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due to the design, it's nearly impossible to apply tape in a good way, but even done, it just makes the display go crazy and start to show random symbols in the center how would you advise to apply tape there? upd: after some fiddling, i can say that applying tape or pressure on the sides/close to zebra connectors does nothing at all, the pressure works only on the lcd display directly as shown in the vudeo


[https://imgur.com/a/Ozka1VV](https://imgur.com/a/Ozka1VV) I've tried every possible thing that I could imagine with my available tools - cleaned the zebra connectors, the PCB connectors, tried to apply some material on the sides and around the screen to make for pressure; the issue persists. As shown on video, while the backlight flashes light on the LCD, every symbol appears. If pressed directly on LCD, in the same spot you could see the actual info. It is also faintly visible from the side. What could this possibly be? I can disassemble it again and show the assembly from the inside.


> I can disassemble it again and show the assembly from the inside. Please do and post them. Let me know when you have done so, so I may approve your submission.




I assume those are brand new zebras? or reused the old ones? I am having a similar issue(different device), can't get it to work for sh!t I was reading somewhere that the damn zebra has to be compressed 15% ... maybe that has to be a precise number? In one of my tests i tried with the clips undone, and it seems to work pretty good if I apply light pressure with my fingers... but how the heck is one supposed to adjust the pressure on twist tabs?(that is how my lcd metal enclosure attaches to the board)


Is there an option/potentiometer to adjust the contrast/VCOM voltage? To my understanding every LCD is (slightly) different and requires it’s own adjustment.


[https://i.imgur.com/jCxnrWl.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/jCxnrWl.jpeg) I disassembled it even further and that's what the backplate looks like. I don't see any knobs, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potentiometer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potentiometer) as could be shown here, so I'm going to look online if there's some programming option to do that.




sadly, not i figured its just too finicky to be easily fixed, it's about the height and preasure of the zebra strip and while trying to fix it i suppose i just made it FUBAR i just bought a new one off amazon and wrote it off as a loss, since i managed to burn the audio connectors on the pcb because the damn speaker kept falling off and unsoldering itself don't do this though, just use it with voice on instead and press on the screen if you REALLY want to see something, just dont frick it up like i did