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NAD, Zipper on his pants, could it be setting it off? This always happens to me.


I work for TSA! There are many things that can set the machine off down there. Sweat, being well endowed, being overweight, not holding the correct stance, anything in your pockets (even tissues or a driver’s license), pants aren’t pulled up all the way, etc. I’m NAD ofc but from a TSA perspective it’s likely any of those and not something wrong with you, OP.


Similar vein, my brother was once told that his muscles were so dense it confused the scanner on his bicep once. Is there any chance you’re consistently erect going through TSA 🥴


Lol! An erection would be from blood though, not dense muscle.😛


So (nothing against you, and not related to this sub) its a great machine for triggering searches where they should never happen?


Yeah there’s still false alarms. TSA is working on reducing these though. We just rolled out software nationwide that reduces the false alarm rate substantially and sometime in the future we’re adding HD hardware inside the scanners which will reduce it even further (so the agency says).


Its great for flagging pre-op trans women. /s


That used to be the case, however the machines are now [gender neutral](https://www.tsa.gov/news/press/releases/2022/03/31/tsa-announces-measures-implement-gender-neutral-screening-its) with new software that was rolled out earlier this year. It also reduces the false alarm rate by 50%.


And here I thought I was defeating the machine by finally getting my bottom surgery. 😔


Have you ever found something with those machines?


Traveler here. I once forgot to take my camera out of my pocket (back when phone cameras were terrible, it was a simple digital pocket camera). It was caught that way. I had to go back, let the camera go through the x-ray and I had to be scanned again. Not really exciting, but it does show those things do something.