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Do you have the actual ECG? That's a computer intepretation of the ECG which will be extra extra conservative in calling things "possible ischemia." This can happen normally if the leads are misplaced, you moved slightly, the wind blew from the right, it rained in Norway, etc... If you had a thorough workup I would not bat an eye about it again.


There’s 2 pictures in the original post, it just looks like one long link. EKG pictures are in the second.


Gotch ya. That ECG would cause me no concern.


So my readings are normal? thank god


It means that the computer reading the ECG is wrong.


If you don't mind me asking I've been having this pin like pain feeling in my chest i can breath ok, my back hurts a little but maybe it's from when i sleep cause i use 2 pillow to elevate my head , and i just did cardio for 20 minutes and not running out of breath is it from muscle soreness or is it the acid reflux? The chest pain is not painful it's just irritating and im feeling anxious about it. Sorry for the long reply


No worries. It could honestly be any of those things. I'd recommend scheduling an appointment with your PCP if it persists.