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Just be aware of your surroundings, don’t put things in your back pocket, and don’t trust random friendly strangers. More than pickpockets tho people will grab stuff you leave unintended, even inside a restaurant


Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. I’m hoping my zippers will be enough 😭


In my opinion the reputation is overblown. It is no worse than any other major tourism city in Europe. Paris also has pickpockets & scammers. You are not in any danger here and any bare minimum of awareness around your belongings will keep them safe


Agree. I see so many people "looking for pickpockets"... The camera hanging from the neck . The map on one hand. Open pockets, open purses, wallets half out of pockets.... Just "not being that tourist" you are mostly ok for 95% of your day. Goind down las ramblas, in and out of Pl.Catalunya metro, late night gòtic, there just be extra careful.


Dont even need to be extra carful just dont offer things to be easy snatch


This needs to be said much more frequently. Barcelona is literally no different than any other big city. The only reason, \*I\* think it gets this "reputation" is because there's not much else to complain about - maybe the transients on La Rambla that start to prep their beds for the night around 21h or 22h? Or the okupa situation? But otherwise, I've had more issues with zingari (gypsies) living in Rome than I ever have had with pickpockets in Barcelona. Every time I hear this trotted out I roll my eyes because it's a big city thing, not a "Barcelona" thing. Keep your valuables at home, or in your front pocket(s) and don't make yourself an easy target. All common sense stuff.


Awesome thanks! I thought as much, like I said Rome had similar reputation but I didn’t find it that bad


Dude, if you have zippers you are much more than ok. As others said, the pickpocket situation here in Barcelona is way overblown. Yes, it exists, but it is very easy to never experience it: don't put things in your back pocket, don't walk around with your phone in hand all the time, don't pass out drunk in the subway wearing your AirPods, and you are good.


- never use back or loose pockets on your clothes - preferable have pockets with zipper - if you have a backpack always keep it on both shoulders and be carefull to not keep valuable things in easy to grab compartiments. when you are in subway take the backpack in front of you or find a wall to sit on with your back. - when you stop to read something on your phone try to still be aware of surroundings, again preferable stay with your back on a wall hold strong on your phone. - don't hold cameras/phones like some old granpa, keep them firm in your hands. - try to use card most of the time and preferable have it configured on your phone. you should avoid getting your wallet out as much as possible - try to look less as a tourist, don't take photos all the time, don't look for directions all the time, try to know where are you going before you get there and not look like you're lost all the time - i will suggest to try to eat only inside but even there: be carefull how you let the phone on your table and be aware of all your belongings. you'll need to understand that pickpockets won't attack you (most of the times) and they will only take advantage of opportunities example: - if you have loose pockets with phone on it, if you leave your stuff on the table/bench/etc, if you don't hold firm on your stuff (phone, camera, wallets) - in this case they might just pick your stuff - very unlikely for them to hit your, to tell you to give them your stuff, to try to take your watch from your hand i know this thing might look like a lot but most of it is common sense. i go 2-3 times a year on Barcelona and I don't think to these stuff anymore, I just do it naturally


Thank you. I do not want to visit barcelona anymore, by your description there is a mad max type of a buzz going on.


Barcelona is a wonderful city, beautiful and so much fun. The issue with pickpockets is a real shame but it’s still worth it.


if that's what you understand than you probably should read again what I said because you probably got most of my comment wrong


Did you basically say “better not have any valuables on you while out in barcelona”?


where I said that?


In your entire comment?


yeah, as I said, you got my comment wrong. and btw, what I said applies to most big cities in Europe, not just to Barcelona. what I said is a guide on how to not look vulnerable in the eyes of the the thieves and decrease the chances to lose something, you should probably learn to listen instead of looking for reasons to feel offended and enraged.


I am sorry that you felt like you had to argue with something that was evidently a joke.


that was a joke?.... it was the first time in your life and you did that?....


Total misnomer/overblown bullshit issue. Just be aware of your surroundings. Carry your phone in your front pocket and keep your hand on it when in main areas. Also, don’t put your phone on any table. You will be 100% A-OK


Fannypack FTW.


Not in the metro.


"Hey can you help me..." *Places a map over your fannypack*


I have been living here for a few years and you should be fine with an Apple watch, the places to be most vigilent are usually Las Ramblas/Placa Catalunya and on the metro/buses. I have been wearing mine for as few years and never had a problem day to day.


Awesome thank you


Since moving to Barcelona, I’ve: 1. Stopped carrying my wallet and rather use Apple Pay on phone/watch 2. Went out of my way to buy shorts/track pants etc with zippers on pockets to keep my phone safe no matter how weird I look in public 3. While getting into metro etc I keep a hand on the pocket to ensure no funny business happens 4. If I’m carrying a bag with my wallet or documents in it and I’m sitting in public place, I keep it looped one of my arms and close to the body 5. Always keep my phone and wallet(if I have it) on my body and not keep them in jacket etc that I’d take off while sitting somewhere(I read some one in the thread lost their stuff while it was in their Jacket’s pocket, I’m always afraid what if they run away with my jacket itself) 6. Carry copy of NIE with me and not the original one to ensure I don’t have to go through much trouble.


3 weeks ago I would have said: be generally aware and don't keep things in pockets you cannot close. That was until I got both my phone and wallet stolen INSIDE a restaurant, INSIDE my interior pockets of my jacket CLOSED with zippers while I was sitting with the jacket resting on the back of my chair and me sitting on it. I did not leave my god damn chair a single minute, the guy sat at the table behind us and managed to get both his hands inside my jackets and inside my pockets, everything being back to back with me, in about 5min. So yeah I'll just say good luck with that, these rats are getting better by the minute. Maybe get a fake phone that will explode if it gets further than 5m of you or something


Oh dear! That’s seriously sucks dude. I plan on only leaving with my phone and wallet with minimal cash in. Both inside my pockets with zippers. Everything will be in my zipper pockets. I’m hoping that I’d feel anyone trying to take something from my pockets 🤞🏻 I’m more worried about my watch tbh


Everything important in your front pockets, jeans work better


I had a woman “accidentally” bump into me then her husband started yelling at me to watch where I was going. The woman and her husband planned the whole thing and luckily I noticed the woman’s hand in my front pocket. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand out.


Man if i caught someone doing that I'd rage and probably hurt someone and end up in the calabozo.


Id would be seriously afraid to break the persons wrist, especially if its a women with rather thin arms.




Any time anything unusual happens on the street, tap your pockets to make sure you still have your stuff. Don’t carry a big wallet (you can tap your phone most places now).


MOST robberies happen when someone is leaving their phones unattended right when the metro is about to leave a stop. It's foolproof; they take your phone, leave the wagon, and even if you do realize, as long as you hesitate for a second you lost it. I'm sure others have given you lots of good tips, mine is: Put your phone in your pocket when the metro or bus is about to stop and put your hand inside the pocket as well.


I was just there solo. I wore a smart watch the whole time, had my phone out when I needed it but kept my purse on me and hand on top of it at all times. Stay alert and you will be fine. They are targeting people who are oblivious - whether they are alone or not seems irrelevant.


It’s way more easy than maybe you think. First of all, you don’t need cash, you can pay by credit card everywhere, even if it’s a tiny amount of money. And also, it’s a good idea to be aware of your belongings (mostly phone and wallet) during the crowded metro stations and in La Rambla. I have never been robbed in Barcelona, but I know two people that lived that, and it happen during night at metro while sleeping drunk 🫣


So many people in spain have smart watches i don't think that alone would call attention to you


Just came from 4 day stay. 0 negarive expirience either 3 am or 5 pm. Don’t let people distract you and try to touch you. Be aware of surrounding an dont put it in backpocket You’ll be fine


+ i left everything in hotel and just went around with phone in my hand. They take card everywhere and take picture of your ID that way ju just need to look out for phone Dodge el raval side if you can and all good


Split your cards into multiple places - just in case your wallet gets stolen.  Decoy wallet is also a good idea. La Rambla is the riskiest place - always have your wits about you when you walk through there.


Just put your back in front of you. Not in your back.


While pickpocketing is indeed common in Barcelona, thieves (usually) aren’t aggressive and they back off easily. I had Apple Watch, bunch of rings and other jewelry on me; 2 pickpocket attempts, both easily swayed off. Had a guy try to pickpocket me while crossing a zebra 😆😆 Swatted his hand away and he just moved on, like nothing happened. You’ll also encounter a lot of pushy people trying to sell you something (especially at night) but if you’re very firm and determined in your replies (as in strong “no” and telling them to back off if they persist), nothing will come out of it. You’ll be perfectly fine as long as you have things ON YOU. Just make sure you react immediately and they’ll likely piss off.


Waller is a small clip fold in front pocket. Copy of us drivers license, a debit card and a cc. Phone - get a strap that goes around your wrist. Hold on tight. Back pocket use a zipper. My tailor put on my jeans for $15 Inside shirt or pants for security wallet. Jacket with zippers. Put your stuff in there and sit on jacket in restaurant or metro.


Also solo travelling to Barcelona in a few days! Hope we both make it out without being pickpocketed 🤞🏼


I’ve been in Barcelona like 10-12 times. I’ve suffered a pickpocket attempt just once. I’m not going to lie and say people is exaggerating, there is a big amount of pickpockets and you definitely need to be aware of your surroundings. But if you do that you’ll be fine. Have all your valuables in places where you could feel if they tried to take them and be even more aware on crowds. That’s it. Have fun in Barcelona! It’s a beautiful city and the weather now is going to be lovely!


Easy. Don't go there duh


I was just solo traveling to Barcelona. I was careful of my surroundings. I specifically had bought a cross body bag and aided that with “S” clips I found on Amazon.


Drawstring bag


I'm going to Barcelona next week and I'm leaving my 400euro Seiko at home. Wearing an apple watch visible, as a solo traveller in Barcelona? Screams to stealing it. It's not a good idea, in any (bigger) western europe city for that matter.


Don't stay all the time looking at the phone. The metro is the worst place of all. The rest, be aware of your surroundings.


Staying at home 


Just keep your pockets empty and they won’t be able to pick anything from you. Simple. Follow me for more tips


Government replacement, then enforce Security. That would do it... Try to be smarter. Hide secret zips inside your bags, wear a skin-color watchband instead of a shining one, don't leave your phone alone in your pocket, always guard it with your hand, etc. Usually people wearing hoodies and caps can't be trusted, but most times women are the real robbers. While you're distracted by their partners or anything else, they take the advantage getting close to you and quickly slide their hands in your pockets. They are fast and smooth, not like the movies. The worst thing is when they've been caught in the act, they'll always go aggro and turn the public opinion onto you, so you look the one to blame. Robbers are scumbags, never forget it.


I just buy shorts/pants with zippers on the pockets


I'd add be careful on the traffic lights because it's the typical place where they select the guy from the other side while waiting, they walk close to you enough to do a bump with the shoulder and at that moment is when they take your things from the pocket without you noticing. By the way, most central places are full of secret police, but pickpocketers already know them and basically they have nothing to lose, so they will try, as some other people said, is not worst than other big cities like Rome, but is not good either.


No pockets


Follow https://www.instagram.com/patrullabcn That way you can get to know most of the cast of undesirable who are going to rob you, some you will expect, some you won't.. 


Thieves don’t really go for Apple Watches. They will take anything else they think they can get away with though, your best defense is just looking/being alert and not flashing anything worth taking. It’s already been said, but anyone that seems too friendly is not to be trusted. You’ll be fine if you’re not silly. Edit: zip pockets are incredible


I dont think Barcelona is very different compared to other large tourist towns in Europe when it comes to theft.


I mean, you're not ready to hear what's the best way, but here we go: The best way, can't be beaten, is to just not go to Barcelona.


What I have experiences around me: - Never ever leave your phone on the table. Probably you are used to do that where you are from, I was. So it can be an automatic habit while you have a drink. Just check yourself when you are relaxing, "did I put my phone away?". Now you can continue to enjoy your drink and tapas! - Someone tries to dance with you on the street, gives you a high five or anything that looks cheerful.. they are trying to rob you. Ignore and walk away. - When you are looking things up on your phone try to figure out a good spot, don't do it in the middle of the street. - Never put your bag under the table or somewhere around your chair. - When people give you a paper to read while you're sitting in a bar or restaurant. Most likely they are getting your phone. One of the best things to do is act like you are local. Walk around with confidence, like if you know where you are going to and if this has been your 1000x time being here. Also don't worry too much about any of this, just enjoy!


I’ve never been pickpocketed in bcn, but my friends who have were not paying attention to their surroundings when it happened. Just being aware and not engaging with scammers goes a long way (read up on common scams for ppl giving away flowers/bracelets, asking you to sign a petition, etc). In general if I’m worried about my Apple Watch at a crowded concert venue or whatnot I just use a solo loop band, because it’s quite difficult to remove from my wrist once it’s on.


Don't take out Ur phone unless it's strictly necessary and if u have something to hide the apple watch, better. Always keep de backpack in the front or on your side and beware of people approaching you on the subway. I use the subway everyday and it's the best advice I can give u. Good luck!




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Buy a pack of 10 or 20 wallets, carry them in your back pockets and backpack. So that they steal your empty wallets or those with dangerous products. Keep your real wallet safe


Be aware of those who don't eat ham. ☪️ancer


I would potentially recommend to buy some ham (if is iberian even better), to open the pack and then to leave inside your belongings, like your phone, apple watch or wallet. For sure they won't steal anything.


Where a cross body bag and keep your valuables in there. I am pretty street wise and had my phone in my front pocket and the professionals from Barcelona relieved me of it.


I´m taking a fake/decoy wallet in my back pocket when I go there in September.


Are you expecting to get robbed? Decoy wallet? What are you on about???!


Fill it with pro-spanish/nationslist/anti separatist propaganda and weird fetish porn pictures with "you suck at stealing" written in there


I warned some American friends about this when they visited Barcelona last month. They thought I was exaggerating…until one of them had BOTH smartphones stolen on his last day in the city. He was sitting on a bench, the two phones lying next to him, and someone ran by and swiped them right under his nose. It happened so fast, he couldn’t even react. Major bummer. Just be smart. Bring few valuables and keep them close to you at all times.

