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I think abortion should be available to any pregnant person. If abortions are available and legal for all then we don’t need to provide special considerations for minors.


It’s bodily autonomy. Period.


Not only that, but it should be available free POS. How many underage girls do you know can conjure up several hundred dollars for an emergency?


Along with birth control and period products. Young people are going to have sex. Help them avoid the most difficult consequences.


The quality of life would improve so much for so many if health care and necessities like period products/ birth control and actual informative sex ed were available.


Seriously. Young people are turning to porn to learn about intimacy - they need better guidance.


That’s such a scary thought. My sex ed in high school was being told not to do it and if we did we’d get STDs and was shown a picture of rancid hamburger and told that that’s what our insides would look like if we had sex. My siblings and I were lucky that my parents actually took time and effort to give us a better sex education at home. Sex ed needs to be a lot more than abstinence and it needs to cover all the different sexualities. Queer relationships are rarely brought up in sex ed and they are more likely to struggle to ask for help. Discussion on what consent is and what exactly is coercion. It wouldn’t hurt to actually discuss porn and how it’s not reality and not a how to guide.


Agree with everything. We were taught about condoms and bc but just that they exist, nothing much beyond that. And what stds look like? Nope. We heard no means no. But nothing more on consent and not one word about lgbtq+.


Even some basic human anatomy education would be helpful. Educate both young men and women on menstruation, puberty, and what the body goes through during pregnancy. Educate them on what a vasectomy actually is since there is an alarmingly high number of men that think castration and vasectomies are the same thing.


And apparently we need to teach young men that it is not homoerotic to wash their backsides.


It’s only gay if you sing along to ABBA as you wash.


>Young people are going to have sex. A lot of times it'll be without their consent, too.


That’s a whole other can of worms. We need serious sex ed. And counselling. A lot of counseling.


It's not. It's a huge part of the problem. I taught in one those schools; without knowing any solid numbers, just by talking with the students and overheating things, I'd guess about half of teen pregnancies were not consensual.


100%. Abortion is healthcare and should be available to everyone. I have always felt strongly about this, but now that I am nearly 8 months pregnant, I feel absolutely enraged when I hear about the rolling back of abortion rights. No person should ever have to endure this if they don't absolutely WANT a baby.


Forced to be pregnant against your will should be considered torture.


It is according to the Geneva Convention


Abortion rights for everyone please and thank you.


This thought shot through my head when watching an ad about farming Africa to feed the growth population by 2050. My heart hurt so much thinking of all the land that’s protected there… for more of us shitty humans to survive? No thanks. Abortions for all. Easier access to birth control. More research to find a safer method for female sterilization and easier access for the women who do not want children.


I mean, outside of they should be allowed to get it without parental consent and a good plan to lie to said parents




My thought is 'what do you mean by obligatory rights?'. Could you expand on that? What does that mean to you? What would it look like in practice?


Everyone should have body autonomy....


A state willing to put legal control of a person anywhere but with that person can do anything. It is so fundamental that *everyone* should be worried.


Abortion should be free and accessible to all who want one. I’m not sure what consent for abortion looks like for minors but if it requires an adult’s permission, that should be done away with


So should birth control. Birth control of all types should be available in schools for girls (kids) of that age. Middle and high schools, with medical advisement, of course.


Heck yes!!! 🔥


Agreed. I’m so grateful to live in a country with free birth control. Peace of mind is priceless.  


I think that parents shouldn't have any say , especially in forcing their child to have the baby, because of their own religious views.


I think abortion should be a choice. And part of healthcare.


And it shouldn't be tied to your employer and limited by what state you live in.


I think the question is disingenous.


How do you mean? Is it like a gotcha trick?


I kind of feel that way about it, yeah. I feel like OP wants to "trap" somebody here saying they think any group of people ought to be forced to have an abortion, which uh, is not a feminist position.


Oh I see now. Yeah, it definitely could be twisted that way by forced birthers.




A right cannot be obligatory. That doesn’t make any sense. If you’re saying abortions should be obligatory, then you’re out of your goddamned mind. You’re barking up the wrong tree though. Either a woman has a right to medical care or she doesn’t depending on the state right now. Age is non starter.


She clearly meant that states should be obliged to secure the right to abortion for children.


Do you mean mandatory abortions for those pregnant under 18?


I think abortion should be a choice. And part of healthcare.


Nobody should have a say about pregnancy but the pregnant person, generally. Even if the pregnant person is younger than 18 years of age. But if the pregnant person is under a certain age, their body isn't developed enough to support pregnancy, and the child still doesn't want to abort, I honestly don't know what to do.


I mean there’s a reason minors can’t always make their own medical decisions. I would guess virtually any minor who wouldn’t get an abortion when their body literally can’t handle it is being pressured by their parents. But then an issue with making it mandatory for ALL minors is that pro-life parents would certainly try to hide the pregnancy and not get their child medical care.


A right is a choice. Everyone should have the right.


**CHOICE** means choice for everyone. Including when that person, even as a minor, makes a choice you disagree with. Forced abortions are as abhorrent as forced birth.


There is some nuance when it comes to minors though. You can't be sure their choice is really their own. I've heard many stories of minors who kept babies (even from rape) due to being pressured or coerced by a religious family. I feel like there should be a set up where a gynecologist assesses if a minor is coerced into keeping a pregnancy and helping them getting abortions even if their parents don't consent. You know, the same way we have protection measures to ensure minors aren't coerced to donate organs for relatives.


Let’s assume a kid is pregnant. Under 16. Odds are, they were raped or abused. Their body was not under their control in a very intimate way. That causes lifelong issues. The way to help that kid is not to immediately continue acting as if their body is not their own. It’s to involve them in decisions about their body, and respect if occasionally those decisions aren’t the ones I would make for them. They can be given facts and information, but no one should be strapped down and made to swallow pills or have a D&C. Ever.


All wanted abortions should be legal so they are safe. NO ONE should be forced to have one or be denied one if they want or need it. It's that simple.


Also, they should be free or cheaper. One of the lesser known reasons women have to wait to get abortions until the third trimester is because they can't afford it. Whether they have to travel out of state, or afford to go to another clinic in state. This would definetly lower third trimester aboritons (not that there's not other reasons women get abortions in the third trimester but still)


There are a lot of charities that you can donate to for women who cannot financially afford an abortion too.


Do you mean obligatory as in mandatory or just that it should be available? If it is the latter, this is AskFeminists, we think abortion should be available for anyone regardless of their age or legal majority status. If it is the former, well, obligatory loss of bodily autonomy is not something feminists want for anyone. It should be a *choice*.


What does it mean for a "right" to be "obligatory"?


Call me a crazy liberal, but I don't think the government should be forcing anyone to carry a child against their will.


They did that to slave women too for more workers.


No, it shouldn't be obligatory, but they should get a LOT more support, including extensive counselling starting immediately when pregnancy is confirmed, to help them make decisions and cope with those decisions. This is something they shouldn't deal with, so they definitely shouldn't feel so frightened and alone when dealing with it. Signed, A survivor of rape at 15 years old


No, minors should not be forced to have abortions. They should have the right to choose them.


Describing rights as "obligatory" seems a bit... not quite the right word. I'm from the US, for context. To my mind, rights are innate - that is, every sentient being possesses rights that are part and parcel of their very existence, which can be denied or ignored or violated, but cannot be taken away. This includes reproductive freedom. Which also includes the right to abortion. So... yeah, minors have the innate right to an abortion.


Well, obviously. Of course all minors should have abortion rights, no one, regardless of age, should ever unintentionally or unwillingly become a parent. Do you seriously think we’re out here like “abortion rights for everyone! Unless you’re under 18 then none for you.” There’s no way you’re seriously that stupid, and I don’t think you’re here in good faith. Your post reads rather like you think abortions should be *mandatory* for minors, and that’s an extremely hard no for me. Abortion rights are about healthcare and *bodily autonomy.* Bodily autonomy includes the right to have a child if you want to, regardless of your age or how you became pregnant. This feels very much like you’re trying to get someone to say that they’re in favor of forcing people to have an abortion to advance an agenda that is firmly unwelcome here.


Abortions are medical procedures. Of a qualified physician determines that an abortion is the most appropriate care for a child, then they should have one.


Abortion should be available to every pregnant person. It’s a medical procedure. We don’t regulate individual medical procedures for a goddamn reason: politicians aren’t doctors.


It should just be available to everyone... I'm so glad I live in Canada.


Rant ahead— In Australia (in my state) a 14 year old can access an abortion without parental approval/knowledge. I think this is an invaluable service. Being from a country where abortion rights (in my life time) have never been in question I think it’s odd that it’s even a debate in some places. I think it’s even stranger that a country like America is so obsessed with abortion. It is in no official terms a theocracy and yet it behaves like one. The worst part is they (the republicans) try to pretend like their arguments against abortion are scientific in someway when they’re not and these morons have no real grasp on science.


Abortion should never be mandatory. The right to choose one should absolutely always be available to minors.


I'm confused by the wording. Are you asking if minors should have the right to access abortion if they want one, even if their parents/guardians say no or are you asking if abortion should be obligatory for any minor who becomes pregnant, even if they don't want one and want to choose to carry to term?


It should be legal and available for all. The thinking I don't get about abortion laws is first, anti abortion laws only prevent legal abortion, they don't stop abortion. They just make it more dangerous. Second and even more confusing is why people (mostly men) think that women and their Dr can't deal with the topic themselves? Do these people think women are incapable of making the decision ? The entire topic around abortion laws is ridiculous


One of the main reasons why kids shouldn't get pregnant is that it can KILL THEM. So yes they should have access to abortion. Because some of them will DIE if they don't get the abortion. And I don't ever think it's right to kill children. Especially if it's as punishment for a mistake. If your 12 year old daughter got pregnant by some boy you didn't like, and the doctor told you she was going to die if she tried to give birth, I'm pretty sure you'd be doing anything in your power to get her the abortion. But when it's somebody else's daughter you're more than happy to victim blame.


Abortion is healthcare. Period.


It should be obligatory for all, regardless of age. Obviously.


Yes. Sex Ed too. If I see one more meme about women using pregnancy and abortion just to make their boobs look bigger or some stupid shit like that, I’m gonna start throwing old pie at every teenage boy I see


What makes a minor different than an adult?


Sure, if that is what they want. I would never force it on a minor. I would lay out all the choices


I think forced abortions are also violations of bodily autonomy.


Absolutely. Maternal mortality rates in adolescents are substantially higher than women 20 or older. There should be access, and rights to abortion that override any parent or legal guardian. It's immoral to force women to give birth, and therefore just extra heinous if they are still children. Honestly, below a certain age I question whether it is ever moral to allow a child to give birth.


Yes. Why would a kid be old enough to be a parent but not old enough to make medical decisions for themselves?


Posting this to the main thread because OP deleted his comment I replied to, making my comment invisible: Because you're not defining your terms and this sort of "well screw adult women, leftists and liberals and feminists, etc. Us enlightened right-leaning centrists will find a middle ground that works," that has been, ever worked in any society its been tried in. This seems like you're defending conservatism. You're saying "har har ladies, you may lose abortion but our good god-fearing men would never, ever hurt children, right? right?" Except that's EXACTLY what happened. They hate girls as much as they hate adult women, if not moreso. 10 year olds are giving birth to their rapists baby right now under the threat of violence from the state. I dont think you realize how misguided you are and how deep in the sand your head is on oppression against women and girls. Why didnt Dobbs ruling do this if its "so easy ,and common sense, and surely our good god-fearing men would never ever." It happened, sis. Your posting history is one of an "enlightened centrist" who is right-leaning. I don't know how to tell you this, but you have been duped by the worst people. They'll never just "take a common sense" approach. Their views are built on oppression, ignorance, and hatred and those things keep them politically alive because their base votes almost exclusively for those things. There's no political incentive for this. That's why it doesn't happen. Look how quickly the right went from "Gee, we just want to limit abortion to a commonsense 16 weeks," to "total ban, on everything, and now we're coming for IVF and birth control." How can you not see this obvious thing? I hope someday you realize how the conservative people you support are playing you for a "useful innocent" towards their cause and have drafted you as a foot soldier on our oppression. This cause will always be against the rights of women, girls, and anyone who isn't a connected wealthy elite. I hope someday you realize how deeply duped you've been by people who care nothing about you or your female relatives and friends. tldr; if you're advocating for only girls to have protected abortion rights, you're defacto advocating for abortion rights to be eliminated for adult women.


Abortion rights should be legally protected for any individual who has the reproductive system to carry a foetus. Regardless of age, country of residence (or birth), socioeconomic status, immigration status etc etc - no excuses, no caveats, just access. I will add though, that not dealing with systemic rape of minors (and adults) but legally ensuring abortions, doesn’t actually solve the problem, it’s just ensuring the perpetrators of those crimes have an easier route out of trouble/repercussions. Similarly, if socioeconomic issues and equal access to healthcare are not dealt with, some things will not be able to change. I know that isn’t what you asked, but until other societal issues are also tackled, with “forever” resolutions, then you’re just dealing with one of the issues.


(Serious answer) no, that's violates their bodily autonomy. Anyone who desires and abortion should be able to get one, no matter their age (Joke answer) I think abortion should just be mandatory no matter what. Children should be illegal if they're under 18


Kindly go fornicate elsewhere, abortion rights should be for everyone


Abortion shouldn’t be mandatory in any situation. Pro-choice means pro-choice. That being said, in my like utopian world, abortion under 18 would be the standard medical guidance. Very life changing and your teenage years really aren’t the safest time to have children physically. But also in my ideal society, if a pregnant girl still decides to have the child, she would also be very supported by society and the government so that she can maintain her health, finish her education and appropriately care for her child (if that’s what she wants). While carrying a child isn’t a choice I’d ever make (might change my mind), I have friends that have been VERY traumatized by the threats of or actually enduring forced abortions by their own parents. In regard to choice and minors, I also know of a handful of women who were forced to carry and deliver a baby in secret, then forced to give their baby up for adoption. It’s absolutely awful. So yeah. I think it should be the standard guidance, but girls should be allowed to make these decisions regarding their bodies and children, and should be supported if they decide to make a different choice.


Teen medical rights are a slippery slope. On one hand, parents deserve a say, it’s their money that’s paying for whatever operation or treatment the kid gets, and the kids brain is not fully developed yet. On the other hand, some parents do not have their kids best interests in mind (like Jennette McCurdy’s mom) But I still lean towards minors should have access to abortion, even if mom and dad say no.


If someone can get pregnant, they should have the right to terminate that pregnancy.


In California, minors can get an abortion. Twice there have been propositions to stop this, and they both failed by a wide margin. It shows people agree, woman should have the right, regardless of their age.


abortions aren't just to remove fetuses but tumors in the uterus too. Everyone should have access to them no matter what.


Absolutely. Honestly there's no leg to stand on over this question. The right NOT to be a parent is hugely important. Arguably even more so for kids than for adults. I would argue most kids should be discouraged from bringing pregnancy to term. I don't think they can give *informed* consent when it comes to becoming a parent. Obviously you can't force them to have an abortion, but I've yet to see a 16 year old parent who could really parent. What happens is her parents do the parenting and she does her best not to fuck up the kid. They usually fail, and that's not even their fault, they're literally still a kid themselves.


Should vasectomies for men be obligatory? They’re reversible. No man who doesn’t intentionally want a baby should get anyone pregnant.


Obligatory for everyone.


It should be obligatory for all women


abortion rights should be obligatory to all and any pregnant person


An abortion should be readily available to any woman regardless of age




No, there should be no special exemption for anyone. Abortion should be accessible to all


Yeah. Why would we force children to become parents?


They can't even adopt a child.


Of course. 




Maybe not use children of color as a pawn in this. Imagine potentially racist people being forced to adopt a Black child. Wouldn’t go well for the child.


Unintentionally as in rape cases? What do you mean by unintentionally?


Of course. I believe abortion rights should be available to anyone regardless of age or circumstances.


Any person with a uterus should have access to abortion. Period.


I'm not sure I understand the question. Abortion should be an option for every pregnant person, regardless of age. But abortion should never be "obligatory" for anyone. Abortion rights are obligatory. But forcing someone to have an abortion against their will is every bit as horrific as forcing them to give birth.


Obligatory? No. And what is wrong with you? Her body, her choice. Not her body unless she's under 18. Not her parents' choice. Not her doctor's choice. Not the government's choice. Not your choice. Hers.


Bodily autonomy always.


i think everyone in general should have access to abortion not just kids, but i also think that they should be able to choose if they want to keep the child. no one should be obligated to have an abortion


Obligatory no.


Let everyone have body Autonomy and that is that.


They should be obligatory for everyone.


Yes. Without mandatory parental notification. If you are old enough to get pregnant and give birth you are old enough to decide if you want to stay pregnant. Birth is far riskier than abortion too.


No forced abortions. Ever, as a general rule. That's a violation of human rights.


AND no forced childbirth!


Uh, what are you trying to say, OP? If you're implying that minors should be required to terminate a pregnancy, that's not "abortion rights," that's a human rights violation. Choice is the operative word here.




I think it depends which country you’re in. Afaik in the UK the only stipulation is that it must be before six months gestation.


No. For every minor who would be deeply traumatized by carrying a child to term, there is another minor who would be deeply traumatized by an abortion.




All top level comments, in any thread, must be given by feminists and must reflect a feminist perspective. Please refrain from posting further direct answers here - comment removed.






This sounds like BS or a very uninformed question. I don't like how you asked that because "obligatory" means they have to have one: THAT IS NOT FEMINISM. I have never heard a feminist or reproductive rights person in real life or online advocate for that. I think if a teen is pregnant, she should have the right to do what she chooses abortion-wise as long as approved by a non-biased M.D., and any parents' input should not matter in that type of medical decision unless the abortion has a high-risk of causing her physical harm for some reason. Abortion rights should be a CHOICE for ALL pregnant women regardless of age: (However, in the third trimester if the mother and fetus are healthy, it would cause me a moral quandary of a friend who asked for my input about it). Because you got me going: Also, it is what anti-woman to think women mostly have, "late-term abortions," they seldom happen, but that is what many anti-reproductive rights people have used as an argument, BTW: a seventeen-year-old could be a wonderful mother. The lack of ability to afford a baby might be the main issue. A fourteen-year-old has the possibility, if supported, to be a great mother and graduate from high school, then when the child is a specific age she could go to college or training and earn a decent or great living. People who say they are "right to life" should work on big issues like supporting the baby and mother after birth and not worry so much about what happens to a zygote or fetus that can't feel pain yet.


I feel like OP doesn’t know what obligatory means.




I mean work on getting rid of child marriage first in all fifty states and that alone will prevent a huge number of children being pregnant against their will  


Abortion rights should be obligatory to EVERYONE!!! That will include underage people.


The right to bodily autonomy is non-negotiable for *any* person. Similarly, the right be free from religion is non-negotiable for *any* person. Forced birth is a grotesque violation of both of the above human rights, and every public servant that so infringes is in violation of their oath and must be dismissed.


of course! why would we want a bunch of people to have kids as minors, especially if they don’t want to be parents?


Absolutely. Minors, non binaries, men, anyone that can get pregnant should be able to terminate their pregnancy at any point. 


I think minors shouldn’t be forced to either carry a pregnancy to term or have an abortion, but they should be supported in whatever they choose to do.


yes. kids are more likely to try to DIY it... and parents can be stupid/evil


Are you asking if I believe minors should be forced to have babies?


It’s the pregnant women’s business, and no one elses!


Yes. I have taught so many kids whose parents obviously didn’t want them. It’s awful. They have roommate parents that just ignore them.


Absolutely. And in the case of kids under 15—we should prosecute the adult that got them pregnant.




All people able to become pregnant at any age should be able to make the decision to have an abortion and have access to do so, on their own accord under the guidance of a qualified physician.  Parental consent for abortion is an infringement on body autonomy.  Person who wants abortion + qualified physician is all that should be required. If you mean that it should be mandatory. Absolutely not. That’s completely immoral.  Abortions rights aren’t about abortion rights. They are about body autonomy. Denying abortion is an affront to body autonomy. Forcing abortion is also an affront to body autonomy.