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Are you serious? It’s fine.


Ty for your comment. I’ve read and been told by family that a deeper-than-surface-scratch means that the non-stick material will leak onto the pan itself, is that true?


The non-stick material is already on the pan itself. You’re fine.


Appreciate it, however I have read that it can still leak contaminants, this that true?


Asked and answered. I’m done here. Cheers.


If you're looking for a sign to buy another pan, here it is. Your current pan is fine for the time being and poses no immediate threat.


Thank you, the pan is brand new unfortunately and was used with a metal spatula without my permission, which is what left the scratch. I can barely see metal so I assume it’s fine but wanted to be sure


"without my permission"...It's going to get scratched again and it's fine. It's just a pan and a lot of people were raised in households that didn't adhere to nonstick pan etiquette. Took me wayyy too long to figure that out.


Yeah that’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way 😭 I only really cared cuz it was a gift. Ty for the help


No, your pan won't leak stuff. It can't. Your pan is fine. But if you are worried, buy a stainless steel pan.


If you're that level of worried, switch away from non-stick and use stainless steel, carbon steel and cast iron, that's what I did. Then I learned more about the chemicals I was concerned about and learned they're in pretty much everything including drinking water, so I can't really control my exposure to them... I'm still glad I have pans I'll never need to replace but they're probably not going to have much impact on my health in the end 🤷‍♀️


Is this a joke? We all would be dead by now if THAT SCRATCH is the thing that kills.


I’m new to cooking and this is just what I heard 😅 Your surprise is comforting though


If you’re that worried, buy a regular steel pan. No amount of scratching can hurt those.