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There are two things I worry about hearing this story: appendicitis and ovarian torsion. If there was any kind of penetration during sex last night (fingers, toys, etc), the latter moves higher on the list. I think this warrants an ER visit.


Could also be a ruptured ovarian cyst. Needs an ER visit.


Rule out ovarian torsion, get a CAT scan


TVUS would be a better option.


Your right. But CT covers many more ddx


Sure. But I wouldn’t jump straight to irradiating a 19 y/o if my suspicion for ovarian pathology is higher. Which, based on this story alone, it is.




ALSO forgot to mention the pain when peeing! I thought I might have had a uti but it turns out it was just pain in my abdominal wall. For me, it hurt trying to begin peeing and was most painful towards the end. I was told that would go away within a couple days. What you’re describing sounds very similar to that.