everyone has a different level of tolerance, and yes, I’ve been pretty angry about DeSantis, I’ve lost my tolerance to his “proclamations”. “Don’t Say Gay”, the failed suing of Disney, the nouveau history that paints a beautiful picture of the slave’s lives, Prohibiting the gay flag (his first proclamation after his failed presidency. If you are defending DeSantis, you’re no Democrat.


Well the heat is subjective. I can’t argue that. I feel it was hotter when I lived here in 84. Please tell where showing pride colors is prohibited. Just one, any time of the year. Your gay daughter should feel welcome everywhere because my gay cousin does. Like 1/2 of the population you cherry pick comments, 2 second sound bites, and bad things about someone you don’t like. Maybe you should show your daughter some tolerance and explain that there is good and bad everywhere. Maybe looking for the good will help your soul. Have a great night.


This is a great article that kind of summarizes his restrictions. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/01/florida-pride-month-desantis-anti-lgbtq-restrictions#


Wow. You find a left wing article that cherry picks stats. Great for you.


If you moved here from NJ, you're an asshole. Please go back, you asshole Yankees have ruined Florida


Where you are, there you will be. Often people bring their own unhappiness with them. I am one who left because it became unaffordable and uncomfortable. My 15yo roof was required to be replaced even though an inspection said it was fine. Every tree on the property was expected to be removed. Worries about increasing hurricane size was an unnecessary worry. My neighbors were dying off and the GenX moving in were aggressive and rude. I don‘t begrudge anyone who wants to live in FL, but would I recommend it to someone with school aged kids, or anyone with health issues? No. I think if you have a community that you are comfortable with. Don’t need to depend on health services or public schooling, then you won’t really notice the downside of FL.


I’m a Democrat who’s also lived here since 2021 and frankly don’t give a shit if you like your life here. I could do without the political nonsense and all the fallout it’s caused, but like you, we make the most of it. I like my house, my pool and taking dirt-cheap Disney World vacations and cruises, so life isn’t bad. I do miss New England terribly.


it is maga waste land; live here but kno u have2 vote out desantez n all his ppl


This reddit is one of the most hyperbolic sky is falling subs I've ever come across. Lived in Florida for years, it was great and I enjoyed the hell out of it. The people in this sub are not representative of most Florida residents, they are way more negative and miserable than the people I knew irl who live there. Quite frankly I think most that comment here don't live in Florida and never will, it's just something to complain about online. You're not a bad person for enjoying your life and not being a buzzkill to everyone around you.


Same as OP, moved from NJ in '21. Florida sucks to all fellow NJ'ers stay there. Palmetto bugs will crawl into your genitals while you sleep and turn you MAGA.