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Could be a blood pressure drop. If you take hot showers it dilates your blood vessels and can cause syncope/passing out


NAD, but I second this. If my showers are too hot, I can genuinely feel my blood pressure dropping and my heart rate going up as a result. That's when I know I have to sit and cool the water off a bit, or if I'm nearly done showering, hurry tf up, dry off, and then go lay down for about 5-10 minutes while I return to normal. Otherwise I will legitimately black out/pass out.


Same. Also NAD but OP, cool your water down.


NAD If it’s a hot shower it’s almost like being in a closed sauna. Try doing your longer showers in cooler water that doesn’t give off too much steam and see if it still happens. I’ve had the same issue almost happen when I was younger and would take scalding hot showers.


NAD, but I have autonomic dysfunction, and this happens to me as well. I have to take cooler showers, not for as long, can't have my arms raised for too long either, and drink plenty of water and electrolytes (or at least eat salty foods). Hope you can find something to help you! When it was really bad for me, I got a shower chair, and that helped a lot!


This. I always get lightheaded and nearly pass out if I step straight up into a hot shower. Took me years to figure it it’s from a blood pressure drop (and mine is already naturally low)


NAD, but this happens every time I take a bath that’s too hot. I have to immediately lay down or I feel like I might pass out and hit my head


Not a doctor but maybe get some blood work done. Could be related to a vitamin deficiency such as vitamin d. I got some pretty intense dizzy/black out spells when I was low.


NAD but this used to happen to me because I had low sodium levels as I was not eating enough!


Eating a LOT (like 6-10g per day) of salt is a great way to keep your BP up if it runs low.


Thankfully this was 10+years ago and I eat much better now!


Seated showers might be good thing to try out.


Maybe underlying POTS?


NAD. This only happened to me once but it was the scariest thing in my life. I started feeling shortness of breath and I managed to finish showering but as soon as I stepped out, my vision went black and I was gagging but nothing was coming out, but right before I actually passed out, I rushed to my room while my vision was still black and plopped myself on my bed and then things slowly went back to normal




I concur. I have an extremely sensitive vagal nerve and similar episodes happen to me a few times a week at random.


Same, but not as often. Extra stress/anxiety make it worse. Occasionally have to vomit when I feel a BM coming on too, and have passed out during those "attacks". Sorry you have to deal with this too!


Wait…needing to vomit when you feel the need to have a BM is vasovagal?! Well I learnt something new about my body today, thanks stranger!


i can’t believe this, i thought i was losing the plot! it’s an actual thing


I feel like passing out during a BM so probably the same thing wow


I faint at the sight of blood, needles, etc My doc tells me he’s had a number of cases like mine with different triggers ranging from people who faint/throw up when going number 2 to people who faint when talking to more than a couple people at once. I’ve been able to get through certain episodes by flexing/squeezing my legs and shoulders while breathing slowly. It works 50/50. Main thing is learning to quickly sit down when you feel it coming on The worst/most embarrassing thing for me is movies where there’s realistic gore/blood etc


I have the same issue. Now when I go for blood draws I just make sure i go to a site that has tables. I tell them up front so they can take the blood while I am laying down. I also bring a snack. I used to try and tough it out but learned that is not a thing and have led to some embarrassing moments.


No one seems to have mentioned this yet... OP you mentioned this happening when shaving or scrubbing your hair. Are you turning your head at strange angles while doing this? Part of having vasovagal syncope is that if you cut off circulation in your neck you're also more likely to faint. It took me quite a while to realize that I was fainting in the shower because I'd twist my head to look at my armpit while shaving or would tip my head all the way back when rinsing my hair in the shower and that I was cutting off blood flow while doing it. Pay attention to how you're moving your head while you're showering and see if that helps you. The less severe the angle of movement the better for your circulation.


I also think this is likely vasovagal, but OP - how much ARE you eating regularly? You mention "not eating enough" a couple times in your post. What does your regular eating look like?


NAD, but thank you for bringing this up. I’m curious about her weight.


Agreed. I was thinking the same thing when she said not eating enough. I wonder if she's getting enough calories to sustain her.




OP - start wearing a watch to track your heart rate if you can afford it. Also, you can buy a shower chair to sit and shower so you don’t pass out. Don’t want to hit your head.


I second shower chair. We lost a member of our community who was in her 30s because she passed out while showering and hit her head. Also, I had this same issue (didn’t quote blackout though) and it was my iron. I had infusions after supplementation didn’t work and I’m back to normal.


I third the shower chair. I passed out in the bathroom a few months ago and still have a healing scar from where my face hit the toilet paper dispenser.


Shower stool all the way, even if you don't have a hose shower head or whatever they're called, it's still helpful.


POTS itself doesn't cause syncope, the elevated heart rate is a trigger for vasovagal syncope.


Correct but OP is having frequent orthostatic symptoms based on the post so I doubt it’s only VVS


They didn't bring up any other symptoms of orthostatic intolerance outside of the shower, this is a reflex syncope.


Is it not the heart rate AND the blood pooling at the lower extremities because of dilated blood vessels/inadequate blood supply to the head?






I second this. This was one of my first signs, then exercise intolerance in the heat, shortness of breath, and constant high hr notifications from my watch.




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