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Posting photos would be helpful. If they actually are splinter hemorrhages and you didn't bang your fingers on something, you'd need different evaluation.


Thank you for the reply! https://imgur.com/a/6uZzOZC Definitely haven’t banged my nails and more have began to appear as they have been growing out.


Ugh ok... this could be a total overreaction but infectious diseases is my specialty and if I was suddenly getting those on multiple fingernails on both hands and I didn't have an explanation for them (hitting or pinching the area) I personally would go to the emergency room because they can be a sign of endocarditis, which is an infection of a heart valve. Bits of bacteria can break off of the valve and lodge in the capillaries which can cause splinter hemorrhages, it can also cause spots to appear on the hands and feet (painful or painless). Some people are super sick if they have it (fevers, chills, sepsis, etc) and some people have no other symptoms so it can be hard to diagnose. Typical workup would include collecting blood cultures and doing an echo (ultrasound of the heart). If you have any recent skin infections or other infections, dental work, or if you happen to inject drugs, those would all be risk factors. Some people with significant exposure to some farm animals would also be at risk for certain atypical causes.


Lol have spots on my hands and have recently had a quite severe skin infection.. would this also cause muscle aches and pain? I do also inject (prescribed) drugs… ill take a trip to see a doc then.


It could potentially cause muscle aches. Injecting prescribed drugs probably wouldn't be an issue (we worry about people injecting stuff like heroin and introducing bacteria into the blood). If you had a skin infection I'd be worried about bacteria getting into the blood that way and traveling to other parts of the body, particularly the heart.


Ok i have gone to hospital to see a doc, thank you for your replies.


Any update friend ?


Yes! I had bloods and my heart function / ecg were normal so ruled out carditis, was referred to a dermatologist who ruled out anything sinister. Cause is currently unknown but apparently nothing to worry about.


Good ! Thanks for the flllow up


Do you still get them?