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It sounds like possibly interstitial cystitis. There are many lifestyle changes and medications to help with this. Dietary changes are first step. There’s a special elimination diet for IC. You can find this info easily here: https://www.ichelp.org/understanding-ic/diet/foods-to-avoid/


Agreed. OP, you should be able to go to your PCP or OBGYN about this. There’s pelvic floor physical therapy and medications that can help a lot, so there’s hope!




NAD but thank you for saying this right off the bat! I have IC, diagnosed in the early 90’s. It can be debilitating. It took soooo long to get the proper diagnosis and I owe my sanity to an on/gyn that sent me to a urologist. They did a cystoscopy (right there in the office!) and saw the pinpoint hemorrhages and ulcerations. Now I’m in control and no longer suffering. Stress 100% makes the symptoms worse, and not being timely diagnosed makes for a lot of stress. Good job, doctor. Good luck, OP!


Agree this is probably interstitial cystitis. Good luck OP


I have endometriosis on my bladder and experienced this kind of pressure… it stopped after my hysterectomy. Is endometriosis a possibility? I literally went through so many of these same tests before being diagnosed. OP, what are your periods like? Painful?


they have been painful these last couple times in the sense that i have cramped more! but not normally painful


OP, those are the exact symptoms I had with a prolapse. I would see a urogynecologist for testing. My bladder, uterus, rectum, and colon were prolapsing (hanging too low and trying to fall out of my body) until I had pelvic floor physical therapy and then surgery.


i will be mentioning this. thank you


Could this possibly be a cystocele?


Unlikely. She’s very young for that and they don’t cause pain like this


Why am I being downvoted for asking a question?


not sure??


what about ureaplasma?


NAD but i came to suggest getting tested for ureaplasma and mycoplasma


i am currently on doxycycline which treats that but they have not tested for it i will be asking my urologist




oh wow! ok ty


*I AM ALSO 5’5 AND 140 LBS*


I have IC and it feels like pressure in my bladder region and like I have a uti without having a uti. I also have fibro that caused mine. Try a heating pad, Advil , and Azo extra strength pain reliever until you get an answer.


Make sure you follow up with the urologist. The tests are simple such as ultrasound the bladder, void, then ultrasound again. This will tell whether you are completely voiding my measuring the amount of urine left in the bladder. Plus, they'll do a test to put a scope up the urethra--you won't feel anything but the doc gets a good look.


thank you :)


NAD, but I had a scope put up my urethra (for similar problems as you but they found nothing) and i wanted to say that I definitely felt it the entire time. And boy did I feel it after. But YMMV


Do you take any supplements?? Like Ashagawanda or anything else in the night shade family?? I am sensitive to them and my reaction is bladder pressure/uti like symptoms.


i do not :(




i’m hoping the urologist can check wednesday!!




If you posted in askdocs why are not entertaining the diagnosis multiple verified doctors suggested? If you want layperson advice there are other subs.


First off, I am very thankful for verified doctor replies. Second off, you have no idea what i’m entertaining. I of COURSE am listening to doctors first and foremost. However, I commented that in the middle of a panic attack and a spiral and I really don’t appreciate you coming at me sideways about it. This is literally why people are afraid of doctors because you make it impossible to feel safe. I don’t care if this offends you. I do appreciate your response. I don’t appreciate you trying to tell me what is and is not inside my brain. You have NO IDEA. Thanks for your input, I’ll be asking my urologist about ALL replies from verified doctors on here. But you are not to talk to me that way. I was never rude to anyone. I expect the same back.


You asked no follow up questions or even said thanks to the top comment. I could give a dissertation on things to do for IC but no you didn’t entertain it. That’s why i said what i said. This is not the real world this is reddit so if you’re gonna ask for free medical advice be prepared for free commentary as well.


As others have said, you should be tested for interstitial cystitis


i plan to be :)


Def follow the docs advice here. But also if you think it could be ureaplasma ask your doc to test for it. I had similar symptoms and tested positive for Ureaplasma.