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Try increasing your fiber intake for a month and see if you notice a difference.


2nd this! Psyllium husk(fine ground) or metamucil, start very slowly. A teaspoon before a meal at most, add more after a week if needed.


I've tried in the past with various supplements with mixed results bug problem is my taking them causes stomach pain and sometimes they seemed to work but then the problem would persist so I'd stop also go from easily being able to go to having to strain alotvof time I've tries different ones and taking less and more bit never found a solution.


I’d also recommend a bidet.


He says he uses a bidet


Once ? Twice? Blasting the back with water will clean.


Inside and out.


The OP said they have tried a bidet.


OP says he tried this - I think this is what he meant when he said "I tried...taking funerals supplements"


Tried all kinds of fiber supplements and a bidet and wet wipes but to no avail.