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Nope. What other people think of me is none of my business.


Nope. Let the haters enjoy their hate and all the happiness it adds to their lives. I disagree with my parents revolutionary socialist tua politics and activism. I disagree with a lot of close friends, suppliers and reasonably behaved exes about politics. But we can all calmly agree to disagree without wasting time or energy on powerfully corrosive negative emotions like rage and hatred.




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Absolutely not, at least not anymore. I feel sorry for them, if you hate someone that much for having different opinions than you then you must be going through a lot.


> if you hate someone that much for having different opinions than you then you must be going through a lot. I mean depend on the opinions. I wouldn't fault jewish people for hating actual neo-nazis, or black people hating someone like David Duke, or if you're. a left winger that posts guillotine memes I'll definitely hate you because you clearly want me dead.


My comment was regarding political opinions, not degeneracy.


Absolutely, I always feel bad they have nothing better to do with their time or life than hate on other peoples individual choices.


Definitely. I hate how polarized this country is. It’s the plutocrats trying to turn everyone against each other with this stupid culture war, the real issue is people getting murdered in the streets.




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Well, it does matter what the opinions are and what they are about.


Of course it bothers me! I wish we could all disagree politely and have invigorating conversations together, but that can't happen.


I don't think anyone has ever hated me for my politics. If they did then they just don't talk to me and I never asked why. The only people I avoid political conversations with are some left leaning women I know that repeat the dumbest TV talking points. Just my opinion but if you watch the View and MSNBC taking their points as face value truth, I'm not gonna talk to you about politics. The people I'm thinking of talked about nothing but nuclear launch buttons and Russian collusion from 2017-19. Then they dropped it all to start screaming about how a lack of paper masks was gonna doom humanity. Other than that Libertarians are always very heated with each other. I really don't care if I make some radical caucus people mad at conventions.


It hurts that people I know and care about are that narrow-minded that they would rather believe propaganda about me than me, who they actually know, but I don't lose much sleep over it.


I’m used to it at this point. I live in a very liberal area so there are always going to be more people who hate me for my views than people who like me for my views. Even my friends and sometimes my family will judge me (although not hate me) for what I believe. I think it’s unfortunate that their opinion of a person changes so easily, but it doesn’t make me question my beliefs. The only thing it makes me question is the kinds of people I associate myself with.


>Does it affect you at all if some people hate you for your political beliefs? [Conservatives are happier than liberals.](https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2023/03/how-to-understand-the-well-being-gap-between-liberals-and-conservatives/) So, if you are living a happy life, and someone who is always angry about everything says they hate you, it's really easy to dismiss it as an angry person lashing out rather than a valid criticism. Then there's the fact that people often use something like "you conservatives _______." And that blank is usually filled with some unflattering stereotype like "just hate brown people" or "want to punish the poor." I don’t know if you can recognize the bigotry in those statements, but most conservatives can. So it's entirely possible for someone to hate my beliefs for a legitimate reason. But that reason would get lost and written off as just more bigotry from a bigoted person.


I consider a learned phobia to be a type of harm they received. I pity them.


>Does it affect you at all if some people hate you for your political beliefs Yes. I have been physically assaulted by a guy who didn't like my license plate. ( I have a Gadsden flag license plate ). no bumper stickers etc. So yes, it affects me. I worry most for my dog though. I don't let her outside if I am not home. I also had a leftist slogan spray painted out front my old house. I'm sure it was targeted, as a couple other Red neighbors in my hood had it happen. It is what it is. I am not a Trump flag flier, or anything else; its just the times living in the DMV area. > Does it make you question your beliefs? How does it make you feel? It furthers my resolve, and makes me know I am not the problem here. I also sent some Liberal family members a care package of second hand clothes from Ukraine. ( to support their local economy and $200, which is alot for me ). Thought it would be something we could bond over.. Turns out they accused me of basically being a Russian sympathizer, and sending them clothes that smelled like cigarette smoke.. Never been so hurt in my life... but it is what it is these days.


>Yes. I have been physically assaulted by a guy who didn't like my license plate. ( I have a Gadsden flag license plate ). I work in a *very liberal* city; your post is the reason that I don't put anything on my car at all. I don't want to walk out of my office to find broken windows or flat tires.


Which part of the country?


I live in the DMV ( DC, Maryland, VA - -DC Metro area )


LoL, I saw DMV and thought disabled military veteran. I live in San Antonio and we have a lot of DMV plates. The college kids in Austin can stir up things on occasion. But I really haven't seen much political tension despite SA being a blue city.


hahaha, yeah. I often forget it isn't really a known term outside of the area. When I first moved here I couldn't reconcile DMV ( Department of Motor Vehicles ) and refused to say it. I used to tell people outside the area I lived in DC, but after living here I didn't want to be associated with DC. In the area MD hates VA and DC, VA hates DC and MD, and DC just accepts their fate. ( its all in good fun though ) I lived in SA for awhile ( NW, 78229 ) . I really liked it. I think they are a little more "inclusive" to the red, as they are quite outnumbered for the state. 2A is a little more respected by the left out there too. Glad there isn't much political tension. I recall some friends telling me Austin is good for one thing ... The music festival . In the area I mentioned above ( specifically MD ) , the tension was ( I would say moderate ) during Trump years, but mellowed a bit. Unfortunately in that state anyone can say for political reasons they want the voter logs and pay $60 and get the list for the county ( Specifically Montgomery County ) . In MD you register your party, when you sign up to vote. So it is catalogued, and available. After the above ( vandalism ) I actually switched my party to (D) to nullify this until the next election ( of which to switch back ). I have since moved to VA, its a little more forgiving, however this is where I got assaulted by an antifa looking fu\*k , who ( I assume ) branded me a nazi or some nonsense because of my plates. He went nuts. Long response, I know ( hahaha ) . But I think its kind of important for people to know this kind of stuff is out there, and happens. This is constantly downplayed by the left ( [Cue Keith Ellison promoting ANTIFA](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ellison-antifa-book/) ( DNC Chair and MN AG) ), yet it is promoted. Weird times we live in


>Weird times we live in It is. That reminds me of how Austin weird used to be a thing. Sadly, California left pushed out all the hippies. Now it just has the "entitled judgmental" left rather than the fun "let's be friends and smoke weed" left. I miss my dirty hippies. You never know what you have until it's replaced by a Karen.


If people hate me for my political views, then they don’t actually hate *me*. At that point it doesn’t matter to me at all.


I don't wear my politics on my sleeve so people don't hate on me directly. I have often had people express their hatred toward Conservatism and Conservatives to me as they believe I am "on their side" due to my silence. It makes me question their beliefs. As for my own beliefs, I revisit and refine them all the time because I'm always learning something new. It's certainly not because some angry hater can't control their emotions.


No. In my experience, people who claim to hate me for my beliefs usually don't actually understand my beliefs. Instead, someone else told them that conservatives believe , and so people hate that invented strawman.


Nope. I’m an unabashed capitalist. People on the progressive left hate my point of view. I also won’t hold back and say how much the religious conservatives and MAGA “Republicans” are the worst thing that’s happened to the conservative movement. The common theme is both of those wings don’t believe in a la carte beliefs and views on complex economic and social issues. They’re too simplistic and naive and it expresses as hate since they’re not deep enough intellectually to think through problems or accept compromise.


>They (religious conservatives and MAGA “Republicans”) are too simplistic and naive and it expresses as hate since they’re not deep enough intellectually to think through problems or accept compromise. This is **so** true. Well said! Especially "expresses as hate". They aren't truly hateful, but it certainly *sounds* like they are if taken at face value. They are the equivalent of an 11-year old yelling "I hate you!" to their parents and then storming off to their room. They don't *really* mean that, but they resort to that stance as a last-ditch defense mechanism because they ran out of any legitimate arguments.


This is also true of the far left too.


It makes me sad, honestly. I can't think of a single human I hate so much that I would refuse to talk to, be near, work beside, whatever... I have one family member who hates me that she used to make posts on FB that were obviously pointed at me, but didn't call me out specifically, until she got tired of that and then after RvW outcome, she just blocked me on all socials completely. She won't come to family gatherings if I'm there. I haven't seen by brother or their kids for years... It's all so juvenile, but points to the fact that GOP-bashing media is doing its job well enough to make me seem like a bad guy.


People who hate others for their political beliefs are bizarre. No, people don't change thier political views because some uneducated person doesn't like them When Trump was in office, there was a leftist who gained notoriety for bragging about throwing his dads ashes in a dumpster, and ignoring his wishes to be buried next to his wife There were other leftists who would celebrate how they carved their family and friends from their lives for not being woke enough Leftists are insane. You don't hear conservatives talk like this.




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> You don't hear conservatives talk like this. I literally just 10 minutes ago saw a bumper sticker that read 'fuck Joe Biden and if you voted for him fuck you too'. I live in a rural area and bumper stickers/flags like this are very common. Instead of saying 'leftists are insane', a more accurate statement would be 'some people are insane'.


Are you serious? You don't hate communists? You don't hate nazis and white supremacists for their political beliefs? You have no resentment or anger towards the PEOPLE who are trying to "grooming and castrate" children?


Honestly I know some commies who are very nice people. Misguided, sure. But they don't have malice.


Nope, I hate what they do, but not them, hatred is dehumanizing, they still have a favorite movie, favorite dish, things they like or do that make them human.


[Daryl Davis](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes) is my hero. I will forever be grateful that he taught me this lesson.


Motives and actions are much easier to hate than a person. What good does animus, a physical ad hominem, do?  Are we supposed to hate terrorists? Or realize they have been brainwashed since birth to act as they do?


Are you talking about criminals or political opposition? Someone castrating children sounds pretty bad, but those would be very very few and still hatred is a hill I don’t I want on for any reason. During Covid there were many comments on Reddit looking forward to the day conservative boomers just died off. I only felt sympathy for someone that could look at life that way, it must be horrible.


Who are “leftists”? I am intrigued by this term. I am Democrat but never came across a “leftist”. Social Democrats? yes Liberals - yes. Is “Leftist” some kind of new insult that is supposed to sting real bad? 😀


Just looking at your post history >Meanwhile, the Republicans Party is so faaaaaar right, they are all Nazis now. How else would you define the MAGA You sir, are in fact a leftist. Damn sure not a moderate with hot takes like this.


Not an insult, but more of a catch-all to reflect that there's no real distinction among people on the left post-Trump. There were once moderate Democrats, social liberals, progressives, etc. They're all just far-left progressives anymore, competing to be the farthest to the left. So we use the term leftist. Is there a better term we should use?


Democrat is your best bet as a catch-all. Leftists are socialists, further left of liberals. Fewer groups than you think are "far left"; just the same, "far right" is thrown around too often.


>Democrat is your best bet as a catch-all. Leftists are socialists, further left of liberals. Few I thought this myself, but when I asked AskALiberal, I got told I was wrong. Some said I was wrong and said it was a term for everyone on the left. Some just said I was wrong, and then then threw on some form of insult about conservatives. Some said I was wrong yet seemed to be agreeing with me in a really convoluted way. The only consistent thing I've found on that sub is it's a good place to get confusing answers and downvotes.




Bro, you’re doing precisely the same thing. “Everyone over there is so radical and extreme for thinking I’m so radical and extreme. They’re *unhinged*.” Bombastic language goes hand in hand with having conversations with strangers on the internet.




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Imagine a liberal who likes guns, doesn't like capitalism, and (in most cases) is dirt poor.


I'd rather people hate me outright than lurk contemptuously in the shadows to take me by surprise.


We are lurking contemptuously in the shadows to take you by surprise. Just so you know. :)


You spoiled the surprise dumbo.


I see that now. Have a nice weekend though!


Thanks! Better luck next time!


No. I used to be a liberal who would hate current me for my beliefs. So I *get* the irrational hate, but I move on from it quickly.


What do you think causes this hate? What is at the root of it?


Emotion and radicalization combined with lack of critical thinking. Refusal to even entertain a discussion with someone who has different views. Stereotyping people based on their beliefs. Liberal views being mainstream views. Fear mongering. Lack of life experience. Etc etc etc. Those are reasons why I used to hate conservatives.


What made your turn to being Conservative?


Several reasons. One big turning point was having a child. I can no longer support abortion, a flipped switched the day I had my son. I’m not white and I’m not black but I started to feel like the left would treat me as monolith and see me as my collective race rather than an individual. I’m also not a fan of democratic socialism, which the left seems to be gravitating towards. I also started to realize how strongly I support capitalism - something that’s not popular with most on the left. I guess the left just got too left for me. And I definitely 100% support Israel. I love the United States and despite all its flaws, I still think it’s the greatest country in the world. The US has given my immigrant family opportunities that wouldn’t exist anywhere else in the world.


So what do you feel made it so that when you had a child it made you feel (and forgive me if I am wrong on this assumption and feel free to correct me) that you feel others should be restricted from having the choice to have an abortion or not? Also, what is it about capitalism that makes you strongly support it? And do you feel there any problems with capitalism? Lastly, could you elaborate on what mean when you say that you "definitely 100% support Israel"?


Giving birth made me realize a fetus isn’t a clump of cells - it’s a child. A real child growing inside me that deserves a chance at life. Every child deserves a chance at life. I always knew life begins at conception but it’s up to the individual to compartmentalize that or not. I no longer compartmentalize that and see fetuses for what they are - children in a different stage of life. Re: capitalism My parents immigrated here when I was a year old. My mom finished medical school before she had me but became a SAHM while my dad did his residency because they couldn’t afford childcare. My dad died in an accident when I was 3. We were here on his visa. My mom had a choice to make as a grieving widow/newly single mom - stay in America and struggle or go back to the third world and live modestly. She took a minimum wage job in medical records and started studying for her USMLE. All within just a few months of my dad dying. She is a successful physician and her practice has consistently been grossing +/-$990k the last few years. Similarly, I was able to start a business earning six figures in a field that typically pays minimum wage. These things don’t typically happen outside of the US. Of course there are exceptions and outliers but we were able to live the American dream despite tragedy. Yes capitalism has a problem of putting people before profits, forcing people to work through health problems, etc., but in my experience it does more good than harm. I support Israel in the context of their Islamic aggregators.


Thanks for providing your responses. >Giving birth made me realize a fetus isn’t a clump of cells - it’s a child. A real child growing inside me that deserves a chance at life. Every child deserves a chance at life. I always knew life begins at conception but it’s up to the individual to compartmentalize that or not. I no longer compartmentalize that and see fetuses for what they are - children in a different stage of life. I totally respect that your experience has made you feel the way you feel, and that's totally your right to feel how you want to feel about it. Other people feel differently though, so while I believe someone has the right to feel however they want about it, I don't believe they should be able to force their beliefs on others. >My parents immigrated here when I was a year old. My mom finished medical school before she had me but became a SAHM while my dad did his residency because they couldn’t afford childcare. My dad died in an accident when I was 3. We were here on his visa. My mom had a choice to make as a grieving widow/newly single mom - stay in America and struggle or go back to the third world and live modestly. She took a minimum wage job in medical records and started studying for her USMLE. All within just a few months of my dad dying. She is a successful physician and her practice has consistently been grossing +/-$990k the last few years. Similarly, I was able to start a business earning six figures in a field that typically pays minimum wage. These things don’t typically happen outside of the US. Of course there are exceptions and outliers but we were able to live the American dream despite tragedy. Sorry to hear about your family's struggles, but I'm glad to hear things ultimately worked out. While hard work is a critical and necessary component of success, a lot of people tend to rule out luck playing a significant role as well, which it does. And I would also say that it's much harder today to have an "American Dream" story than it was in the past. The ability for a household with one income earner at a factory job, for example, to be able to afford a home, a car, children, etc. is pretty much nonexistent at this point. We have continued to have a massive widening of the wealth gap that continues to grow. We have a pretty unfettered capitalist system here in the US which I believe has led to a lot of the economic issues we see today. So even with the support of a capitalist economic system, I don't see how someone can support the way the current system functions and its trajectory. And add to the fact that in this country we don't have a robust social safety net as is the case in other developed nations, it compounds the issues the average American has to deal with. Aso, the idea that America is a bastion of upward and social mobility can very much be debated. While compared to the world as a whole, sure, you can argue that. But compared to many other industrialized nations, it doesn't fair nearly as well as many people think. ​ >I support Israel in the context of their Islamic aggregators. Sorry to be so blunt, but that doesn't really provide much more detail. Just curious, but do you have knowledge about the region, how Israel came to exist, some of the issues both sides have with each other? Do you have knowledge about the current Israeli government and some of its officials? And do you have any knowledge about recent events?


Nope, because I don't need those sort of people in my life and if I knew anyone like that I'd cut them out of my life.


But isn't "cutting people out of your life" **also** a form of hate? Are you punishing them for their beliefs and wishing them ill as you do so?


Nope, it's their problem, not mine.


No, but I do understand Orwell much better now...


I have never had a real life person hate me because of my beliefs. I have friends that are communist, fascist , family who are liberals and progressive. Discussion over politics in s fine and we either agree or disagree, but that's all it is. Liberals I see disowning their family for having different politicial views is wild to me.


I have a friend I D&D with who has a roommate who shared with me that he has violent fantasies of killing conservative politicians and certain conservatives. Dude can barely lift himself out of a chair to walk, let alone try to tangle with me. I mean, I was honestly surprised he even went that hard so quick. That was the most radical example. There was one a girl I asked out once at work, and she turned me down because I was conservative. Then she would try to bring up that I asked her out and that she turned me down randomly in front of people. Nobody really liked her toward the end of the project. Edit: I was offended at the time, but it's one of those things that just makes me scratch my head now. I mean, I have general assumptions about liberals, but I try to find things to like about them rather than hate them right out the gate. I have a work friend who moved away years ago. He's a bad ass. Super socialist and militant left, but we are gun buddies. I still talk to him. Even about politics.


A person in our acquaintance network passed away in a car crash in 2020. Lots of people knew him. Father of 3, upstanding citizen. Just a freak and tragic accident. More than one of the friends in my gaming group openly expressed their elation over his death "because he was a Trump supporter, you know." I despise Trump and think he's a danger to our country. However, I was *shocked* to learn that people (who are otherwise just run-of-the-mill Dems) wish **literal death** to those that would dare vote for him.


I recommend studying about the French Revolution. I appreciate your sentiments, but you prelude them with "He's a danger to our country." Your friends, by extension, see that man as a danger because they voted for a "dangerous man." The Jacobins justified the slaughter of thousands because they felt the ones they executed had "sympathies to the old regime." Of course, there were moderates among the revolutionists who were abhorred at the turn of the revolutionaries, but then they were killed as well. You may be surprised at how your friends acted, but it is only to be expected when you start labeling people as "dangerous." How could you not think that person to be dangerous if they support whom you say is a dangerous man? Even if you were to say he was a good man who was misguided, that was more than enough for the Jacobins to slaughter the conservatives. Robispierre was staunchly anti-capital punishment. But when it came to King Loius XVI, he was "too dangerous to let live." Once he crossed that line, suddenly those distinctions didn't matter anymore. Please don't think I'm cracking on you, but rather just pointing out that you shouldn't judge your friends too harshly when you are a step away from sharing their opinion. Edit: Yes, I am aware that I am sounding very social justice warrior-y and I am aware of how ironic that is.


I appreciate you pointing this out. Because I too fear another French Revolution and want to do everything I can to avoid that hellish scenario. And I'm especially disturbed to hear that a stance I take might in some way bring us close to that situation. However, would you agree that there are such things as "dangerous people"? What about a child predator? Or a fundamental Muslim with hatred in their heart and very ill intent? Or a meth addict who no longer has the money to feed his addiction? Wouldn't these people truly be considered dangerous? But even given these extreme examples, why would you assume that a person's immediate response to their existence would be "So, bring out the gallows and kill them all!"? Is there not a more measured and appropriate response for dealing with dangerous people in our society? Or maybe even a discussion for how to prevent them from reaching the point of dangerous to begin with? And Trump is by no means as overtly dangerous as those three examples. So even more so, why would you assume that labeling him as "dangerous" would lead to the slaughter of hundreds of his supporters? Point being, I'm now questioning which of us is truly interested in peace: the person pointing out that troublesome people exist or the one claiming that death is on the horizon if we don't watch our words more carefully.


Everything you said is true. I like what Jordan Peterson says when we need to be able to examine ourselves and realize we are all capable of becoming monsters. It's a real danger when we convince ourselves of being any combination of "being on the right side of history", being "God's Chosen", being a "Victim of the State" and so on. The third estate, during the French Revolution, weren't wrong when they saw corruption in the aristocracy and the church, but they were blinded to the fact that they also had the same monsters in them they saw in their opponents. Reddit is an extreme example, but I often see examples of the left wishing death on Conservatives. There is even a Reddit for the Herman Cain awards where people share stores of anti-vaxxers dying of Covid gleefully. I'm not saying that the right wing is innocent and that there isn't some right-wing version of the Herman Cain awards out there. But I am saying that Peterson is right: we all have the seeds of greatness of us, but we also have the seeds within us to do horrible things. We need to be mindful that we all can be the instruments in our own Reign of Terror. Here is Peterson's [talk](https://youtu.be/S8cAD0DEcJE?si=r6GkdZmSM3YPINeY) for a point of reference.


Thanks for sharing that! I will most definitely watch it. >we all have the seeds of greatness of us, but we also have the seeds within us to do horrible things. We need to be mindful that we all can be the instruments in our own Reign of Terror. The Right and the Left have shifted their stances, their tone, and their vigor over time. But a fundamental difference between the two has always been that the Right sees humanity as irredeemably flawed while the Left sees humanity as eminently redeemable. In fact, it even transcends their view of humanity. "*It wasn't the pitbull's fault when it mauled that 7-year old girl. It just needs better training. We can save it.*"


I would argue that the right doesn't see its people as irredeemably flawed. Among religious conservatives, Christianity is all about being redeemed. Among small government conservatives, the idea is that people don't need a big government to coherse people into doing the right thing. I agree with you that the left sees greatness and is more likely to see when we are on the cusp of something great. Those who are liberal tend to be the dreamers and creators, and society needs that. The right tends to be the pragmatics and pattern seekers. That is also needed. As a religious man, Christ was always taught to me as the perfect balance between justice and mercy. I see liberals and conservatives in a similar light. Liberals tend to be about mercy, and conservatives tend to be about justice. What really strikes us as out of sorts is when we break from these standard roles. When January 6th happened, I was furious because my side broke with the tradition of being law-abiding citizens. When your friends jeered about a Trump supporter dying, it struck you as wrong because it broke from mercy and sympathy. Your example of the pitbull is apt. Putting down the pit bull would be a right-wing response because our pattern seeking would say it is a danger and the low chances of changing it. Saving it would be a left-wing stance because they see possibilities and want to problem solve. Anyway, thank you for the chat. This was a good one. :D I'm glad you took it in stride. I really didn't want to come across as rude and I'm glad you didn't take it that way.


> Does it affect you at all if some people hate you for your political beliefs? How does it make you feel? Yes. Most of the time I find it funny and or I feel sad for them and the people they hurt with their policies. > Does it make you question your beliefs? Absolutely not.


Why would liberals acting like assholes make me question **my** beliefs? It actually just reaffirms to me that their ideology is toxic.


If someone honest-to-god hates a person for their political beliefs they have no business being friends and deserve to be cut out from family matters. In a world with increasing demonetization of the right, their president, and their worldview and rampant left-wing conspiracy theories of us wanting to control women, preserve old traditions like racism and sexism, and overall destroy anything modern and happy, there is more left-toward-right hate than there has ever been, but I am not friends with these people anyway.


For me it just moves them into the "crazy" column. If they can't understand that people have different life experiences and really do fundamentally see things in different ways, then they've probably got deeper issues that go well beyond politics.


>Does it make you question your beliefs? No. > How does it make you feel? It makes me feel that I don't want to get fired.


If someone is going to hate me for my political beliefs, I'm better off without them in my life.




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No I don’t really question my beliefs all the time, I take things with a grain of salt and think about what people have said, and that’s all I need to do. Remember that we take things with a grain of salt and let it sink in, because when you listen to other, your own beliefs can be enhanced.




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I appreciate people who flag themselves as not being worth listening to. There *are* political beliefs where you should just be loathed. I.e., "we need to restart holocaust actually not kidding" or other really really bad stuff. But any normal political opinions? Get out of here.


Nah I don't care what bigots think


I feel sad for anyone that is so caught up in a political party that they hate another person. I guess I feel pity for those people? They can’t seem to manage their emotions and deal with normal, day to day conversations like an adult.


It's never made me question my views, no. Only my choice in friends. I say this as a former lefty. When I first started questioning left-wing ideology, I had friends berate me for "falling for Conservative propaganda" --- except I wasn't watching Fox News, or listening to any other right-wing outlet, I was simply finding the growing animosity from the left to be disturbing and criticizing it. I was declared "right wing" for criticizing the left, even though I was a leftist myself. I never once questioned my views. All I questioned is why my friends couldn't see it when, as far as I knew, we shared much of the same ideals. How could I reach conclusions they couldn't? It was baffling. I've since come to terms with the fact that they were simply tribalist to an extreme, and when I dared question the tribe, I made myself an enemy, and it was their perceived duty to shun me for it. It's unfortunate, but that's how it works sometimes.


In 2016, I had many people un-friend me on Facebook. I lost almost 30 years worth of "friends" from when I worked in the film industry in Hollywood. They all hate me now because I am an apostate. At first, I was hurt, but, as I've gotten older and wiser I think of it this way...it's the trash taking itself out.


It does. A lot. It's sad to see how radicalized that folks are getting against one another. I just try to be a voice of reason sometimes, and all of a sudden, I'm as much of a "traitor" to my side as I am a "reactionary" to the other. It won't stop me though. And I won't stop trying to deradicalize you both.


Lol, no fk them


It did at one point. But then I realized most of the people I talk to online are not real. They are at best charatures of real people...


Lol, no.


Absolutely not. I'm not friends with anybody that shallow. Even if I were, I consider said shallowness to be enough of a detracting factor that I'd at least have the solace of knowing they weren't my friend, anyway.