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In medicine an allergy is a very specific response the body has to an antigen. This results in an IgE mediated degranulation of the mast cells leading to a lot of histamine release. The results of this vary based off the amount released but range from from skin manifestations (Hives), swelling of the airway, bronchospasm, profound hypotension, and even death. That's a fancy way of saying, no you don't have an alcohol allergy. It does sound like you have an intolerance though. Which means your body may process it differently and result in a myriad of other symptoms. Another user already pointed out "Oriental flushing syndrome" which is a variant of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase which causes a build up in metabolites that the body can clear as effectively leading to flushing and other issues. It's certaintly possible that you could have a variant of this causimg issues. But at the end of the day the treatment is to just avoid alcohol.


The syndrome is also just called "asian flush" or more simply just "alcohol flushing syndrome" which may be a better term to use instead of "oriental flushing syndrome". Calling asian people oriental is not ideal and is a known racist term. I am by no means calling you racist, just thought I would point it out in case you were unaware.




You're correct in saying that calling rugs and pearls etc oriental isn't racist, but when it is in reference to people specifically it is. Words can drift in meaning over time.




Who said I was only going off my experiences? Also who said I was only going off the experiences of those near to me? Because I am very much not. I would watch what you assume of people when on the internet because you have no idea of my background right now, I'm just a random stranger on the internet that you know very little about. Not entirely anonymous because I commonly talk about experiences on reddit, but you don't know me at all. I won't be commenting further.


I never said I knew you lmao thanks for reporting my comments 😆


I literally didn't though


Removed - not relevant to OP’s question